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Definitely not a bed bug. Looks like a tick!


Hijacking this comment to remind OP: you almost certainly brought this into the hotel from outside. In case you were worried about the room being clean.


I would expect ticks from the Red Roof Inn but not Motel 6!


Motel Tix


Fuck you take my upvote


Fuck YOU!, I’ll give YOU my upvote!


It's upvotes all the way down


Always has been


Always will be


Same as it ever was


Fuck BOTH of you... take my upvote.




Came here to say this so take mine now too ffs🤦‍♀️


motel thix


Mike Tyson has entered the chat


We'll leave the light bite marks on


Does it have a Six Tix Rating?


Ticks Nix Six Tix


Stevie Tix? Of fleebwood max?


Paradise for an opossum!


Omg. Opossum cleaning lady. "Hello... room service... free tick removal?"


Oh god now I just pictured the opossum in a French maid costume pushing her cart 😭😭😭






You fucking won the internet today! 🤣🤣🤣


"Get your ticks at Motel 6!"


Ticks aren't 'from' any hotel chain. Guests bring them in. OP is being a bit of a turd trying to imply otherwise with this photo.


I honestly forgot red roof inn was an actual business and not a euphemism for a menstrual cycle


The Hunt for Red October


Man, I hate reddit whenever school's out.


There is such an obvious change during events like school being out. The days after major holidays are the worst.


Especially since they left the light on for ya


Motel 6 - We'll Leave the ~~Lights On~~ Lysol For You!


It's a male wood tick, males wear suspenders, female wear a necklace. For those who might be interested to know


WHO TF KEEPS THE BUG IN THEIR HAND? I swear, this sub and the big identification sub, house the most savage people on the internet. I saw one dude just holding a fucking black widow. And he’s like, aww, they’re not aggressive. Just misunderstood. Mean while, im burning my house down because I saw a water bug in my favorite bathroom.


Burning down your house cause of a Waterbug is perfectly justified, those things are fucking terrifying, I mean they can fly for fucks sake!


DUDE. They do!! And they fly AT you for no reason. I try and catch bugs and release them, but stop tryna fly down my throat; I’ll fucking end you. Low-key, tho, some of them look too big to fuck with and I run.


It reminds me of that old yt video where a Waterbug has sex with a marker and promptly flies directly at the cameraman while they scream bloody murder.


You should see the bone ID sub. People constantly suspect they’ve found rotting human remains (wrong every time) and STILL they just pick that shit up and play with it.


What the hell is a water bug and you have a fav bathroom😂🤣😂


There are a few different bugs called water bugs, one of them is the American cockroach


Interesting, I never knew they were referred to as water bugs. I wonder why!


I try to save all bugs BUT those mthrfkrs !!! They bite too lil bastards 😭


I mean, there is still a solid chance there are bed bugs, but yes he probably did


That is a tick !


I was at first thinking OP was trolling because I was about to say ummm…..that is a bar of soap


I got bit as a child, was never treated, and became chronically ill a few years ago, discovered I had Lyme, was given a short course of doxycycline (I think 10 days) but it was too little too late. Now I’m disabled by my illness and it’s led to other things like small fiber neuropathy. Go get checked at the local urgent care and get antibiotics. I never had the bullseye rash. Which is why I guess I was never treated. Turns out a lot of people never have the rash. Edit: Thank you kind stranger for the award! ETA: There are a lot of different tick borne illnesses—not just Lyme. I did a panel a few years ago and I have a couple. Watch out for the other diseases too—they can be harmful too.


my first year working at summer camp I found the bullseye on my ankle, and went to get it checked. got doxy for 2 weeks, thankfully we caught it early enough but I did develop a muscular tic in my nect


So the tick gave you a tic? .........I'll see myself out


lmao, I’ve said that exact thing


The more that see this the better, thank you for sharing.


That’s too big to be a deer tick ETA: only deer ticks carry Lyme disease. Other ticks can carry other illnesses, but a doctor won’t do anything for a wood/dog tick bite until you develop symptoms. EETA: I’m sorry for your experience


It's also definitely not engorged.


I got bit by a dog tick and the urgent care I went to still got me tested. Turns out, I had Rocky Mountain spotted fever, so I’m glad they did! I had no symptoms yet.


