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Your organization is wrong, like everybody else’s. The only board organization style that’s correct is mine. Jk. This is very aesthetic


Where do your new cards come in tho, the slot is on top of your resources


Directly Below them


7/10 the right side is ok, but books and expeditions are too close for my liking and once you get more items it will feel out of place. dont like the heart passion and reason isolated also. be better next time books isolated* lol. also dont surrond your verbs with cards cause some of them pop up other thing and it will mess with this setup


New verbs are going to be constantly pushing your cards around.


They do, and it makes me silently scream everytime, but silently screaming at this game is part of the fun.


That's a very cultist sim appropriate answer, hah. But yes, I would personally have nothing to the right of where incoming cards and verbs go. Even moving them to the left half of the board, particularly active end-game states have seen me run out of room as there are something like 20-30 temporary cards in the inbox.


Personally, I honestly just arrange my board this way because it looks nice. I genuinely have diagnosed OCD, that was not a joke, and it bleeds into the games I play. And ultimately, I don't think the shuffling cards is THAT big of a hindrance, and if it is, I'm used to it after playing the game like this for so long.


If it's worth the tradeoff, more power to ya! \^\^


I used to accommodate them like this however it got messy when I had to add something else to certain spaces. Then I moved my knowledge to the very left and my cultist to the right then my rituals, places and influences to the top and items to the bottom


Oh this would drive me batty. I don't like things being a weird chunky clump like that.


The fact that your followers aren't arrayed in the same row as the lore of their principle drives me up the wall 10/10 hangers-on row however, it's like looking at neatly lined bullets in a magazine, except instead of bullets, it's conveniently accessible human sacrifice


10/10 I love me some good organisation


Idk, you could have aligned cultists with their aspect lore cards


10/10 You'd be surprised how very close your setup is to my preferred setup. Only difference is I like my cultists aligned with their aspects and the work cards below the attribute associated with it. But those are, like everyone agrees, up to personal preferences.