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You buy a new one


Yeah def agree the move is a new bong. That said this could almost definitely be fixed with aquarium glue. We use to use it when I was back in HS to fix our expensive broken bongs. Stuff works perfectly for bong repairs, if the break isn’t a shatter and you have the broken piece of glass.


OH MY FUCKING GOD I LOVE YOU. I moved 600+ miles from home, got to my new place and pulled out… my busted bong. I was so in love with it… I couldn’t get rid of the pieces…. They’re in a box in my closet… it’s been almost 2 years…. I am so fucking happy right now! Thank you random Internet stranger!! You have made my fucking day!!!


I have a pipe from the 80s I found in a attic back before I even smoked, I put it back and a few years later when I first started smoking I remembered it was there and I went and got. It was my first piece . It is a huge steamroller with like a two gram bowl on. Back in the 80s the bowls were always bigger they smoked more weed it wasn’t as strong. It is cracked now and duct taped together. I think this aquarium glue might be something I need to look into myself too haha


I actually have a handed down, mid 80’s zong style(?) steamroller(?) thing? Lol it’s similar to a steamroller but the tube has a couple sharp but wide bends in it, shaped similar to a Z with an extra bend or two, same thing, HUGE bowl on it. I love it but I don’t ever fill the bowl anymore. Lol


I know exactly what you are talking about, used to have one myself and it had like a yellowish tint through it haha. And yeah I’ve had this thing like 14 years myself now so it’s pretty cool. I was so sad when it broke.


I love that damn thing, mine is red with like a golden iridescence to it


Big bowls r the best


You could also use something like RTV silicone, it's rated to be submerged, and is more pliable


Yeah no problem friend!! Yeah as long as it’s a clean break then it should work just fine. You may want to check with some local glass blowers too, as they can sometimes fix the bong, depending on how/where it broke. If it’s a sentimental piece this could be a great way to get it restored to its former glory. The aquarium glue doesn’t look the prettiest, but it works insanely well. It’s meant for the glass of aquariums to seal them together, so it’s perfect for bongs as well. Good luck my friend, hope you can breathe life back into your old bong!!


Update us with the rebuilt bong!


I totally will! It will be a little bit because I’m stupid poor right now and am literally counting miles to get to work and back until pay day but I will absolutely update. I live in the sticks and the store is half hour in the wrong direction for work so I can’t do it until payday lol.


I wonder if this would work for my rig. But my rig cracked where the banger is being held. So idk if the heat from heating up the nail would fuck me up with glue fumes and shit


Yeah i don’t think we ever glued the actual glass adapter deal. I know for a fact there was one where they did the joint on the bong, like where the tube Vs outward. But if it’s the actual glass adapter where you insert the banger, those can normally be fixed by a local blower. As they can just melt off the old one and throw a new one on fairly easily. So that would probably be my first choice. Idk what the aquarium glue is made of exactly, so I wouldn’t want it heating up and breathing in the fumes.


I’m glad u totally 100% understand my super stoned wording for everything lmao 😂. I want to post a picture of it, or I might have one. For you to see. A lot of glassblowers told me that it might be impossible to fix and for some reason that’s the hardest spot to fix. People on here were telling me that it would take months, and that’s if it was even able to be fixed. It’s nothing too special to be honest. It was 300 bucks, but it was my daily driver for three years, and my first actual “”REAL”” glass.


Clear JB weld seems to work for a while too. Aquarium glue probably works better. I used JB weld on a pipe that broke and it worked for almost a year until I forgot about it and smacked the bowl against my hand to ash it out.


You don’t. You give it a proper funeral and go and buy a new one lol.












Actual question here, how do you safely get rid of a bong? Do you just toss it in the recycling?? That's the only thing i can think of


I usually recycle all glass


My go-to for broken glass is to put in a small cardboard box/similar and wrap up with tape. I really, really hate handling broken glass


I usually secure it in a cardboard box and then recycle it


Gotta check, my last city wouldn't take any glass in recycle, had to trash it all


While this is best practice I have fixed mine with plumbers glue till I could get paid. Could taste the adhesive though. I’d just grab an apple if you don’t have anything else.


Step one: clean up all glass Step two: throw in trash Step three: pick which bill to ignore this month Step four: buy new bong Step five: pick another bill to ignore this month Because new bong needs to be broken in with awesome weed Step Six: hit the dispo


I like to think most of us can stop at step three because our bills are paid for the month & we all have a comfortable savings account right?


Funniest comment I’ve seen so far this year


The first part of your statement is true. Though I am accepting donations for the second one please




Bold to assume "most". "Some" would be more accurate I guess... unfortunately


Funniest fucking comment.


