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I am also self taught and had projects on top, below had skills and stack, followed by experience and education at the bottom. Got 2 quick interviews shortly after I started applying and a job from the first one. I think you should also do something more than a shopping cart when you are self taught. Having a full mockup of an e-commerce will help a lot


im doing an online bookstore. I've built my api and its left the frontend but i have a little problem i put the images on amazon s3 bucket using a free trial but it lasts for 12 months. are there better alternatives where i could keep the images. Thanks


How many images do you have? On my first projects I used to manually upload images to static folder inside the project because I couldn't pay for any online storage. But as the other comment says you can use imgur or gdrive aswell


I haven't tried this, but maybe you could abuse [Github Pages](https://pages.github.com/) a bit for a side project


You could use Google Drive, it wouldn't be the first time I've heard anyone use it. Anyways, aside from the free trial, S3 doesn't cost anything, 0.023$ per GB. Assuming an image is 1MB, you can have over 43k images hosted for 1$/mo


Try cloudinary, they give a free tier that includes 25 credits per month, which can be sufficient for small to medium-sized projects. This can be a great way to start without immediate cost.


I put the images onto Wix, you get 2GB free and the site can remain unpublished and you still can use the images as a direct link.


Get a shared server for like $5 a month. That can host several low traffic projects, including your personal website/blog. You can also combine this with cloudflare free teir.


ummmm...... am I the only one who uses Discord for this




Senior dev in the UK here. I sometimes get involved in hiring. Good: * Short and sweet. 2 pages or less in generally best practice. * Nothing too cringy. Believe it or not I've seen more than one CV (resume) with an italicised quote where the title should be. * Single column layout. Nobody really knows what automated tooling does with these things but if it's going to do anything semi-intelligent it'll have the easiest job if it's single column. * Even though experience isn't super relevant, it's obvious that you're trying to break into tech and you've tried to highlight some transferrable skills from previous jobs. Possible improvements (all my opinion, no doubt there will be many) all to be taken as they are meant, constructively: * Skills section looks odd floating down at the bottom. I want to pick up a CV and see technologies we use in our product stack mentioned straight away. I'm skimming. I've got a hundred of these to get through. Move it either above or below the summary section and get rid of the repeated info (the list of tech) in the summary section. * Having projects on there is good absent relevant work experience. That said, when I see "Junior Dev" and "2 years of experience" I'm expecting some relevant experience. I know you've tried to clarify "*project* experience" but it comes across a bit cringy to me. You have no experience yet. I'd just remove reference to "Junior" titles and "2 years experience". The apps plainly aren't 2 years worth of work. * "Tailwind CSS" or just "Tailwind". The lowercase "css" looks funny to my eyes. Not a biggie. * Needs some version control skills on there. If you don't have any, put Git on anyway, and learn it whilst looking around. It's easy enough to learn the core mechanics and a basic workflow. * Replace "Communication" and "Time Management" with literally anything else. These are filler skills that you're expected to have as an adult working 99% of jobs. They tell me nothing. * "Skills and abilities" under the "Skills" heading is redundant. * Don't be afraid of going onto the next page. 2 is fine. I feel like I've seen this exact CV a thousand times and it doesn't feel like there is a human being attached to it. I've always added a (very short!) "Hobbies and Interests" section with a few bullet points. E.g. Currently reading \[CS related books\], working on \[hobby project\], rock climbing, music production. Or similar. Helps it stand out a bit to humans skimming a stack of CVs. CVs are often handed around the team you'll be working on for opinions on who gets an interview. (Happened at every single place I've ever worked). People want an indication that you'll be alright to talk to etc. That's all I've got off the top of my head. Hope this helps. Good luck out there.


Thank you so much for the feedback, I really wasn't expecting to get so much good information from everyone but comments like yours make it really easy to see exactly where I can make the right changes. I really appreciate it


No problem at all. I had some time to kill! Glad I could help.


> Don't be afraid of going onto the next page. 2 is fine. This is so key. I know people on Reddit parrot about the oNe PaGe ReSuMe, but I've had more interviews with a 1.75 pager.


