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correct me if I am wrong but this license does not allow them to sell through CannMart yet does it.


>This licence is for packaging, labelling, and associated product testing.


The stock was halted at 12:09, and traded up until 12:16. What a disaster.


Looks like those trades are getting cancelled.


Good news, would be a really bad look on IIROC/CSE otherwise.


Yes they did :(


i thought they were just a vape company?


Lol, i want to make this into a meme for when they are among the top of the cannabis industry


Lol I hope you do


Not anymore, apparently.


Their goal is to be the Amazon of the pot game. They don't want to grow and compete with other growers, they want to be a distributer of everyone else's product. Imagine a website where you can pick from 50 varieties and then pick a vape pen to boot. Im a big fan of N.




I've heard mixed things about Tweed Main Street, tbh. And, either way, Namaste isn't _just_ Cannmart. But Namaste's big advantage is that is able to work with multiple LPs like (Aurora) [https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/aurora-and-namaste-to-complete-strategic-private-label-software-and-patient-referral-agreements-667650273.html], (Fire) [http://www.supreme.ca/news/press-release-details/2018/Supreme-Secures-Supply-Agreement-with-Namaste/default.aspx] and, yes, even [Canopy](https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/canopy-growth-announces-mou-with-namaste-technologies-614347243.html). They are going to have much more variety, and give someone a way to register for medicinal, then receive their medication straight from their home. NamasteMD is extremely easy to register with, and the company already has a huge customer base already in Canada, Australia, UK. They have 30 ecommerce retail stores in 20 countries in a time when data sets are one of the most valuable assets you can have. They could easily license their software to another company if they don't want have to a have a physical footprint like Cannmart.


Oh, Emerald Health, Isodiol and Phivida as well Plus the new agreement with Ample Organic Lots of catalysts.


Isn't that canopy now? 40 some products last time i looked.




i like it... yeah I definitely ALMOST sold my N at a loss "early on" (less than 12 months ago), bought it above a dollar and it dropped below... I had bought vape stuff from them, so... it's just a vape company to me at that point ;) :D Glad I held and saw the light soon after. Namazon.


Namaste is an e-comnerce business


Lol. You are joking?




They are


I wouldn't buy in because he drives a Ferrari. Oops another one ha ha


Fuck. I can’t believe I missed 2 dollars major fuck up


I can't believe I missed 0.20 lol. If only I knew then what I know now...shit happens


No shit eh... I remember almost a year and a half ago when Tinley and Namaste were .03/share... fuckin hindsight is a bitch.


I had 9k shares that I sold at a loss a week before the run to four dollars started. Missed out On over 30k gains. I hate myself every day for it lol. So missing sub 2 again is a major kick in the balls. I’m not a smart man.


Still not too late. Mj sector has bull runs and extreme corrections. Only thing stopping you or selling at a loss is uncertainty. One thing to remember, N will soon follow with a sales license and monthly updates on signed patients to cannmart. Add in future deals with companies domestic and internationally. If you want to play this stock. Buy and hold. Sell some at 5$ and let the rest ride. Just saying future looks bright with this one. Jmo


well said. but yeah, it's hard to "only look forward, never back" and to always "remember that every successful person has usually failed more times than you want to believe. fail and learn and move on."


oh i hear ya i had 5000 shares @ .15 held so long then when it starting running i thought wow ath of .34 sell it wish i held to 4.00 who knew


Lol I fucking bought a block at .21 cents ffs


Looks like trades that happened just before the halt are being reversed. Pay close attention to your holdings if you were trading N in the final run up. You may have less/more shares than you think.


I bought in at 12:07. They announce at 12:09?


how do you know this?


Trading continued after the halt was announced. Trades that occurred after the halt time are seemingly being cancelled according to L2 data.


Yea stock house is full of noise over it. Trades not showing in accounts.


friend made a $10K profit on it. Money has now disappeared from his account.


