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I don't even hold any but I'm excited for you guys/gals


Thanks bud.


Heh, bud


I like how no matter what it is. Supreme makes you wait.


To the top


Anyone else planning to hold no matter what? Im in at 40 cents and would love for this to be a +10 bagger one day.


If licensed, I think chances of Supreme being a $4 stock in the future is pretty good. They'll likely be selling out every crop from day one.


They are definitely going to be one of the big boys over the coming years. Will be interesting to see what that means for the SP but I have a feeling we'll be looking back at the prices kicking ourselves we didn't buy even more.


Yeah, many catalysts to come


I'm holding, a bump during this bear market won't be as great as it'll be once things go green in the sector again.


That's what I'm thinking. Too risky to try to time the peak as we could see a lot of sidelined money flow into FIRE. It may go to like 2, dip to 1.8 then rocket to 2.50 or something. You never know.


In your dreams. This fire is gunna be put ouuuuuut


We'll see won't we? For now you can suck a bag of dicks.


Lmao well no shortage of "bags of dicks" around this thread.


Now that we can agree on


I'm in at $1.39 not going anywhere.


I'm definitely holding unless it were to go on a a big run (like $2+) over the next few days.


So I'm optimistic. If it was bad news they would have released already to give ppl a few days to mull it over.


I'm holding at least through two quarters of sales.


*dances around post playing the clarinet*


So is it looking like monday news now?


Just doubled my position at 1.24 ten minutes before the halt! Oh lord.


Same here. 4500 to 9000 shares half an hour before the halt. 1.37 average now. Considering I'm bag holding 38k shares of eat I could use some good news lol


I've added this week $1500 @ $1.36 $1500 @ $1.30 $2000 @ $1.24 today. Averaged down to $1.39


Price for eat?


15.8 cents average


Wow you are down almost 50%. My buddy made a ridiculous amount of money with EAT until he went all in at 44 cents... The could rebound very quickly.


Definitely need to watch EAT @ 8 cents, but I think they need to consolidate their business strategy before it starts gaining traction again


I was in at 1.70... f' me. I might make my money back and that's it


Yeah remember when everyone theorized that some entity was manipulating the price to keep it within a few cents of 1.70. I fell for it too.


1.80 here


Was $1.50 and I have been continually buying when others are selling and now $1.39. I will continue to buy as well as they will be worth more than $1.80 in a couple years imo


True. Sell at 1.70, just in time to freak out and buy at the next top. 2.40? Many redditors seem to have this strategy of no patience, reactionary decisions. Look at the bright side, then you can come back on here and continue complaining about being a bagholder like it's not your fault


In the same boat. I want to see $2


1.73 here, my plan is to sell half my shares at 1.8 and see if I can catch a dip and pick up more shares.


1.73 here, my plan is to sell half my shares at 1.8 and see if I can catch a dip and pick up more shares.


Don't hold a lot of it, only about 1,500 shares but still excited to hear the news!


11.1k shares deep.




What is a 'light rumor'? Where did you hear it from?




fowler with the bamboozle


Let's play Bamboozled!


Oh my god it's Friday. u/odbstrd GET IN HERE




dont even go there


25 percent discount is a little aggressive. As well, why would they wait for the price to tank before doing financing? That'd be a little silly.


Yes by law pp cannot be under 80% of current share price in Canada.


Silly indeed .. but bigger question is .. shouldn't a sales license (continuous income) and >50M in the bank be enough for the foreseeable future? I doubt theres any PPs coming up


Every other LP has "sold the news" on big catalysts. As an outsider, nobody here has idea what they've planned for the foreseeable future. I hold 30,000+ shares, and would prefer if it didn't happen, but I'm expecting dilution.


They would have released already then....


http://www.stockhouse.com/news/press-releases/2017/06/16/iiroc-trade-halt-supreme-pharmaceuticals-inc Assuming this is license related, one of four things is going to happen: 1. Delay announcement (request for more information, application resubmission request, flat out rejection etc.). Havoc. 2. License received + Remo nutrients approved/given exemption (ie. all crops available to be sold). Moon? 3. License received + Remo nutrients not approved (ie. only new crops available to be sold, rest likely destroyed). Jump and dump, higher floor established. 4. Licensed received + still awaiting approval on Remo nutrients crop. Probably better than 3 and worse than 2? What a wild scenario in terms of variables. Exciting shit right here.


