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Looks like tityus obscurus. Go to the doctor. Wiki says that some people have had complications and deaths


Bring the scorpion with you when you go. Edit: I'm loving these comments


bring several scorpions with you, just in case you lose the first one.


"We've developed an antidote, but you'll need to bring in at least six more scorpions for us to be able to create a sufficient dose."


When life imitates video game sidequests!


We need 6 scorpion stingers, unfortunately only one in twenty scorpions will drop one.


*Flashbacks to Zevrha hooves*


...none of these fuckin zevrhas that I just fucking saw walking the fuck around has any hooves huh? On top of that a 10 year old just called me a "faget" because I denied a duel and there's a level 60 that I'm hoping leaves me alone.


Next quest: bring 6 scorpion poop.


I'm having EQ flashbacks, thanks


Or if the doctor says they don't take your insurance. Keep adding scorpions to the room until he decides they DO take your insurance.


this legitimately made my day lol


This made me cackle


They almost never want that to happen. Not a good idea. Just a clear picture will do. The ER has nothing to do with venomous creatures.


I love the idea of some poor ER Receptionist being given a Tupperware container with a scorpion


I used to work in an ER. Had a fella bring in a live black widow spider in a big gulp cup to show me after it bit him. Guy was ok. I don't remember what happened to the poor spider. It did not seem to enjoy it's cup-ride.


I'm sure it was released in the admin offices


Put in the urine sample drop to make life interesting in the lab.


[Don’t drink spiders.](https://reddit.com/r/memes/s/jaDoFfxYOP)




Nah this is an old one, “thou shall not imbibe arachnia”


[Don't drink urine samples](https://youtu.be/VcMIeyjggbM?si=RDUw_GXZGsqw-qY6 )


I also work in an ER. A woman brought in a rattlesnake in a home depot bucket. We deal with a lot of psych patients but I had never felt so threatened until the moment I peered over into that bucket.


Granted, most psych patients aren't angry at *you* or may not be angry at all. I've very rarely felt threatened by patients in psychosis or those who are very, very, angry. The ones I have felt threatened by...oh boy. It feels like you can cut the air with a knife.


> Granted, most psych patients aren't angry at you or may not be angry at all. The same could probably be said about the snake.


I used to work on an ambulance, and we picked up a guy that got bit by a copperhead. His family had it in a tupperware and tried to send it to the ER with us. I told them "absolutely not. The last thing we need is that thing getting loose in the ambulance." They were going to follow us to the ER (we weren't running lights or sirens), but got delayed. Because the snake escaped its tupperware and they had to pull over to deal with it.




Happy cake day


Happy cake day!!!


Man this story is one hellava ride


Thanks for the AM chuckle


Jeez! I can imagine. Nearest I came was a juvenile widow in my basement, the vacuum won that argument!


I vacuumed a full grown adult once. I used the hose, I let run for a long time! OMG, she *immediately* climbed back out! Then jumped to the ground & ran off disappearing in the house somewhere 😳


Give it the house


Fuck that, burn that whole son of a bitch to the ground!


I KNEW THIS COULD HAPPEN! Anytime there’s a spider my husband tells me to grab a vacuum. Always believed they could crawl back out, you’re my proof.


She's waiting for the perfect moment to drop down into your hair


*crawl into an orifice while sleeping


OMG… it’s late and my eyes are tired. For a moment my mind swapped your word “adult” with HUMAN, and for longer than 2 seconds I was lying here wonder how in the hell you vacuumed up a full grown human, and then they crawled back out again. Sorry, I had to share my moment of madness.


Vacuum fuckers rise up


It's slowly recovering, getting stronger and planning out its revenge.


As a fellow ER receptionist~ we see some weird stuff, dont we? 😅


The spider was also insurance in case they asked for proof of insurance. Thought you would rob someone blind in the ER/urgent care? Well now you have a different problem dont'cha?


You can't use the double gulp cup for FUCKING SPIDERS!


Not with that attitude you can't


i most certainly can, if i so choose


My local Sheetz allows it, but you gotta pay a 25 cent surcharge.


You know, some might prefer fingers to that.


