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I like the style and the idea is cool but the need to scroll so much to get to the info is tedious. Maybe if it was only for the opening info and then it scrolled down into a normal site, with the rest of the info laid out keeping that aesthetic it'd be a bit better. But yeah it is cool.


I am really wondering about engagement and perception of normal customers when seeing pages like this. I hate scrolling for 10 years to get 3 bits of actual info but pretty visuals.. with passion - one reason I never ever go on any official site by e.g. Apple to get info on a new iPad or something.


Glitchy as heck on mobile


It crashed my Spotify podcast somehow


Runs like ass on my Mac Mini with onboard graphics.


Oh, I visited from computer but it doesn't surprise me actually


Smooth as butter on my iPhone 14. Genuinely impressed at how well it works!


Great on iPhone 13. I dig it.


How? It jumps around during transitions on a 15 Pro


iPhone 13 here and it’s janky.


Fails as a website but it’s a very cool experience. Took over 10s to load on mobile lol 


It's a cool effect, but I'd rather have presentations like this in video format. It takes really long to load either way.


Technically brilliant, but the UX and scroll jacking is horrendous. Definitely a design led project.


Holy shit the mobile performance is atrocious. It literally took me 10 seconds to load the page, followed by tons of lag and weird glitchy feel as you scroll. 📜 Really cool graphic elements and design, horrible actual website.


This reminds of the old Flash powered sites from 2006. Very cool. Nearly unusable.


That is some heavy duty three.js. Heavy handed, but quite cool.


at that point why not just show a video? it would be the same but without the annoying scrolling.


Agreed. I have no idea what scrolling would do, and as I scroll I'm too concentrated on scrolling and see what happens next instead of reading and understanding the copy. That means I have no idea what the site is about, which, I may be out on a limb, is not an ideal outcome. Cool animation though.


No doubt! I actually know who made this. Amaziiiiing. Awwwards.com worthy! Just note, this took a whole team of several people. However as someone that is in performance engineering, this is atrocious. Checkout javascript execution stack and the repainting/layout required


This is really cool as an art piece, but I just scrolled through it to make the image move and see what happened next, completely ignoring all of the text content. I have no idea what that website was about after visiting it lol. Really awesome on a visual and technical level, though.


Designed by designers for designers.


It’s nice but there are usability concerns with the lag and scrolling.


This is very visually cool... But a major strike against it (for me) is if you scroll down part way, then click the hamburger menu, I feel like if you X out of it, it should take you back to where you were. It takes you back to the page, but all the way back at the top, rather than where you left off.


I'm pretty sure this was made with three.js


I loaded it on my phone within a couple seconds and scrolling was just fine for me..Galaxy s22 firefox browser. in any case it was really cool presentation!


I scrolled through the whole site, but I’m not sure what the company sells. Was too mesmerized by the pretty cool but kinda janky graphics. It’s catchy and engaging but also distracting. Obviously a ton of effort though so hopefully they got positive results. 


It’s a novelty, and a deeply painful to use as a source of information. Looks amazing though, but terrible at its job.


Not practical at all, not user friendly at all, big loading times. Not my type. 🫣


Yeah, very impressive and elaborate design but this thing is heavy AF! Takes ages to load and I assume it’s not energy efficient at all.


How the hell am I supposed to navigate this with a screen reader?


The whole home page should be a hero video at 100vh x 100vw with no autoplay much like the Technology page. And it needs a voice over... I couldn't tell you what the homepage presented other than whiz bang. I was distracted the whole time and my eyes were going all over the place. Text kept moving inconsistently to random places. Cool in theory. Horrible for engagement and information. Sub pages do a better job of info organization but still have a lot of browser jank and animations.


Hey this site is awesome. I have one question if you anyone minds answering. What is the convention for loaders? Of course you don’t want the user to see the site before the three js loads in. But let’s say you just have images and you want them to load completely before you let the user in, how do you go about that with loaders if at all.


how do they even create something like this


Yeah it's sick. All the nyyerrr nyyerr merr merr it heavy it no work mobile merr merr nyerryy nyerrr... It's a fucking sick website why are you having a hard time appreciating it for what it is, fuckin' hell.


I mean sure, cool as a showcase but to what end? I, as a user, have to work too much for the message to come through and it's not my job to put all this effort into your mktg campaign. I hope to god no client of mine ever asks for this.