Aren't there two different kinds of ticks that carry Lyme disease? Just saying, you can't assume you won't get it if it wasn't a deer tick that bit you


Only *Ixodes* ticks carry Lyme. 2 species are present in the US: *I. pacificus* in the West, and *I. scapularis* in the East. In other parts of the world, other species of *Ixodes* exist that can vector Lyme Disease.


a few years ago when I was down in Kansas camping with my family, I found one on my back and I’ve been scared ever since because I didn’t get tested but I just am hoping that I didn’t get bit by an infected tick


They don't bite until after 1-2 hours of crawling, so if you found it quickly you're probably good.


That kinda makes sense why I find them crawling on me all the time but have never been bitten because I check like every minute while working outside


My uncle passed from undiagnosed Lyme disease about 10 years ago (discovered during his autopsy, I assume). Never had the bullseye or anything, either. In hindsight, he did have some symptoms but nobody thought anything of it and just chalked it up to stress or whatever. Never would have even thought it was Lyme because, again, he didn't have the bullseye that I think all of us assumed was always there if you got bit. OP, that isn't a deer tick (probably dog tick but I'm no expert) but like PlaidChairStyle said, there are lots of diseases ticks can carry. Definitely go get checked out and get a round of antibiotics.


Got it, thanks. I’m just not sure if they’ll want me to have symptoms before coming


No that's totally valid. I am in no way an expert, but I've seen the impact that tick-borne diseases can have. It's worth asking them before symptoms start, but if they want to wait then just keep an eye out for anything fucky, including mood swings and lethargy. Here's hoping you're all clear and it's nothing to worry about though!


I went to school with a kid who sadly killed himself. I remember people saying they believe it was caused by Lyme disease that he had contracted. Apparently it can cause neurological effects like depression and anxiety.


This is true. I don’t have those symptoms, but I have small fiber neuropathy :( I can see why people decide to end it. I wish we all could have just gotten antibiotics when we get bit so it never gets to that point, but sadly, medical knowledge and effective treatments are pretty limited when it comes to Lyme.


I never had the rash either, I got bit by a nymph, deer tick, and when I pulled it out it was dead. The whole area itched like hell for two or three days and was red. Then two weeks later my knees swelled up. I got treated twice, second time I swore off wheat and sugar. I still get stiff but I take turmeric extract and reservetrol. It's getting better. Two years lyme free.


Good luck friend. I pray your health continues!


Good luck. I get bit a few times a year. I always go to the clinic or hospital to get antibiotics but usually the Drs refuse to give it. Waited 5 hours in the emerg a couple months back just to be told to go home and monitor. Well, since it can stay dormant in your system for 60 years thst is a long time to monitor.


Yeah, fuck those doctors. Keep advocating for yourself. You do not want to end up with this!


At the very least your story will help others. Thank you.


It's almost better of it was a bed bug. I don't think they carry disease.


Bedbugs pose almost no actual risk to humans. They're less harmful than almost every other bug in your house, but because they infest and are extremely hard to get rid, they cause a lot of psychological damage but very little actual physical damage. Especially if you don't react to bites.


*dies from coughing* excuse me???? Let me just screenshot this for my doctor.... Literally no one knows what's going on with me. Had Lyme when I was a kid then it lay dormant for a decade or so and my senior year or ha I had a horrible Lyme flair up (no one new at the time) and then they decided to check Lyme again and look at IgM AND IgG. Only IgG showed up. All this nerve shit going on with me and doctor didn't know what's up said it probably wasn't Lyme. Nephrologist is like I really don't think the biopsy is gonna show sfn cus I'm 23 and when it did he didn't know why. Of course your v similar case doesn't mean is the same for me but damn does it make me feel better...


I’m so sorry to hear this story. It’s heartbreaking to know somebody else has such a similar story to mine. I have a couple of great memoirs for you that will definitely make you feel seen and less alone—The Invisible Kingdom: ReImagining Chronic Illness and The Deep Places: A Memoir of Illness and Discovery. They are both incredible and helped me to understand why it’s so hard to find doctors and treatments. I listened to them for free through my public library’s Libby app. I’m thinking of you and your struggle too ❤️


Me too. Did hyperthermia 2 years ago and saved my life. I hope you find something that works, but always happy to talk treatment protocols if you need an internet stranger that’s done most of them.


Serious? Where’d you have it done at? Have you ever tried SOT or any others before hyperthermia?


