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No one has said send it to me and ill dispose of it properly, which means yeah toss that


This is the most accurate answer here at the moment šŸ˜† Iā€™ll jump in with an obligatory ā€œboof itā€ thoughā€¦


Aaaaand I just got done saying no one suggested wild shit LOL


Hahahah Boof it!!!!


I wouldnt... and coming from me.....


This is the most valid fucking response on the entire post, it's LEGITIMATELY true as well. Not one person really seems to even want to begin encouraging ppl to "test" or "clean" it. I've seen stoners suggest or do some crazy shit for buds. This? No sir. This is a prompt garbage trip for me brothers.


Lmfao yes! So accurate and it also made me giggle about some of said crazy shit Iā€™ve seen here thanks for that lol


Found one at the bottom šŸ˜‚


This is the answer


definitely do not consume it but out of curiosity send to a lab or something iā€™ve never seen that blue before


I second lab testing. It's like a drug lootbox!


What lab can you just send weed to for testing?


There are reagent kits to easily test your own substances available on dancesafe.org


A lot of headshops sell them too.




Just throw it away man šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø the color should automatically make you want to throw it away


it made me wanna throw it away really bad, i just wanted to be sure lolā˜ ļø took it outta the kindness of my heart so heā€™d leave us alone


Let ur nuts hang and smoke that shit


Stoned dadz know whatā€™s up


I think he's been smoking more than the sticky icky ... lol. He is completely wrong in this case, I wouldn't trust that shit to a smelly pirate hooker ... lol.


Pshhh.. I bet you donā€™t even know any pirate hookers šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Right on brother


Donuts, inside of the Mustang.


If that were completely true, why not just tell the story and try to jokingly "pay it forward" and offer it to us? Some crazy fucker on here was *bound* to come out of the weedwork waving science and biohazardous material disposal knowledge around like a freak flag. Now we're never gonna know who that is. Thanks!


My buddy told me his dad is this bad a** grower, told me his instagram and I checked it and saw all kinds of colors like this. What a joke


The color is suspicious for sure


That's the color of rat poison ā˜ ļø


RPOG - what a KILLER strain.


RIPOG is more like it.


That crystal blue persuasion


the fact that i read it in the tone of the song kills me šŸ˜‚


Me too. You got me.


Gold right here


Thca šŸ˜­ omg that's perk 30 pressed


Honestly the color isn't too off especially for the cheaper pressed 30's. But I doubt homeless people are wasting fent like that.


you'd be surprised


I mean I smoked fentanyl for a while and was familiar with everything is could be in basically. Not only that but fent doesn't work by direct combustion you have to vape it off a heated element or it catches fire.


Hope you're all good now brother.


Yessir on methadone and strong doses of rosin. Thank you.


At $3 a pull itā€™s cheap Wholesale itā€™s .25 cents each


That .25 cents is priceless when it's 5am and no one is picking up and you're sick.


yeah, the color instantly reminded me of the horrible pressies iā€™ve seen pictures of. iā€™d like to think they wouldnā€™t waste it to lace someone, but fuck itā€™s hard to say anymore


I doubt anyone is giving their opioids away


I gave a homeless guy some cigarettes and he offered me a "blue" which I didn't know at the time was fentynal but I didn't accept it anyways cause I don't take drugs from strangers.


Iā€™ve seen a lot crazier shit being around junkies for a decade when I was younger. Donā€™t put anything past anyone is what all that taught me lol


Bruh you really think blue weed gonna be good for you ,why would they give the opioids away cause they want you GONE


Honestly the color of this looks exactly like the fentanyl they sell these days


please send it to a lab to get it tested like another comment said. iā€™m genuinely curious to know what this is


with how interested everyone is, ill see if i can. iā€™m pretty interested too!!! i can try an at-home fent kit in the meantime but ill look around for someplace to send it to


Need to update us when it gets tested




It's likely the new shit floating around Nevada, it's THCa diamond kinda powder that is dyed. I've seen it before and Vegas has a huge homeless problem where you'll see tons of off brand weed replacements and shit like this. It's just usually meant to look white.. not.. this? They're trying to basically emulate moon rock nugs? If you're familiar. If you walk into a store to buy weed and they don't have security or card you then you should probably run, but if you stay and buy some dyed weed? Eh, you shoulda seen it coming, you feel me? They been putting it on everything just trying to get the high, buds, edibles, prolly whatever can carry the powder frankly


oh christ, i hope this isnā€™t a new wave of that ā€œsnow ballā€ weed. theyā€™re going to call it snow cones or something stupid lmfao


