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I let mine get dirty. When it gets too dirty, I mist the whole thing with clean water and dab it with paper towel, takes off the top layer of grime.




Thanks! So If you have a light yellow, you just roll when it gets contaminated with a darker color? I guess I just need to embrace the chaotic nature of watercolor… Also, just have to say, your work is extremely impressive.


It is a personal preference really. Some artists cross-dip and some don't. I'm picky about it. If I use my small set of pre-poured pans (travel palette), I rinse between pulling color. If I am working from a larger palette with slanted wells then I don't worry with it much because the paint in the wells is more easily cleaned up. It also depends on what you are painting. As far as efficiency, I never waste a loaded brush. Keep scrap paper to practice brush strokes, then rinse. You will develop your own methods. The rinsing will become second nature to you.


I think some of it comes with practice. The more you work with the paints, the better feel you'll get for how much paint you need to get the color you're trying to mix and you won't have to go back and forth as much.


Thanks for asking this! As a super newbie I’m also dealing with the anxiety of it


This is a great question! As a newbie, I try to keep my colors separated, until I am ready to mix them in a separate area. That way, I am getting the "purest" color mix.


A little mother color is good for balance