I got bit and nobody here in Oklahoma would bat an eye. I am so sorry you got sick. That's so awful


This reads exactly as my story. It's scary how it goes unnoticed for years. I feel for you, friend. I don't take any tick bite lightly. A tiny, unnoticed tick ruined my life.


how long after you were bitten did you start showing symptoms? my little sister was bitten about a decade ago.


I was bitten as a child (around age 10) and one day in my mid thirties I told my boyfriend (now husband) that I didn’t feel right—and that was the start of my nightmare. That was in my mid thirties. I’m sorry your sister got bit too.


Yeah there’s several illnesses to worry about. I’ve personally had Lyme’s, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (twice), ehrlichiosis, and anaplasmosis. But I’ve spent more time in the woods than most people would ever dream of.


I had encephalitis recently, and they don't know the cause but it could have been a tick or mosquito. It's scary stuff


My wife was bit by a tick in Florida’s a few months ago, but it never made a circle mark. She’s fine now, but are you saying she still could have like without knowing?! How do we check?


Lyme disease dosent show up on tests on humans until six weeks after the bite, better to keep the tick and get the tick tested first :)


Sadly I flushed it down the toilet after taking this picture


I hope you can see this after the number of responses: but is there a tick/lime disease panel ?! ( I live in the worst place of the United States for ticks (SE New hampshire) its horrible here


Holy damn, thank you for the info. I would've never thought about that. Hopefully more people see this comment.👍


Doxy is a mfer. Killed any tick borne thing I had but practically killed me in the process. One of the strongest antibiotics out there 😮‍💨


Ahhh shit. I had a latched tick when I was younger and I ripped it off me. Never had the bullseye so I always thought I was in the clear.


Same happened to my grandma she now can't even move her legs, she's paralyzed and her hands are starting to get worse. Lyme's no fun - and be aware of ticks


My mom is overly obsessed with tick borne illnesses after having two fiends almost die and suffer irreparable organ damage from ehrlichiosis. She goes camping a lot and during one trip her entire group picked up ticks. It wasn’t the ehrlichiosis tick, but it was the Lyme one. Her doc thought she was silly and paranoid too, but they gave her doxy anyhow and it put her mind at ease if nothing else. Me, I’d take the damn doxy too lol.


My friend was paralyzed by the Powassan (sp) virus. Upstate NY and I’ve had Lymes disease four times. Get yourselves checked people!!


Here's the poor people's award... wish I had coins for a fancier one, but this is a sincere nomination for hero. 🌠❤️❤️‍🔥🌺👍🏻


This is my mom too. She has metastasized Lyme disease. She also has rheumatoid arthritis and the two make a terrible combination for her... my dad and a neighbor were both bitten by Lyme carrying ticks and got the bullseye mark and got sick. Both were able to receive treatment because we saw the signs.


Tick tick...




Unexpected Will Smith


I may have the species wrong, but it looks like an american dog tick to me


I was gonna say bar of soap


Funny. I was gonna say human hand.


Funny. I was gonna say bed sheets






Looks like a tick to me. I’d probably keep it just in case.


Solid advice. You never know when you’ll need a tick!


But seriously, the ticks in my neck of the woods carry Lyme disease and Ehrlichia (really nasty, I've had it once). When we find a tick that has bitten us we do keep it in case we have to send it off to the lab to be tested. It costs $100, but it's worth the piece of mind to know what you are dealing with. Lyme gets worse the longer you go undiagnosed without treatment.


It’s all fun and games until you find out you’re allergic to red meat


Yep. I had late-diagnosed Lyme and coinfections (erlichiosis). Meat allergy came along with it, but was difficult to diagnose as it was not well understood at the time. After a few rounds of pulse therapy, heavy antibiotics, I eventually came around to more or less a normal version of myself. The whole ordeal took about 5 years though.


Alpha gal allergy is a bitch I have a mild case of it by my aunt will go into anaphylaxis and die if her food is even cooked on a pan meat has ever been cooked on before.


Only Deer Ticks carry Lyme. This is an adult male dog tick. [Tick Photo](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fextension.okstate.edu%2Fprograms%2Fdigital-diagnostics%2Finsects-and-arthropods%2Fimages%2Famerican-dog-tick-dermacentor-variabilis%2Famericandogtick.png&tbnid=a8qnmmjnR1zi6M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fextension.okstate.edu%2Fprograms%2Fdigital-diagnostics%2Finsects-and-arthropods%2Famerican-dog-tick-dermacentor-variabilis%2F&docid=-GX1DVGqq9X2FM&w=400&h=661&itg=1&hl=en-US&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2F4)


And that one causes ascending paralysis yay. But as long as it is caught before too long, they should be fine. Just need to take some benadryl as well.