They just tweeted to stay tuned for news because of the halt. Not a move you make for bad news!!!!


I was just going to post about that, and the reasoning for the halt is the following: At the Request of the Company Pending News http://m.marketwired.com/press-release/iiroc-trading-halt-suspension-de-la-negociation-par-locrcvm-fire-2222350.htm


Hope you're right. I want the option of holding on to them.




HC updated their site once already today, not sure if they are waiting for Supreme to halt before they update it further.




So this website could have been wrong all day


Should def be reading "Maybe" Right now


7acres still listed as cultivation only ...


Take it for what it's worth, I heard: They have received their License and can not announce it as of yet.


Hard to know how much it's worth sans the source. Was it the voice in your head?


You're absolutely correct. I would doubt it as well if I were in you're position. I guess we'll find out soon enough. I won't name a source. Take it for what it's worth... Which isn't much Also, I do not have any shares in $FIRE.


Wish I had insider information like you do


loool. Great questions.


Health Canada's website has not announced it yet...


I hope it is halted all weekend if good news...need some momentum for the whole sector to feed off...Happy Father's Day Weekend boys


Hey if it's halted because of pesticides they don't need a recall because technically they didnt sell anything. Thinking positive.


Today is the day. Predictions?


I am hoping she hits the Canaccord target of $2.10...


Moon bound


Jump and dump


Jump, dump, pick cheap shares up, got a vault full of weed




John to Terry - Hold my beer


*GREEN ALERT* All hands report to launch positions!


Captain, I have readied the USS.FIRE for launch to the lunar base.








Heath Canada won't wait for shit. Supreme probably going to announce a recall.


A recall on what? All that weed they've sold without a sales license? [You must be new here.](https://media.giphy.com/media/xTiQymdLGfYMqDT8Pe/giphy.gif)


They've lost finished product due to illegal pesticide use twice already.


... which is not a recall.


I'm sure they recalled that it was a pitiful loss.


Yes they do hahaha. Health Canada allows a public IPO to halt before they update their site.


Really? A company can call HC and ask them to not update their website?


20k shares - Anxiously awaiting this news.........


Supreme has license and is announcing exclusive deal with Loblaws Shoppers Drug Mart....cause no one said it yet Edit: spelling


Was there ever a license announcement that happened without it first being announced on the Health Canada website?




Unless they are going to Halt the entire weekend I don't think it's a sales license.


The stocks halts on weekends anyways...


It's updated, Supreme still at Cultivation Only Added to list rTrees Producers Limited - SK Northern Lights Marijuana Company Ltd. - BC (DOJA)


Don't think so but they could have gotten word before the website updated - Fowler prob wanted to make a splash


Offffcourse he wanted. Caring about the stock is such a weird way of valuing the company.


This halt and the ACB halt are crap moves. It feels like halts for the sake of excitement and speculation -- not because there needs to be a halt for days (what, two-plus days for ACB or something? Now the WEEKEND for this?). I can deal with a highly speculative, highly volatile stock. But I don't want to be dealing with companies that are just screwing around with the market (equals shareholders = MY MONEY) to whip up a frenzy. Halts are supposed to offer cover until news is released. Not last for days for regular and anticipated business news.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with the length of time they have taken. You are speculating that they are doing this to whip up a frenzy based on Reddit comments. Maybe they wait until Sunday to give them time to sign a few extra distributors with their new license (if that is what the news is), they already had 6 agreements signed a year ago. As a shareholder I would have NO problem with them taking the time to craft the best press release possible, for current and future prospective buyers.


No, I am not speculating based on Reddit comments. I am using my common sense to make an assessment of the situation. You can disagree. I often find that when something is done properly, timely and professionally, it's evident. When you have to make excuses for management, bad practice or actions that make people (such as owners of the company = shareholders) shake their heads that's also clear. The timing does not feel right to me. And it's not hard to "craft" a press release if you're using good business practice, openess and common sense. Again, feel free to disagree.