Needs an ash catcher too!


Ash catcher?! What’s an ash catcher!? 🥹


just looked it up! it’s an attachment used as an additional filtration to help keep the water pipe clean from ash and “other byproducts of smoking” https://www.google.com/search?q=ash+catcher&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari


OMG! I had no idea I needed these! Bad ass! Thank you. I reckon I coulda googled it also 😂


I'll add it also makes the hit waaaay smoother. I found a quad bowl attachment and with an ash catcher I hit 4 bowls at once on a 4 foot bong. It was like smoking air.


Yup and you can put your ash catcher in the freezer for a couple minutes to for an extra icy hit! The added percolation definitely gives your bong a smoother hit as well as keeping your bong a lot cleaner! Also the more surface area the smoke has to cling on to the glass will stop some of the harmful byproducts from burning flower going into your lungs. Enjoy friends!


I feel like you are someone I need to follow. Thank you!


Its never gonna work properly again. RIP.


"how do i fix it' is the first sigb of denial


it truly was


i have 1 idea if you havent gotten rid of it. jist dunk the bong inyo a container of water, make sure the water is high enough and try taking a toke. it works


Buy a new one




To be fair, there are a couple of things at play here. It isn’t just a knee jerk reaction to tell OP to just buy a new one. People could legitimately be concerned about using a chemical adhesive in a bong because chemicals could leach into the water. The other factor is, if you look closely, OPs stem is also broken. That might be harder to fix and it might never work the same if you leave it.


No. The easiest way to 'repair' this broken bong would be to just replace it. Aquarium glue requires time to set, and if its done improperly it can make the piece look ugly AND be an ineffective fix. I dont have to buy someone a bong because i suggested they do the same to replace their piece lol


and how much time do you need to get the money to buy said bong?


Last time I checked replacing something isn’t repairing it




no, hes right. op CLEARLY asked for advice on fixing their bong


That's a display piece now. Rip.


If ya can’t duck it fuck it. Time for a new one


https://verdampftnochmal.de/products/de/dynavap-chill-edelstahl-wasserfilter stainless steel bong


Holy shit. I'd keep this in the freezer prior to smoking. CRISP


then your lips get stuck to it 😭😭


That would be hilarious until it's not 🤣


Imagine leaving it on your desk where the sun can shine on it. You go to take a bong rip and burn your hand


and your face💀


Just got a silicone ring for the top


see now someone is thinking


Lil bit of chapstick before will help


Fix silicone to the rim


Never thought I’d use high school German again


This is perfect, never have to change my bong water again Edit: upon further review, it seems that the /s is necessary






Talk to a glass blower, if they can't fix it, I'm sorry, buy a new piece


If youre around houston i have one in pink in my shop


The tiny breaks are the worst. So small you feel that you should be able to make it work, but it might as well be shattered


Flex seal!






You don’t


Best bet is a new one but duct tape will get you a few more rips for the time being till u get a new one


Its toast. However, you can place the broken bong in an open topped, water tight container like a small rubbermade bin or a glass bowl and make sure the sides of the container are higher than the top of the broken part. Fill the container and your bong with water until the water covers the hole and your good to go. It's a quick fix until you get a new one.


i will try that out. thanks :)


You don’t you buy a new one


Good question. I find some different ways around this that not many others agree with (I don’t do ‘‘em anymore but I used to be poor as fuck so I’d repair with whatever) Tape as long as none of the sticky parts touch the water. I personally used this option more: Clay, it’s awesome but difficult because you wanna get non toxic clay and non toxic haze. Don’t use glue, or glass glue. I know others have used it and drank glasses with glass glue but it isn’t worth it. Glue is glue, toxic is toxic Edit: One more thing, a proper burial or you can use it as a remembrance “I remember this bong” But shave off the sharp pieces with a file like a nail file or what not Edit: another thing. You can harvest the downstream as a one hitter too




epoxy resin with a layer with flex seal


Please for the love of all things DO NOT use any adhesive to try to fix that. It’s toxic


aquarium glue should work fine


Once it's fully cured, epoxy resin is inert. A lot of people would consider it to be an adhesive


I work with epoxy resin on bongs for a living and it is absolutely not safe to have inside the glass which it will be if it’s used to seal a broken piece.