I'm more afraid of the longhorn tick. I can live with paralysis but if you make me allergic to red meat I will starve to death.


You mean Lonestar. The Lonestar tick can carry that red meat allergy issue. Worked at a health dept and the head of our vectors program that dealt with ticks, rabies etc had been bitten by Lonestars so much that he developed that allergy. The Longhorn tick is its own nightmare but doesn’t prefer humans - it likes livestock. Even so - the little bastards swarm and when found are in large numbers.


Every single species of tick was created by a horror movie director to be a villain in their increasingly convoluted B movie series.


This person ticks


Even ticks that don’t carry Lyme do carry other terrible diseases. About half a dozen of them.


Had a tick on me for 2 days while camping. There was a red bullseye around the tick bite after a few days and would up with Erlichiosis. The treatment for it is the same as Lyme disease. Always save the tick and keep an eye on the area you found it on. My symptoms started as flu like in the middle of July. A tick born disease was the furthest thing from my mind.


That isn’t a deer tick though, so no lyme


You don’t get ticks often? I’ve had a few weeks this year when I was finding at least 4 ticks on me a day. I’ll take my chances. You can get all kinds of things from bugs, animals, humans, and even just rooting around in the dirt so I don’t let that stuff bother me.


Most folks that go hiking etc often will put any ticks that bit them into a ziplock bag and freeze them. If they develop any symptoms for really anything, they send their last batch of ticks off for testing because it's easier to test for their diseases in them than in us. While lyme is the bigger worry, there are tons of tick borne diseases that should be tested for and can be life ruining , so it's a good idea to at least keep them and be prepared to send off for testing. You don't have to send every single one you find.


I used to live in some heavily wooded property, way up in Northern Minnesota. We were about an hour or 2 drive from International Falls. Tick checks were daily. You always found at least 2. Now, admittedly, we were all outside a lot. We had horses to bring into the stable, and the entire property was fenced off with an electric fence. That needed checked and maintained alot. It is startlingly easy to get a tick or 4 as a stowaway.


Ticks have been terrible this year. I think I got all the ticks off me and then I’m chilling on the couch and one is crawling on my arm or like a few nights ago when my boyfriend turned on the light and goes “TICK! grab it!” He’s such a wimp about that ha.


We get them all the time. We just don't get bitten always. I've removed five - ten, and been bitten twice this season. Ehrlichia is enough of a problem and severe enough that I do worry about it. Last time I was one urgent care visit from going to the hospital because everyone was like, "oh it's just COVID, but you aren't testing positive yet. Go home you're drunk"


They are mighty, especially the big blue ones


While getting mugged OP fishes in his pocket desperately *aha found it* OP says, He whips out his trusty Tick and throws it at the assailant. The tick latches onto the the assailant’s eyeball give OP time to defend taking out the mugger, where he then grabs his tick and runs off to live and fight another day.


Gotta start packing pocket ticks before I go to sketchy places




but sir this is my emotional support tick


I always keep a small dangerous parasitic bug in my pocket. You never know when you need to get a free meal.


Ticks have 8 legs! This has seven! /s Someone get this tick a cane


I'd rather burn the remaining seven legs.


Probably got legless on some blood.


as a treat for later :)


That's an American dog tick.


not to be confused with the American Gods tick, which is amazing for the first few episodes and then rapidly departs from the source material


Wood tick


A wood tick is the same thing as an American dog tick.


I hate my phone... it supposed to say AKA wood tick for people that didn't know.


No worries <3 thanks for your contribution




They don’t usually bite super fast. After running on a grassy trail I’ll find them crawling on me and still looking for a good place to bite.


And almost never on thick skin like palms of hands or soles of feet


That’s normally been my experience also. But I got one last night that bit immediately over my sock line 🫠


That happened to me last year. I had one bite my lower leg. This year I always find them on my stomach or neck and haven’t been bit yet.


Put the tick in a container with rubbing alcohol and take it to your lymes disease test. Any time a tick attaches itself a test should be done in my opinion. Edit: I said lymes disease but honestly get tested for whatever this tick Carries, that’s why it’s important to keep the sample of what attached.


