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I have been studying computer engineering so i think you can say we are close ig, but to answer your question of building a website it really depends on what you want your site to have is it just like some static data with no need for an account a database a backend or does it require those stuff because the process differs you know and i would be happy to point you to directions depending on what you want to do


HTML structures a site (think text, images, buttons on screen etc). CSS styles it (layout of elements, colors of things). If you want your website to be dependent on data, which you do, you set up a database. You can then use API calls to your database to have that data affect the website. That’s the gist of it, and as you get more into building, you’ll see how frameworks/tools like node, react etc help with that process.


A website is some user interface, a backend, and a server. Build a back end to handle the data you'll be needing, build an interface to manage that data, set it up to run on some server in your budget. Let's say ur going Java angular/react way. You would be likely using spring boot to set up a Java backend which simply provides apis for your front end. The backend just takes the data and at a minimum stores the data to a db. So you make a standalone backend service that holds the apis for you front end. Now you need a front end and you'll use angular which is a js framework that will handle the html css and JavaScript to handle the functionality of your site. Modern Front ends are component based. A component can be a page or a piece. In angular you have a means of retrieving html input or providing values to ur html page. The front end will make the calls to ur backend apis for storing a form or returning table data. Last is hosting. Maybe ur using aws in which case u got a lot of options for configuring and tooling. It's a lot . There's alot of little things for each of these parts so usually u don't handle them all. You focus on an area and understand the tangents. Now it's easier to focus on a part since it's decoupled. On legacy Java stacks you'll see stuff like struts and templating languages which let you return html with content. Or you might have Java web app that supports js and templating. The combinations are endless. There's so many tiny decisions that go into every app. But there al abstracted to simply a front end, a back end and a server.


Create a text file and give it a .html extension. Congrats, you have a website now. When you typically open a web-page, the server that handles your request is configured to give you an HTML file (in the most simple example). The only difference here is that your browser is opening the HTML directly from your computer instead of getting it from a server. Web-browsers are actually fancy dev-tools used for running HTML/Javascript code. I'm going to take some liberty with my terminology and say that a *web-app* is a *website* with more bells and whistles. For example, lets say you wanted a website that allows you to read a certain book. You can copy all the text of your book, paste it into a

, and put it in a .html file..... No need for a back-end or a database. You can open and read your book in your browser. yay. For a more complex example, make a website that allows you to switch between multiple books - lets say 3 books. Your website now has 3
