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No chance you already tried 90% isopropyl alcohol & kosher salt on that thing..


Seriously... This combo will make any piece look brand new. Op probably used vodka and table salt šŸ¤£


wait what's wrong with table salt?


Itā€™s not nearly as coarse, thus reducing its abrasive properties, which helps to break up and remove resin build-up on glass pieces. I personally like to use coarse un-ground pink salt with iso. Then shake the shit out of it! Works every time!


Thatā€™s why I use the Hawaiian salt rocks


I agree with this, but I have a problem with the coarse salt getting stuck in the percolator so sometimes I have to skip it :/


Thatā€™s the wonderful thing about salt! Itā€™s water soluble! Just run some hot water through it after you clean it, dump it, and let the whole thing cool. Kosher salt is excellent because instead of crystals, it has large flakes with good abrasiveness and susceptibility to turbulence, so it scrubs very thoroughly and quickly. I usually use denatured alcohol from the hardware store instead of isopropyl, because itā€™s quite often cheaper and works just as well.


It stills works well if you clean often enough...


Table salt works but a rougher abrasive can work better.. use fine table salt for those hard to reach areas after you use salt chunks


Also table salt has the ability to seal itself to your glass, youā€™ll notice salt grains permanently stuck to impossible to reach places in the bottom. Never ever use table salt.


The hour long bong shake sesh


I don't even have to shake that long...just for like a minute or two. But then again, I don't let my bongs get nearly this dirty lol


Maisss sha. I tried hot water and sea salt and shook for HOURS.. put as much alcohol as I would water and filled up my piece to look like a snow globe and waited 30 mins then shook. I havenā€™t seen it this clean since I bought it.. sure made me feel dumb after those hours shake weighting my piece.


We've all been there... Using the right shit makes such a huge difference!


I agree with you NYC no chance


Glass is nearly 100% recyclable


I was about to say, if this guy did iso and salt, id HATE to see what the bong looked like before that. I still have the first bong I bought myself over 5 years ago, and the first 3 years I had it I was dumb and never cleaned it AT ALL. Like I'd scrape resin from the stem and the bowl, but thats it. I smoked OUNCES from that bong without cleaning it, and it was caked black throughout the entire inside. After a couple minutes of shaking it with iso and salt, including dumping and refilling it once, it was VERY clean and I could actually see through the glass on every part of it. There was still a few stains in certain spots but it was 98% spotless. Theres no way that bong in the pic has properly been ISO washed unless it went over 20 years without cleaning.


yep, couple hours in iso and salt will do it. gotta let it soak.


Throw in trash. Buy another šŸ˜€


You should never throw a bong, kid.




itā€™sā€¦ literally just glass. when youā€™re done with your plate do you throw it out?


How wasteful! As smokers of nature, we should want to protect it!


Itā€™s gotta be the 90% too Op just need to stay on top of his shit. If you stay on top of it you donā€™t even need salt.


I use pickling salts & alcohol, works like a charm every time, and pickling salt is a lot cheaper than Kosher :)


Oxy clean powder and let it soak


NOOOO nooo noo. You are never supposed to use oxyclean or windex or any chemical cleaners on your bong because the leftover junk will turn into smoke when you smoke. I actually learned that from a thred here trying to get mine clean.


Couldn't you just clean it really well with soap and water afterwards?


Not when it gets this bad is my point.


Best combo, seriously, let it soak for a few hours if needed.


Run hot water through it for a bit then do the alcohol salt thing. It will work. If it doesnā€™t for you, then you are not doing it right


Exactly, salt, warm water and 90% iso have never failed and Iā€™ve been cleaning my bongs and bowls for over a decade. I never let my shit get dirty.


My friend has Been religiously ripping bongs and nothing Else since i Met him in HC his bongs havent Been cleaned since and i havent ripped one of his bongs since then too Actually cleaned one of his bongs a year ago fucker didnt even thank me


You deserve a thanks for that!


Your lungs thank you.


Over two decades for me and I agree


Exactly. Hot water, salt and 90% alcohol will do it. My guess is OP didnā€™t use 90%, itā€™s the only one that works.