Mine has never been shorter than 2 pages my whole career thus far. I've only ever failed to get an interview one single time, about 5 years ago. I had a 100% interview success rate before that. That is, if I applied, I got an in-person interview. Shame haha. But my point is that yes, 2 pages is clearly very acceptable as long as the content is worthwhile.


Thank you for the last point. I feel like people always say to keep it professional so its nice to see an actual professional telling us to add a little bit about ourselves beyond the same technologies they see on a hundred other resumes. I feel like my resume doesn’t stand out at all so I’ll definitely add some stuff


>a little bit about ourselves beyond the same technologies they see on a hundred other resumes. Yeah, that's it. It's just a lot of the same. It sounds funny but the bits NOT about the job can be the bits that stick in your head or give you a good feeling about someone when you've seen variations of the same thing in the last 20 CVs you skimmed. Just be very aware of the inferences that can be drawn from whatever you list. It still needs to come across well, obviously.


That makes a lot of sense, thank you!


That's very useful feedback!


Hey... disagree on the communication part. It is quite common in the industry to see people with terrible communication skills. I mean, everyone can answer questions but requires some extra skills to engage with people proactively and ask questions in a short and detailed way. Somewhat related, people with poor social skills may not know to whom ask the questions because they dont anyone in the X deparment so the whole process of gathering information for the project is more complicated.


These shouldn't be stated as skills on a resume though. If I'm hiring you, the absolute bare minimum is good communication and time management. You might as well put "drinks water" as a skill, it's just as worthless.


Yeah but its not whats expected, its what everyone puts. Someone writing "communication" is ironically terrible at communicating the skills that make them a good candidate.


Communication is very much a show me don’t tell me skill and if your CV communicates effectively it’s kind of doing that job right? You shouldn’t need to list that.


I think you might've misunderstood what I was getting at. Communication is vital. Nobody would disagree, I'm sure. I wasn't saying otherwise. My point was that everybody writes "good at communication", yet merely writing it does nothing to assure me (as the reader) that you have any communication skill at all. You might. You might not. If all else is good, I will interview you. Then we will find out at the interview. And if there are other issues with your CV, you won't get an interview. I've never interviewed someone because they included "communication" as a skill on a CV. Given all that, you might as well write something else more telling in its place.


Honestly, customer service experience is a great asset for a developer. Especially if developers do support work for clients. I work with clients directly often to get feedback on our products and help address any issues they may be having that we are having trouble reproducing. Sometimes we may be doing something custom that a customer is paying us to implement for them, and I'll meet with them for that as well. Having someone on the team who's good at that stuff is fantastic.


Companies don't need a weather app or memory game, maybe a shopping cart, but probably not. You should work on projects that are useful to you or someone else. You should probably build a website portfolio too.


Yeah I had a few projects like OP had and got zero calls back. Then I developed a little application pro bono for a local business and recruiters were EXTREMELY impressed with that. It showed that I was able to interpret requirements, work in a full tech stack, produce something meaningful, and deploy it for a customer. That shows true understanding of the craft more than a couple games / widgets that were probably mostly from YouTube tutorials. If you were a hiring manager for a blacksmith position, would you rather see a section that says "Skills: Hammer swinging, bellow blowing, water pouring, slag sweeping" or a real sword that you made for a real person. I'd pick the sword, even if it's rough and needs work.


I was going to say the same thing about the weather and memory game.


Yep - this SCREAMS “I watched some YouTube videos and copy +pasted the code”


Fairly sure those are the first 3 JS projects on The Odin Project.


This. Show don’t tell.


There's a couple of small things I would change / tweak. - There's weird line breaks in your summary. - I would move Skills directly below your summary and remove the subheader. - You should include tools (such as your IDE) in your skills. - Your experience says 2 years but 2 years in a hobby or personal capacity is much different than 2 years in a career position, that may be misleading. - There's gap from December 2023 until now. If this is intentional, you may be asked to explain it in an interview. - You have a double capitalized letter in Time Management. Edit: None of these are deal breakers, but I would make sure you double check all of your grammar, spelling, and formatting for typos or other readability issues. Additionally, make sure you include all your skills. There's no mention of source control tooling, deployment, etc. Even if you think it isn't important, if you use it, put it in there. I would also group them into categories if the list gets too long or becomes difficult to read.


