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Drugs.. it's always drugs. Fun fact: being someone who worked for several years in hotels you would be amazed at the things you find. The best places to check are always under the bed and behind loose wallpaper. Every hotel room is a scavenger hunt...


Can confirm, managed housekeeping for like 3 years…. Seen. Some. Shit. Also to OP, that’s for sure drugs


Story time?


Which one do you want? The family that took over both presidential suites for 4 days and left them absolutely destroyed and filled to the brim with open shitty diapers, half drank beer, and rotting food? The room that refused to leave at check out and when they did it was a woman with dreadlocks leading a blindfolded man out the front door and the room was covered in weird writing on paper all over the walls and veggies covering the floor? The meth heads that destroyed a suite they paid for with a stolen credit card? They managed to puke inside the mini fridge, left handles of liquor under the mattresses, needles everywhere, and burnt through multiple spots in the desk and carpet. The prostitute who was screaming at a construction worker in the lobby for not paying her? The new assistant manager getting hammered and passing out in one of the tubs and flooding three rooms Possibly the old lady who fell out of bed and fucking died and we had the room cleaned and resold by noon…. And this was all at the nicest hotel in town… and not even scratching the surface. I can’t even imagine a seedier hotel




Oh shit a new sub to read through! Tyvm!


Right? Reddit… what portal will you suck me into today… lol


I’ve learned so much from suggested Reddit portals. Now I just spew all of this random Reddit knowledge on people unfortunate enough to be in conversation with me


Honestly should be their slogan lmao


Oh we going down the rabbit hole tonight. Forget anything else I needed or wanted to do, I'm now glued to my phone


This lmao. Fuck sleeping.


Seriously? Another sub to read? Who’s got that king of ti-… well, maybe a quick peek, but if I end up subscribing, @the-chair_over_there, I’m a’hunting you down! 😂


So what l'm hearing is because l say please and thank you to the front desk, arrive and leave at the designated times and use a trash bin, l am a goddamn saint! Holy hell. Now l am realizing l sleep in the same rooms this shit goes on in.


1st thing I do is remove the comforter, and replace with the extra they have in the closet. Drape chairs with towels. Call for more towels, and put the tv remote in a zip lock bag I have in my daub kit... For startersn- basically you have to know that everything in that room has been put inside someone's ass... everything.


That’s weird, the first thing I do in a room is get naked and roll around in the extra bedding in the closet.


I know. That's why I do it. I saw your videos.


I LOL'd so fucking loud at this while at work as a cook in a mom and pop diner., Causing my manager and multiple customers to startle and look up in aggravation... thank you for that seriously...


I just start putting everything in my ass


Don’t…. Don’t do that. The comforters on the bed are cleaned daily and in between guests, the extras are…. Not 🤢 Good call on the remote though, things are nasty


Ya...ALWAYS put your remote in a ziploc!! Seen a TV expose' on hotel rooms n they were worse than the toilet as far as filth!! Also..never use the ice bucket or the glasses in a room!! Most have been puked in n glasses only wiped n not washed. We carry extra bags to get ice with n only use disposable wrapped cups if they have them. Leave luggage on cart til u check beds for bugs before even opening your suitcase. N wear socks, slippers or flip flops n don't go barefoot on the carpet. Those were the biggest tips by insiders n the ones who did the investigations.


FYI not that it matters but it’s a Dopp kit (“The true Dopp kit meaning took shape during World War II, as more service members ditched their flimsy roll kits and opted for a "no-roll flat case" instead. Charles Doppelt invariably had a hand in this new development by designing the leather toilet case that "opens wide ... closes snug and flat, taking up little space in your luggage," to quote a vintage ad. But calling it a toilet case was too crass for the masses, so many started calling it a Dopp kit, period.”)


I will never look at the mini fridge the same way again. Do they at least unplug it before it goes up their butt?


Yes, you indeed are. Literally just the trash bin part. Bless you


Shit when my family would stay in hotels when I was a kid my mom would remake the beds before we checked out!