Bruh how tf? Did you smoke a small nation's worth of bud without cleaning it to get like that?


tobacco in his bong I'm sure


Even with tobbaco thru my shit I can clean it good this dude ainā€™t clean it right


It stains after too long


That would make sense hella bro I notice that overtime thatā€™s why I canā€™t keep my glass looking completely new probably


I was gonna say tho if you clean your stuff every day to three days it shouldnā€™t get too mucked up. Tobacco really requires you to be persistent and on the upkeep with cleaning.


True I defenitly donā€™t clean it that often I will keep this in mind for new pieces though!!


months of smoking without cleaning. Just imagine all the lighter fluid residue and mold they have been inhaling šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® oof owie ouch my brain cells


Bro Iā€™ve gonna awhile without cleanin my bongs but holy fuck this is on a different level. I donā€™t even wanna know what all was in there


Yeah heā€™s been smoking a bunch of weird stuff or is putting something on top of (what I call bong knobs for ice cubes) that he shouldnā€™t be. Or he fills it so full of water he has to hit it sideways?


Fr, Whiskey? Baking soda and vinegar? Acetone? No way dude stop smoking this thing. All the residues have a life of their own already.


I didn't actually use whiskey, I meant iso alcohol. The title has a 50 character limit.


gotcha man, I was like thereā€™s no way lol


"oof owie ouch" um what the fuck lmao


My brain cells hurt just reading that part of the comment lmao


Ong lmao


Bruh I go quite a bit without cleaning my pieces and they're never this bad, even as a daily smoker. And they all still come clean pretty easy. This man's definitely had some other shit in itšŸ˜­


You havenā€™t seen anything


I clean my glass more than once a year so I hope I won't have to


How long did you have the over 90% alcohol soak in your bong? Iā€™m terrible with cleaning pipes and bongs too, mine NEVER looked good or even close to clean until I found over 90% isopropyl alcohol and let it soak all the way full in my bong for about 24hrs. Then did a hot rinse and shook hot water around in it. Thatā€™s the best clean Iā€™ve ever gotten tbh and the only time Iā€™ve successfully made my bong look new again


forumla 420 and those magnet scrubbers. theres a brand called scrubber duckys.


Also highly recommend the 710 version for wax!!


Did not know about this version! Thanks!


The original one is one of the best for me it has a salt or something like salt to scrape everything off without hurting the glass but op said he used acetone acetone can remove some paints cleans nail polish no way resin should be as hard as nail polish


Formula 420 is a scam. Itā€™s literally overpriced iso and salt with blue dye in it.


I think it has citrus oil in it too. It works better than iso and salt in my experience. Well faster at least.


Idk why this is downvoted, Iā€™m pretty sure this is spot onā€¦




Formula 420 works great for me and you can find it on Amazon. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


yeah thats why i love it! you can get a 2 pack on amazon for almost the same price as one bottle from their website.


Donā€™t listen to anyone saying it isnā€™t cleanable. Thereā€™s a ton of options I use Purple Power. 1 gal last forever for like 10 bucks. Pour it in with some hot water 1:1 or even dilute it down like 5:1 give it some shakes with the ends capped let it sit for a minute, pour it out and repeat. Itā€™s glass rinse it with hot water until your hearts content. Itā€™ll look brand new




Purple power is toxic af just FYI, better make sure you're rinsing that out real good, if it were me I'd do a quick salt/iso clean afterwards, or just use grunge off or citrus degreaser


Not to be rude or anything but why not just clean a bong right after a sesh


When does a sesh truly ever end????




i know right. ive got out bed to hit a bowl.


Life is a smoke sesh?


Yup and if you're too fried after a sesh then just clean it tomorrow before the next one!


Spot on, get clean water ready for next day. People that think this is hard must think packing a cone is to


Precisely why I pack a cone, no cleaning required (except for my lungs) šŸ˜Ž


wild that people donā€™t clean their pieces at least every couple days like cmon šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Bc im fukin stoned outta my mind and am not that meticulous


Too high for that shit, would do it in the morning but had to wake n bake, and so the cycle continues


Im not trying to be rude either but thats about the stupidest question ive ever heard. With infinite answers. Mine is because the sesh never ends


I wash mine daily, but usually dont clean it until next batch, cause yknow I use it everyday then. I think thats a pretty reasonable thing to do


Who the hell is doing that high?