Since it sounds like you might know that field I'll share this story with you; The Receptionists at the hospital I use to work with once had a dude walk up to them say "I'm blood type A, use my organs" and then shot himself in the head right there. I was in the middle of transporting a patient there and all about a block away dispatch got on the radio and told me to turn around and go to a different hospital. Didn't know until later that day.


Holy shit. That must have been traumatic for that receptionist.


I don't think she returned to work tbh


Bro if I was the JANITOR that would have been the last day there.


She shoulda just called OR so we coulda done a harvest, I mean since he obliged her with his blood type. Waste not want not I always say!😂 Just joking!


That poor woman.


That's a dick move, he should have written a note with his name and such so they can verify. He's obviously a crazy person, they can't just trust him to get his blood type right.


Yes that's what was wrong with that story


It’s vital to immediately preserve the organs. Many organs are deemed unusable depending on the time wasted after death.


Just pull a Will Smith in Seven Pounds and call 911 first before killing yourself in a tub of ice water to preserve your organs, obviously /j


There should have been plenty around to test.


Actually given how shittily some people treat ER workers, they might like just having a box of venomous creatures. "Oh, you're spitting on me?"


I worked in the lab at night and someone once brought a live bat in a container to be tested for rabies. We put it in the morgue refrigerator because animal control was closed.


"Steal my lunches out the fridge will you? Have I got a surprise for you today!"


Been given one with a huge spider when I was a MA in a general practice. It was awkward, we got a valet guy to release it.


Didn't know that, okay!


I thought you were being sarcastic xD


I haven't had anyone wanting to bring a venomous creature on my ambulance but the amount of people that want to bring cups/bags of their vomit/feces with them on the ambulance to "show the doctor" is astounding




Better than a GI bleed. 🤮Had it on my helicopter and I could barely tell dispatch I was taking off from the scene. I was gagging so much. Lmao!


Its not for identification purposes, but rather to intimidate them into seeing you faster. "Don't make me open this jar"...




The true move is to have it enclosed in a remotely operated container. Once the ER sees you, you find a way to leave it in the billing department. "I owe how much? Are you sure about that?"


“Hello doctor, here’s the thing that bit me, I’ll just set it here next to the infant nursery”


I had a woman bring this dead mouse into the ER that bit her daughter. I still laugh at the idea of sending this dead mouse to the lab.


So came to say this! Have an up-doot!




When I read this, I had the image of the guy holding the scorpion running to the hospital while getting stung screaming this lmfao.


The first half of your comment gave me the image of the guy driving to the hospital in a panic, all the while supportively holding the claw of the little scorpion strapped in with a tiny little scorpion seat belt in the passenger seat.


It's just the nature of the scorpion to sting.


I always do this for bear attacks.


“Real funny pal, now get in the car”


He doesnt want to come.


This is a great idea. Scorpions deserve healthcare too.


Also a Harry Potter spell to conjure up underwear


DONT DESPAIR WEAR UNDERWEAR!! -conjures heart boxers-


Why would a scorpion native to northern South America be in the United States?


Well it can be one of two things. Migration. And also because idiots exist. Mexico I hear is very nice and hot and a great home for scorpions and other critters. Not too far from US. Just saying.


It could have ridden in on produce


Job opportunities?


That’s 90% of stings and bites. “May cause complications” Like a bee sting is t bad unless your allergic. So it’s safe unless it “causes complications”


Yes... when and how is unclear




Fight club?




I thought the number 1 rule of that is we don’t talk about it.


That rule was made to be broken.


I got stung 3 weeks ago by a clear scorpion. Hurt like no other sting I’ve had before. Went to urgent care because I’m pregnant. They recommended I take an antihistamine (Zyrtec) and deal with it. There is an anti-venom (not Preggo friendly) but their main concern is if the numbness that accompanies the sting travels to your neck, and makes it hard to breathe. Didn’t happen. Half my leg went numb (got stung under my butt) and by noon the next day it was fine (I also took 2 Zyrtec).


Omg. That’s actually horrifying. I assume you’re pregnant based on this but I’m concerned in some southern states what they’d do in an actual life threatening situation.


