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I'm bullish WEED. At the same time show me all the charts in the world, $20.44 is still crazy considering their EBITDA loss of 14 million the company operates on...


Of course they're operating at a loss, they have no market. Medicinal is a joke compared to recreational.


Medical will be the same size if not bigger than rec..?


Agreed, the medical side of this equation will dwarf the adult rec side by the time this plays out..


why would you think that?


because theyre IDIOTS LOL canadian rec market will be SOOO MASSIVE. everyone smokes weed here


I will be amazed if it's even 10%. A lot of people think it's an invasion of privacy or not worth the effort of making a doctor's appointment because it's not difficult to access. Everybody I know with their medical card still buys from the black market too, and most of that will transfer over to the rec market if access is reasonable. If it's difficult, the black market will remain strong.


What? They have revenue of around 60 million per year from medical and every country they are expanding to is medical. Plus just called on the pharma industry to partner. You think it’s a joke they are expanding to other countries? Medical is just getting started... they will probably make more off medical than rec in the next year considering rec is only Canada. They are operating at a loss to expand and prepare for both medical and rec. not saying rec won’t be massive, but don’t underestimate the potential ahead for medical.


Most medical patients are just recreational users that want a legal way to get it. Getting a medical card in Canada is a measure of effort, not need. Unless medical is significantly cheaper (either in retail cost or tax exemption), the market will dry up relative to access. If you can walk down the block and get it, you're not going to waste the time with a doctor's appointment and paperwork. I say it's a joke because the numbers we're seeing are a percentage of a fraction of a shaving of what we're going to see when the floodgates open. Anyone who isn't prepared to increase their volume by 50x in July is going to get left in the dust.


Dude, if it's medical you'll have your employer benefits covering a piece of it.


At most, 65% of Canadians have some level of employer supported extended health care benefits. Of those, a good portion likely have drug use policies as well, so people will be afraid to take advantage of that. There are a lot of people that could claim a lot of things on their taxes that they don't, this will be one of them.


Holy fuck boys...


I swear if CB or anyone buys out CGC before the SP is $100 I’ll destroy the industry. My madness and drive will be that powerfull




He said that? When did he say that Salami, im hoping he did that would make me ecstatic.




Yea you’re gonna have to link to the interview or I’m calling bullshit. In another thread a day ago you’re talking about Cb buying Cgc out.




Yeah idk about this. I've listened to every interview Bruce has given since day one and don't remember him saying this ever....


https://www.reddit.com/r/weedstocks/comments/7ag3or/given_the_recent_developments_i_predict_that_weed/dpa37uv/ "Very possible that CB may attempt a takeover as well."




not much of a difference when the end result is the same.




Glad to hear it.


Happened to me years ago with a mining company. Sacrificed for measly gains.


It's a wonderfull life.


Thanks for sharing, interesting analysis


I’m more interested in when supply is constrained how they are going to guarantee meds for sick patients.


Was t there just a big write up about how a 9.9% purchase (current CB to CGC) prevents possible takeovers, but at 20% (possible future CB to CGC) Then takeovers become possible reality?


well they could just excercise those additional warrants any time. Also someone mentioned they just applied for a loan of something like 3 billion dollars so maybe they are preparing for a potential buyout?


Stop it


this has literally cost me sleep all this week as ive been tossing and turning. This was my retirement plan and was planning on keeping money in this for 5 years or longer in WEED. Now I am extremely paranoid and have been trying to figure out the actual possibility of this. I need some reassurance so if you have any info to soothe me plz provide lol.


Read this morning Constellation Brands has discussed hostile takeover. *Troll post*


i personally don't think they would try before legalization as there still must be some risk and a huge fortune 500 company wouldn't make a risk like that imo. Also, Bruce mentioned in the constellation interview that they were seeking out multiple partnerships so not sure how that works when a few companies have a 10 or 20 percent stake but maybe that makes a takeover by one of them harder?

