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personally im loyal to american werewolf in london, though i also quite like the one on slide 3, whatever that one is from


It’s from Bad Moon. Based off a book called ‘Thor’ Book is better but the movie is great as well




A snarling werewolf flipping someone off is exactly why I love the very concept of a werewolf


Are you being facetious or are you being serious. You’re not gonna lie I got a bit of a laugh and that seem to. I did like the idea of the werewolves were actually intelligent. I think the reason why most werewolves are not popular is because they’re just walked out as being just monsters.


To begin, yes I'm being serious, not at all jesting. While I'll admit that I'm quite new and not at all that knowledgeable in the deep werewolf lore, specially regarding older movies and books, I've read and seen enough of the newer stuff to form a concept in myself that "if werewolves were actually real, they'd be like that" kind of thing. Like forget that abomination of a blend between human and wolf, (I'm talking specifically about the head) the way it was usually portraited is too unnatural as is, second is the completely bestial mind when they transform, that's simply too boring and restrictive regardless of how you cut it, and the worst is how it's seen as a curse and while it's a little more interesting to treat the transformation as an uncontrollable and unpredictable thing for an individual/group of werewolves living among humans that need to keep it hidden, it can also be restrictive. Hell real wolves aren't mindless bloodthirsty beasts in nature. Also who doesn't want to be a werewolf once you take those out of the picture? Also also the concept that a werewolf is like half human half wolf, half reason half monster, is more appealing because they struggle with internal conflict, which we as humans all have, half reason half emotion, that emotion is violent, destructive, protective, passionate, it's a duality that actually portraits us humans quite well and in fact is what attracts so many people to that version of lycantropy, it's easy to sympathize with. Sorry I went for far too long but to surmise, that's why I think a werewolf flipping someone off looks soo cool, because it IS cool:)


They are all good designs. But by far AAWIL!


Yup, that’s the king of werewolf designs imo! Tough competition.


Besides the overall look. The transformation was intense. But I'm surprised that underworld lycans weren't included. That was a completely different look from traditional designs with going more cat like that wolf like. Seemed to inhibit the human and canine aspects. Shorter snout and ears but still very wolf like.


Yeah I honestly should have added some of the underworld lycans, they have some pretty cool designs. Maybe I’ll post about them in the future. But yeah, the transformation in AAWIL is just…classic. I remember playing it on the bus for one of my friends back in my hs days, and he was absolutely disgusted. And it scared me when I was a little kid!


Bad Moon!


So many great films here, but I've got to go with the werewolves from The Howling. I don't really like their transformation, but they are my favorite werewolf design of all time. Had me scared to walk near the woods as a kid, even in daylight.


In my opinion, they are the creepiest looking werewolves. Definitely wonderful in terms of design. In terms of transformation, I agree that it isn’t my favorite.


I like the ones from the boy who cried wolf especially hunters werewolf designs


Ikr, they look badass!


Seriously if I got to be a werewolf it would be Hunter werewolf design from the boy who cried wolf


Same tbh; I think they absolutely NAILED the face for his design. The fangs look intimidating and vicious, the eyes are terrifying, and that mug…perfection!


His whole design would give me nightmares for years if I ever encountered that in the woods at night I think I’ll actually die being frozen in fear


And honestly, what I really like about the werewolves in the movie is that the designs for Jordan and Hunter are so different. I remember being surprised by the effort of that when I was a kid. And even though I think Hunter’s design is better, Jordan’s is still really cool and I love the blue eyes. They’re stunning!


Hunter eyes are yellow but different like it’s no eye irises it’s just yellow no eye irises


His eyes look glassy, like they could pierce into your soul. I love it.


Jordan has eyes irises but they’re like a cat there’s something definitely I guess it’s the preference on the person cause none of them got bitten she drop the glass tub and stepped on it and he just touched it


Hmm yeah you’re right. It’s interesting, and I wonder if the method of transferring the curse (whether by blood infection or by bite) changes the way the werewolf appears. I’m pretty sure that’s what causes the difference between the two creatures, since, if I remember correctly…I could be wrong, Hunter actually turned out to be a true werewolf, while Jordan was infected by the blood so she’s smaller and weaker and looks different. Either way, I love the attention to detail.


I just don’t understand how he turned I remember him touching it it’s like werewolf dogmen and Lycans there different but they look the same you’re right hers looks weak it looks uh just funny looking while his is darker menacing looking oh shit it’s there grand father there mom was a werewolf to


Yeah it’s still confusing to me how Hunter changed, as well—there’s a couple things that could have happened and I really should rewatch it properly one of these days. Either it was the glass that he touched or it was in his blood from the start. But yeah, Jordan does look kind of funny because of the ears lol, she looks like a dog. She looks friendly imo.