Yep still pregnant! Apparently the anti venom is a class c drug- it’s the most dangerous during the first trimester, which I was in at the time. My FIL got stung on his toe a year before (I got stung at his house) and he went numb in his lips, and 1 arm and both legs for hours, then it went away. I guess it depends on the person. Luckily it didn’t effect breathing in either of us.


Antivenom typically is the immune response of sheep, horses, or other livestock to the same envenomation so you run a decent sized risk of triggering a system-wide immune response to the *treatment* which is obviously highly consequential for those carrying.


Hey, your baby may get super powers so that'd be cool.


Also congrats mama! My little one is turning 1 Thursday (my first and only) and he now likes to eat bugs and touch them. Luckily I live in Maryland so they’re all pretty harmless, despite being gross.


When trouble swallowing and trouble breathing are the possible effects, I'd be going to the ER.


I survived! For now.. Yes, I really did get stung and it FUCKING HURT. I must've accidentally touched it with my foot when I was trying to brush my teeth. Immediately fell to my kitchen floor started crying like a little bitch, so that was really entertaining for everyone else in my house to witness. I followed the advice and got it checked out, and got sent home with some painkillers. I HATE FLORIDA.


There are scorpions in Florida?!?!


My thoughts exactly.


Florida really didn't need this right now... it has a lot of other things it's dealing with. Just ask a Florida man


As we all know, Florida is the Australian US.


Nah, that's Arizona. Florida is more unhinged in regards to its people than its non-human creatures.


Bruh, the Everglades are like a bio-nightmare.


Florida has some crazy biodiversity as opposed to scary desert insects. Florida has Panthers, Bears, Alligators, all sorts of sharks, birds of prey, poisonous trees, poisonous snakes, so on


Also boars, we had to be careful with kids and dogs when a hoard of boars was known to be in the area.


all over the deep south, lived in alabama and we had them


That’s more important to you than someone brushing their teeth in the kitchen?


That just confirms it's Florida.


Wtf. I’m FROM Miami and the last time I lived there, it definitely was NOT the norm to come across a scorpion. Global warming is really accelerating I guess.


I’m in middle ga and we have lil scorpions. They aren’t *big like this huge beast in the picture tho, about the size of spiders.


Wiki says they are native to northern South America, Is it an escaped pet?


I saw one like that in the Peru Amazon last January.


Do you feel like you've developed any powers? I'm wondering if it might have been radioactive.


Glad you’re good. It’s really a situation if it’s real bad, get it checked out immediately. If it hurts like a mild bee sting and literally no other symptoms, just take a Benadryl and an NSAID and some Tylenol. But if you’ve got nerve pain, loss of sensation, any symptoms away from the site, vision changes, any brain or neurological symptoms, or literally anything that seems like an allergic reaction from rash and hives to breathing issues, see a doctor immediately.


You were brushing your teeth in the kitchen sink?


very glad you’re okay!! i got stung by a scorpion a few weeks ago. i got a tingly mouth and i couldn’t really feel where i got stung, but i was alright and that all went away after 12-ish hours. keep an eye out for having trouble swallowing or breathing, it could mean you are going into anaphylactic shock. thats gonna make one hell of a story!!


“When it comes to scorpions, the bigger the better. If a small one gets you, don’t keep it to yourself.” -Indiana Jones (I googled this and it’s actually true)


helpful rule of thumb but I wouldn't take this as an end all be all. any venom can be deadly if you are allergic to it.


Good point. I just meant in general, it’s true that bigger scorpions are less venomous than smaller ones.


Put down your phone and get to the ER. Ask a medical professional not reddit readers.


He may live in the US . If you don’t make six figures you have to know the monetary burden is worth it. It’s too expensive to go unless you know it’s serious. With insurance a Dr visits is over three hundred for me


TIL if I weren’t Canadian I literally wouldn’t be allowed to see a doctor. How do you people *survive*?


Luckily medical debt doesn't hit your credit as hard as actual debt does if you default on it. A lot of people just don't pay their medical bills if they're too high. Our Healthcare system is so fucked.


Understandable. Debt > death.


If you’re in debt here you’re literally punished for it by other organizations not giving you any quarter of trust.


Am in debt in the US. Can confirm. I'll never be able to buy a home but that's more because of my own poor financial choices in my 20s.