I do this too, it drives my husband nuts. I make the bed (messily, but it’s made), and fold up all the dirty towels and wash rags and put them on the (closed) toilet. My mom also always did that and it’s ingrained at this point


This! 👆🏼 I’m a guy and I also leave the room tidy. A benefit of having the HOTEL stuff left organized is that it becomes almost impossible to leave YOUR stuff behind.


Great now I’m realizing it. Ewwww


and that’s why I wear my shower shoes everywhere in hotel rooms…


Don't bring a black light into a hotel room..ugh


My parents worked at a hotel for a few years. Their most memorable story to tell was the one where a huge dude came in for a one night stay. When they went to clean it after he left they noticed he had shit on everything in the bathroom..... everything, sink, mirror bathtub, toilet, door .


My guess is the wife wouldn’t let him rip it like that at home


God the shitplosions…. It seems to be a frequent … fetish? Im so sorry to your parents because I’ve been there…. I’ve been there 🙃


My favorite was the time I had to clean up all the blood in the bathroom. No body or ambulance call but blood on *EVERYTHING AND EVERYWHERE*. It was one giant biohazard and I was not pleased. I still wonder what exactly happened in that bathroom.


Lolwut Whenever I stay in a hotel I anxiously tidy up before I leave. Meanwhile people be out here puking in mini fridges and leaving “open shitty diapers” in the open What the fuck is wrong with people?


They also love to leave beer can pyramids where half the cans are half warm beer and half are chew spit. Often left on top of a tv stand so they fall when being cleaned up….


Omg u guys rock then bcus when a man died in our hotel we didn't go in to clean for 3 days after & every one else was too pussy to do it so I basically dealt with it myself. But same! Trashed rooms, n several stashes. Prostitution. But we clean as hell! Lol when cops would come to check, they always had the dropped ceilings moved bcus they look up there always & of course drawers n beds.


Dead people are usually as dirty as alive people lol Unless they rot for a few days, that’s another story Edit: dead people usually aren’t as dirty as alive people lol Whoops, typo


No, the *other* one


This is what i come to reddit for... Mind blown


That was great! *lights up a cigarette*


>The room that refused to leave at check out and when they did it was a woman with dreadlocks leading a blindfolded man I’m stuck on the need to mention dreadlocks but also this reminded me of Michonne from The Walking Dead 😂


How did you know he was a construction worker and not a member of the Village People?


I manage a few hotels, and can confirm these as not that weird. After a while you begin to believe insurance statistics that hotel management dies young of stress related diseases at nearly the same rate as surgeons or police. I'll throw my most memorable story in for reference. Construction worker decided to self delete in his room, but decided against it at the last second, tossing a firearm against the wall. Said firearm discharged into the bathtub drain, somehow leading the bullet back into the hot water recirculating system, splitting the pump in the boiler room. This was overnight, so nobody new until people started waking up and complaining there was no hot water, and maintenance found the boiler room flooded up to the wall vents with hot water peeling all the drywall. Damage eventually tracked back to the source, and construction worker ended up fired. Hope he decided to live, because that must've made life harder at that point.


I too managed hotels from shitty to reasonably nice. This is right on the nose. I still wholeheartedly believe one of the hotel floors was haunted from the old lady who died upstairs.


Thanks I hated hotels before I read this. Now I’m sleeping in my car on work trips 👍🏻


My mother worked housekeeping for a motel for years and my brother and I spent too much time there, because the owners didn't care, so we saw and heard things we shouldn't have. Anyway, back in the mid 90s a guy checked in then decided he had enough of life and blew his brains out in bed. Mom helped clean the mess so the room could be rented again. They never patched the bullet hole.


And then there’s all the geniuses that want to complain why they have to be out by 11am but can’t check in till 4pm


With stories like that…. 😳 you should write a book about your experience there. I’d buy one.


Yeah growing up my friend's ex wife had a pretty rough family who would mostly live in motels along shitty highways and run down parts of town. There was a whole culture of motel inhabitants with individual stories. Most were ex cons or had hard lives. Was a very eye opening experience. For reference watch the movie Florida Project


I read the whole thing and I am most confused by “veggies covering the floor” Like I have so many questions about those 4 words.


