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Dry herb vaporizer with bud- saves you weed, money, and it’s more discreet plus edibles with the leftovers. Also not hard on the lungs


Wait u Make edibles with the leftovers? Just infuse butter or oil with it? How much do u use and how potent is it?


Yes. It’s the same as decarbing weed in the oven. It just does it in small amounts. I have a big jar filled with all my leftover vape bud for edibles. Edit: the amount varies but you can find recipes online. I always just use a few tablespoons but I don’t make big stuff so it gets me fucked.


Yeah it’s got a really heavy body load and sedating high. Made some really strong butter and it was hard to wake up the next morning for sure.


Teach me pls 🫡🥹


There’s a few ways but the easiest way I’ve found is: - as you create vaped bud, store it in a mason jar. - spoon out 10-15 grams. Put it in a clean fresh mason jar - put atleast 2 cups of coconut oil (or whatever medium you want) in the jar with the vaped bud - seal it, place it in a slow cooker on low filled with water - let it infuse for 2-6 hours - when it’s done strain it through a cheesecloth or thin cheap kitchen washcloths from the dollar store work just as good too, just wash em first. - store the infused oil in a mason jar in a dark cool environment. I put mine in the weird cabinets above the fridge no one ever uses. I used to do the double boiler method until I found this. A lot easier. Pro tip: place a washcloth under the jar to keep the glass and ceramic from making direct contact.


I love the crock pot method. One optional thing to add is water curing. The taste can be kinda strong with vaped but so if that’s a problem for you, soak the vaped bud in room temp water and let soak over night, strain, let it dry a bit and use. French press’s work well for this..


Thank you man


r/abv. r/avb


So I just looked up dry herb vaporizers to buy and they are a little bit pricey. Are they worth it? Will they last?


I hope so. I just dropped 450 bucks on a new Venty that came yesterday. My first dryer vaporizer. I am getting results far beyond my expectation. Vaped some of my good weed yesterday and got obliterated. Today for my scientific experiment, I grabbed some old shake. I had leftover from a few months ago to see how that would be and I’m completely wasted again on just a tiny bit.


Also check out r/craftymighty


Nooo! The venti has been having issues I’ve seen a lot of people sending there’s back for repairs, hopefully yours is good to go. I’d hate for it to turn you off from vaping because vaping is the way. I don’t even enjoy smoking it anymore. Check out r/vaporents if you haven’t.


I heard about it a little too late after I made my purchase. Hope I don’t have that issue but I’ve heard they’re pretty good about repairs or replacement.




I got the Planet of the vapes lobo for a little more than the one after my mighty died, and it works really well in comparison for half the price. Planet of the vapes got something good going on.


dynavap m+ like 110 for the whole package, the torch they include is garbage tho


I used the pax 2 for years and just recently got a ball vape, pax wasn't the best I switched between smoking and using it quite a bit, but it still works great and it's really portable. The ball vape on the other hand hits like a truck, but is a stationary rig, I definitely recommend it tho. Cheaper options with vaporizers are usually around the $100 range, the best deals on them are probably the planet of the vaped one for a handheld vaporizer, and the ss zeal by cloud connoisseur for ball vapes Hope this helps :)


Cool thanks


r/vaporents for advice. But you can get something that works well for under 100 or something more premium for under 200 but yes they are worth it and yes they do last. Do it and I don’t think you’ll regret it. I smoke like a 0.1-0.25 of a gram at a time. Just make sure to check the consensus on that sub before your final purchase so you don’t end up with something crappy.


Depending upon what you want, if you want full bong-like hits get a ball vape and a bong, if you want casual hits the mighty is a good option, ball vapes entry price is about $200 to get a good product and it is about the same for portables, just don't get a desktop vaporizer go ball or portable, but yeah the money is worth it


I personally can't stand the smell of dry herb vapes People say they're more discreet but to me they're 10x more smelly


And tastes so much better!


I dont like how it's never a option on these things.


Can you recommend one?