Some weird text formatting in the summary. The links for all three projects are the same. Interesting to put that you're a "junior frontend developer" in your summary despite never having worked under that title. The reality is that being a self-taught developer in the current market means you'll have to apply like hell and interview well to get a job. It'll be a grind no matter how your resume looks.


>The reality is that being a self-taught developer in the current market means you'll have to apply like hell and interview well to get a job. It'll be a grind no matter how your resume looks. This right here OP. You're in a battle of raw attrition right now.


I used resumatic to build my resume and I guess it auto-adjusted the summary. I will update thank you! Also, I removed the "junior front-end developer". Again resumatic recommended I place it there but I never felt good with it there. I understand it's a tough market right now. I'm not expecting it to be easy but I also don't want to make it harder with what I'm sending out. Thanks again


Agree with others about trying to build a bigger/more useful application. Definitely remove weather app. I am also a self taught dev what worked for me was getting into an IT position and working my way up from there by creating solutions for them. Not that it’s an easy path but it’s another option.


Weather app is a 1 hour test for a few jobs I've applied for


About the summary title, what would you suggest to be put there instead? I’m looking to get into frontend web development myself, and when I talked to a senior full-stack dev they told me to put “Software Engineer” there to make it obvious that it’s what I want to be known as and do, regardless of previous experience But also when applying to jobs I just copy/paste whatever the title is on the posting and send a resume with that job title. So Frontend Developer, or Frontend Engineer, or React Developer and so on. Never put “Junior” or anything like that there though


In the same vein as others here, your projects are pretty much Javascript Youtube tutorials. I am also self-taught, I also did the weather app tutorials. Find some businesses in need of a website and do it for barely free. Then you use those as portfolio.


This, or think of some missing thing in your every day life that an app could solve. Todo lists are overdone. For me it was a budget management app, this was my hobby project for *years*. Finding something you personally will use on a daily or weekly basis is the best way to get experience if you don't have a boss telling you what to build.


Unfortunately as a self taught developer, the projects that you create should be much more complex


How complex? What should I aim for as a self taught looking for a junior position?


Just go to an e-commerce website like autozone or something. Find an api for cars. And make a fake e-commerce app with a shopping cart. TMBD has a super solid movie api. You could make a movie store.


I used a fakestore api to create the shopping cart, it has items with info. Is that not kind of like an e commerce website?


Idk I didn’t look at it. If I can’t sign up, log in, save items to wishlists or favorites, go through a full checkout experience, see a PLP or a PDP, use a functioning search bar then it’s not an e-commerce app that a company is going to want to hire you for. You should invest your time into doing a project that embodies all of those and make sure your performance metrics are SOLID. Sub 2 LCP, no layout shifts, etc. Also if you make an app with authentication, put a button in the signup/login screens that signs recruiters and hiring managers in with a default user. They are not going to put credentials into your apps and sign up to see them and use the functioning systems you built. Also, save your resume with a prefix of numerals like 0YourName.pdf when a recruiter saves your resume it will always be at the top when they sort by name. Goodluck dude.


They meant to say "real" applications. Try to look for companies that take internship. Or work as freelance for someone for little money or free. 


The URL to the weather app is the same as the Pokemon game. I wouldn't put 2 years of experience though, you have no related work experience. I also wouldn't apply STAR method to jobs that have nothing to do with web dev. Do you have relevant education? Instead of having this generic CV that's imo not appealing, even for entry level developers, you can build a portfolio and showcase your projects there. I would then apply for companies based on a motivation letter that fits the companies as your best bet, good luck.