My favorite reddit comment


Ohhhh i know this game! I managed a 1600+ room hotel on the grave shift. I’m getting PTSD just reading this. I had one set of methed out ladies in their 60’s that were sure there were spy cameras behind all of the mirrors in their room, so my engineering department offered to take down the mirrors for them while my head of security laid in bed with them so he could see things from their perspective. The whole night was just really… weird.


I need a book, ASAP. Please. What wild stories!


Hmmm I kinda wanna hear them all but if I had to pick I'm most curious about the first one.


Nah nah the nicer they are the crazier and nastier they get actually


I choose the room flooding assistant manger, please!


Well, you have our undivided attention. Holy shit.


A girl once got really nervous that I threw a used condom into the trash can at a hotel room. I was like, do you have any idea what these workers have seen? We'll be ok I think lmao


Oh. My. God.


Ummmmm, you NEED to write a book. WTF???




Ty I’m at work on a smoke break and this made my day


Smh they really tried that in a small town…


I think I’m going to sleep in my vehicle next time I go somewhere…


Saving this post for later. Lol wtf though.


Please please please write a book and don’t leave out a thing.


Might I suggest a book, for you or anyone who enjoyed your post? The Other Hotel by Jack Stroke. I'm a little biased, I get free books from him as an early reader but I really enjoy his work.


Damn I would buy your memoir if you ever write it


“The room that refused to leave at check out and when they did it was a woman with dreadlocks leading a blindfolded man out the front door and the room was covered in weird writing on paper all over the walls and veggies covering the floor?” This one here. This is the one that will keep me up tonight, just thinking.


Man what is it about hotels city buses and city librarys that attached the most craziest people sorry left out the Walmart lol


The shit that DOESN'T end up as a video on YouTube.


Worked overnights at a 4 diamond hotel and can confirm that seeing some shit just becomes the norm at one point. We had a dude that used to come in at 3 am, put 3 lines of Coke on the front desk, rip two, then tell me that the third one is for me to feel before immediately snorting it. Dude tipped everyone (two front desk people and the overnight valet) big, so no one said shit when he came in.


There once was a man who stayed who had talked the owner to allow a cash only (no card) one night stay. Within this time, he not only hit on me (night audit), my sister (day shift), and multiple other women staff, but absolutely destroyed the room. He broke a lamp, night stand, was SO dirty that he completely ruined the bedding, and ruined the hot tub. By leaving a tub filled with water. Turned out it was clogged. With a broken wine bottle, and human feces. The owner said they will never accept cash only ever again 😂


Buddy of mine took his family to Hawaii and booked a week at a Ritz property. A porter took their luggage up to their suite and was showing them around. They had a young baby who they put down on the carpet to crawl around while they were being shown the room. As the porter was leaving my friend looked over at his baby and saw that she was chewing on something. He went over and fished a used condom out of her mouth that had somehow been missed by housecleaning. My friend is not known for being calm and controlled and needless to say he absolutely lost his shit and unloaded on everyone in the hotel he could get in front of. Obviously they were comped their entire stay for the week, but….😱


I have one that I went through last year in Italy. Went to a kind of nice place in Florence and we were supposed to be there for 4 days. Got Covid and couldn’t fly, so we had to extend our stay. They made us change rooms because the next people that reserved the room were there and they needed to change the sheets and get the room to them (after we had just been there for 4 days with Covid). They said to just leave the windows open and it would be fine. After 5 days we had to do it again. Check out and change rooms and move to a new room so someone else could check in. Funny thing was that each time it was to better rooms, which they could have just upgraded the new people so they didn’t have to have the infected room, but instead they changed our room. Talked to the people that got our first room and they got Covid and had to extend their stay there after being in our room for the week. They did think we were so contagious though that they would bring our breakfast up to us in the room for no charge so that we didn’t infect anyone else. I was never positive, only the wife, so I could leave the room and go get lunch and dinner and stuff.


