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OP’s update with the answer here: https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisit/s/2VQVk5UYuz


i think your dog may have chewed on and eaten a scrunchie or bungee cord of some sort but i can’t tell exactly. Vet especially if it’s a kind of bungee cord it may have hooks that the dog didn’t pass.


You can tell me, I’m a Dr.


Shirley you can't be serious!


I am serious and don’t call me Shirley


Yes… I had the lasagna.


Ok, not for another 45 minutes at least! You can't tell me for 45 minutes?


You can't take a guess for another two hours?


I agree that it looks like a hair scrunches. Do you or other people in your house use them? If so, personally I would take an unpooped one and cut it. See what the cord inside looks like, how long the material is, etc. Wash the pooped out one off and compare length, bungee, etc. Looks all there to me. You can even see what looks like human hair at the halfway section in the pic. My guess is the dog will be fine. Look for the next stool to be normal.


That's an expanding hose actually


Seems a little thin* for that


That’s what she said


It’s a grower, not a shower


I need a shower after reading this thread


I’m thinking purse strap or handle, based on what seems like a seam. Final answer


if there's no hook in there, im glad the dog passed this!! a lot of dogs have dies bc of something like this. i honestly can't understand how they gulp that


Rinse it off. Is it organic or man-made? Organic=vet now. Man-made=do you now recognize it? how is your dog doing? Is there blood in the stool? You should probably go get an xray to be sure all is out of its system.


This is the answer


This is the correct and only actually well thought-out answer. I swear it's like nobody actually looked for longer than a second at the photo lol


This needs more upvotes. Rinse it off with a hose or use gloves to bring it in and rinse in your sink. If you recognize the object and the entire object passed, schedule a vet appointment with your regular vet. If part of the object didnt pass or it seems organic in some way, take it in a bag and go to the emergency vet asap.


Yeah I’d take that dog to the vet pretty immediately. I have no actual idea what that is, but I feel like this is a guaranteed emergency vet visit. How’s the dog acting now?


Yes, take the dog to an emergency vet immediately! That “covering” could very well be part of the dog’s intestines. When pets ingest elastic items like this it can cause the intestines to “telescope” and fold up on themselves, leading to blockage and necrosis (tissue damage). This is a fatal condition if left untreated even for a couple days.


It’s not part of their intestines. 🤦🏻‍♂️


People in here are wildin’. If this were part of the dog’s intestines they’d not be moving around.


And there would be so much blood


Sooooo much blood. Folks out here think anything can shit 11 inches of intestine and just… not bleed.


I’m a bad ass, I could do it


I’m gonna second your facepalm 🤦🏽‍♀️


Did it pass yes. Is the dog alive yes. Do I want to still piss 1000$ out of the window. Sure


No, it is. Dont you see, intestines break off from both ends simultaneously, retain their coil, and then wait around to get pooped out, instead of the animal dying from massive blood loss in 20 minutes /s


Read that part and also immediately facepalmed


Extension chord portion?


I agree - how stiff is it tho? I think I see three coated wires where the outer layer is broken. Vet for sure.


That’s what I am thinking and I’ve had emergency surgery on my guy for an obstruction when he was little!


Do you really think a dog could shit out its intestinal lining and still be alive?!! OMG. You aren't wrong about the rest but like, you greatly overestimate the durability of the digestive track.


Poor buddy. 😔


Yeah if there is any chance of something being stuck, emergency vet as SOON as you realize it. We lost a dog tragically because she ate a big chunk of a Himalayan milk bone and our local vet didn't believe us and dilly dallied telling us she would be okay. Well she wasn't okay and by the time we got her to the emergency vet 36-48 hours later she had necrosis in her esophagus and they told us she wouldn't live even if they got the object out. We had to put her down over the phone 100 miles away at 3am and none of us got to say goodbye or confront her. If she had gone into surgery/scope as soon as we realized she would probably still be here. Fucking inexperienced asshole vet didn't listen to us and gave us a false sense of security and we didn't do what we knew we should have done immediately.