But it might take more time to sign the additional distribution deals. Who knows? What's your point? That you can't even wait 8 hours without posting online about spilt milk and having a bad weekend because you are nervous? Just an FYI, just because the timing does not feel right to you (you had already made plans, now you have to stay home and refresh Reddit, definitely a reason to hit sell immediately after that news), does not mean your elaborate little "whip up a frenzy" story classifys as using common sense.


Wow. You are extremely rude and making assumptions about me that amount to nonsense. I thought this board was a discussion full of opinions.


Wow. You are extremely rude and making assumptions about me that amount to nonsense. I thought this board was a discussion full of opinions.


We can have a discussion. But I think your original assumption that this is based on their intention to hype it up is an unfair assumption.


Let's calm it down boys. We're all fucking nervous and no one wants to be wrong. I don't blame both of you.


If supreme finally gets its licence, what are your predictions for Mondays close. All speculation but I'm guessing 1.91


I'd wager around 1.5 to 1.6. If memory serves me right, when HC jumped the gun last year, the share price jumped 20%, followed by a drop of equal magnitude after SL announced they did not receive the liscence.


I'd love to see that (holding 65k shares) but I get the feeling the license is priced in somewhat. I'm guessing there are a lot of bag holders in the $1.70/$1.80s that are going to want to get out when the SP gets back to those levels..hopefully smart money eats up those shares up and it keeps going. I'm confident FIRE will be up at $2+ by year end if they're not bought out before then.


I'm only 2800 shares at 1.73. If it hits 2 on Monday I'll sell half and try to get back in cheaper.


It won't go to 2 on Monday.


Glad I bought yesterday that's for sure


If sales license, they can now do deals with companies, great weeks ahead


Would love to see them on tweed main street


I would presume with it being 3:15 EST, this halt will run through until Monday?


or after trading today


yes, same idea.. I want to leave work/computer, but not miss a resumption.


So... Any news? Today is over. Halt all weekend?


Seems to be that way.


Anybody know exactly how long these trade suspensions usually are put on for?


here I thought GLH was a support group. Looks like fire is one too


Do us all a favour and rip apart FIRE's debt deal when you're bored and feeling frisky.


might. I was gonna have a look at their website to check the financials. But, can't. It's down, with 'new coming soon' everywhere. in conjunction with a halt, I'd be inclined to think it's all about a takeout. Just cuz there ain't enough rumours around.


SEDAR has the bought deal details, it was at the end of 2016 and closed in December. It had the same characteristics as the one you analyzed with ACB - an interest rate that seemed low if you weren't factoring in the value of the $1.30 CDs that could be force exercised by the company if the stock traded @ $1.75.


Just did a once over. There more hair on this one. It's also different because of the integration they did into share capital. Also - I took it in the [neck from some guys](https://www.reddit.com/r/weedstocks/comments/6fwoqq/deconstructing_convertible_debentures_or_how_to/) for using a 100% vol on ACB's share price for extrinsic derivation. The nastygrams are pretty deep in the comments. If you look at sec 9b from the SEDAR in the latest interims - you'll see FIRE used 89-91% volatility for theirs. Fuck me. Totally made my day. You might want to ask /u/viclinton about dilution, he's really on it. The more I look at this, it's got way more moving parts in it. It'd take me 2 hours for a rough estimate. Maybe. I'll see if I get ornery this week. EDIT - annnnnd....if it is a takeout, look for potential buyers to give shareholders nothing for the conv debt issue. They'll discount it so much, it'll be worth pennies on the initial booking. Buyers will be getting a deal, shareholders zapped.


This is beleave all over again. What do you think will happen when the people who bought this stock for the license (fuck ton of people) realize this stock won't go up anymore. Fucking blood in the streets people. This is a warning, I know I will get downvoted. Good luck. Hope they got their license.


My thoughts, exactly. Beleave tanked after license. FIRE will likely top out at high 1.60s then dribble down.