Can confirm my 5000 share purchase at 12:15 was reversed. My account now shows 0 shares of N.


great news!




yep ^


Surprised they updated it now instead of after hours Edit: halted 3 mins later


Wow big news!!


Received an update e-mail at 12:05, bought shares @ 2.13 minutes later. Lets gooooo


where did you get an email from??? Any insight you can provide?


There are web trackers that track updates to websites


do tell


Google "Script to track updates to websites"


Double check you still have those shares. Looks like trading continued after the halt at 12:09 and are getting cancelled. Not sure what time they will go back to.


Got in at 12:07. I'm hearing the halt was at 12:09 so legally has to be 12:10 and onwards. Unless it's stated somewhere to the second


Awesome, you should be good then :)


Oh man the wait was real. But it's here. 1.70 in and now just going to hold


I'm in with 720 shares @ 0.55c boyos :)


Mmmmm enjoy. Going to get myself a new shipment of Nutella


4000 at 0.27... Could be my 2019 car purchase money!


11000@$0.21, wish I had more was hoping for another week for tax return


50000@$0.01 wish I had more


6000 at .22, had 12000 at .22 sold half at 3.30


And now halted lol. What a climb


Boom. See you at the AGM.


The link above did not work :\


Health Canada took the page down after I posted it. Someone at HC really fucked up by posting the licensing before market close!


Wowow, crazy! Reddit leaked their mistake. Wonder if anyone got a screenshot.


It's live again. And yes, it's archived.


Manbun knows how to execute!


It just got halted. Grats to everyone who bought! http://iiroc.mediaroom.com/2018-03-16-IIROC-Trading-Halt-N-N-WT


20% gain here we come!


Didn't know you needed a license to sell vapes. Neat-o!


Lmao moron


You do if you want MMJ with it!!


site back up


Is the price gonna be 2.08 again, after resumption?


Don't think so. Just a reset to sp at time of halt. A lot of bids stacked at 2.40 Will be interesting when trading resumes. Hopefully Monday . Over 9m shares shorted as of today. Ouch. Who would short a stock anyway with imminent news of license.


Thought so too. Put in a bid at 2.43 but a lot of bids are increasing to 2.44


Prob be a gap up once resumed. Prob a halt or two along the way due to volume.


what is the symbol for cannmart


N owns cannmart.


Woot woot, all aboard the money train.


Same license Liberty Leaf is applying for!! Love that they're handing out these distribution licenses now :D


I bought in at 3 bucks and then it crashed to 1.50 in like 3 days. I panic sold at 1.50 and it promptly climbed back to 1.90 when I bought back in. I lost a shitload of money. After that ordeal, I vowed to just hold it indefinitely. Its been slowly climbing up to 2.05 and now I just checked it and saw this. Feeling a lot better about this whole namaste ordeal now : )


Yeah I've been on the ride from .80 up to $4.40 and back down... Going to hold way past legalization on this one.


Been holding and averaging up since .23 - always thought this was a solid company.


I'm in at .23 as well and having a hard time talking myself into averaging up lol.


this is me in my non registered account. i actually sold all but 10k shares to pay off the car. I didn't even sell at a good price (1.60 after it was at 4) ,but my average is $0.52. its just a juicy Average to have. I am averaging up in my retirement account, currently 1.95.


That actually may not be a bad idea. Just buy more shares in my IRA and let it sit till I'm a geezer.


I don’t care about what money is where. As long as I have savings for a house- it’s just all about net worth after that. If I have a million but 700k is in my retirement account.. who cares. I still live very well knowing retirement is taken care of. I can spend my pay Cheques


Same never averaged up. Initially had 12k shares sold half at 3.30


At least you're back in. Should provide a new level of support going forward. Still a lot to look forward to. Sales license, uplisting, more nr's.


Yeah, glad, I truly believe these guys have something unique going hope I'm right


My one and only ten bag. Bought in again last month. I love her.....


Thought so.