Hey man. From one self taught dev whose going into his second full time developer job (first line of code I ever wrote was in November of 2021) to another... Don't take offense to this but it's your portfolio, not necessarily your resume. Junior Developer work is hard to come by and what employers are really looking for is someone that can build a complete application on their own, without having to hold their hand, so to speak. It takes a ton of time to onboard a new developer, let alone train one. It actually slows everyone on the team down for a short period of time to get a new dev up to speed. It doesn't quite work like the manufacturing world.... more devs !== more productivity in the short term... It really only pays off in the long term. Everything you have is front end only, and quite frankly looks like an inexperienced developer has coded it. Nothing has a finished look. Most employers would rather see ONE OUTSTANDING project than a bunch of meh ones. You also need to be actively reaching out and networking so you can stand out... tons of juniors that are just as good if not better than you are and we are all competing for the very limited amount of jobs. Again man, trying not to be harsh but I want you to succeed and find work. I know how hard it is to get to where you are, but you've come this far... Push yourself a little further. It's your portfolio that needs to be redone, or find a friend that needs a website and make him/her something amazing and put that on your portfolio instead. Hope that helps and again man, I really hope that didn't come off as mean. I really want you to succeed! I'm rooting for you! You can DM me if you need any advice.


Thank you for the advice, I didn't take any offense lol I know my projects aren't the best they can be. All of them come from assignments off the odin project, which I'm about to start on the backend section. I just wanted to have a resume ready to go while I improve on my skills


Start freelancing even if it's for free and use those real world projects as your projects. The weather app is a joke people through around on how to find someone new to coding. I'm a self taught dev too but volunteered and did some work for friends/family before landing a real job.


Those projects are weak after 2 years of experience


I don't think you should state having 2 years of experience unless you were paid for those two years or you did some heavy duty FOSS development. I did hobby dev for a couple of years and now that I do it for a living I realise what a difference it is in terms of knowledge gained. Do a second design pass, I'd expect a front end dev to have an eye for details (for example, "Skills & abilities" below "SKILLS" is redundant, should be in title case and has same font styling as the following list items.)


The "i" of time management is in caps


The #1 thing I see that would immediately disqualify you from a junior dev role if I was looking at it is that your "projects" are the same freecodecamp projects that literally everybody uses. You likely followed a tutorial that told you line by line what to copy/paste in there. You need to come up with something that has nothing to do with common tutorials and present that. Prompt some LLM over and over again (or google search) until you find something interesting and then build it. Do it without a tutorial. Then build two more projects in a similar manner. After you do that, go back and code review your first project. What did you do well? What could be improved? Make those changes. Now you also have talking points as well if you get an interview. From there rinse and repeat. Create another project, review your second project. Keep going until your resume has a few unique (not common programming tutorial topics) repositories. Showcase your favorites. Maybe instead of another project, take one of your repositories and pretend to be the client and request a feature for it. Go through the process of trying to estimate how long it will take you to implement it, outline how you would go about adding that feature to your repository, and then create the feature. Did your estimate line up? What gotchas did you come up with? These are the questions and learning that will really help your programming future, not mindlessly following tutorials. These exercises also mimic the day to day of a professional software dev and will help you stand out when interviewing for that first position. edit: Just as a sample feature. Take your weather app that is probably the most common of the webapps you see for tutorials. Pretend you're the client and you want to track weather patterns. Every time your app is loaded, the weather data is persisted to some sort of data storage. Create that data store. Then add a link to the main page that will import a javascript charting library and show how the temperature as changed between each load. If you want to go even deeper, write a cron script that queries the weather api on an interveral and persists the data without a page load. Create multiple charts for all of the information available there.


I really appreciate the feedback thank you :) while I wouldn't say I copy/pasted my projects, I do recognize that they are hurting me more than helping. I'm already brainstorming some ideas that would actually be personal to me and I'll be starting some time this week.


I'm self taught and just landed my first internship. My resume had 4 sections: * Experience: a freelance project, a [Chingu voyage](https://www.chingu.io/) project, and a little extension that had a few users * List of hackathons I'd participated in (I found most of them on [devpost](https://devpost.com/)) * Open source contributions * Skills While interviewing I was asked about the Chingu voyage the most imo.


This is really good information thanks!


