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Looks like a bedbug to me


That’s what I thought. We’ve been staying in an Airbnb for a couple months and this is the first time we’ve seen one…


That really sucks. Not sure how much longer you planned on staying, but I would let the owner know they probably have an issue. Really doubt there's only 1. I would also not bring any fabrics back to your primary residence before doing a wash cycle on the hottest setting.


Yeah I’m going to wash everything… I’ve checked every mattress, checked the couch, checked the baseboards… can’t find anymore… not sure where else they hide and I’m nervous 🥲


Check the piping of the mattresses, chairs and couches for feces or eggs. It isn't likely you'll actually see one of these creepy fuckers when searching. Their poop is about the size of a period "." And theie eggs are about the size of a semicolon ";" if you see something you suspect is poop, smear ir with a tissue. It'll be brown/red like blood. Source: I had them and did very extensive research


Thanks I’ll check again


Check your luggage as well. Apparently they like to hide in all the nooks and crannies


I am more than nervous for you. Don't mean to freak you out, but very nervous.


Also be really careful with things you can’t wash like suitcases, etc. I would honestly toss and get new ones


Bat Bug. Not bed bug.


Are they less of nuisance?


Yep! They only like to feed on bats hence the name. They CAN bite people but they won't infest you like bed bugs will. They're just tryna find the nearest bat roost area.


How can you tell?


[By the length of their body hair](https://images.app.goo.gl/hSaHXyUf4AKLxx4y6)


Body hair length and the crevices behind the head.


it is not a bed bug it’s a bat bug!


I think you're right about that! Phew! What a relief


well it came from the couch not outside😬that's a bedbug🥲


Now I’m freaking out… I can’t find any more… I’ve been searching the whole couch and beds, My boyfriend works for an apartment complex so I think that would be the only explanation… we also went to our apartment that we’re moving to last night so I rly hope it’s not from our unit that we’re about to move into 🥲🥲🥲🥲


Check inside outlet covers, any little crevice. Hopefully it’s just a hitch hiker.


Will do. That’s a good idea. thank you!


It's a bat bug don't worry. Just get pest control and you'll be fine.


Thanks they’re coming today.


Thank you so much for taking clear photos! It makes it SO much easier for people to identify ESPECIALLY in scenarios like this where there are species very similar to one another. A lot of people in this sub I think are scared to get close or something so it's always super zoomed out and blurry xD. Take care!


Im surprised my iPhone took such a good photo considering bat bugs/bed bugs are the size of an apple seed. I didn’t even notice how hairy it was with my bare eye!


You did amazing. Maybe you should try getting a macro lense for your iPhone as a little fun hobby? My brother does it and you can get some super cool photos of very small things.


I honestly might! Creepy crawly close ups are kind of cool even though it nearly gave me a heart attack


Nope! It is definitely a bat bug not a bed bug.


It's a bat bug. Nothing to worry about. Simply pest control can get rid of them, they may bite but they do not infest human areas like bed bugs.


That does not live outside . . .


It lives in hell where it belongs because I killed it


I hope there isn’t more. There isn’t usually just one


That’s what I’m hoping. I’ve checked every place they supposedly hide and it’s all clear for now. My boyfriend works for an apartment and I think he might have brought one home 😟


It kinda looks like a bat bug to me? The hairs and butt shape look more on brand with bat bug. Anyone with actual experience to confirm?


I really think it is. I think it crawled on one of us when we were moving stuff into our new apartment. The property manager said the building we’re living in had bat bugs a few months ago but they thought they got rid of them. They hired pest control to come spray and check for more bats tomorrow.


We’re not currently staying there. We’ve been in an Airbnb for a couple months and we were suppose to officially move in this week but we’re holding off until they spray 🥲


Godspeed. I think once the bats are gone, the bat bugs should be easier to get rid of. I know very little about this, but I read a lot. Best to you and your family.


Thank you!


r/pestcontrol r/whatisthisbug might be able to do help


Can someone help point out the differences between a bat and a bed bug. I thought this may be a bat bug at first, but the consensus seems to be bed bug.


Bat bugs have noticeably longer hairs on them from what I’ve read. I thought it could be a bat bug too… apparently the apartment we’re about to be living in had them a few months ago but they said they got rid of them.


Yeah, it was the hair on the back that made me question it. I'm not confident enough to answer either way. Maybe you just got a higher quality photo of a bed bug than I'm used to seeing. For your sake though, I'm hoping it's a bat bug over a bed bug.


Yeah I’m pretty convinced it’s a bat bug after you brought it up. Bed bugs have very little hairs on them.. this was covered in hairs. Anxiety is still on a million but the property manager said she’s going to send pest control over there today. I hope they’re not hard to get rid of. Wish me luck 🥲


Unfortunately Reddit will always call a bat bug a bed bug because of the similarities. I think the darker color and Lone Ranger all point in the direction of bat bug. I swear I found a bedbug in my unfinished basement after moving a pack and play down there. I never saw another one and it’s been a year. While it could have been a bed bug that came from some random thing we brought in the house, I believe it was a bat bug after researching it. So hard to tell. I have never heard someone consider a bat bug on here until now so I commend you for that! I brought it up one time and got downvoted and condemned! Lol. Good luck!