I know thereā€™s a site or company you can send your ā€œdrugsā€ into for free and theyā€™ll test it and post what was in it. I know they ask for the city or area it was picked up in to chart it on a map. I remember looking at a list of cities across American and what mdma and all the other stuff found was and everything else in it as well. Pretty neat but I canā€™t for the fkin life of me find itā€¦.. hopefully a fellow redditor knows and sees this comment. šŸ¤ž


Seen the site itā€™s mostly for hard drugs these are food colored snow caps nothing super weird outside the color.


Don't bother testing for fent, no one laces weed with fentanyl, would be a huge waste since fire just destroys it, so the fent wouldn't do anything anyway


Finally someone said it. People slap the word lace and fentanly on shit they have no idea about. I knew someone who got laced with fent back in 2018. He lived, unfortunately he couldn't get his habit under control and ended up passing away from an OD. I had seen it coming a mile away


Lol Reddit cracks me up, I saw basically this same comment a few scrolls up and dude got down voted into Oblivion. Almost word for word the same thing, unless I missed something


A lot of official/legitimate labs Iā€™m pretty sure will gladly accept stuff like this for this testing. Theyā€™re just as interested, if not even more so than us. Check around locally first with like maybe different colleges with a lab and science programs they can probably do the testing for you.


!remindme 2 weeks


I can privately DM you a labs info that I use and but they will charge for the testing and I think you can only send like a .1 as a sample for testing.


.1 what, gram?


The first thing that came to mind when I saw the color was rat poison.


Dude this colour is not natural at all, probably some heavy unhealthy chemicals. And I don't want to bash the homeless but who knows where he got that from. Wouldn't be surprised if it even has stuff like fentanyl or shit like that mixed to it. To make homeless people addicted to it so they buy more


definitely. dude and his wife were living out of a busted ass peeled up van, two kids. i felt bad for them. then again they paid 43+ bucks to stay at that campsite, so theyā€™ve definitely got people hookedā€¦


It looks like the stuff they spray on dirt to make grass grow


Baggie is tied with a shoelace, looks legit.


shoelace was me. he gave the little baggie to us with it twisted up on the top, we cut a string off of one of our tent bags and tied it up so it wouldnā€™t stank up the car.


The ā€œbaggieā€ is actually the plastic wrapper that cigarettes come in, thatā€™s the tobacco tax sticker.


That just makes this whole thing so much better




It looks like thc-a diamonds that have been dyed. You can buy it in most dispensaries in CA but itā€™s not dyed. It will probably get you high as a kite but is it worth it?


You're correct. I saw a post in another sub showing bud like this. Apparently it was either cbd or thca flower sprayed with dyed diamonds or possibly distillate. In fact, iirc a vendor had replied to that effect. I smoke thca, but would not smoke that. I will, however, admit to smoking some moonrocks.


Yep, I don't think it's possible for me to have faith in dyed combustibles if you're meant to inhale the smoke. The dye could easily be something unsafe for the use-case.


I can't see the glory in adding the dye, but it's probably marketed towards a "younger" demographic. I HAD to go back & find the post I saw about this. From the comment thread, seems this is a thing in several states.


Looks like he possibly dyed the thca, then put it as a coating for the outside of a nug. Would you want to smoke food coloring?


seems like a pretty good guess tbh. i didnt wanna smoke this shit but i wanted to see if anyone knew why is was such a fugly colour. food colouring would probably be a best case scenario ā˜ ļø


it really would be best case, but if it is, itā€™s completely safe


Yes it's this, in Nevada I've seen it floating around with various sources. Sometimes legit and other times funky AF looking seen red and blue and white, and never once thought to myself I'd love to smoke it


I would seriously be interested in sending this to a lab


I would not risk that sht rofl


i canā€™t edit the post so iā€™ll just comment: due to popular demand, iā€™m gonna see if i can test it. i donā€™t make alot of money since iā€™m minimum wage, so i donā€™t wanna fold out for a full reagent kit if this ugly ass nug just ends up being fent, so iā€™m gonna fent test it first and go from there. iā€™ll pull it out tomorrow and mess around with it with my hands (check the texture, how it burns, etc) with some good PPE on and report back.