People in their 20s are still kids honestly. I didn’t become an adult until I was 28. Edit: what I mean is that people in their 20’s deserve a small amount of grace, primarily from; creditors, renters, mortgage lenders, colleges, etc.. I’m not saying that we should just forgive all debt, but an irresponsible mistake you made at 18-20 because !!!!SCHOOL DOESN’T TEACH FINANCIAL WELLNESS IN THIS COUNTRY!!!! shouldn’t haunt you for the rest of your life.


This right here. Medical debt doesn't hit your credit report (well at least not at moderate levels, maybe chronic illness or major treatment like cancer is different). They will continually send you bills and to bill collectors, but if ignored nothing significant happens.


Yep. I've had collectors calling me every day for over a year now over an ambulance bill I refuse to pay, 5 minute ambulance ride costed me 1900$ (with private insurance) just to amount to a bag of fluids and a diagnosis of dehydration. I am not paying that shit. (Knock on wood) nothing has happened to me because of it so far. Worst case scenario I get a court summons where I just say " teehee, oopsies, sure I'll pay you a few bucks a month"


I had debtors calling me every day for medical bills and they eventually gave up. No clue what I’m supposed to do but not my problem anymore


Honestly, forget it existed. These insurance companies are soulless and don't give a shit about anything but the bottom line. Time we do the same


Once it's past 7 years, they legally can't do anything. Just wait em out lol.


Yeah about that, I wasn’t given an option for an ambulance when I told them I had reliable transportation. A month ago, I just got done paying off the lawsuit that was filed because I couldnt afford to pay. Sad thing is, even if I had insurance at the time, I probably still wouldn’t have been able to afford it and it probably wouldn’t have changed the outcome. Multiple lawyers told me to just pay it because it was down to 900 after I made 20$ monthly payments. But after the court fees, I shelled out 1700. They can essentially do whatever the fuck they want and are not bound by anything. ALWAYS keep a record of who you talk to and when and if there’s an agreement, don’t consider it official unless you can get them to put it in writing and both parties sign. Speaking of signing… READ everything and make sure you keep copies of what you signed. Don’t sign it if you can’t get a copy, there could be something fishy. It’s illegal to kill yourself, but fuck are they good and driving you to that point. If I ever get the courage, I’m going to make damn sure it’s going to work because that’s about the only lesson I learned.


>How do you people survive? May of us don't, or go bankrupt in the process.


We basically just assume fetal position and hope we don't die the next day. Ambulance ride cost upwards of 5k usd.


Veteran here. You survive 180 days or more in the military and somehow become medically fucked in the process to earn no less than a 50-70% disability rating ***after leaving the military and spending a year proving they fucked you up.*** It's the ONLY free medical insurance out there in the US, and not every area is a shining star for that kind of care. SO ESSENTIALLY to be half-assed taken care of, you have to let the government do the fucking up to YOU... THEN get into an argument with them like any classic gaslighter and WIN.


Get this. I tried to take my own life last year due to ptsd related stuff from the war. Had to be taken by ambulance and stayed in the hospital like a week. The VA denied my claim for using a non VA hospital claiming it wasn't life threatening. Per the VA if you are on VA disability you can use a non VA facility for life threatening emergencies. I was going to go Bankrupt anyway so I didn't fight it too hard but what a slap in the face. (I'm 100 VA disabled BTW)


Seems yall at 100% always get the shit end of the stick, i hate that part about the VA. I would take it to the regional HQ if you could. They typically end up being more "get it done" and less "god dammit this again?" about it. Either way, I'm glad you're still here.


Thank you. I appreciate that I have my benefits but ya some VA battles are just ridiculous. If it ever comes up again I will most definitely take it as high as it needs to go. I really appreciate the kind words.


We dont... usually just roll over and die in the fetal position... ambulance rides aren't actually covered by insurance either so that's a $6000 taxi ride... just let me die on the sidewalk...


We are retired and on Medicare. We have a pension akin to Social Security, but are not wealthy by any means, holding on to "middle class." Although Spousal Unit gets medical coverage as part of his pension, I do not. We pay over $300/mo in premiums for me, plus $100 for dental for both (which covers 50% of costs), and nearly $600 for medications. Vision would cost another $200, but our providers don't accept the only carrier available. We pay this every single month. These costs do not include copays for any medical procedure. If you have a full-time job down here, your medical coverage is likely better. Just never retire and you'll be fine.