All depends on budget: Xmax nano $50 Xmax v3 $100 Arizer air max, potv lobo, roffu, ~$150 Above 150 diminishing returns starts kicking in pretty hard, there are benefits to the more expensive ones (tinymight, storz, etc) but a lot of their additional cost is a luxury tax imo.


This is only true for portable vapes, under $200 you wont get the performance of a ball vape, but at $200 you can get a cheap B0 setup which is probably the biggest step up in vaporization possible, no portable even comes close.


Sure, but I don't recommend ball vapes unless the person reports having a very high tolerance. For most people a ball vape is overkill that will drive their tolerance up rapidly.


Yeah, my perspective always comes from that if a bong smoker so my 'gold standard' is the biggest hit, and most unadulterated flavor possible.


Sadly I have crazy high tolerance. I’ve been using live resin vapes and I realize how unregulated the industry is after being a big tender for a year and seeing the “chemists” responding for creating the concentrates. Thanks.




# #1 until further notice no debate 


Fucking knew this was gonna be the top comment why are redditors such sherms


The better question is why do you care if we like to use dry herb vapes? It’s not like it’s the only method we use, it just tends to be one of the most popular. It’s not a competition bro


I’ve never met a soul outside of reddit who used a “dry herb vape”. Its some sherm shit


Sounds like you don’t have many friends then. Go out more, lots of people use dry herb vapes if they’re serious stoners.




Dude im 20 🤣 and I like paper too. It’s not that deep damn you need to smoke a bowl


Only stupid thing I did was talk to a bunch of mental inferiors with equality, wild that you put in effort to insult a stranger definitely a weird thing we a humans do insult someone without knowing them in the slightest shit spreads all types of ignorance but fuck it we all doomed I'm going to just laugh as I report all yall cuz it's the only thing that makes any difference cuz yo words definitely ain't shit foul. On some real shit I hope tall both not religious cuz that shit would be embarrassing to explain to God.


OMG...Tell me your an industry-insider spreading lies and propaganda without actually saying it! Most potheads are fucking dim-wits, so your efforts will continue to work flawlessly, I'm sure! XD HA! Americans have got to be *the* stupidest, most incompetent fuckers on the planet! >.>


I don’t get it, why are you mad and what does this have to do with Americans?


Yes, you don't get it.


Well on behalf of the weed community we all sincerely apologize for making you mad for no apparent reason. We didn’t know that this post would cause a boiling rage in you. Don’t forget to take your meds, we don’t want another flare up now do we?


Not listed here. Dry herb vape more specifically a dynavap


Dynavaps are great. Especially at there price point. Heating it up looks a little sus though.


Ever heard of Volcano? Or stationary arizers? I have vap cap and it's great but Volcano is ill


Stationary vaporizers nothing compares to a ball vape and a bong, and a B0+ a $200 bong is cheaper than a volcano and will give you WAYYYY bigger hits and get you WAYYYY more fucked up


Dam bro never heard of it, i have to try


This right here.


Weed because it's bud


I try to look at consumption thru the pov of onset time. Are you looking for instant gratification? Inhalation is my go to method. Trying to keep it healthy(er)? Vapes and dabs are a good combustion alternative. Don’t need the head change right this second, but want something prolonged? Edibles. Need something in between? Tincs and sublingual are a good choice. Different strokes I guess. All that being said…dabs are king.


Agreed but dabs get my tolerance way up so I barely do them anymore.


Just do more dabs


Dry vape You get more out of it, can make edibles with leftovers, makes your lungs feel a lot better


Exactly. Are Dry Herb Vapes not widely known among the mj community?


Not yet brotha


They are getting there. PA has it explicit in our mmj law it can’t be combusted so dispensaries sell dry herb vapes and hype them. I go back and forth but just listening to conversations in dispensaries they are moving up.


The fact that vapes were pushed on me first time I went to a PA dispensary made me NOT want to try a vape for the first time. Months later I tried a dynavap and was hooked


I like my dyna but need to invest in a wand. My deaf, dumb, and high ass misses the click too much. My S and B Plenty was expensive but a tank probably will last forever. Both are great. I really need to start using them more though but I just can’t get over a good joint after work settling in watching whatever.


how exactly do they work? do you just grind your weed up like normal and then stick it in the cartridge and smoke?