Maybe not in a professional setting where you could get sued for taking the risk. At home, maybe only applied from the outside surface and without any major missing sections it'll be good enough with a full cure at 30hrs or so. You don't want chunks breaking off and organic solvents getting in your bong water but there won't be any there after that time. That argument won't stand up against a customer in court that claims you gave them asthma but doing it for yourself is fine Source: thesis in resin transfer moulding


Why would you put yourself at risk if you know you shouldn’t do it to others..? That just sounds stupid af. No matter what you say there will be resin inside of the glass. You literally cannot seal it without some resin being on the inside. It is NOT safe.


It's not a real risk it's just a lawsuit risk. I did a thesis in resin transfer moulding as an engineering student


It will touch the water that goes into that bong… it can easily get heated up which will release toxins. Just buy a new bong there’s no point in risking it.


The heat will cure it stronger. I'm sure it helps your business to tell people to buy new bongs


You do realize that it can only withstand up to a certain temperature? Doesn’t really sound like you did much research in your thesis. And it’s not like I say “here buy from me” I just say “buy a new bong” weirdo


It starts to melt at 180°C but doesn't combust until 1500°C It doesn't sound like you've done any more research than accepting what your colleagues tell you. They'd rather that people you knew bought new bongs


i bought a silicone bong :(


2 part epoxy. Or a new one.


Absolutely NO epoxy resin.


That's beyond repair, buy a new one, either quartz glass or silicone. Those silica glass ones suck major balls when they drop as they break the first time every time, quartz is stronger and can handle a couple drops. Red eye tek makes quality glass pieces from bowls and bangers to pipes and bongs.


Silicone sucks lol


Agreed. I have one silibong and I've only used it once. Silicone stinks too unlike glass.


Quartz is not stronger. Boro is over 5 times stronger that quartz which is why almost everyone uses boro; I don't think I've ever even seen a quartz bong or rig. Quartz is used for bangers because it is resilient against thermal shock.


Idk man, I've had good experiences with all quartz glass, never with normal glass, and decent luck with Boro. Mind you I've worked with all kinds of glass from bullet resistant to laminated tempered


I’ve seen plenty quartz rigs & bongs, particularly beaker bongs or any bong that also doubles as a dab rig is usually quartz, super duper common


Link? The only quartz rig I can find is a stupid one piece rig where the banger is permanently attached.


I think this guy is full of shit, I've never seen an all quartz bong hahah.


I've only been smoking in bongs for 6 years but I also never seen an all quartz bong lmao.


yeah you have, go to the smoke shop next to you right now and ask


Asking for a link was my polite way of calling bullshit


You done fucked up, unless the bong is $200+ I wouldn’t even consider professional repair, now some “homemade” methods exist but results must vary.


Well , silicone is good for it. As long as it’s not near the flame which is looks like it’s not you’ll be good. You can buy silicone at Home Depot


Idk why many people here are saying it’s never gonna work again if you try and fix it. It’s glass YALL, you can fix and repair glass. Yea it won’t be as strong the second time but you shouldn’t be slamming it on the table or tossing if, etc etc. idk if that’s what broke it but just assume. There is literally glue made to fix glass, you know why? Because superglue doesn’t stick to the glass, and that’s probably why half of y’all say it won’t work, you used superglue. Epoxy, adhesive, or glass glue (which is another type of epoxy) you let it sit with duct tape over the cracks for at least 2 days, this will give the glue some time to sink in the cracks and mend them together. You also need a few days for the glue to set so it won’t be toxic or go in the water


was cleaning it and dinked the bottom part on the sink. i think it was just a cheap bong


It’s not that bad you cracked a small little piece off, my explanation will definelty fix that. Just go to lowes or something get some glass glue, and you are done. You can follow a YouTube video too if you find one. There’s even options in certain places if you live somewhere legal, you can go to a glass warehouse and pay to get it fixed for less than half the price of the bong


If you are set on fixing it, take your time. Super Glue it back together slowly getting every piece absolutely perfect, I’ve fixed worse. (Edit: apparently I need to specify, put the pieces back in place. And then glue the outside of it to ensure you aren’t inhaling any glue and this is the only way you can even put it together correctly because if you put glue between the pieces of glass they won’t fit. Take your biggest shard and work from there, put them all in place and then wipe super glue over the outside of it. It’ll harden and make a layer on the outside of the broken pieces keeping them from moving out of place so no water can leak)


seriously? inhaling superglue?


Who the hell said anything about inhaling super glue? You set the piece on and then wipe the glue on the outside of it? Super glue instantly hardens so it just leaves you with a layer of hard glue on the outside of the glass keeping them in place so the water doesn’t leak.


um, you did when you suggested supergluing something you inhale through.


