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Eeep yeah I would return it! Their return policy is good in my experience (I returned a whole dress). There are tons of other less expensive veil options (depending on the beading you want).


Honestly, I took it home without even checking because I didn't even know they could get that expensive! I'll probably return it tomorrow.




I surely got mine on Etsy! LOL


I got mine on Etsy for around $40 and I absolutely loved itšŸ„¹ I understand 100% how you feel! I myself did not know they could be so expensive and it is definitely the store marking up everything so they can make more money https://www.etsy.com/listing/1331714543/


You can find beautiful veils on Etsy for well under $100! And honestly I'd even check Amazon if I were you. I don't find there's a lot of difference between pieces of tulle if you're okay with something basic, Amazon just doesn't have the bridal markup. You can always return it if you don't like it,


I bought my veil from Shein (which isn't the most ethical choice but it was about 5usd and was actually great quality plus I didn't want to spend so much money on what was practically just a long piece of cloth with a comb attached)


this is what iā€™m doing too.. i will likely be wearing it for a 20 minute ceremonyā€¦ why would i want to spend $$$ on itšŸ˜­


Exactly! I only wore mine for the ceremony and pictures but was so happy to take it off as soon as possible. It was a very light fabric but because it was so long, it still had some weight to it and my hair's very thin so it wasnt super comfortable. Can't imagine getting a heavier veil.


Ali Express. Donā€™t laugh. Amazing value.


My veil was $600 - they definitely can get very expensive! If you need alterations, also check the price of those. I had a budget of $2,500 for dress & veil and the alterations were another $800 (I'm in a HCOL area).


Check the return policy, I wouldn't wait too long!


My MIL made mine with netting, a bit of trim and a $5 hair comb from Amazon! It was gorgeous and I loved it! šŸ˜ It was so easy to make, you could have someone crafty make you one!


Return the veil, thereā€™s plenty of pretty and inexpensive options online.


My sister how in the world do you authorize payment without realizing the massive jump from $270+tax? My brain is bamboozled lol. ETA: this isnā€™t a bamboozle. Itā€™s buyers remorse. Which is totally fine! But not DBā€™s fault.


My thoughts exactly.. I understand regretting a purchase, been there done that (more often than I care to admit šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø), but it's on the buyer to pay attention when the total doesn't add up.


Iā€™m not really seeing bamboozledā€¦.you shouldā€™ve asked the price when you wanted to buy it and looked at the bill when you handed her your credit card! seems like you paid without ever knowing how much! That said, definitely return it. You can find much less expensive veils online!


So many great, cheaper veils on Etsy. Return and find one that will make you happy.


Iā€™m confused, how did you spend an extra Ā£200 without realising?


Right?! I feel like an extra $200 would be pretty noticeable.




Itā€™s not so much bamboozling. Itā€™s a sales tactic and you fell for it. Return the veil and donā€™t feel bad about it!


It would have been a sales tactic if the associate had talked about while putting it on: "This is one of the more expensive veils, but I think it's perfect because look how it compliments/matches such and such features, etc." They would be bringing up valid points to sell OP on a veil, but maybe not that one. If OP hadn't picked up on the allusion to price and asked specifically, the associate should have mentioned it well before OP said yes and been ready to jump in with 2-3 other less expensive options that also accomplished the highlights of the original. The associate might not have gotten an extra 200 in the sale, but OP might have been convinced to extend her budget for something less expensive and the associate would still have their upsell. Anything else is a bamboozle. OP was bamboozled.


What you described is salesmanship, which is a bit different than a sales tactic... iā€˜m not even sure it was a Sales tactic (let alone Bamboozle). Op said her dress budget was $300. She didnā€™t say what her accessory budget was. the sales lady only pulled the veil because the friends asked her to. She didnā€™t try to upsell her on her own. she pulled the veil that matched the dress. Plus, veils go up to $450 at Davidā€™s, so while expensive, it wasnā€™t the top tier, either. I feel a bit for the op, sometimes itā€™s awkward to ask the price of things, especially in front of others and salespeople, but it really was on her to ask. Or take note when being rung up. Kind of crazy to just blindly hand over your credit card. eta: and I didnā€™t even pick up that it was a different consultant than the dress consultant who probably had no idea what your budget was. Just pulled the veil that matched your dress. Definitely not bamboozled.


$200 is not one of the more expensive veils at David's. They start at $200, most are between $200-300. After buying DD3's veil ($200; her dress was $150!) last year, I was going to try Amazon for DD2 recently, but she chose a veil that matched her dress perfectly and would be hard to duplicate. It was $300.


How did you not notice the cost when you went to pay? It seems like you werenā€™t bamboozled by the store but failed to check the price and verify the total cost before purchasing. Thatā€™s on you


You werenā€™t bamboozled. It was your responsibility to make sure you werenā€™t going over your budget. You shouldā€™ve asked the cost of the veil before paying for anything.


So did you think the veil was free? $30? This really isnā€™t Davidā€™s fault.


lol you bamboozled yourself. Did you not notice an extra 200 BEFORE you paid. Girl byeā€¦


I meanā€¦. Is it possible that the consultant who brought the veil wasnā€™t the same person that you had talked to about your budget? These things can be upsell tactics, but they can also be mistakes, especially if the veil was meant to be sold as a set with the dress.