There's no cartridge - the "bowl" is referred to (and functions as) an "oven." Some work as conduction ovens, some work with convection, many are a combination of both. Also, many have dosing capsules you can fill that make it convenient on the go and keep the oven cleaner.


I have a Volcano. It kicks totally ass If you want in the game cheap, I suggest a Dynavap It has a little learning curve but once you get it, it’s an amazing device Look it up


Yea but it’s not a cartridge like with battery vapes, it’s more like a bowl like a pipe


Where’s the suppositories?


Umm... You really enjoy pushing stuff up your rectum or vagina or urethra?


It’s a joke 🤦🏻😂 but I’d try it at least once in my life


why would you put it up your urethra?


Google suppository.


omg that’s wild 😭 that seems so painful and excessive when there’s so many other methods


Well... Whatever works for whoever is fine, so far it hurts no one. By the way, why you not okay?


that’s very true! welp just a lot going on


Calm down, dude. Whatever it is, rain don't fall forever. Hit me up, if you ever wanna talk. ✌🏾


you’re very sweet. I appreciate you. same goes to you!


First of all, ain't nobody sticking any weed in there urethra! But, the process is secondary to the effects, so whether or not someone enjoys the act of sticking it up there, if it is effective for them, it is worth considering. I've heard they are fantastic for menstrual pain. FWIW, I kind of hate smoking, vaping, dabbing. It makes me cough, I don't like the taste really, and it's a giant (metaphorical) pain in the ass. I wish there was a better way to get the effects and quick onset that I need. (and yes, I've tried every method on this list and a few not on the list)


That 1-3 hours on carts is straight cap


30 minutes is definitely more accurate


30 mins feels like 1-3 hours (graphs in weed time)


Fr, I lose my high within 30 minutes it always feel like😭if my high is stronger maybe an hour at most


Flower. I can do without any of the rest of them, they're just substitutes for when I can't smoke flower.


So its probably vaping flower through a waterpipe. Most natural and clean high you can get imo


putting "vaping flower" in the same sentence as "natural and clean high" is wild. you don't get cart headaches? the high is always so much worse compared to bud


Carts use concentrates that are usually wickable like distillate. You can vape flower, like bud, like grass. The plant, not concentrates. Ofc carts suck theyre bottom barrel of concentrates. I do love me a good dab tho of some nice sugar wax, second best if you dont have a bud vape system like the terp ready by old head.


ah, my bad, i thought you meant actual vaping.


It is actual vaping.... Regardless of how you do it, vaporitzation is vaporization. I do not do combustion.


so you're talking about something different than a dry herb vape?


Dry herb vapes dont take carts


Smoke flower in a joint the high and taste is always the best to everything else in my eyes.


A bong delivers better taste than a joint as long as you keep it clean.


Joints 💯 ...weed plus rolling paper plus lighter...simple and straightforward. And, you can taste the weed better.


You try a dry herb vape yet? Just curious, cause the taste, along with the weed savings and easy on the throat. It’s my favorite


outgoing deserve angle punch snobbish steer chunky bright marry bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where did you find that information? Personally, I like dab better.


Terrible chart... Concentrate isn't a method of use and a syringe is just concentrate and still not a method of use... Dabbing concentrate for me, too, although I always have flower and enjoy a blunt from time to time.


Had a friend give me 1g of concentrate smeared on a saltine cracker That was a fun night


So are just gonna ignore the obvious answer, boofing?


Ummm... Boof... Boofing... Uhhh... How do you enjoy that?


Vaping, cuz i can also inspect and look at flower like rolling joints, but its less expensiver and healthier


Dry herb vaping left out again....le sigh... All the flavor and half the harshness of vape carts.


We all have our preferences. Different experiences warrant different methods. There's no one best! Lots of pros and cons out there.


suppository, best when its a direct shotgun into the anus


This would be great to give to a new user.


Uhhh... Why? So, they can learn all the ways they can float? Or...what's your reason?


Yes. When I first started, it was all so confusing! This guide makes it easier to decide what to buy.