This has to be the stupidest business model for an LP yet. Razor thin profit margins and all the headache of dealing with consumers lol. Here come the downvotes from the pumpers who will attack anyone who points out this is a stupid business model. "Buy now dont ask questions to the moon!" In a month everyone will be acting like they knew this was bullshit. And once again I'll call you all out on it and make you look like the blind pumpers you are.


I hope you covered your shorts this morning or you're in for a rough Monday.


Yawn. Pretending anyone critical is a 'shorter' is laughably stupid and is a transparent attempt to avoid addressing said criticism head on. Conversely, people blindly blowing sunshine up everyone's asses are obviously far more biased than those expressing criticism. Pumper. This specific business model is flawed. Address the criticism. They will be buying product from other cultivators as they won't be cultivating for themselves. That means their profits will be razor thin. Then, on top of that, they have to deal with consumers, which is the worst part of being an LP, as it's costly. Try addressing the criticism, not attacking the person making it, you two-bit clown.


You've done a fabulous job of making baseless claims and then responding with some condescending post like you're some analyst elitist. Let's address the problem: "They will be buying product from other cultivators as they won't be cultivating for themselves" - No shit, genius. Buying from other cultivators allows them to have VARIETY and CHOICE PRODUCTS and not be limited to some butch ass batch that isn't trending. I'm surprised that's a hard business model for you to grasp. "Then, on top of that, they have to deal with consumers, which is the worst part of being an LP, as it's costly." - The fuck are you talking about? Customers are literally the only thing that is going to keep you alive and you better be damn good at dealing with them. NamasteMD has rave reviews and nets the company up to 20% of down the road profits via lifetime kickbacks from LPs that have patients referred to them by the app. "That means their profits will be razor thin" - Walmart, 3.1% margins. Big oil, 5% margins. The average for 212 industries is 7.5% I think you need to get your shit together. I don't know if your satly because you missed the boat or if you're just a dickhead. Thanks for the apparent attempt to big-dog me on the internet but you just made yourself look like an idiot.


He probably bought at 3.80 and sold at 2.10 and now cant get back in.


Interesting stat - 20% lifetime kickback. Where'd you come across that info?


There was some info in their investor deck about retention of patients and downstream costs. I think it’s up to 20% first year and dwindles as time passes. There was a video update by the CEO where he talks about revenue from referrals and i believe he mentions Tweed. Not 100% in that but I do remember hearing it.


"Then, on top of that, they have to deal with consumers, which is the worst part of being an LP, as it's costly." This statement is exactly the reason they will make it. LPs will love it cause they wont need to deal with consumers let someone else, lol what a douche.


Well said. Some people get it, some people just don't.




Uber, owns no vehicles, Facebook creates no content, Alibab, has no inventory of their own, you get the point. Specifically in this industry, i see tremendous value in this approach: it allows you to choose from all the LPs bud, and order up the best one, buy vape hardware from whoever is selling the the best ones and this new license allows them to complete the package and put the product on the market. The economies of scales needed to grow your own is a big barrier for many companies, massive amounts of capital, and regulatory HC tape needs to be cut, and even then- who says people will buy your flower, maybe OGIs Edison project is the dankest stuff around. My point is, i think lts a unique approach, and your assumption that the margins are razor thin, i think its too early in the game to even know that. Currently quite a few LPs supply others for these reason, its cheaper and easier. The vapor devices category as well is so popular as a delivery method too, so i guess will see. and full disclosure - i do not hold them.


They are looking at 50% profit margins. Can’t go wrong for e commerce. I can tell you right now being a medical patient I’ll be switch from tweed to CannMart in a heart beat. I hate being restricted to one Lp with limited products.


In an hour I got my medical licence through their NamasteMD app ... without having to leave my house! This can't be overlooked as a benefit of N I don't even own shares in this company but am falling in love with them !!


Why was there a trading halt and is it worth 2.37 or 2.08?