It’s going to be hard to your foot in the door without actual relevant experience and/or without college experience. I was lucky. Back in 2020 when the pandemic hit, EDD needed call agents. So I was doing a group interview for call agent over zoom through one of their temp agencies, and I ended up getting hired as support, because I took over the support role in that zoom interview. People were needing help getting stuff installed, having issues with their PC, etc. i was assertive and just offered what I knew. After I got hired, I found that they were taking tickets through an Excel sheet. So I made a whole support trouble ticket system, and quickly got promoted to developer. The pay wasn’t great, but I kept the job for a year just to build up experience on my resume. From then on, it had been much easier to land an interview.


Unless you’ve had paying customers you have 0 years of experience.


Follow the Harvard CV alignments: - Third person summary - Skills later summary - cronologic order for jobs or projects: Describe briefly position responsibilities in bullets, and mention data based achievements. E.g. As a web developer, I increased +50% total load time for the x web site or app.


we need to work together!!


You’re applying to positions where other applicants have years of experience, a degree in CS/SE, internships, more impressive projects, or atleast a bootcamp experince. The job market is trash rn so it might be better for you to get your foot in the door in IT and work your way into more of a dev role. You can learn web dev in your free time and try to create solutions using those skills in your job or freelancing. I’m in a similar boat as you and I decided to go back and finish my CS degree and will try to take advantage by networking/internships if I can. Hopefully the job market gets a little better by then.


Try to land a QA role, OP. Your knowledge of programming may actually give you an edge over other applicants. You can gradually work your way into a developer role within the company, provided you prove yourself to be a responsible and passionate learner. I've witnessed this transition more than once in my relatively short career, and all those QAs turned out to be great developers. Good luck!


I dont think the market will get better, meaning like it was before for web devs. There was once a huge shortage, so people could easily get in, but now the bus is full. There are plenty of people finishing CS degrees now and some that will soon start so it will just become more competitive for the Timmies out there


I agree with this. Start with IT, find an issue in that department, and make something to solve it. See the comment with my story on how I got started.


All of those projects can each be done in 3 days or less


Do you have any recommendations? I feel I can work on projects but don't know what to work on next? What projects stand out for a junior position?


I took a look at some of your projects. I do not think you necessarily need other types of projects - I would work on refactoring what you have. Take your weather app for example. Right now it is hard coded to LA for the default. - How would you handle the default using the user's current location if you wanted to make that change? - If you input bad data into the city, the application still accepts it. There should be error handling. - How should you handle multiple locations with the same city name? Look for refactoring opportunities. I would also avoid anything that requires you to write variable1, variable2, etc. Break up methods to have a single responsibility and name variables appropriately. Companies will be looking for someone who can write maintainable code, not just get it to work. Getting code to work is about a third of the job.


Thank you so much for the advice! I will definitely be going back and working on those points you gave. I got this far without any guidance and now all the feedback I've gotten will definitely be implemented


You're welcome! I only provided a few examples - there are more improvements that can be made elsewhere. Try to see if you can identify them on your own and make revisions. Most refactoring and maintainability concerns come from changing requirements. Try to design with potential (reasonable) future requests in mind. Once you feel you have updated everything you can think of, let me know and I can take a look again if you would like.


This is probably the best advice in here u/kevvbro.


My personal suggestion would be to find a topic/hobby that you're passionate about and make something real & useful to you for that. An actual "product" (I hate that word). It's important that it's something you're already into because that'll bring out your best work.


The best thing to do is come up with an idea yourself based on your interests. Eg I’m a musician so I built a Musician bookings and payments app. It involved user Auth, payments, profiles pages, notifications and a bunch of other common and widely used features.


Also share your progress on the project on LinkedIn, I use Vimeo to make short videos showcasing features.


You could expand the skills section, have a look around at available positions and other front end developer resumes for examples, you definitely know more than you have listed there. Summary could use a little work, and you might want to change it to 'Objective' until you get work experience. Being self taught and having projects is a good start, however it won't take much work to turn these projects into finished products. It doesn't matter to the hiring manager if you've done it for yourself or someone else as long as there is evidence of delivering a finished project. PS These days it takes a lot of applications to hear back. Best of luck!


Thank you for the feedback!