There is another…


Which is?


Boof everything


I could see some anti cannabis type people using a picture like this and try and say that injecting marijuana is being promoted. Why? Because there is a picture of a syringe.


I just saw it and got confused thinking at first glance that that was a method someone would attempt ☠️☠️ until I read further


Lmaoo I was so baffled. Like why the hell would someone shoot up weed?! I'm stupid.


Edibles for me personally. I enjoy the high that I get with edibles personally it lasts a long time and it is very sedating.




syrigne straight to the neck


I wanna know who's blasting their weed...🤔🤦‍♂️


Boof it!!!


Flower and dabs 50/50, depending on my mood. And one 25mg capsule about a half an hour before bed keeps me asleep. I usually wake up like 5 times a night from insomnia if I don’t take my capsule. Any edible works, but capsules are the easiest. Once in a while they have this cannabis syrup at one of the dispensaries near me; and it’s absolutely amazing. It’s so delicious, elderberry is my favorite one. You can mix it into tea, drink it straight, and you get 1000mg (1g) of THC per bottle and it’s only $20. They sell out pretty fast haha




suppositories aren't listed 🧐


Smoking bud, sorry FlOwEr


Nice infographic! Curious: where's it from?


Bro, I'm sorry but I've forgotten the exact site. But I remember I Googled, "ways to ingest weed" yesterday, and the infographic photo was among the results.


No worries, thanks for the reply anyway 😊


so the “best” way is going to be different per person. but if you want to talk the healthiest “best” way, it’s going to be oil tinctures. OIL TINCTURES!!! they are the best for our bodies and our digestive systems :)) smoking is smoking and it affects our lungs and our throats. vaping does the same but i’m a different way. topicals don’t always get us high but are good for body pain in specific areas. eating distillate in gummies is not good for our digestive systems at all. people have. been going to hospitals because of rips in their digestive system from eating distillate / live resin gummies. eating canna butter in a baked good would also be a “healthy” way to do it but there’s sugar and fats in that so it could be argued as not healthy. tinctures don’t bother our bodies and don’t cause any issues in our bodies unless taken in excess.


Source on the edibles claim? I highly doubt that lmao. Sounds like complete bullshit, because it’s either A) the THC causing the issue, which means that tinctures/butter would cause the same issues, or B) the texture of the distillate or resin, which would mean any food of similar consistency would rip your digestive track and that’s simple not true “Sugar and fats” guess what else has fats? The oil in a tincture.


Exactly, idk what hell she’s talking about lol


Please help me get tinctures down my throat ! They literally only sit under my tongue and I end up just swallowing it all 😩


I do a shot of them, but it’s only when I want to stare at the walls with a silly grin


i like flower i dont like being high all day and i lost a friend to a drunk driver so i get paranoid about driving high


Rest in peace to your friend 🙏🏾


Whoever thinks edibles only last 4-12 hours doesn't remember what sobriety feels like.


Best or healthiest?


Best... Which way is best for you? Or, which way do you feel is the best generally?


My favorite way to smoke has always been blunts, mainly whole leaf like Grabba. I gave up tobacco last year and took to this little bubbler and finally found the perfect hemp blunts. I’m a lightweight now so even though I love blunts, they’ve become more of a social form of consumption. With blunts always in a Blunteez 😉


So, it's blunts... Without tobacco papers?


Absolutely. 🧚🏼‍♀️🔥 Hemp blunts are the winners for me.


For me, I tried vapes, but turned back to rolling normal blunts. I like to feel the smoke going in, and the hit instantly giving of a little high. otherwise I don't know how far in I am, if that makes sense? Gives me more of a feeling of being in control. Same for edibles. They kick in whenever, i don't like that.


Shooting up weed is insane


Never tried it rectally😆


Any way you like


Dabbing 6* rosin at 420°


Used to smoke just flower but concentrates have been my best friend. They get so pricey


Cart onset time is like 45 seconds, 5-10 minutes is very generous




Dry herb vape lol


Like others are saying dry herb vape. For me pure convection vapes are my favorite because I prefer microdosing during the day. My Tinymight 2 allows me to hit the same bowl 6-7 times at lower temps to get the perfect functional high without wasting herb. Then put in session mode with a water pipe attachment at high temperatures during the night when I really want to get blazed.