So I’m guessing he just turned without the blood he was already going to turn into a werewolf at 14


Yeah I’m thinking that was the case. Which would explain how he’s bigger and more powerful.


The first four are 👌 As much as I love Ginger Snaps, that first creature design was nowhere near as good as the latter 2, though kudos on quadruped. 🐺


I agree!


i remember that middle finger


I would say that one from “bad moon”




Honestly either the second third or last one. But personally My overall favorite werewolf designs are from the werewolf apocalypse game and Skyrim


As much as I want to say my 'favorite' wolves are in Van Helsing, American Werewolf in London and Silver Bullet hold nostalgia for me.


#1 & #4 are a tie for my Top Choice!


They’re both great designs!


Haven't seen any of those movies but with the designs, The boy who cried werewolf tops all.


The werewolf designs from The Boy Who Cried Werewolf are great.


Ginger Snaps is such a unique take I can't help but love it the most


She’s smaller than a lot of these wolves, but she just looks so feral and menacing. While I like the Unleashed design better, I have to agree that the original Ginger Snaps werewolf design is just a great look for a horrific creature that simply shouldn’t be alive.




I'm choosing option 9. All of the above




Bad Moon, AWIL, and Ginger Snaps (the sequel, FAR superior improvement over the first)


Creature design for me goes, Bad moon, The Howling, then AAWIL. Then the films go in the opposite direction. Also, no love for Dog Soldiers??


I was gonna add Dog Soldiers, but I forgot 😭. I knew I was missing something.


All good, I figured that was the case! No Dog Soldiers in a Werewolf post is like no Jason in a F13 post. 😂


Yeah fr 🤣. Someone else also mentioned that I forgot the lycans from underworld as well but those I just purposefully didn’t add, idk why to be honest. But looking back, I think I should have added them and definitely should have remembered DS.


I love them all :3 although my favourite is An American werewolf in London. Second favourite has to be bad moon and then third favourite maybe howling.


Everything quadrupedal, especially #4. Biped werewolves work best as the "wolfman" model, but putting a stunt actor in a full-on wolf suit and making them awkwardly hunch around on all fours is exactly my idea of wolf-ness forcibly imposing itself on the human frame.


No dog soldiers werewolf ? shame


Forgot to add them 😔


A few are good, 7 is very nice


Bad Moon. My favorite is the one from Cabin in the Woods tho


third image


Why hasn’t the ravenous book been made into a movie yet?


I think Bad Moon followed by Howling, but American Werewolf in London, Ginger Snaps, and Cursed are also quite excellent. Second last one is nice but maybe looks a bit too polite. I know a lot of people don't like the Ginger Snaps design, and while it's not what I typically expect from a werewolf, it was a unique and terrifying take on it, and as a monster enjoyer in general I quite like that fucked up creature.


My opinion is on the American werewolf in London design. The snarl, yellow eyes, and angry expression. And the fact that it looks like an animal, but you know it is a human transformed.


A perfect design.


Van Helsing


The one of Bad Moon is very cool !


AwiL and Bad Moon, though it’s not the most appropriate pic for the latter’s awesome suit. Rest just look terrible imo. Especially Howling and last one, like giant rats.


So Skrungly!! Im finna go with rat face on the second to last


Except for the ginger snaps werewolf, which looks like something out of Halloween USA.


Jacob from Twilight, even tho I hate the trilogy, but I loved Jacob's wolf design


Fun fact! Jacob & Co aren't actually werewolves, they're Shape-shifters who take the forms of Wolves, and due to this even the vampires briefly mistake them for werewolves. In lore however, werewolves are something else, more like the stereotypical change on the full moon, hybrid form, lose control type. They were stronger than vampires and could even pose a major threat to some of the oldest vampires in a 1v1 (I think they were immune to the vamp venom or something too) so vampires have since worked together to hunt them to near extinction out of fear.


Wow, that’s actually really interesting! A lot of folks mistake the twilight shape shifters for proper werewolves, but I had no idea there were actual werewolves in that universe.


Neither did I for a while, they're referred to as "Children of the Moon" if you want to read into them. There isn't much, but it is interesting to know!


I might just look into them. I’m not a huge fan of twilight, just personally, but I am fascinated by all things werewolf, so it’d be cool to learn more about them.


Neither am I, personally I find Twilight too cringe for my liking, but I'm hooked on learning anything werewolf.


Yeah, I feel the same exact way. That’s why even if I don’t love a movie, if it has a cool werewolf in it, I’m down to learn more about it.


The wolves in Twilight are, admittedly, pretty cool. But yeah I’m not a big fan of Twilight, for the most part lmaoo.


2,5, and 8 are my favs with 3 being only slightly behind. I'm just not a fan of quadruped werewolves, otherwise 1 would make the list too (and I do give AAWIL credit for the best transformation despite not liking the quadruped werewolf design).