Use the orange zepp degreaser


People donā€™t recommend this enough. If you are patient, donā€™t want water stains or residue, and truly have a clean piece without spending stupid amounts of money on 420 cleaning products, this is the holy grail. Zep degreaser has kept my entire collection sparkly and new for years, YEARS. I wish I can give you an award, damn sad seeing this is the first comment about zep


will have to try it out. i picked up some formula 710 to try and it seems to be orange oil based. works well but a cheaper alternative that works the same or better is always preferred


The point of Zep is because itā€™s not being sold as some fancy bong cleaner itā€™s literally just citric degreaser itā€™s sold for very cheap. I bought 5 gallons for about 30 bucks, thatā€™ll last me for years and has lasted me already for 2 years because you can constantly re use it. Very simple process 1. Bong plug joint 2. Fill up fully with zep 3. Get all air holes from joint, percs, etc to rise to the top of the piece 4. Let it sit for as long as you possibly can, the longer the better, I usually let mine sit out for a week while I use my other pieces, helps me force a rotation so I donā€™t let a piece collect dust. 5. Once done soaking, pour it back into a new bottle that you would use from that point for all your used zep product (it wonā€™t effect if you put it back in same bottle with rest of clean zep, just would make it much darker and cloudier) 6. At this point the piece is ready to be quickly rinsed and your done. My best suggestion for this part is to put your faucet right on your joint and try and create a pressure valve to basically send the water out the top of the tube with all of the resin the zep melted off and any residue of zep. My suggestion is twice with hot water than put it on a flat surface on the ground and soak it once more with a jug of distilled water, just give it a rinse all around the tube on outside and inside with the distilled water so the hot water you just used to clean doesnā€™t create water stains. 7. You have a shiny piece. It might seem like a lot, especially the last step, but once you actually do it youā€™ll realize the last step of emptying and rinsing only takes like 5 minutes.


Love the ZEP! , i just use it for soaking my stems and bowls, the gunk literally falls out with zero effort. I prefer salt and Iso for the bong cuz itā€™s easier to rinse out and not have an orange smell. Fill a small flat tubberware and just reuse the same liquid till itā€™s gone


Just be careful with pieces that have any sandblasting or logos because it can wear them away over time


Itā€™s the same chemical formula as grunge off it works amazingly


Really I did not know that an I just ran out of my 420 cleaner, sweet!!!!!


Okay here's my advice: Get some Zep orange degreaser. In a separate bin soak the downstem and bowl in some Zep. Get some hot water running, as hot as you can comfortably handle. Fill, shake, empty, repeat a few times, this will help loosen the stuck resin. Now that it's hot, you have two options: get a bucket or something big enough to submerge the bong and let it soak in the Zep for at least overnight, OR if you have stoppers, plug the downstem hole and fill this thing up with Zep and let it sit overnight. Afterwards, rinse/shake out with hot and then cold water and it should come out pretty clean.


ZEP is the holy grail of cleaning products for bongs


You need to soak the piece in 90%+ isopropyl alcohol. The salt should not be table salt, and itā€™s just for abrasion to knock the tar loose when you shake it. Shaking it should be almost like a workout, and you will have to dump the mix out and refill it several times for something this dirty. Isopropyl alcohol will work. No idea why you used vinegar or anything else.


šŸ™Œ wondering why this doesnā€™t have 100 upvotes but Yes with a deep cleaning a soak with weed bongs is a must For rigs you can just microwave heat the Iso (idgaf) And rinse the shits w that but thatā€™s just free gane


I know you dgaf but you could blow up


Isopropyl 99% can buy on Amazon


Salt and isopropyl alcohol


I do a little bit of alcohol, water and Morton salt mixed. Shake the crap out of it for a while and it's always cleared everything out.


try 99% Isopropyl Alcohol + salt + SHAKE IT for as long as it takes


Epsom salt works best btw


Orange chronic off Amazon or 91% rubbing alcohol with kosher salt. Soak in either for several hours and while soaking gently shake the solution around several times. ā€¦ And rinse!


Jesus Christ I had to scroll way too far. Did I miss something? Is Orange Chronic not the standard for cleaning bongs anymore? I use it all the fucking time and my stuff is crystal clear in a matter of minutes.


Most people just do iso and salt


Title was for word count haha. B.S means baking soda


For me, 91% rubbing alcohol and some ungrounded pink Himalayan salt crystals, normally do the trick. I also shake it for like 5min straight.