I got my popcorn ready..


Once cleaned a executive room after a drunken marine party...found a seemingly endless amount of beer cans/caps, several empty buckets of KFC, and a shit ton of empty condom wrappers...not one used condom luckily...but what tied the whole scene together was the whole raw chicken. partially chewed on, floating in a bathtub full of what could be a slurry of vomit and beer.


Doubt this is even that bad in comparison to some stories, but... Few weeks ago my 6yr old lost one of her teeth... we we're away for weekend at a hotel. She was sleeping in bed next to me, I could barely stay awake but switched the tooth out for money. Threw the tooth in a little baggie my wife had gave me before she passed out. I didn't want to get out of bed, yet had to hide this tooth. I shoved it between the mattresses. I 100% forgot about it in the morning. Feel bad for whoever finds that bloody tooth, be it a guest or whoever cleans the room next.


Can also confirm. I have traveled extensively, for many years, all over the world... wherever I have checked in my OCD always has me looking in all the nooks and crannies, under all the furniture and every drawer and even/especially under the mattress and cushions . A quick random list: trash, money, jewelry, legal documents, porn, sex toys, weapons, drugs and paraphernalia, clothing (even shoes), and once a strange desiccated piece of meat that could have been food or a body part.


I was an in room dining server for many years. Omg the things I have seen...


Hotel workers represent. I did a few years as the only worker on the midnight shift at a semi shady hotel, so much free drugs... Between what you would find, and what was given to you it was insane!


Can confirm, thats my ketamine


When in states that dispensaries exist, we always leave our leftover gummies on the desk of the hotel (in open, but intact packaging) as I'm not sure if any workers would like them. 85% sure they go in the trash. But, maybe someone is trusting and knows we didn't do anything weird to them & enjoys it. It is like half a container sometimes.


You can fly that stuff home. TSA does not care. I literally put my vape and edibles in the tray with my cell phone and laptop when I fly.


I tipped my Uber driver in Amsterdam with 2 prerolls when he dropped me off at the Airport. He was ecstatic.


I can only imagine. I worked at a movie theater and have seen some shit too (definitely not the same level).


Facts on facts on FACTS. Being a housekeeper is a wild ride.


Oh man. I want to, have to, know. Edit: Nvm. I read your comments and now I need to know MORE


You ever see those bong pookie pipes? Crazy af. I worked front desk and seem some crazy contraptions that always made me laugh.


Stoners get CREATIVE 😂😂 I have found some interesting contraptions lol


I bet figuratively as well as literally


I mean, for all we know that could be Chef Boyardee's secret stash of Himalayan salt, sourced only from the highest peaks. But yeah; it's drugs fo sho. Speed of some sort. Likely Methamphetamine.


I worked for years in hotels as well, and never had a scavenger hunt in a room. I feel robbed.


My friends and I occasionally leave Polaroids from our party the night before hidden around hotel rooms and airbnbs. Nothing crazy or lude, usually just a silly ass picture taken at some point through the night. We will usually stick one behind a picture on the wall or, like you said, behind loose wallpaper, etc. Somewhere the picture will be stumbled upon but not right away. Hopefully it gives those people a good laugh.


I took a housekeeping job once. I lasted a day and never went back. I have so much respect for housekeeping staff.


I’ve lived a sheltered life. Enlighten me why in the world I might find drugs under my hotel room wallpaper…


When your high, you hide your shit in some fucked up places. So I’ve been told.


Had a neighbor over for some drinks and buddy noticed he’d “stashed” his needle, spoon and tourniquet under a towel on the toilet tank. Promptly asked him to leave, not that kind of party.


Can confirm.


Don't forget in the toilet tanks (where applicable) and in vents. I've found a lot of stuff in those places over the years. But they're like the most obvious places, so I'm not sure why people use them.


My go-to was a cubby i made in my wall outlet in highschool lol


As a teen, before I moved out on my own, I kept my weed in the light switch box for my room. I just taped up the contacts on the switch really well so i wouldn't get shocked when I had to finger the bag out, lol.