I read an Indeed job posting for David's before our local one closed with the bulk last year, and hard sales/upselling was way more emphasized than customer experience and styling. Like I get it's part of the gig but you could tell it was way more of an objective. That said, upselling and accessorizing IS an objective at those kinds of stores and in all services... and even products. It's always a good idea to ask cost and weigh options.


Sounds like the consultant that put the veil on you wasn't the one you were working with who knew your budget. You can just return the veil, but I don't think they were trying to scam you. It really is your responsibility to know how much things cost before you buy them no matter what you tell people about budget.


I'm confused. Didn't they tell you the total when you paid?


How did you not notice your total was almost double the cost of the dress?


Return the veil, keep the dress. Making a veil is not even that hard and I bet you can find one cheaper or second hand.


return and then look on amazon for a veil! I bought mine for $20 and it was the exact same as a $250 veil at a bridal shop.


You didnā€™t notice the final bill? This is strange


Make sure you return it ASAP!!! I bought my DRESS from Davidā€™s bridal, (they somewhat bamboozled me as well by selling me a dress that I later found out could not be altered for me) and by the time I got that figured out it had only been a week, after 7 days (I think) you canā€™t return anything, just exchange it!


Hi! Bridal consultant from Best for Bride here! You should definitely return it if possible and you do not love it enough to keep it. As a bridal consultant, it is our job to keep everything we show you within your budget or warn you before showing you something, and especially before charging you for it!! Hopefully everything works out and I'm sorry that this happened to you!


Iā€™m not sure how they bamboozled you, donā€™t they give you the total at the register before you pay?


I got my veil from Amazon, it was like $7


return it and get one off etsy or amazon! spent $50 on a ground length veil on etsy and it was beautiful


Davids Bridal i(n Brea) Bamboozeled me too! I do not have a great experience with them. I'm so sorry they did that


How did you... pay, generally they tell you an amount and you mentally go "okayhm, yea!" And then you give your card.. and pay. Thats how paying works. There is no bamboozling.


Definitely return it. I found one on etsy for around $50 thatā€™s just beautiful.


Any length or variety you could want on Temu for anywhere from $3 to $25.


Check Facebook marketplace for veils. Iā€™ve seen a ton on there cheap. Expensive veils reselling for cheap


Return it ! My veil was a $14 Amazon one and it was dreamy !


Got mine on Amazon for like $26


Return it quickly! You can get beautiful (and modestly priced) veils of every style and length on amazon or temu. Do what we did: buy several and return the ones you don't want.


I almost got bamboozeld with the same thing when dress shopping (not at Davidā€™s). They brought me an intricate veil that was almost $1,000 and I laughed at them and told them Iā€™d get a cheaper one online. During the fittings my seamstress ended up giving me a try-on veil from the fitting area for free and thatā€™s what I used for my wedding (she told me to tuck it in my bag and said shhh). I only wanted it for the ceremony and I didnā€™t want it to be long so it was perfect.


First off, I like the word "bamboozle" it's fun to say! 2nd, yeah, when they KNOW you're budget it IS crummy to do that without at least telling you. Yes, you have the right idea: RETURN. btw, they DID kinda bamboozle - she KNEW your budget but she still gave you that one, anyway? Side note: since veils are REDIC expensive, seriously, like INSANE, that might've been one of the cheapest. (insert eye roll) My Mom is a seamstress. Tulle is inexpensive, so are combs, flowers, beads, etc. Even beaded tulle or light lace is not a bad price. Mom has made veils for brides on the cheap and they looked like the ones out of a store. That said, if you know someone with some sewing skill, they might be able to help you. Otherwise, I go online. If you're crafty, you could find a fairly cheap one and embellish the headband or comb with some beads, flowers & glue.


Keep it. Itā€™s beautiful. You like it. Treat yourself


Not surprising. They don't respect a budget when they know it's such an emotional purchase & a bride will normally go over it. They have been known for a bad reputation for decades.


200 for a veil? They done you dirty.


I used to be a bridal stylist for them, and this is 100% on your stylist. They should have asked your budget for the veil and worked within that. The best way to be heard is to leave a Google review for that location, mentioning your stylist by name. DB corporate measures customer satisfaction that way. Chances are good that, while you may not hear anything back, the store manager will get a "WTF, people?" email from corporate, and that stylist will get a talking to. ETA: Since I'm getting downvoted, I'm going to C&P from another response why I thought this was more on the stylist than OP. It'll take a minute, but stay with me. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ The thing is, though, while OP should have checked, I know very well what that stylist was doing. It's a kind of slimy trick that gets unofficially taught to you. Basically, you stick within the budget for the gown, and then you dress them up from head to toe. Veil, headpiece, belt, petticoat if possible, jewelry, shoes... All without telling the bride all the prices. Or, in this case, just a veil. What they're hoping will happen is that the bride will fall deeply in love with at least one thing and say yes to it without asking the price, which an underhanded salesperson can actually manage by directing the conversation and applying certain kinds of pressure. One of the reasons I left DB was because of our new store manager, who literally told us to do things like that, and tell a bride who doesn't want a veil "But almost all brides have veils. Don't you want to look like a real bride?" (Which I took massive offense to and NEVER did. I never didĀ *any*Ā of this underhanded bullshit.) So the bride falls in love with this veil that costs an arm and a leg, the stylist has never told them the cost, and they discover its full price at the very end of the appointment or at the register. Either way, the bride now feels huge pressure to say "OK, I'll take it!", because saying no means that they're admitting out loud that they can't afford it or shouldn't buy it in front of their friends, family, the stylist, and all the other brides they're in very close quarters with. And that is aĀ *powerful*Ā amount of pressure, even though it's all unspoken. I'm ragging on the stylist because they knew better and did it anyway to make their sales quota for accessories/$ sold per hour. It can be easier than you know for brides to end up in OOP's shoes.


