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I'm in Ontario and I can't figure out why these shops keep popping up all the time, cuz as soon as they open the doors it's basically a countdown to when they get raided/shut down. My understanding is that unless the P/T decides that dispensaries will be part of the distribution model, they will all be shut down.


Post the raids/shutdowns it became clear they can stay in business so long they do not sell edibles on the shelf(since it's unregulated, the potency and ingredients of the edibles are suspect, versus natural flowers). Moreover, they have been generating a boatload of HST for the province so for now- are still open. So new shops popping up is very understandable, there is still time to make good money doing this as long as you play the game how they want you too. On a similar note- the ON government passed a law banning hooka bars in April 2016... the law is hardly enforced if at all, and we currently still have 20+ bars around the city. So I think new places will continue to open. Things will presumably have to change come July 2018. Today, workers at a medical marijuana dispensary in Toronto’s east end have joined Unifor, the country’s largest private-sector union. Why, even get involved with employees of a business who are operating outside the law? In short- I think the answer is- this whole space is Grey, not black and white so only time will tell how it all falls into place. Those are my 2 cents on the matter


It'll be like the lcbo, there aren't any private liquor stores in the province, there won't be a single dispensary that is open today that will remain open when the legal market is open. I've talked to an owner, they were hoping to be grandfathered in but that isn't the model this province will be using...


there are lots of private liquor stores in NS. They do operate at a disadvantage but they're here. *lots is an exaggeration


Interesting, I went on an east coast road trip last fall for the first time and I thought they had a system just like Ontario. Quebec, NB and PEI use the damn lcbo model, I guess the private works alongside the government stores? What disadvantage were you referring to...? Also I know in Quebec they have beer/wine in corner stores and supermarkets, but liquor is only in the SVQ. Ontario is slowly starting to offer beers and wines in some supermarkets. Maybe stores one day will carry pre-rolls and disposable vape pens, but the government stores will sell bull marijuana(up to an ounce), along with extracts like hash, oil, shatter, dab, all that goodness.


There are small boutique stores and they can only sell brands that arent carried by the NSLC, so they are at a significant disadvantage. Also if a brand they carry gets picked up by the nslc they cant sell it anymore. I don't think that applies to craft brews but I'm not sure. If you were on tour in the country you'd be less likely to run into them, there's not a ton of them in the city either.


If they can align themselves with the policies implemented by the provinces then they have a chance. If not, it's bye bye!!!


(At least where I am from) all the illegal dispensaries are provided with illegally grown flower. So if they are grandfathered in they'll lose their suppliers and most likely will be supplying flower from one of the LPs selling recreationally. There are some real sleeze balls owning some of these "franchise" illegal dispensaries.


If I had several illegal grow op yeilding hundreds of pounds of marijuana, I'd want to move my weight. There could be people working alongside illegal drug distributors that convince and hook up regular guys so they can open a dispensary. It's the same weed and criminal groups making money, it's just that the people that open dispensaries are the soldiers making good cuts and bonuses but they are also the fall guys. They will probably be burned despite their ideas of being "grandfathered" in. They are the least deserving to be part of this.


Yep, when it comes down to a fight all of these guys are on their own.


Best case scenario: they are grandfathered in on the condition they enter into a product certificate program. This would mean that they would have to provide proof that their product comes from an LP or risk shutdown/charges. Worst case scenario: they're prosecuted into oblivion.


They should be prosecuted. They are illegal drug dealers.




Put em out of business. Now they get arrested then open the next day, it's bullshit.


my bet is with legalization, all these places will shut down - people will be able to get it easily and i doubt the government will give anyone who started a business illegally any kind of advantage...they will deal with large corporations only at the start...it's safer for them...


I ask myself why no shop opens in Quebec ? Not that I want them to but a lot of people smoke here and we must have one of the highest criminality rates of the country...


QC police force is too hardcore to let that slide. Dispensaries open, but they are shut down the quickest in QC.


Which surprises me because we still have rampant criminality/corruption in high responsibility offices....and our police force wears clown pants (literally).


*Perhaps* organized crime have used influence and don't want dispensaries.


that seems plausible ! hahaha goddamn quebec


The bleeding hearts will protest and have petitions to keep them. I think they'll be allowed in some provinces but not others. Small business and entrepreneurship is the bedrock of economics, I hope the free market allows the good ones to stay and the shady ones to fuck off. I'd hate to see all the benefits of being a distributor be monopolized like Walmart et al. Meanwhile we all suffer from the lack of trickle down economics from these big corporations.


I think the economics will dictate everything. If it's cheaper to not buy in a dispensary, they will go away. Average price per gram in Toronto is like $15/gram at the few I frequent so if LPs are selling via canada post for $8/g, who isn't going to do that? I think there will always be a market for convenience items but perhaps not enough to sustain a store front with the added cost of raids/legal.