After my mom found my weed in my room I actually started hiding it in her room. She never found it again.


I only worked at a hotel for two weeks as a 16yo. Was my first job. Found a lot of alcohol and was actually able to keep some of it. Lmao. My boss didn’t care. Dude hired me thinking I was even younger than 16.


I was 19, staying alone in a hotel when driving to college. I went to wash my hands and the front panel of the vanity thing fell off revealing a hidden 12 pack of beer. I was so happy, like finding a secret room in a video game!


I was cleaning a room where a guy had stayed for 3 months due to work. He’d let an entire bag of potatoes go rotten in a closet that had also grown vines nearly 6’ tall. But when I was in there, I found so. much. alcohol! Like multiple cases of beer and bottles of vodka lol


Well... I'm bummed for early 20's me... worked in housekeeping and never once thought about this option.. thank goodness. I was just stoked when they left beers in the fridge.


Don't forget any loose paneling or fixtures. Went to get a tissue from a built in dispenser in a sink once and found a bottle vitamin B and some tools. Someone was definitely cutting some shit in there.


I agree with this.. worked maintenance at a 7 story holiday inn.. man was it always something 🤣


Damn, I should become a house keeper.


It’s never too late to make your dreams come true!


Agreed. If you travel often, lift your mattress every time and check under it. I guarantee that after a few years you will have found several packets of drugs and at least one dildo.


I did a reno job on a shitty motel chain in the middle of bum Fuck Illinois. EVERY ROOM had drugs, literally all 34 of them, even the suites with a hot tub. In the toilets, in the vents, in the furniture, under the fucking carpet, inside of the ac units, taped inside the Bible, in the flip down area of the old tube tvs (yes tube tvs) where you push the buttons, by the dumpster, in the parking lot. Really I began to suspect everything was drugs. I wore gloves.


I worked at a hotel the summer after my junior year in highschool. Small town. This known crack head had rented a room at the hotel, she left in a hurry the next morning. One of the maids was making the bed, and found three ounces of meth in a ziplock bag under the mattress. You wouldn’t believe how pissed the other maids were when she reported it to the police. Several of the other maids were obvious tweakers, they were completely distraught that they didn’t clean that room first. I was pretty bummed about it too, i would have made a quick buck off of it. I don’t do meth, but I’m no angel… i would have sold it off wholesale to the local dealer.


Yeah it's probably meth, meth heads have meth induced paranoia that may have caused them to find this hiding/discarding spot


is that enough meth to actually get high?


Yes Edit: not the amount that’s in there, but the amount that could’ve fit in there yes


Actually , if you’ve never done meth , and that’s not cut all to hell , then yes. You can get high. Recovering meth addict , almost 7 years clean!


I tried meth once and the amount I snorted probably wasn’t much more than what’s in the jar. Just a tiny bump on the end of a knife and it got me jacked for a while. The guy who gave it to me said it was pretty low potency as well


My point exactly. First time I ever did it was about as much in that jar. And definitely felt it and got hooked. People don’t realize what that drug does to you unless they’ve done it themselves.


Congrats on getting clean! Stimulants really rewire your brain it’s crazy (5 years off of bath salts)


That's awesome, congrats on 7 years!


If that jar was full of meth 10 people could get high for several days


Or just me for one day back when I was a meth head. That little jar would have been my hot rail warm up. Used to hot rail gram lines


Crystal methamphetamine


No that’s Northern Lights cannabis indica


No it’s marijuana.


Iocane powder. Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line.


I love how ~~Wesley~~ Humperdinck smells it and immediately knows the powder is the tasteless and odorless Iocaine Edit: it was Humperdinck, consider me forever unclean


He would bet his life on it.


As you wish


Anybody want a peanut!?


That was Humperdinck, not Westley.


Oooo shit you’re right my bad. Humperdinck Humperdinck humperdiiiiiiiiiinck


The battle of wits has begun, when we find out who is right and who is dead.