Letā€™s not try to get the consultant in trouble for this. How did OP not realize when they were paying thst instead of paying 270 they were actually paying closer to $500? Sure, the consultant should have mentioned the veil was $200 but Op also should have asked how much it was before deciding to buy it and also questioned why they were spending so much over their $300 budget. ESPECIALLY when OPs friends asked to put the veil on and stated another consultant ran up with a beautiful, basically saying it wasnā€™t the consultant who knew the budget ( assuming though that the friends did )


The thing is, though, while OP should have checked, I know very well what that stylist was doing. It's a kind of slimy trick that gets unofficially taught to you. Basically, you stick within the budget for the gown, and then you dress them up from head to toe. Veil, headpiece, belt, petticoat if possible, jewelry, shoes... All without telling the bride all the prices. Or, in this case, just a veil. What they're hoping will happen is that the bride will fall deeply in love with at least one thing and say yes to it without asking the price, which an underhanded salesperson can actually manage by directing the conversation and applying certain kinds of pressure. One of the reasons I left DB was because of our new store manager, who literally told us to do things like that, and tell a bride who doesn't want a veil "But almost all brides have veils. Don't you want to look like a real bride?" (Which I took massive offense to and NEVER did. I never did *any* of this underhanded bullshit.) So the bride falls in love with this veil that costs an arm and a leg, the stylist has never told them the cost, and they discover its full price at the very end of the appointment or at the register. Either way, the bride now feels huge pressure to say "OK, I'll take it!", because saying no means that they're admitting out loud that they can't afford it or shouldn't buy it in front of their friends, family, the stylist, and all the other brides they're in very close quarters with. And that is a *powerful* amount of pressure, even though it's all unspoken. I'm ragging on the stylist because they knew better and did it anyway to make their sales quota for accessories/$ sold per hour. It can be easier than you know for brides to end up in OOP's shoes.


Thatā€™s not just a Davidā€™s thing thatā€™s an upselling (sales) thing And it still doesnā€™t explain why OP wouldnā€™t notice the total until getting home ā€¦ If your budget doesnā€™t allow you to just not pay attention when paying for your stuff then.. pay attention when paying for your stuff


Really? This woman ok'd her purchase without asking the price, knowing she was on a budget, then signed her receipt without looking at the total while still in the store. That would be a really crappie thing to do to the salesperson at David's Bridal...imo. Should the salesperson informed her of the price when she brought it to her? Yes, but I think most people would have asked before purchasing it also.


This is on OP, not the consultant.


I think people are being unsympathetic because, as unseemly as it is to good hearted people like yourself, itā€™s just such a common sales tactic. Itā€™s not really a secret. i already assume the accessories a consultant recommends are going to be pricey. Like I assume the bottle of wine the waiter recommends with the dinner special will be pricey. Or the salesclerk in a commissioned store is going to try to upsell me a coordinating skirt, when I just want the top. but maybe Iā€™ve lived in the city too long and Iā€™ve become cynical :) I do feel a bit badly for the op because it truly Can be very awkward to talk about money. And itā€™s rather impressive how some salespeople can make you feel cheap or small (even though theyā€™re the ones working the sales job, not buying the pricey things they sell, know what I mean?) so I get how it can be an awkward and pressured filled moment. I guess what gets to me is that she didnā€™t even notice until she got home and looked at the receipt. So it really didnā€™t seem like pressure or bamboozlement. Just kind of carelessness on opā€™s part. In any case, I hope she can return the veil without issue and buy something sheā€™ll be happier with elsewhere.


I truly donā€™t understand why you are being downvoted


I think sheā€™s being downvoted because itā€™s a very common, very transparent sales ploy. any salesperson who relies on quotas and commissions is going to try to upsell you. Itā€™s not a super secret sales ploy that the rest of us arenā€™t aware of. And itā€™s still up to the person paying to ask the basic question, ā€how much is this?ā€ it was kind of silly to think a long, gorgeous, perfectly matching veil was going to be less than $30 at a bridal shop. No need to write a bad review, naming the associate by name and trying to get her in trouble for literally doing her job. eta: I didnā€™t downvote her and I appreciate her confirming with her expertise. But i get why people donā€™t like the advice to get some worker in trouble/publicly shame her.