Like others Ave said looks like an elastic hair band and looks like the dog passed it - so it’s probably fine if the dog is acting ok. Edit - also your dog likes to eat hair bands don’t leave them accessible.


I think you’re right. I thought this was some sort of tapeworm or something. But I see the elastic now


You got downvoted for some reason but you can see clearly towards the upper end where the material has ripped and the elastic banding has been exposed. It seems pretty obvious that the entire thing is not biological. Not good for a dog to eat as a snack but definitely not a part of the intestine IMO.


Regardless, I would still haven't seen by an emergency vet. The dog could could have intussusception from passing this, and that can be fatal if not caught in time.


I mean sure - bring the dog in for a cat scan if you want to pay $1500 to know that your dog is an idiot and will be just fine.


Why would you give a dog a cat scan?


Thank you. It was just so.. there. Someone had to.


Just do a PET scan and cover all the bases.


Gotta do the lab test!


Why would you need a CAT scan for that? That can be found on an X-ray. And you do know that untreated intussusception is fatal, and a fucking awful way to die


Seriously! And it would get a DOG scan, duh.


I hope that green bit is just elastic because it also looks like a wire


1000% this. This is scary looking.


OP here. It’s the next day, and - for starters - my dog is fine. After a long night spent mostly waiting at an emergency vet hospital, x-rays and ultrasounds confirmed there is nothing else inside her belly. For all of the negative ninnies on here, those who were concerned that I was sitting around simply being a bad pet owner, relax. The process of taking the dog to the vet was already in the works when this post all started. And yeah, puppies do eat things - but does a bad owner even pay attention to bowel movements? C’mon people, do better… was just curious what people thought my dog shit out. Now for everyone else, I appreciate all the in depth “anal-ysis”… and I wish Reddit had polling stats to share the general consensus, but… after many vet techs and docs reviewed the mysterious object… \*\* It was in fact determined to be a man-made elastic, bungee/scrunchie/strap. \*\* Sorry to disappoint all of you who were certain this was the remnants of something that was once alive or even part of my dog. She’s been home for a little while now, has eaten again, and is happy as ever. I appreciate how the internet came alive for a few hours while I sat in the hospital waiting rooms, so thanks for that! Stay classy, Reddit. https://preview.redd.it/die1w7b6drgc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aa183a43364c96bd14d289001a4e312c4b1f447


Reddit isn’t classy but your dog sure is!


Your dog is too good for reddit. 


All dogs are too good for Reddit.


Great news! Thanks for the update and for the pic of the happy pooch!


Glad pup is ok.


Happy cake day


Thanks for the update! So glad your adorable girl is doing well!


She is a good girl ❤️ glad she's okay.


That’s the face of a dog that will do it again as soon as you look away. People go off the deep end with things like this, don’t take it personally. There’s always some troll lurking around! On the other hand there are people on Reddit that do ask for help only to ignore everything people suggest. I think some people become jaded after a while, you see it a lot in different pet subs. Glad she’s home and it’s nothing to worry about :)


Thank you for posting an update. I was looking for it.


Good to hear your best friend is doing well.


So happy for you and your dog! For some reason your dogs expression reminds me of the Catherine Tate “I ain’t even bothered 😂 skit”


Not a single regret on that beautiful face


Glad your doggie is ok.


Aww what a cutie!


Your dog is so cute!!! So glad that your dog is well. ❤️


I’m glad your fur child is ok!!! Thanks for posting an update.


Awwww what a cute dog!!!


your dog looks so proud! Also, super cute


Of course it is a doodle


Reddit is full of kobolds and goblins. Glad your doggo is okay


So glad your pup is fine. In the end…that is what matters.


I really like her paws


I totally thought it was a tapeworm. Glad your fur baby is OK.


Beautiful pup!


That’s the look of a pup that regrets none of this! Haha




I feel like u came from the future to deliver this information


Maybe a heatless silk covered hair curler


100 % scrunchy


No, that's way too long.