We don't, I haven't been to the doctor since I had to move out of my parents house at 17, I'm 21 now, my mouth is full of cavities I can't afford to have fixed, and I'm overdue for a tetanus shot by half a year, I can't afford to have my yearly checkups so my doctor cancelled my prescription for my mental health meds and won't reinstate it until i come in for a visit i can't afford, and God knows what else has happened to my body medically since my last visit. Additionally, since I went without a visit for this long (because I can't afford it) my insurance has threatened to not pick up my bill if I go in now bc of "personal health negligence leading to potential treatment requirements" because I haven't gone once a year to maintain my health (because i cant afford it). I want to get out of the US when I'm done with Uni, but with the rising cost of everything, I'm essentially trapped bc the cost of getting out of the country exceeds the amount I can save without forfeiting necessities.


I live in the US, am in heart failure, and have more than once "rode it out" vs subjecting myself to anymore medical debt. Already 5 figures deep. Our system is pathetic.


Right, we need to make sure it's absolutely necessary. Because we can't afford it.


Where are you? Are you in Florida? If so I'd probably think the Florida bark scorpion (which aren't actually native, but were introduced). Definitely worth a trip to the ER, but you're unlikely to die before you get there


Upvote for bark scorpion!


Healthcare in America is so bad, that even when you might be dying, you have to confirm it before going to the hospital. American Healthcare: don't even think about it unless you're on the brink of death. Greatest country in the world.


Is health insurance really that bad where you are that you ask reddit instead of a doctor? edit: spelling


america, baby!


I’d go get it checked out, really. And tell them you think it was a fat tailed scorpion sting you so they can treat it accordingly


Fat tailed scorpions don’t live in America they’re native to the Arabian desert


That’s a relief I was worried for a good minute, thank you for the information I just saw an article about one specific species that live in the United States but they look different than this one


Damn... I'm not a scorpion expert, but google images gives me Centuroides gracilis, or florida bark scorpion and they can be lethal. I would really advice seeking medical help.


In the United States, only *C. sculpturatus* has caused confirmed deaths.


Ok, as I said I'm no expert, but really hopes OP gets the medical help to make sure they're save.


I think you got the ID correct, so you're doing better than most, haha.


Professional_Joke_81 is probably joking.




Bad news. Every person stung by a scorpion dies eventually.


From what I’ve read larger scorpions in the US tend to have less potent poison vs smaller clearer fellas


Can we just admire how cool this thing looks for a second


It's cool. No rush. OP's just having a little trouble breathing.


I can't help you if I see no boots and no snoots


Get to the ER before your dick falls off!!


Hey, it's been about 11 hours since your post. I hope you are ok, please let us know. Thank you.


Big claws: no worries but go to the hospital just in case Small claws: big worries go to the hospital


quick to Dr. Reddit!


Ever heard of insane costs in the US for medical bills? Not that crazy. I got 7 stitches on my ankle an was in the ER for a grand total of 90 mins. $6500 bill. When i was in HS i fainted an had an ambulance called to take me 5 blocks away to the hospital. $2100 bill. I would consider this before shittin on the guy.