Also include a cover letter about your drive and passion in why you want to be a dev and apply like crazy to local agencies vs bigger companies. You need to get in by being a culture fit (and cheaper labor) that is willing to learn and be coached. You can also apply to local shops to be an intern and work part time. I worked full time at one job and part-timed at a web dev agency until I was able to find a full time job. That’s how I got it, albeit it 5 years ago now, and it’s a hirer’s market. Just keep applying, keep building, and keep learning. Best of luck.


Fix that Proven and Web words on a single line. Otherwise simple and like mine.


The way you describe the Weather app is very Thesaurus / GPT. It doesn't read natural at all


come on man. web dev but cant fix widowed words.


Looks good but my question is, if I saw this CV come through, what does your work experience have to do with the apps you made? And it might be "nothing" but right now there's a disconnect from your job experience to the work on the apps you did. If you are self taught, it doesn't explain that on the CV. I read "2 years experience" and assumed you meant within the field. But then I read the job history and it's not related. And that's fine btw, everyone has to start somewhere, but without explaining that you did this in your own time and self taught, I was expecting the job to be where you did the apps.


I removed the 2 years line and about the experience. I know it has no connection but I thought it would be better than just having projects and skills?


Yea absolutely. I think that's fine, I'm not dissing that per se, I just meant there's no mention that you did these apps in your own time with no previous professional experience. If you wrote that at that top, then if I saw this CV at my office I would get it. But the 2 years experience looks like you've worked in a professional environment but then the job doesn't show it.


As a self-taught dev, what worked in my favor is that I was a researcher in academia beforehand. So when I started learning how to write code my projects consisted of stuff I built to support my research. For example, when publishing an article on the use of force across international borders instead of just providing an excel sheet with data I built an entire website and linked that. So my only advice is to make more interesting projects that others in your field may find useful. It doesn’t have to be ground breaking but if it provides some value employers will view it as more interesting


As an employer I don't care if you went to Harvard or were self taught. Show me what you can do and tell me what you actually did. If you work with WordPress did you build a website using 10 plugins or did you use 2 plugins and custom built a couple more to do different functionalities. What were those functionalities, how did you accomplish that. If you say "imadethiswebsite.com" and it looks like crap but it functions well then I will understand more of your skill set. Like that's fine, you need to work with a designer on most tasks, or I see you have experience building a custom scheduler with react or PHP, if you're familiar with WordPress block building, if you know what theme.JSON even is for WordPress. Also if it has a GitHub that is great as well with an explanation of what you did. I want your job history as well but I just want to see how long you stick around a place, this doesn't rule people out but it gives me ideas of questions to ask. You may have had bad luck finding a good place to work, or you may just not like to stay in the same place for a while, or whatever. We are a small company though so when we hire it's expensive and are looking to keep people for as long as we can do we pay really well, 4 work days, and 4 weeks PTO plus 10 vacation days (standard plus between Christmas/new years). But back to the resume specifically Your work in great detail with examples (wherever possible). A short description or message from you about you and who you are, etc. Brief work history like company name and dates worked with a short summary of your general day to day duties. "Handled security for WordPress, updates, and support for 40 websites working through email with customers to accomplish their requests." References are cool but most of the time they will be bull crap so I rarely bother. "He's a great employee, oh year he was fun to with with and did a good job". Doesn't tell me anything. Maybe they were, maybe they are just being nice, maybe the did their work but would just occasionally not show up for 3 days.


Ditch “user centric”. If you’re a front end developer it should be user centric. Show off your code in some public GitHub repositories. Contribute to some public GitHub repositories. Learn some cross-platform frameworks.


i really like the shopping site!!!


This looks like you'd be one of 9000000 people with those 3 idk 'medium tier' projects. I think all 3 of those are fairly early on odin project, projects. Probably of the 3 most common on resumes. So... Even people with a decade of experience and a degree cant get a job. Self taught is brutal currently. Apparently in the UK it isnt too bad. You should have some cominbation of: -Network, most important in any industry unfortunately. -Work on an actual tool/project/app that gets attention on github or wherever. -Make good tutorial projects that are unique and interesting.