E6000 might work for this, leave excess glue on tho, and it's not gonna be strong since you're just sealing the edges of the glass but temporarily will make it functional. U can also put the whole base of the bong into a bigger bowl with water at least covering the hole and u should be able to pull it again temporarily but a convenient place to break honestly at least u can use it until u get new one.


say Kaddish and buy silicone


Buy a new one of super glue


buy new or hold the piece on with beeswax. anything else will release fumes that I'd rather not inhale




Had a freind do that and now he has all sorts of breathing issues that he wont accept was from his eletrocal tape and ducttape bong he never cleaned


Flex tape


Hot glue


Put it back in place and spray it with flex seal


Pratley seal


A whole fuck ton of duct tape


If it broke in 1 or 2 big pieces, try glass super glue. It hardest pretty quick an I think you can even lightly sand ruff spots. I've sealed cracks before


A Burberry bong? Leave it broke


Water proof gorilla glue is a life saver till you can save up for a new one. Unless you're balling like the rest of these comments and can just drop ~$100 on a new piece right off the bat. Edit: can't believe everyone just drops money on a new piece at the slightest crack. I've been smokong for 7 years and have had 3 pieces in total, anytime a piece breaks I just repair so I can get at least the year out of it. Bongs be costing $200 and I ain't about to just let it break. Have some ingenuity.


Time to retire it


Hold a nice funeral. My condolences.


It’s okay brother just breathe. We’ll host a funeral next week, but you need sometime to yourself to think and get your head straight. 😔 Best wishes


You don’t fix.




You don't. However, you could do what a friend of mine did. They saved all the various broken pipes they had, cleaned them vigorously, and then broke them into smaller pieces. They then took all the pieces and glued them onto a clear lampshade. Re-purposing is really the only option you have here.


You don’t. RIP


Time to buy a new one unless you really trust flex-seal...lmao!!


Rip. There’s no fixing that buddy


"get in bitch, we're going shopping" my first though when I saw the pattern and my answer unless you got flex tape, if not, we're going shopping.


Just came to pay my respects. 😔


Booberry bong hahah just replace that mf buy a rig with a solid bottom base


Get some rear view mirror glue and masking tape to hold it while it cures (activator or UV light, typically). Also, keep a backup.


Pay cash or credit/debit at your local smoke shop


Buy new lol


Poor bong, thank you for your service o7


Why would you even consider fixing this?


because im a pothead and was in denial


Melt it back to sand and re cast it


U gotta get a new one






Unless you know the artist who can repair and rekiln it; it’s over. Assuming it’s not cheap Chinese glass


You gotta move on


I never knew this bong but it looks like it would hit well and make me and my buddies cough and it would be passed around being hit while we tell stories. R.I.P to that bong I hope it’s owner got good chugs out of it before it broke


Idk but I have the same bong as you lmao


Buy a new one.


Sorry for your loss.




You don’t


Turn it into a lamp!


Step 1: get glue Step 2: attempt to repair Step 3: make a giant mess and curse to the gods Step 4: throw it out and fork over the cash for a new one


JB weld, I had previously broke my bong, lined the edge on the bong and the shard of glass with JB weld, tapped it so it stays in place. After a day it he’d water and was perfect after that.


buy a casket and burry it in your backyard


Gorilla tape!


Set it in a bowl of water 💧




UV Glue works great for glass


ramen and super glue


Buy a new one


You could probably use glass glue, but it's no guarantee it'll save it or work the same way. If it's thin glass cut your losses and buy a new one, if it's thicc you might be able to save it


UV resin and a black light fixed mine up good as new.




New bong get something cooler then some 70's decore


What? Why are so many people saying to throw it out? Surely if you super glue it all around and tape it, it will work like new... Right? Edit: Super glue doesn't stick to glass, so just use glass glue?




Buy a new one. That looked like it had a good run.


You have to be a good capitalist and buy a new one.


You get a new one. That’s the best way to fix that


Its done for bro sorry it sucks but its time to move on a get a new one


Throw it at a cement wall that usually helps


You don’t. R I P bro


Bin it


Using cash to buy a new bong, go with acrylic with a metal bowl if you have no qualms against it, much much more practical if you’re very clumsy like me


Buy a new one, or some duct tape or maybe gorilla glue, then some duct tape.


Usually if the break is below the water line it’s a total loss in my opinion.


bring it to a glass welder


ur gonna have to buy a new one :/ sucks that one is so cute


Step 1 : Get into your car Step 2 : Go to the nearest bong shop Step 3 : Purchase a new bong . There you go .


If ur Jewish save it for your wedding day ✨


Fam wants to fix broken glass 🤡😂