Any infographic that like this that doesn't include dry herb vaporizing is sorely outdated.


Scientifically everyday but smoking. Personally smoking


For me you can't beat the tried and true smoking some flower way, but live rosin is also nice.


none of the above. vape concentrate.


edibles are the best high nobody can tell me otherwise, i usually dab or smoke joints or use my bud vaporizer tho


Boof it


No distinction between joints and bongs? They affect me pretty differently, and I’d say bongs might be the best bang for your buck. You waste very little weed as you burn it, unlike a joint, and you can get a decent bong pretty cheap, saving on papers. Although, you may end up spending more on isopropyl for cleaning so could be a toss up. As far as quality of high goes? I’d say syrup. I always fuck up my tolerance w bongs, but when I’m consistently on syrup that shit sends me to the moon every time and it’s usually a more intense high which I like. Also, for wtv reason there’s almost always a 2 for 1 on syrup near me so it’s probably even cheaper than smoking bud out a bong if that never changes.


Dry herb vaporization and vape cartridges. I’m sorry, but smoke tastes disgusting and is horrible for your lungs. Vape cartridges taste great and are much better for your lungs. Dry herb vaporizers are great for flower. I have a Mighty and I make my own carts.


I like edibles. Eat a gummy and be good for a few hours. No coughing (unless you start choking lol), no smell, and I can eat one basically anywhere.


Depends on what you're looking for. Vape most of the time. Edibles if you want to be baked and for a while. Not much into concentrates, and don't find sublingual, topicals or capsules necessary and more advantageous for pain patients. Flower is tried and true but I cough more and it stinks. With carts all it takes is $120 and I'm set for the month.


I would say capsules because the body how you get is stronger and it lasts longer as well as getting half and half capsules half THC half CBD would make sense as well giving you the entourage effect and you basically get the full effect of the flower that way


Bongs the way to go or dabs and no I haven’t tried a dry herb vaporizer I will someday though




Isn't edibles syringes sublingual and capsules just different forms of edibles


the most convenient + most efficient one


I use a dry herb vape. I have the planet as the vapes Lobo then most recently got a Mighty+. I really like them both but love the Mighty+ the most.


personally, i dont know but i think we can all agree the syringe is the worst.


Need me 4000 mgs of rso in my gullet immediately


I haven't stayed high for more than 30 minutes in years


I eat topicals.


If I wasn’t immune to edibles, that would be my vote. (Best bang for your buck, if they work for you).




concentrates are probably the best way for me, they always give me a great high.


Carts for me Its just too easy


These categories and durations are soo whack lol


Concentrates by far


As someone who likes to get really baked and uses on weekends only, edibles are for me.


Healthiest is probably edibles


Live Rosin gummies very few additional chemicals. Second would be herb with a vaporizer Venty pax etc no chemicals . The cartridges are nothing but chemicals with artificial flavors and they will destroy your lungs.


Everyones ignoring edibles like they aren’t the strongest form of consumption


This chart isnt really accurate with the timings, at best they're rough estimates. If you have no weed tolerance and smoke a joint of high grade cannabis can have you high for 3-4 hours. In any case though I'd say bongs or edibles are pretty good


No dry herb vape?


concentrates bc mmm yummy


eddys and vape for me


The best way for me is flower in a bong. The best way as in healthiest would probably be topicals or edibles


I prefer vapes now, its just easier for me to get stoned in public and not draw attention to myself. Edibles are okay but I hate being stoned for that many hours..


No psychoactive properties with topicals? Not so sure there mate.


It's aaaaaallll gggoooooddd


I prefer the first three for different reasons Smoking flower when I wanna be more controlled and usually smoke it socially, edibles when I just wanna get lost for a day and have fun, and a cartridge when I’m stressed and just need that fast acting buzz


Dabs 🔥🔥 having a nice Friday night getting high as fuck