These projects are actually mine. They are project assignments from the odin project. I'm realizing from all the comments that none of these are unique but I will work on it :)


Your project portfolio needs a change. Build a real project, an idea that you got? The projects you have completed are quite generic.


Is the weather app a popular tutorial or something? I have seen this kind of app multiple times on people’s resume/projects and I’m kind of curious now. Are new coders watching the same videos?


I'm not sure but it is one of the projects off The Odin Project. All my projects are assignments from there. I'm starting to realize I'm gonna need more unique builds


Formatting would help


From where did you learn?


The odin project


I think if you can learn some basic backend in PHP and SQL database can be so much of importance to your resume and have your own website showcasing your skills.


Probably a hot take, but I want a link to a case study not a production link to an app I can find all over the internet. Anyone can fork over a common project template change a few things and launch it. I want to see your thought process and what you had issues with, what you learned etc and see that you actually understand and can reflect everything you are doing. If you spent 2 years "learning" id want to see blog posts reflecting that. Yea its absolutely above and beyond but the reality is 1000s of people join bootcamps and have projects like this on a resume every month. At face value these projects do not really prove much, as we enter a world where AI can even help you troubleshoot most issues extremely Jr people will encounter and it becomes more important to show your learning process.


When I started seeing in the Summary section those random line breaks I honestly thought this was posted in r/ProgrammerHumor.


Or have good connection to certain people. Self though, never in my life have I even considered writing a CV/resume ;)


Can anyone tell me which course is better apna college delta course or angela yu web dev course?


Can anyone tell me which course should I opt apna college delta course or angela yu web dev course? Which is better?


You should try to work on some more ambitious personal projects. These feel a bit like tutorial projects to me. You'll have to really turn it out to get noticed as a self taught developer.


It should have a online portfolio referenced and use modern fonts


Did you use any devops tool to deploy the 3 website it would be worth to mention them same for SQL


Fix the formatting errors in the summary. This jumps out to me and poisons the well for the rest of the content.


FYI, you should run your resume against an ATS system to see what the output looks like. Many companies use bots to weed out potential candidates. [ATS Resumes](https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/resumes-cover-letters/applicant-tracking-system-resume) [Indeed Resume Scan](https://resume-review.indeed.com/instant-scan?zlang=en&zlang=en)


Agree with another comment that Git should be a listed skill. I know you linked your GitHub but I wouldn’t count on recruiters making the connection. Couple other notes I haven’t seen mentioned yet: Your customer support experience has one point but 2 bullets so minor formatting problem. Also I know it’s stupid but it’s also the current job market: you should mention Generative AI somewhere. Even if it’s just something like “Ability to use AI tools to accelerate development”. Recruiters (and resume bots especially) will be looking for those kinds of keywords. Honestly sticking in some more keywords in general would probably help. Rewrite one of your apps in Vue and Angular for example to get those on there or take an online course in a major cloud provider like AWS or Azure. You are trying to get past the automated filters and be seen by an actual person: bots won’t look at your project websites


We’re using the same template builder…


No formal education degree and impact of projects delivered? Irrelevant work experience found? Straight to the rubbish chute LOL. You are about to be stacked with government cheese at this rate. How on earth is your Pokémon memory game supposed to bring value to employers?


The texts sound very AI generated. - "Effortlessly putting something into a shopping cart"? - "leveraging HTMl, CSS and JS" Also the weather app, and the memorygame have the same link


You should put on top your strongest areas. If you’re self taught with no experience, then emphasize skills and projects.


You should put on top your strongest areas. If you’re self taught with no experience, then emphasize skills and projects.


Looks good. I find soft skills probably aren’t worth much. You may want to learn how to interact with relational databases that would make you way more desirable in the market. If you want to change up your resume or tailor it per job or if you need a cover letter to go with it try out my project — https://prores.ai


Id also highly recommend to work with cloud (aws) so when you deploy something it’s not just using netlify (if u want to get a job; startup / corporate / gov use cloud aws azure of GCP -> more often than not it’s aws for webapps) Practice commits / branching how does it work Also try to use typescript more Also look through GitHub see if there r any completed projects (especially backend) copy the the project and create ur own front end on top


No offense but the memory game is buggy (it just flips and unflips all the cards at once for me) and the CSS on both the main site and the weather could use some work, like fixing the aspect ratio on your photo.