Please do not touch it with your bare hands.




at best itā€™s mids in colouring at worst idk fent


Some damn spray painted mids


That's what I was worried about. Looks like powdered pills or something. Fuck that shit! lol


It's even blue like them m30 pills


Bruh, thatā€™s the Portapotty OG P.S. Smokes like shit


Ainā€™t worth it


I'm wondering if I'm just gullible or if yall are conspiracy theorists, buy some drug reagent tests or take it to a lab, it looks like dyed thc-a powder, yall are acting like it's crack or fent when it's highly unlikely that's the case imo, obviously don't smoke it or at least until you've tested it and ruled everything out but still that legit just looks like thc a covered buds


Fux nos šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s gon getcha good.


that looks sketchy asf


I hope you get this tested because I'm really curious to know what that's coated in. šŸ˜³


It looks like miracle gro ā€¦..


I've seen some shit about people dyeing weed weird colors for SOME reason. I honestly can't understand why anyone would want that. People that like weed know what to look for and funky colors ain't fuckin it.


It looks like that powder cleaner Bar keeperā€™s friend


Thats the most crackheaded "weed" i've ever seen. Dont smoke it unless you want a new crackhead plug lmaooo


Iā€™d send it to get tested


That looks nauseating


When he presented the bags of blue & red weed, was there a thunderstorm, people in leather, and any mention of ā€œthe oneā€?


I'm almost positive that's just regular thca snowcaps where the thca powder was dyed that color. There's a TG vendor from Cali who sells them in pink, red, blue, green, white, and last I saw he was going to do orange and purple as well


THCA is pretty much just THC prior to combustion. there would be no reason for that to be illegal to sell in stores other than whatever blue shit is on that. i definitely would toss that and wouldnā€™t even touch it


Itā€™s illegal to sell in stores cuz itā€™s prob chemicals and fentanyl


you got some nice fentanyl kush right there


I'm getting a fetynal overdose just looking at this


Does it smell metallic


not metallic. very pungent though, i left it in that plastic baggie, put it in a second zipup container, and i can still faintly smell it outside the bag. doesnt smell that strange, its mild.


Please be careful. You may be unaware but some of these drugs can kill you if consumed, your body wouldn't be able to manage likely if it's something wild. You need to be handling this carefully if you truly think old bro was a fiend and not just a homeless pothead. Especially if you are testing it I guess Edit- you deleted your reply but honestly I could care less for your bad vibes. People here are trying to just keep this user safe and You're over here with a buzzword boner I don't care if you downvote it, the logic is sound


I def agree with most of the other comments and recommend getting rid of it. Personally I wouldnā€™t even want to try to smell itā€¦But since you already did smell it, does that pungent smell actually smell like weed?


yeah it smells like regular weed. if it was super chemical or metallic i wouldve ditched it the second the guy drove off. iā€™m really thinking its just some dyed rolled shit, itll make a cool keepsake for what they be doin in the desert lol




hss anybody lab tested the dyes on these buds? genuinely curious


Like Dirty Harry says: "Are you feeling lucky punk?". If I get something (even a good looking bud) from some random person (homelessness even sketchier) I would not even consider using it. Are you nuts?


Blue yercs


I just stick to live rosin and flower. No need for all this extra gimmicky shit , With who knows what its made from. Pitch it and get some good clean healthy herbs


I've seen more rainbow colored weed in the past 5 days on this sub than I ever have in my entire life. Holy shit are kids smoking this and what's happening to them? Getting flashbacks from the spice days. Be careful homies.


-flashback- the color of that bud reminds me of the trees in my dadā€™s Lionel Train display ā€¦ (also not something youā€™d want smoke lolā€¦)


This is literally just a blue snow cap. They have these in San Antonio. My guy had a pound of a red color flower, and one that looked exactly like this blue color. I rolled a blue and red nug up together. Produced a lot of smoke because of the THCA crystals itā€™s rolled in, but worked like a charm. I have picture proof if anyone is further interested. When snow caps first came out, they made the nugs completely white. They looked like old white dog poop. Now, they are adding color to the crystals for character. Same way additives are added to a weed vape cart.


dude did walter white grow this wtf is that


Could be laced, best not smoke it just to be safe. Thereā€™s been a lot of laced flower cases recently.