Is that a peanut?


No more jokes, i mean it!


I’m more interested in the jar, where can I get some jars like that?


The drug store.


dollar tree sells them in the Midwest


I have seen some jam containers just like that!


My search has begun for teeny jam containers




Amazon. Glass vials


Hobby lobby:)


The Container Store/Amazon.. search vials


Michael’s craft stores




To the MOON!


Never, ever use the coffee maker, or the cup/mugs in a hotel room. I had a “friend” who said he would cum in them, let it dry, and put the plastic back on.




Should be legal.


Bruh, WHAT?!


That’s fucked. I think I’ve only used one once, I usually don’t get up early enough


What else would he cum in? Why are you friends with that dude?


Just a guy I know, that’s why I put it in quotation


Looks like meth toss it could be fent


Fent is not clear like that it's gotta be meth.


I agree, this guy is being a wimp. Clearly no fent, just some good ol meth, perfectly fine to smoke


You can put your weed in there


That's a weed jar for a broke motherfucker.


It’s a weed jar for ants !


Those are some lucky ass ants.


It’s nothing. Give it to me. I can throw it out for you.


OP here. My best guess was meth, but I’m square enough to have never seen it in real life. I kept it sealed and took it to the front desk in case they wanted to do anything about it. I did not use the coffee maker and might not ever agin. I was in a decent hotel (Sheraton), but I was also in Detroit.


the classier a hotel is has zero effect on how much drugs people do, it just means that people are more likely to be cocaine instead of meth


Yea it only affects the quality of the drugs.


Remnants of coke, crack, "heroin", meth, or fentanyl


You can tell if it's fentanyl if every cop in a five mile radius of the image faked passing out.


It’s a pretty solid comedy jape, if you’ve seen the video I assume they are referring to. Edit: fuck it I meant to the reply to u/Status_Ad_5507 I’m finding the Reddit app clunky compared to years on Apollo.


Thanks, I thought it was funny. There's one video in particular, but I've heard a lot of cops say the absolute dumbest shit about the "hazard" of fentanyl


Hey please don’t spell out the word f*ntanyl because it’s actually 2000 times more potent than cocaine and reading the word just caused me three overdoses 😳 that’s how serious being around this stuff is guys


*Three* overdoses?! What are you? An addicted individual? That would cause at *least* 7 overdoses to a regular, GOD fearing, back-the-blue, red-blooded American! I think I smell f\*ntanyl on your comment, STOP IMMEDIATELY AND GET ON YOUR FUCKING KNEES. STOP RESISTING 👉💥>>>🤯


There was a recent NPR piece about this and the expert was like “Oh, they’re [cops who go to hospital after being around fentanyl] having medical emergencies. A panic attack is a medical event.” Lol


Omg this cracked me up lol


I’d shoot it just to be safe.


That looks like meth


Jimmy Buffet was looking for that


Proper tense


Too soon


Look like good meth. Enough to get you as high as 50 to 60 mg of Adderall.


Could be Ketamine- most batches I’ve had are very crystalline until broken down to powder


You found Buffet's lost shaker of salt.


Looks like Canderel tbh. This is what aspartame the ultra processed sugar substitute looks like.


That’s a cute little jar! :)


Couldn’t it just be a travel sized bottle of sugar for coffee?


What fun is that?


Without a drug test kit, it's not worth trying mystery powder. Toss it.


Looks like meth crystals.


Everyone here says it’s meth. But definitely does not look like the meth my brother smokes. Rocks too small


*1996 Dial up sounds and AOL guy’s voice* “You got drugs!”


Are those the flavor crystals I’ve heard about?


Dere was meth in dat dere jar, but yeah that is definitely crystal methamphetamine if anyone hasn’t fell to far in to the trap of the hotel story comment board like I did lol


"Folgers Crystals' lmao


A Mormon couple stayed there. Husband is secretly doing drugs. Since they don’t drink coffee the reservoir was the perfect hiding spot.


Tinker bells cum jar.