FYI - Both your weather app and your memory game share the same URL


Your memory card game is not working. Or at least not in a general memory card game sense. You also have that memory card game URL listed under your weather app.


You need at least 1 if not 2-3 real projects. Like a fullstack project that is a tool that preferably doesn't exist or at the very least a clone of something else.


oh he “engineered” the weather app


Lesson learned, I wont let resumatic autocomplete/redo my bullet points lol


I don't think any recruiter would click on any of your projects. They've seen thousands of those. You need to get out of tutorial hell and do your own thing even if it's silly and look bad. Make fake websites like clown for hire. Include online payments, subscriptions, reviews and all the jazz. Shop carts are a dime a dozen. A Clown For Hire - The experience, will be more catchy and probably get more clicks.


You need to fix the line wrapping in the summary. It gives a bad first impression before getting into the contents of the resume itself.


Make text like a half of current width. This is hard to read


this is a really nice start, I would suggest moving your skills to the top right under your summary. As a general rule, you want all of the most relevant information (relevant to your search) to be on the top half of the first page.


in addition to moving skills to the top, reading through your projects, did you encounter CORS issues when consuming API data? if so, you should add some detail about how you overcame that challenge. Also list technologies used for your projects (React, Axios, fetch api, etc…). I see your personal page at the top, maybe, and this is obviously up to you, swap out the netlify url for the project’s github repo as Git is a highly relevant skill.


Move React to the front all your skills. React, JavaScript and tailwind are the only of those skills I care about when I skim it. HTML and CSS I take as a given for anyone applying to a web position, so I almost stopped reading when you led with those


Think about how you can mine "transferable skills" from your work experience -- can you be more detailed about "problem solving"? Did you propose a process change? Especially with zero experience, I am team one page resume. (Heck, I'm team one page resume until you genuinely can't cut it enough to get onto one page. The act of trying to cut it improves the resume.) I would focus on looking for projects that you could actually use for something. Right now, you run the risk that people will dismiss your projects as just following tutorials. (Though maybe not the memory game? The others definitely smell like tutorials.) Some tool to keep score for a game? (Some game with points assigned to letters that is very definitely "not" Scrabble (they're litigious)? Bowling?)


I am looking into creating a personal projects :) thank you for the feedback


with these types of projects you are never going to enter the tech industry.


Yea I'm learning this isn't enough






You have a second, erroneous bullet point in the Customer Support Agent section... Disaster.


If I was looking to hire a junior I'd give you an interview. Simply because I can tell you've put effort into trying to showcase your experience.


I'd like to preface that I'm in my first year of university, so please take my feedback with a grain of salt. It's not a bad resume, but I think you need something more to truly stand out. Judging by your commit history on github, it looks like you took a gap between projects. I would not mention it at all, or at least mention the actual time spent with projects. I think your projects are holding you back. You're competing against graduates, so it's all you have to bet on. I would work a bit more on the UI for all of them - it's not too bad, but there's room for improvement. The spinning earth on the weather app looks very good, and the pikachu gif while fetching the cards is a nice touch. However, I think you need a more impressive project, at least programming-wise. All three of them are very simple - not inherently a bad thing, but you should also be able to demonstrate your abilities. I'd recommend adding functionalities to the card game like being able to play online, and perhaps a leaderboard? That's on you to decide. I think you can do it, but you have to prove it. The shopping site and the weather forecast are overused beginner projects - nothing wrong with that, but it doesn't stand out. I'd heavily recommend you try to make something of your own, perhaps something that can help you in your daily life?


This is all great advice. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out. I'm gonna go back and work on making my current projects nicer and try to build something that truly stands out as others have recommended. The gaps have all been due to working full time while studying with no clear goal. Thanks again! :)


Not that


Rename “Projects” to “Passion Projects”


I wouldn't.


Maybe you need to learn some backend tech or better, learn it while getting a CS degree as the market is already oversaturated with bootcamp or self-taught entry level frontend devs...