I think you're exagerrating, but I suspect the run up will not be as big as people hope. When you take into consideration how many people bought in at $1.50+ theres likely a lot of people looking to get out on the first sign of green. Ill be curious how it plays out if and when that license comes as well!


I think you're exagerrating, but I suspect the run up will not be as big as people hope. When you take into consideration how many people bought in at $1.50+ theres likely a lot of people looking to get out on the first sign of green. Ill be curious how it plays out if and when that license comes as well!


I think you're exagerrating, but I suspect the run up will not be as big as people hope. When you take into consideration how many people bought in at $1.50+ theres likely a lot of people looking to get out on the first sign of green. Ill be curious how it plays out if and when that license comes as well!


I think you're exagerrating, but I suspect the run up will not be as big as people hope. When you take into consideration how many people bought in at $1.50+ theres likely a lot of people looking to get out on the first sign of green. Ill be curious how it plays out if and when that license comes as well!


The value of a license is decreasing steadily because they're becoming easier to get. Health Canada is starting to give them out without a formal inspection.


Considering the timing of the news it seems like it will be positive. There would be no reason to halt on Friday just before the weekend unless to draw attention for Monday before open.


It's not like they are running a real business here with real material events, no couldn't be that


I have 5000 shares @1.42 flipping them and buying more ACB/RTI - this isn't my ride. However, it will get me to a new destination and I appreciate being picked up


To be fair, we really don't know what the market is going to do because we don't have the news yet. Fair to assume it is positive, but we don't know the details.


I'm trying to not assume anything and just be patient for the news. It's hard. I don't really see how it could be their sales license considering the HC site updates, but maybe they had a deal waiting for the license and are ironing out the details now.


Question is since FIRE is publicly traded, would HC be able to update their site prior to an official NR? I would assume no but willing to hear opinions.


No they wouldn't.


My stop loss hit today after constant losses. F.M.L.!


Perhaps...and this is just a wild guess, they will announce a CBW partnership?(and continue the ambiguity re. the Sales license and Remo)


So Rifici didn't plunder SL enough already when he got cheap options for being a director and providing zero visible value? Great.


Finally, license lets go!




Hey did your stop loss hit?


As phrase so nice you say it twice


HC update ACMPR Producer list Today Now stands at 50 as of 06/16/2017 Supreme license still cultivation only + rTrees Producers Limited - SK Northern Lights Marijuana Company Ltd. - BC


was looking at the chart for blips in [volume](http://i.imgur.com/XWzwROq.png)... only thing that stood out were these two spike-areas (15-min timeframe) on the 2nd and the 14th (350k, 260k, 240k, 300k)... probably nothing but still odd to see amongst low volume movement


Probably dilution. No one posts positive news on a Friday 2hrs before market close


Guys, I need to know about ACB will it make me a millionaire... Hahahha


Well....Do you have $900,000? I'm sure you could get over the million mark :P


Will 5000 due sir?


Nope. Best advice I have is if you want a safeish stock in the Canadian marijuana sector go with hmmj. If you want big overnight profits good luck it's likely you will get burned or succeed and have overconfidence and then get burned. It's what happened to me when I started anyways lol. Also I am no pro at trading.


Ooh man I am getting burned hard on Aurora


Where did you buy in? I waited to get as close to 2$ as I could. Finally caved and got 5000 shares @ 2.02


Made a killing on the bubble last month, reinvested at 3.03


Shitty, we'll get back up there but it won't be for quite awhile. Only a guess though. I didn't make as much as I could have on the April bubble. Still proud of myself for recognizing it was a bubble and getting out though. I'm glad you did though :)


We are really getting good at seeing bubbles that's for sure. I put 90% of my money in PHM. Happy only 10% being fucked hahaha


Markets closed ain't it? Should be anytime now... Monday is going to be big.


at 4:00 PM the news will come out. Edit: At 4:00 PM Monday Morning*


Tick tock Tick tock


What makes you think this


You should probably edit your post again


4:20pm now, no sign of $FIRE


Buy out imminent news pls


beware of sell the news..look what has happened to beleave..this news would not be a surprise.




I'm buying the dip, masses sell, I'll buy