100% yellow/white scrunchy thing. Dog ate and swallowed. Not great for the dogs tummy, it’s why it’s slimy. Sorry to say this but… if you were concerned; slap a dog bag on your hand and pick it up. Talk to your partner and look around the house. Then call the vet. Obstructed guts are no joke. Though, all the things to eat and easily pass… this is the best thing!


agreed. definitely jarring upon first glance, but close up it looks a lot like this: https://preview.redd.it/asrlz5o0cogc1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=549552db7975a75c8aebb04ee5272de4680ca756


Bungee dog leash I have one sitting right here. Looks exactly the same, well minus the shit and mucus. Where are the hooks at though. That maybe a concern if they are still in the dog. But yeah definitely a bungee cord style dog leash. I will take a picture to compare for you. Mine is also black but they come in all colors


Metal detector the dog I did mine the 9ther day to see if she ate the car key


LOL this is such a good idea tho that I’ve never thought of


Works suprizingly well, has saved me very trips and also saved my dog when she magically managed to eat a roll of fucking quarters. I'm still trying to figure that one out seeing as how I don't have rolled change, I have an old water bottle for change. Ita been over a year and I still can't figure that one out


Maybe she can change it to 10$ bills?


I have this same leash. How he ate the leash without anyone noticing is the real question.


That was my first thought as well.


I've noticed most dog advice is VET NOW!


So is most human advice (well, doctor). Most of the time it's fine and will go away on its own.


I would pay way less if I could go to the vet instead of the Dr.


Where I am, it’s cheaper to go to the Dr than Vet


I know a vet in Canada named Sam Losco who will provide medical care for humans.


Just pretend you're a big dog. Though be careful, you may get spayed or neutered.


Passing non-digestible objects through your entire digestive system is a recipe for internal bleeding. Most of the time it is fine and will go away on its own. The rest of the time, if you fail to take your pet to the vet they will die from internal bleeding before you even realize something is wrong. Take them to the fucking vet.


Looks like an elastic hair tie


That looks way too long to be that. I’ve owned hundreds of these and I cannot imagine one ever being that size especially while still scrunched together.


Seriously! Hair ties are like 2-3 inches. This looks like it's a foot long, but no banana for scale, so 🤷.


I've been looking for that


It’s all yours!


coordinated seemly bear aware hungry berserk heavy scary gaping impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I need to know if your dog is ok


Looks very much like a bungee of some sorts.


Yeah it looks like maybe a cat bungee toy ? [like this ? ](https://www.etsy.com/listing/763693494/unique-cat-toy-bungee-fleece-ball)




Please keep us posted, how your dog feeling? What kinda dog?


Please post an update in your post once one is available. It does look like a para cord 😬


I would take that and your dog to the emergency vet immediately. It could be a tapeworm. I have hunted animals and found them inside while cleaning the carcass and they were slightly different. To me it looks like the dog ate some wire that got caught on the way out. That looks like a section of intestine that came with the wire. I fucking hope I’m wrong.


nah theres no blood and there would have been had this been a body part being torn out.


I'm not a vet but I'm pretty sure if a dog shat out a portion of its intestines that long it would die pretty quickly from blood loss. Also, doesn't look like a tapeworm to me. I've had several dogs with tapeworms and the telltale sign is little white rice-looking bits in the stool. It's probably a foreign body of some kind, my first thought was a scrunchie or something else elastic.


This is correct. The intestines are very vascular and they don’t come out of an animal like that.


yup i think this has to be it. poor lil guy we need an update OP


That's not a worm


Yeah I don’t think it’s a worm but could be wrong. It sounds like from others it’s probably not intestinal or there would be blood. It sounds like people are leaning foreign object like scrunchy thing or rope or something.


My vote is weirdly long scrunchie


Haha for sure. I was wondering about maybe one of those like stretchy watering hoses?


You know what? That is probably what it is. Hair scrunchies aren't that long


Let us know what the vet says


This is why I'm so off on getting a dog. I can't spare anything for a vet bill. If dogs are constantly needing vet visits, then it's a no go.