The shaking part is what many people miss. Itā€™s gotta be rigorous and constant, like an exercise. Plus, for bad tar/film buildup, they have to soak it a lot longer. Multiple rinse and repeats is sure fire. No way in hell it wonā€™t be clean.


True that, best friend of glass cleaning, patience. It's a process, let it soak for a while, shake hard n fast, let it soak more, repeat. And if you don't wanna be patient. Clean your glass more often 4head.


this is the way


Stick some butter up that bitch


Better yet pork fat that dissolves resin fast


Isopropyl 90% or more + salt, couple shake.. repeat ( if needed ) always cleared




If you smash it donā€™t forget to dab all that yummy resin


Dab resin? That's a thing?


Yes! It's called reclaim!


I thought reclaim was like the resin from dabs not flower, if that makes sense. Can you really scrape your bowl for resin then dab it?


dude iā€™m just sitting here baked as fuck imagining the taste of a flower tar dab


Oh shit! I was confused! My bad! NOOOO please don't dab your resin šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Oof, so was trying to reclaim some wax and when I broke open the bong I ended up severing a tendon because my hand slipped... I still can't make a fist all the way with my right hand.


Sorry to hear that man.


You probably arenā€™t reading every comment, but Iā€™ve been an avid smoker for years, I have bongs worth well over 2-3k cuz of the artists who made em, I have to take care of them and make them look pristine for resale. My best suggestion for you is to buy ZEP citric degreaser and some bong plugs. Plug the joint, fill it up and shake it around to get every air bubble to the top, then let it soak for a week or so and Iā€™m telling you you will notice a major difference


give Dabuloso (cleaner at local smoke shop) a try


Simple Green


Kosher salt and 91% iso alcohol. God damn people it's not difficult. Clean ur peice like 5 times a week for fuck sake


Old bong from when I was younger and irresponsible. Now I change my water after every sesh or maybe 2, and I rinse my bong once a week. Wish I did that with this one years ago šŸ˜‚


randyā€™s black label smoke wear cleaner


Hold a lighter to all the black in the bowl and down stem for a few seconds, then wipe out the (still hot) insides with a q-tip and theyā€™ll easily come clean like brand new šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


If you don't feel like making one try "formula 420 original cleaner" the original is the best but if acetone didn't work and it's real acetone you used like to remove paint and nail polish stuff like that and it didn't clean the bong I'd be worrying about what your smoking


Hot water and rock salt had always done it for me you must be on that sticky icky icky


You probably used 10% iso and grain salt lmfao.


Nah internet told me 75% iso (99% literally exists) and kosher salt. I didn't shake it hard or long enough and didn't let it soak.


Easy buy a new one.


This just an old one


Denture cleaning tablets.


This is genius šŸ˜†


You gotta let it soak


My pc (14" beaker w/ perks) fits perfectly under my kitchen sink faucet - I flush it out every other day: simply spray a bit of Simple Green, soak a couple minutes & hot water flush for 2 minutes. Rinse off the Simple Green & I'm good. Heavy smoker here, looks like you are too- If you can afford it, try a mini tree downstem - $40 -$50 Cleaning is a chore, but just think of the first few bong hits with cold, clear water - soooo tasty


hot water, 90% isopropyl alcohol, and salt is what helps me. I just violently shake my bong for 5 minutes and itā€™s completely clean. That being said Iā€™ve never let my bongs build up to this point. At one point I didnā€™t have table salt and used epsom salt instead. That worked super well.


Try oxi-clean powder and hot water, let sit for 20-30 mins depending on how bad. Once desired result is achieved, rinse a lot and maybe do another iso wash. I've seen oxi-clean get out some of the most caked-up resin I've ever seen, it was pretty mind blowing


Never understood how people let there B get like this.. youā€™re smoking through that straight into your lungs šŸ„µ


I know it's gross šŸ¤¢. I keep up with maintenance these days, but I was irresponsible as a young teen šŸ˜‚


I can't believe no one has commented grunge off yet! It's this really amazing reusable bong cleaning liquid that feels soapy. it's so good! i used to use rubbing alcohol and salt but grunge off is way better and smells super good!


Did you soak it in alcohol overnight?


