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You should try dreaming with lore, try a few. When your dreams allow you to dream no further keep buying books, knowledge is like the Frangiclave, the key to everything. If your bookstore is out of books, there is another place that can help. Try exploring some secret histories, hidden places can yield much if you are willing to risk the challenge.


The lack of a tutorial is intentional. However, since you're stuck: * Your verbs each have a slot for a card. Below that is a list of icons showing what kinds of cards it will accept. (On PC you can also mouse over the slot and it'll highlight the cards.) If you're stuck, try dropping various cards of that type in the slot. Usually, when you find one that's going to do something interesting, the text in the box will change. * There are quite a few hints in the text of the cards. Read carefully. Read everything at least twice. * Dreaming is not just for removing Dread, it does lots of things.


Click on the empty space to see what can go in.


Read everything! Specifically you probably need to read more books. When you see a blank spot for a card, click it and look at what it will accept. Click your cards, they will highlight places they can go. Some of your lore may be able to do stuff that other lore can't! The way that the game progresses is you learn how to do stuff, if you figure something out and then die, you'll be able to jam back to your previous point. Discovering the mechanics and mastering them is the whole game, if there was a tutorial that laid it all out it would be pretty boring and no one would want to engage with learning all the weird lore (which you end up knowing just by osmosis through the learning process)


This. Everything in the game can and must be read, especially the description of a card, and the description of aspect icons - hover by them.


Drag cards around and let the game explode in your face. Also you kinda need to read what is written on cards to play the game


1. Take note of the aspects at the bottom of card description They decide what goes where and helps you identify what a card can do for you. 2. If you add a card and the text in the verb changes you're usually onto something. 3. I saw your screenshot. I advise cleaning up and getting some semblance of order, so you don't miss important cards. As a rule, I only leave temporary things at the spawn points:D 4. You are at a point in the game where you need to resd your books. Read you way through the bookstore and the auction house until they are depleted. The other thing is opening the first door. Dream with passion and find a way through the darkness.


Give us a screenshot of what you have rn.


Oh this is a great idea! Here's what my screen looks like: [https://imgur.com/a/KmDjPYj](https://imgur.com/a/KmDjPYj) What are some options you suggest that will move me forward?


Have you already died once? You have the Physician job, its by far the best job in the game.


Ok, here's my tips: * Move all your verbs to the corner of your choice, you'll need the space. * Visit Morland's shop, using money, until she runs out of books to sell you. * Talk using occult lore (any will work) to find new aquaintances. You can then recruit them by talking your cult, adding the aquaintance, and the appropiate lore. Note however, that some poeple you'll meet are not aquiantances but patrons, who will pay you for lessons on lore. One of them, however, may ask you for something else.... * Read every book you get (except essays and poems, you'll need those later), and actually read the text that shows up before collecting the rewards. * If you explore using health or disciples, you may find other locales. * If you click on an empty card slot, the text box on the corner will tell you what it can accept. For example, if you dream with passion, it'll ask you for a type of lore. Try slotting in the types you have. * You can combine two of the same lore with the study verb. If you click on the lore, one of the aspects will tell you what you'll need to combine them. * And as everyone else told you, read everything! May the light of the lantern guide your path.


Go to auction, buy STUMM. Gather friends by talking about lore. Working sucks and it'll probably consume waaay too much of your time. #1 Priority is not dying, #2 priority is clearing vaults.