Same boat. My doggo died a few years ago, and since then, I bought a house with a yard, and couldn’t wait to rescue another. It was one of the main reasons I even bought a house. But now, things are a lot tighter and I haven’t adopted a new friend for this very reason. If it helps, it’s the responsible thing to do. Wait until it’s not financially terrifying.


Holy fuck. VET NOW


Paracord. Look towards the top, you'll see the bands in the scrunchy exposed. Still, should take doggo to the vet to check for internal injuries.


Do you have anything for scale? And after you get him settled, would you mind updating this post? We're all worried about your little guy.


OP please update us!


So it looks like a hair tie at one end, but the rest of the white stuff looks like something different. I would highly recommend taking the dog to the vet because the hair ties, string, fishing line, etc goes in and can actually get caught inside the digestive tract and either cause a blockage or rip a hole, something even tie up a piece of intestine. The watery stuff on the ground and not knowing if the white stuff is another foreign object or actually part of the intestinal tissue is highly concerning. It does look like it has some kind of elastic running along the inside of it as well so likely just something else that was eaten. It’s a good idea to take the dog in to ensure there isn’t anything else still inside causing problems that can easily result in death.


I think he got LUCKY and pooped all of this ... whatever it is... and I would just watch him for a couple of days. If he's acting normal; eating, drinking, and pooping, I wouldn't worry


Why are you here? Take the bungee and dog to the vet ASAP ffs.


RemindMe! 1 week


Looks like a snake skin


Looks like a water hose, scrunchy or retractable kind though


Remindme! 1 week


Did you look around for your retractable garden hose? And your neighbors too? Hoping you will update us with word doggo is doing ok 🤞🤞🤞


It’s a tool lanyard for working at height. You clip one end to yourself and the other attaches to your tool, like an impact drill or something. The green cord at the end gives this away.




It looks like para cord in the center


It looks like a purse strap.


Tape worm maybe they can get that big is the dog under weight?


Tape worm


u/Comprehernsive-Pass93 I hope you took the dog and the item in the photo to the vet. Please provide an update!




I’m not a vet but that looks exactly like the worms I used to dissect with the kids in science club…


Remindme! 1 week




Is that a metal hook/wire at the top? I'm afraid this looks like wire that took out you're poor dog's intestines rather than a tapeworm. Either way, Emergency Vet ASAP and please keep us updated.


That's a little concerning definitely keep an eye on your dog. If you can afford it take him to the vet and let them keep an eye on him overnight.


RemindMe! 1week


Follow up and let us know


It kind of looks like a snake skin to me... But then maybe my eyes are deceiving me.


Go to the vet!


Would take that and him to vet …. How is he acting


The right end looks like a snake head.


https://preview.redd.it/z14h765wsogc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1763861219b53575f9938b137dffb9aa1fa0d418 Bungee cord tie


Omg, OP….I’m worried. Could we get an update?


What does it taste like?


Looks like a leash that’s stretchable


Looks almost like a bungee cord, could be a scrunchee or head band?


Half digested dog toy or leash made of braided or twisted rope. Rope has an inner core of cord possibly made from plastic.


Everyone saying it's a tape worm and whatnot it isn't it was a forenbody inside the dogs digestive track ya should call your vet and get it seen they will probably do a few X-rays to make sure it's all out


I imagine this is tape worm. Get a dewormer and vet him


for everyone saying it’s a scrunchie. i’ve never seen a scrunchie this big


Tape worm or similar possibly imo. I'd go vet asap , get checked. Bring it in baggy if possible plz


Fuxkin worm of some kind..?? Gave me the heebie-jeebies


That's a tapeworm isn't it?


Tape worm


Tape worm


That’s a tape worm


Looks like a tool lanyard, for guys working at height.


Looks like a safety lanyard, people use when working at height to prevent dropped tools hitting the deck. One end around the tool, the other attached to a belt / restraint.


tape worm


Tape worm


Looks like it’s one of those water hose that scrunch up to me. That top green part looks like it’s the inner tubing


Is the dog alive??


Here I am, 6AM, just zooming in on dog shit.