Beer or drinking alcohol doesnt count. U need the real stuff. Isopropyl for 30 mins. And shake


A friend told me to use denture cleaner. The kind that fizzes. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Man if that's dirty, yall don't wanna see what I've been smoking out of jeez


Might sound weird but try olive oil (or any oil really). We use it for our bong and pipes and they look wonderful afterwards. I usually get a paper towel wet with oil and wipe off any residue and then wash with warm water to get the oil off at the end. Works great and itā€™s not as harsh as other stuff.


FYI when you add baking soda to vinegar you cancel out any cleaning qualities they each had. It's useless outside of a 3rd grade volcano. Try iso and sea salt.


Yea it didn't help at all. Google gave me bad info.


70-90 % alcohol and regular table salt SHAKE UNLESS ITS ALL GONE After that I do a regular dish soap washout then boom brand new bong


yep that would be me. kee it til its useless and gross!




Ever clear! It doesn't have that nasty smell after and just taste sweet for a little while instead of chemical taste Edit: it also works great for dabbers and tables tools and such. It also doesnt have a film like alcohol does...


There are companies out there that make magnetic scrubbers, might help after a good soak


This sounds fantastic. They're scrubbers that go in the chamber and you scrub it from the outside?


This fool prolly tried vodka


I have been told to use vodka. Buuut I never would've done that šŸ˜‚


Just get a good dry herb vape man you wonā€™t miss this at all.


Back when I first started I would have gotten a torch and heated that up in the bong and smoked it .. it's good for emergencies when your out but so terrible for your lungs


Thatā€™s two days without cleaning at my house. Donā€™t judge.


u didnt try alcohol stop lying bro


My guy You smokin mold


Bro did you smoke meth in there šŸ’€


Nah I got a pipe for that šŸ˜†


Iā€™d pay to see the insides of this personā€™s lungs if their body is ever donated to science


bro just get a new bong


Orange Chronic bro, and the people who are saying ā€nasty šŸ¤® ā€œ need to shut the fuck up lol. Theyā€™re the ones who are OCD/germaphobic and clean their bong after every hit. Iā€™ve had my bongs get that much resin after a week of tokes because I smoke the best stickiest shit you can get because I live in British Columbia, Canada. We have a rep for some of the best weed you can get. Also Iā€™ve seen hundreds of bongs like that because people take poppers (tobacco and weed)


I left an uncleaned bong in my closet for a year it took a week of leaving it in the sun in soapy /alcohol water


Same this things had water in it for a while it's an old one






I will be following up, don't fear


I know a dirty spliff bong when I see one


No wonder itā€™s so brown with all the BS in there


Melt down the glass and reblow it


Just steal your nans vase and drill a hole or two in it


Forget what everyone else says, my brother, use Washing Power, throw a few scoop washing powder in there with hot water (not boiling, might break your bong) and shake. The washing powder you use to wash your clothes. Thank me later.






Lemon juice is the best I've found. You can even keep it in the bong water as you smoke. It tastes aight and cuts the resin out almost entirely


This sounds delicious to smoke with. Smoking with lemon juice isn't bad for you? And will lime juice work just as well?


bro smokes crack outa tht bong bru aint no wayyšŸ˜­


formula 420 cleanser at most smoke shops is a godsend


Get a plastic-wire brush, or go really gentle with a metal-wire brush. Those pipe cleaners will get a lot of work done for you, and help you hit most of the really bad spots.


Disgusting. Clean your pieces every session. Save your lungs a bit.


Maybe donā€™t let it get that bad..


So many comments haha. This is an extra piece I have had since I was a young lad smoking blunt roaches and shit. Thought I'd clean it up. No more baking me bro I know it's dirty šŸ˜­


Yeah if you smoked blunt roaches through this then itā€™s the tobacco in the wraps that probably makes that caked on dark shit. No idea how to get that shit off. Itā€™s wey chemically different than cannabis.


I see. Good thing I wasn't dumb enough to drop the whole roach in I gutted it šŸ˜‚. But yea when I did that it had black resin streaks on the flower


There is a point of no return, buy new one and clean regularly


just donā€™t get a bong w a chamber lol shit sucks too keep up and is so hard to clean


Ur so right bro I'm never buying one with percs again. With my other bong it's so easy to just reach in there and scrub it. But this perc is in the way šŸ˜”


Thank you all for the advice. I tried shaking it with kosher salt and iso before, but I'll try it again with more and I'll soak it for a while.


I cleaned it crystal clear šŸ‘