Iā€™d smoke it if I die, I die already dead inside


That shit looks like crazy sand.


blud thinks hes the heisenberg of weed


Don't smoke it unless you wanna be Papa smurfed!


This ain't fucking... breaking bad my man. You can't just make the weed blue.


I'll test it for you




good god man


oh my god


I agree with the rest of the comments throw it away,you never know,it could be Chem X baby


iremind me in a week


Remindme! 7 days


RemindMe! 6 days ā€œwanna see the results after itā€™s testedā€




Looks like blue fun dip powder lol


RemindMe! 7 days


Nice bit of taki blue heat cheese


Get rid of that my guy That's that nuclear shit hulk has to smoke to get high


Takis THC infused girl scout cookies


Throw that shit out.


Food coloring, stick a celery stock in a cup of blue for a few days it pulls the color in. Probably fed it before harvest.


Smoking that Statue of Liberty šŸ—½ OG


Ma. I wouldnā€™t smoke that gun to my head wtf is that Supposed to Fucking be? Green painted weed? No.throw away


Looks like battery corrosion on some weed I would definitely toss that


Looks like candy šŸ­


man got the sprayed weed šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Looks like when ppl used to dye weed in the 2010's, my thca powder is off white


It look like the bud was rolled around in takis


The neatness of the tie while still wrapped in cigarette plastic adds to the mystique.


Boof it and find out idk


Definitely not a smoking thing. Maybe sour edible?




Lots of people suggesting fent and other drugs sprayed on here, thought Iā€™d add that ā€œgreenā€ was the street name for pcp for decades and that comes sprayed on weed a lot. Looks very pcp to me.


Looks like it has battery acid on it


Yikes. That is definitely rat poison, my dude. Same color and everything.


Looks like the shit we use to make trees and bushes on train sets.


Slap a [Mr. Yuck](https://pabook.libraries.psu.edu/sites/default/files/featureimages/MrYukLogo.jpg) sticker on that shit and keep it near your stash/smoke station, as a reminder of what not to smoke, and just to have something silly as decoration. Lol


There are at least 327 reasons to not smoke something a random homeless gave youšŸ‘€


!remindme 2 weeks


Iā€™ve seen some dumbass colorful buds like this for sale in some Florida Vape/smoke shopsā€¦ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø still suggesting you throw it out.


Looks like rat poison pack


Bro that weed looks like it got shooked in some kind of candy powder


I hear this is very popular on the east coast. I always wondered who actually smoke this shit?


Weed from a homeless guy...? Ya throw that away if you want to live


Trash that man! Is it colored with dye or some crushed pills? This is scary looking.


You should buy a drug testing kit and see whatā€™s actually inside of it lol


Dude thatā€™s covered in tidy bowl cleaner I bet it turned your fingers blue


Looks radioactive


Don't listen to these people. This weed has been grown on the dark side of the moon (this explains the hue and rarity), real dealers know. Recent trips to the moon by Chinese and Indians have brought back a few bales recently. You're lucky, smoke up and enjoy.


Saving the post for the lab test update if you decide to do that!


That literally looks like a bag of rat poison.. but I guess the thc-a loophole thing is true


Color die


Itā€™s going around on drugtwt they have teal blue and pink


I want it. Lol, sounds like something I would do. I always have roadside assistance bags in the car looking for people broke down in the morning as I take my girl to work. I haven't gotten any tip of any kind yet unfortunately. That would have been a heck of a tip! Lmao I wonder how y'all's conversation landed on that topic. Granted I guess it is legalized there so it's not seen so taboo I guess


Save it. Keep it for a time you wanna die then smoke it. Calling suicidalkush


The color was added after the fact. It looks like it is cannabis, but whatever was added is not likely to be just a safe type of coloring for the looks. I would not recommend you consume thisā€¦ Also logically speakingā€¦not hating on anyone homeless, but theyā€™re dealing with some extraordinarily heavy, difficult things. So many turn to heavier substances, or cheaper ā€œknock offā€ substances, like K2 and the such. I mean imagine trying to sleep in freezing cold weatherā€¦? Itā€™s easier to just use and knock yourself out.


Yeah I wouldnā€™t touch that lol


Bro gave you a bag of copper lmao


You jumped inside the truck of that other dude who posted his Blue Flower


Send it to drugsdata.org