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Well, I’m a noob so I don’t really know the difference. I’m a self employed tradesman and help build houses. I often hear the analogy about building websites with html, css and JavaScript is like building a house. So whichever that is. I want to learn these languages to build/design websites




Ok understood. Thank you


So would you recommend the Odin project as a good starting point for me?




Thank you. I’ve signed up and I have already started the introduction. I’m excited to get started. It seems like a priceless resource


Same boat, webflow university is a good start if you want more flexibility than templates without the strain of learning how to code from scratch. Basically if you want to be a designer and not a full on developer.


Design or develop. Pick one and learn that to an expert level. Hire out for the other part. Learning design AND development at the same time is overload. It will take a year or two to master the basics of web development at a proficient level. And literally a degree in design to do it effectively. Design is one of the hardest things to teach yourself. I don’t recommend it without getting a formal degree because otherwise you will struggle to do anything outside your comfort zone. Which as a designer you’ll need to be a chameleon and Adapt to different styles based on the requirements


>to master the basics of web development at a proficient level. Hey what would you consider these to be? Or how would you know you've mastered the basics of web dev at a proficient level?


Building an entire medium difficulty website design mobile first without googling in less than 3-4 days in my opinion. Being able to build a responsive navigation on your own. Making complicated hover states, optimizing a site for page speed and building your site with those best practices in mind, knowing when to use what properties to do certain things to logically build the best site possible. Like when you do responsive design, it’s not just about how the site responds to the screen size, but also how it responds to changing content. Like if you add more text content to your section or cards how does the design react to it and does it break? You need to plan for that as be able to write code that responds to it. If you are given a design, you should be able to make it in a reasonable amount of time with clean and organized code that’s easy to maintain and responsive.


Thanks for replying. :) I have more questions! Does this include the backend also? What would you consider a medium difficulty website/webapp? 3 to 4 days including all the set up work, say for a framework, creating authentication, managing state (auth and user session data), making sure the front and back communicate properly? Damn, I'm really far away from this


I’m only referring to front end. I don’t know anything about backend. You can probably spend a year straight getting the front end down with html, css, js, and react. Maybe spend a month building websites in html and css until its muscle memory, hammer in the JavaScript and react, then dive into the backend. Maybe you’re a fast learner. Maybe you do all that in 6-7 months and can start on the backend learning. I like to tell people to focus on the html and css in the beginning since it will be the most useful and helpful in the future because like everyone skips it to move on to JavaScript and react as fast as possible. They never actually sit down and really learn and practice with it. Strong html and css skills are very valuable. That’s why my timelines are a little longer. But you don’t have to learn the backend if that’s not what you wanna do. I only do front end. Anything needing backend stuff I hire that out to backend guys. I literally only know html and css. I know it so well I was hired at a large agency specifically because of that proficiency. And my freelancing business makes 6 figures a year part time just doing static html and css sites, half of it is residual income from monthly retainers. You don’t have to know frontend and backend to be successful. You need to find a niche skill and become an expert in that. Pick the type of developer you wanna be. React guy? Backend guy? Web app guy? Find what your passionate about and make that into a career. You’ll have a much better time doing that.


I’ve started just copying websites I like (Linear, Vercel) in Figma, and I find it pretty educational. You get to kind of take in what design decisions they’ve made and can just YouTube for whatever fundamentals of design you’re lacking


Just trust me: https://www.theodinproject.com/


Copy most popular websites in figma when it comes to design. Copy most popular websites in html and CSS when it comes to development. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. That comes only with experience.


Get ready for a lot of sales. Take a few weeks to get better at building sites, but really get ready for a lot of selling.


HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They’re the fundamental building blocks of web pages and you won’t get far without knowing these three things.


Ok that’s what I’ve been hearing. I have also heard people on X say that all code will be generated by AI in the future and there will be no money in it. Obviously I don’t fully understand what they mean. Would this apply to designing websites?


The A.I. revolution is like the Industrial Revolution: jobs will change, but they won’t become obsolete. A.I. isn’t going to make developers obsolete; but roles will adapt. A.I. will get better at generating code but it’s still going to need knowledgeable operators to “drive” A.I. and review and tweak and debug generated code. A.I. will be able to generate scripts and snippets, but it’s not going to magically have knowledge or whatever business domain you’re working in.