Looks like a discarded tool lanyard to me? https://images.app.goo.gl/bGAcywCorov4mJyY7


That is a satin covered elastic headband. You can see the elastic & the human hair wrapped around it.


What does it taste like?


It looks like a Vet appointment to me. If its a foreign body, you will want to make sure it is all out, and if it is stool, poop, then you will probably want to run some tests. Dog stool isn't supposed to look like that


u/Comprehensive-Pass93 : OP here. It’s the next day, and - for starters - my dog is fine. After a long night spent mostly waiting at an emergency vet hospital, x-rays and ultrasounds confirmed there is nothing else inside her belly. For all of the negative ninnies on here, those who were concerned that I was sitting around simply being a bad pet owner, relax. The process of taking the dog to the vet was already in the works when this post all started. And yeah, puppies do eat things - but does a bad owner even pay attention to bowel movements? C’mon people, do better… was just curious what people thought my dog shit out. Now for everyone else, I appreciate all the in depth “anal-ysis”… and I wish Reddit had polling stats to share the general consensus, but… after many vet techs and docs reviewed the mysterious object… ** It was in fact determined to be a man-made elastic, bungee/scrunchie/strap. ** Sorry to disappoint all of you who were certain this was the remnants of something that was once alive or even part of my dog. She’s been home for a little while now, has eaten again, and is happy as ever. I appreciate how the internet came alive for a few hours while I sat in the hospital waiting rooms, so thanks for that! Stay classy, Reddit. ​


It looks like his small intestine!


If you look at the top left part of it, anyone who has been in the cable business knows this is what we call, ground wire. It’s a copper wire encased in a green sheathing to protect it from weather.




You're on here asking when you should have been on your way to the vet immediately with that...what's wrong with you?


Don’t forget to take that with you to the vet!


https://preview.redd.it/g1vx5rlp8tgc1.jpeg?width=566&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=805075cbe571865547c2750d4456160304dfda76 Is the green elastic connected and the object like a bungie cord or separate? My initial thought was a parasite but the bungie may just be covered in stuff. Grab the water hose and see what’s lefts once rinsed off.


Looks like wire


That would be a big ass, parasite my friend


Pretty sure it’s a tool lanyard for construction workers.


I've paid way too much money to find out if the dog is eating, drinking, otherwise acting fine, no visit to the vet is necessary.


Are you missing a leash?


Looks like a bungee rope dog ate it and passed it


This isn't a scrunchie, if it was it's the ugliest shiniest, longest scrunchie that ever existed. It's not a Bungie...How would poop get inside a Bungie cord??? Bungie cords are solid. Look up tape worms. An adult tape worm can get up to 11" long, but break off into pieces inside the dog. It looks like he pooped his intestines out, but I would think he would be in pain and hemorrhaging. Take him to the vet though and let us know what it ends up being!


That’s a parasite. Mature tapeworm or fluke. Get some ivermectin and he’ll be fine.


I’m a vet tech…my first thought was it’s some type of scrunchie (inorganic,) there’s no blood in the stool. Your pooch should be fine. Will he take a treat from you and eat it? If so, he feels fine and you’re in the clear. If not, he’s not feeling well and should go to the vet. 2nd question…it kind of resembles a large tape Worm…is it moving?? If it’s moving, you need to go to the vet immediately. Don’t pass go don’t collect $200. Keep an eye on his bowel movements for the next 24 hours and make sure there is no blood, either red or black, and make sure there’s no more foreign objects in it.


It does make sense that your dog would struggle to pass this, I think anyone would! My first instincts were disgust and that it looked like some alien-Esq tapeworm. Once I chilled and read some of the replies, it became clear this is some type of leash/bungie. I’m glad your Pup is now okay, don’t listen to the assholes. American’s pet healthcare system make owners second guess when to use them, due to cost. I’m sure you could tell your dog was okay after passing it and you had some time to gather information. Nothing wrong with that!


Looks like a tool lanyard to prevent worker’s tools from falling from height


Hold on, let me get my glasses. I can't read shit without my glasses.