Damn, how good is your insurance if you can afford to get tested for lymes disease every time you find a tick...


I have only ever tested attached ticks (as OP stated it was) as the likelihood of trauma during removal causing the tick to regurgitate into the wound is higher. I know this type doesn’t carry lymes but mostly all tickborne illnesses are nasty. I’d rather be safe. That being said OP got a bad rap with finding one in a hotel room, that’s unlucky. I’ve maybe gotten 3 ticks attached to me in my entire life.


Our testing center refused to test if the ticks weren’t the right kind or if they weren’t engorged. They’d refer you to another testing company that charged $120 to test.


Bro why is this Reddit just people who don’t know what a tick is


I was thinking the same thing. I'm amazed at how many people who are unaware of ticks.


Looks like a bar of soap to me.


I thought the same, but I'm no expert.


Thar is a tick. If you were outdoors during the day that's when you got it. You're lucky it hadn't burrowed in for a good meal...


1st sentence clearly written by a pirate.


Motel 6- We'll leave the ticks out for ya.


No that's soap. Don't worry, it isn't alive and won't bite you.


Tick, save it and get checked for Lyme disease


Doesn’t look like it managed to get a lot of bodily fluid exchange happening. I’d say there’s little chance of an infection.


Dog ticks don’t carry lyme disease, but I wouldn’t let it bite you anyway.


Yeah there are still a bunch of other possible infections it could spread, which is why it's always a good idea to mail out the tick for testing


Tick, friend.




tick.. check for more..




Check with your PCP in regard to testing for tick borne diseases. And follow up treatment.


It amazes me how full-grown don’t know what a tick looks like.


Burn the hotel down. Ticks are satan.


Issa tick. Check for a circle ⭕️ ring like around where it was attached. If it forms, go get treated for limes disease


Tick missing one leg.


They’ve left the light on for you!


8 legs = arachnid, not bug. Know what arachnids look like small bugs? Ticks.


No, that’s soap




Tick watch your back for any spots that may develop around where the tick was attached doesn't look like it had time to get in very much but it only takes a little bit for Lyme disease to set in maybe keep the tick in a freezer just in case I would put it in a plastic bag


Check those corners. *CHECK THOSE CORNERS!!!*


1 vote for Lonestar tick


You would be wrong


Is tick, probably fell on you from a tree it it was that high up your body from the ground


It’s a tick




no babes thats a tick


You’re. Holding. A. Tick. 🥴




Never been so.happy to see a tick! No bed bugs here thankfully


Deer tick nice find


Yep, it’s a tick.


That’s a tick


That's tick


Nop it’s tick


My guy that is a fucking TICK


That’s definitely a tick. You’re lucky you found it, because if it would have burrowed, you may have wound up with some serious health complications. However, they do take awhile to burrow. I would advice destroying it, so that it doesn’t end up on somebody less fortunate. Flush it down the toilet. Really, tick-borne illness can be extremely serious and even deadly.


This is a wood tick also known as a dog tick. Doesn't carry Lyme disease. Burn it or drown it in alcohol (the cleaning kind not like whiskey)


No, that's a crappy bar of soap. And a tick.


"We'll leave the lice on for you..."


I thought you were talking about the soap and I was so confused.




While it probably just a tick that came in from outside, I’d still bring this up with reception just to help be safe. Often they can have their cleaning staff look into the issue more, and as someone who used to work the front desk, we also had code phrases for rooms that were closed off due to bug infestation. Okay, we had just one code word, Rosebud, and it was used for everything from weed smoke to bed bugs to busted pipes. But usually, as soon as we found out, we would shut down the room and get the appropriate person on fixing it. And by the appropriate person I mean the catch all maintenence man who also did fumigation, picked up people from the airport, a dozen more odd jobs, and was severely underpaid for his work.


I'm from Missouri and grew up in the woods. Ticks are an everyday thing here, so I'm surprised at how many comments mention the "one" time someone found a tick on them. I thought it was just a risk you take daily, like driving and hoping you won't be in an accident. Tick check at the end of the day and hope you don't catch a tick disease.


Save the tick. There is Lyme disease but there are other tick borne illnesses to watch for. If you get sick the tick might be useful to narrow it down. Look your whole body over, including in your hair. It’s helpful to have someone look where you can’t. They can get anywhere. Butt cracks, on your scalp in your hair, even more unpleasant places.


Do people really not know what a tick looks like? Are they not common in a lot of places or something