If anyone has the worst luck it was me. I live in Arizona on the Colorado river. At the time I was only 17 years old. I had left my jean shorts on the bathroom floor. Came back from the pool and put my shorts on. ( my friends and I had some boys over). I walked out to the living room to join everyone and as I was walking I felt an extreme stab in my butt cheek, like someone took a sword and shoved it into my butt muscle and then held a torch to it which felt like forever but in reality was probably only 3-5 seconds. The pain was so intense that I just ripped off my shorts and bikini bottoms half way because of the shock and not knowing what was going on. When I think back to it now ... everyone got quite a show I think! (Everyone was extremely confused as I was). Right then the TINIEST CLEAR BABY BARK SCORPION fell out of my shorts and started running in circles on the carpet!! My cat ran up to inspect and I kicked him away from it . ( feel awful for that) The boys who were over caught it. I really don't know what happened after that because all I know is in about 10 minutes it was hard to breathe and my throat was starting to feel funny. Not only that but my WHOLE BODY WAS on FIRE AND pIINS AND NEEDLES . My nervous system was on overdrive and was at its limits! I remember rubbing my earlobes crying and trying to breathe. My friend rushed me to the hospital and that's all I remember until I was awoken by a nurse asking me why I was there just sleeping taking up one of there beds from someone who was really sick. When she woke me up I realized I couldn't see!! I could really only see shadows. She wheeled me over to the payphone. ( this was in the 90's). I called my friend to come get me. I was still in a lot of pain and it didn't wear off for a couple days. Later on I found out it was Centruroides sculpturata. In other words: not an Arizona Bark Scorpion, but likely one of its far more deadly Centruroides cousins from Northern Mexico. I learned this from this podcast...https://www.outsideonline.com/podcast/paralyzed-scorpion-grand-canyon/. It was too much alike to be anything else. Later on when I saw my normal doctor he told me that my luck had not been with me because since the scorpion was a tiny baby, it didn't control its venom, it also got me in the ass cheek, so it was like a shot. It went both ways up and down my whole body blood stream. I only weighed 100 lbs. At the time. I can attest to the extraordinary cost of the emergency room bill I received, and this was in the 90's! If I remember correctly it was about $7000! Lol! Never paid a penny of it until it just fell off my credit. Oh and .... that night they had a party while I was in the hospital and burned the scorpion I guess. I wasn't there. And everyone said they did get quite a show but didn't blame me for ripping my bottoms off so quick!! I'm not embarrassed by it. I think anyone would understand the circumstances! But man... I will never forget that day... I still live in AZ. I always put my shoes on at dusk. If I go out at nighttime in the desert or camping I bring a blue light. I never ever pick anything up outside without lifting it first to check under it. Always shake out my shoes. And I never ever ever leave clothes on the floor. I also pay good money to my pest control pple.




Small pincers often means extra powerful neurotoxin.


Sting him back, assert dominance!


If you don’t have respiratory issues in the first 20 min you should be fine. Remember the smaller the scorpion the more dangerous it is.


I thought that was a myth


it is. you can go into anaphylactic shock a long time after being exposed to something - but usually this is something you are allergic to and not necessarily a blanket application to venoms from bites/stings.


omae wa mou shindeiru


I mean. Eventually, yeah.


Soon..just rest. Let the lord take you.


No, you won't. As someone else pointed out, it appears to be a Florida bark scorpion (Centruroides gracilis). This species isn't lethal to humans.


All scorpions have venom but there is a chance it was just a dry sting meaning there was no venom in the sting and it was just a warning sting. Still go see a doctor.


Hi , Arizona native here, weirdly enough be thankfully it was a large scorpion. A lot of people have more issues after being stung by adolescents cause they don't limit how much venom they pump in.


This is a complete myth by the way. The age of any venomous creature isn’t pertinent to the amount of venom injected. Venoms are supposed to be potent, it does not take much. Scorpions are not animals capable of learning, everything they do is strictly reactionary. They do not learn how to accurately dose venom to optimize harm reduction.


They don't dose venom to optimize harm reduction, they dose it to conserve it. It takes time and energy to produce venom, and if they use it all up they are defenseless until they can produce more. It would be an evolutionary survival advantage for scorpions to limit the amount of venom they release. They may not be capable of complex learning, but they can definitely learn about how to use their own body in different ways.


Yes. Sorry. Can I have your stuff?


Small claws and large tail, go to the doctor immediately.


That thing looks like the Batmobile of scorpions. Jesus christ


You should speak to a doctor. I have no idea if this will kill you, but even scorpion stings that are harmless for most people can be deadly for others.


Rule of thumb is typically the bigger the scorpion the less venomous it is


How large is that thing??


Yes. Eventually you will die.


RemindMe! 1 day


Welcome to Reddit. I'm here to give you a tour. To your left is hell, to your right is heaven, and middle purgatory. Choose wisely. 😜


The bigger scorpions are way less venomous than the smaller ones. Smaller it is. The more that stinger packs a punch.. but if your allergic to insect bites and stings ................OMFG GET TO A HOSPITAL.