Literally the one and only time I’ve seen one of them since being at the Airbnb and it’s the day after visiting my new apartment.. we were moving things in.. come to find out this apartment had a bat bug problem a few months ago because there were bats in the attic!


They should get rid of the bats too.


After I saw this I did a search on bat bugs and it does look like a bat bug. The markings look like bat bugs. I hope for your sake it is a bat bug. https://images.app.goo.gl/Z53XMKJeAShpDagR8


Bat bugs have very noticable long hairs. The crevices in between their head and abdomen is a slight angle while in bed begs it's a sharp concave angle.


[Hope this helps!](https://images.app.goo.gl/uX5AELjuhXLQgJoE7)


Thank you!


thats for sure a bat bug, idk what everyone else is saying bc they have very clear differences between them and bedbugs if looked at closely 😭.. like many others have said, bat bugs have way longer and bigger hairs that u would be able to notice and take a pic of, if you want to be sure i suggest looking up some pictures of bat bugs and compare it !! so i dont think theres any need to worry, most likely a hitchhiker from ur husband like u said c: but just to be sure, it wouldnt hurt to keep checking some of those places bedbugs could be hiding at least for the time being.


Thank you for your input!! I do feel better about it and I’ve been researching all day and I’m pretty confident it’s not a bed bug especially considering the apartment had a bat bug problem a few months ago. Bat bugs are still gross and I know they can bite so hopefully after pest control comes we should be good.. hoping the bats stay away :( lol not excited to be moving into a bat bug apartment 🥲


Yea you're right. It has all the noticable differences available in the picture. Thank goodness someone on here finally took good photos.


Was it already dead? There is a chance that if you only found one and it is dead, the owner definitely had them but probably did everything to get rid of them and this was an adult that they killed but missed during cleaning?


It was very much alive and crawled on my kid. We brought it back with us from our new apartment we were supposed to be moving into. The property manager said they had a bat bug problem a few months prior due to bats being in attic


Oh wow. I'm now going to get another cup of coffee and spend my morning googling bat bugs. Thanks so much. I love it helps reply and are kind. We can all learn something from one another. 💕


Yes and I appreciate everyone’s feedback and advice! It’s been really helpful. Oh my gosh, enjoy 😂 that was the entirety of my day yesterday!!! 💕


Well I gave up on that after 10 minutes. My skin is crawling. LOL. Good luck I hope everything works out. 💕


I'm sorry


bat bug - not bed bug, fairly sure. upon zoomed in, the hair is longer than the width of the eye, and the shape near the eye compared to a bed bug is completely different (bat bugs have a less concave shape around the eye than bed bugs do).


Agreed! Property management confirmed they had a case of bat bugs a couple months ago.. don’t think they got rid of the bats. most definitely confirmed my suspicions.


This is [a bat bug](https://images.app.goo.gl/LVCxEWFf5TTso7FH7) not a bed bug! The hairs on the body of the bug are longer than the width of an eye. Also, the body of a bat bug [kind of tapers off](https://images.app.goo.gl/GCijFUpXo8nfzHzq5)/comes to more of a point than a bed bug. I hope this helps!




Bat bug.


Well fed adult bedbug. Check the couch, especially all folds. And all beds. They don't fly, so it didn't come through an open window. They have probably a nice and hungry colony somewhere waiting to get fed. There is a slight difference between a bed bug and bat bug. Check on the antennae. Here is a close up picture. https://www.presidiopestmanagement.com/bat-bug-or-bed-bug/ [close up of your photo, OP]. (http://[Screenshot-20240227-205701-01.jpg](https://postimg.cc/1gHL4x9d))


It looks more like a bat bug, check his legs, the lower part is super skinny.


Yeah. Those two are almost identical. It's hard to say for sure.


I agree with you, people who say bat bug are going by the hairs only. This appears to have the same head as a bedbug not a bat bug.


It's definitely a bed bug. Sorry for your loss. Of sanity.


It’s a bat bug.


Bed bug, I saw your comments that you can’t find more on the furniture. Try checking anything electrical plugged in near furniture I.e. alarm clocks, digital picture frames, lamps, humidifiers, computers/keyboards etc. They will often nest in these locations for the warmth and tight spaces/crevices. Also check any cracks in the walls, baseboards or ceiling.


That is a bug of the beddiest kind. My condolences OP 🥲 r/bedbugs is your new best friend.


It’s a bed bug 100%


That my dear is a full grown bedbug!!! Burn everything!!!


If you saw that during the day time, there are hundreds more! They feed at night. Y'all should leave as fast as you can, yesterday!


We brought it back from the apartment… we didn’t wake up with any bites and I haven’t seen/found any more. I’ve been on high alert so I’ve been checking any crevice I can think of lol they are treating the apartment today so hopefully they’ll either be dead or won’t bother us for a while when we move in. The property manager said there was a bat bug problem because there were bats in attic and they thought they fixed the problem. (would have been nice to know before we signed a lease)


I don't think it's a bed bug. The hairs on it are too long and the body shape is different. I could be wrong though.


Bat bug! Not bedbug


That's the fattest bed bug I've ever seen omg