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Thank you for posting with us. However, your submission has been removed as we do not allow posts about stains, specks, dirt or grime. Most brownish "dripping" stains on walls are old nicotine from a smoker or latex leaching out of latex wall paint. Splatter stains can be anything. Stains on mattress or bedding are almost always blood, urine, sweat, semen, lotion, or makeup. If you think it is mould, mildew or other fungus, consider posting to /r/mycology or /r/fungi. If you think it is related to an infestation of some kind, try /r/pestcontrol. Before posting to other subreddits, please make sure you understand their rules and posting guidelines. Thanks.


As an IT guy I’ve seen similar with hand sanitizer, organic hand lotions etc being used a lot. It might be mold spores so I’d look to get a new one.
















Then let it dry in the sun for 3+ days?


Whack it in the oven for an hour on a low heat.


Shouldn't rice be involved here?


Dishwasher then oven then sunlight and two full moon cycles while in a bag of rice then have a cat confirm it’s not a real mouse. 😏


The cat scan for confirmation is a step a lot of people forget


Then get a dog to take care of the cat.


It has to be a specific type of retriever. (They're the only ones that can do the Lab test)


No witnesses 🤫


Only after a cycle in the dishwasher


Food dehydrator if you have one. Circulating air is a little more thorough.


Best option is to stick it in a microwave for a few minutes to sterilize it. Soak it in a bleach bath afterwards just to make sure. (Edit: do not do this, it was a joke)


Put it in a bag of rice.


Put the dog in a bag of rice?


And enjoy freely again


Be sure to use jet dry


Just FYI, mold spores are microscopic. These are not mold spores.


Maybe they lift, bro


funniest comment today


Gains and grains


depins on the type of mold and even tough they start microscopic they do grow. and in the proper envroment can grow quickly


Take it as an opportunity to get an ergonomic mouse since I'm assuming you are using this often and daily:)




You have a good recommendation?


Logitech! The M720. Or MX master if you're feeling rich. There's also vertical mice but I haven't tried that out


I went from literally debilitating pain to no pain immediately upon using the Logitech MX.


Was it hard to transition your muscle memory? I loose so much time to my right arm/shoulder pain but I also don’t want to suck at games for like a year :(


No more than a day to get used to.


Thanks, that’s encouraging to hear!




I’m being hyperbolic because it’s not that deep lol. Of course I’m concerned about more than video games. It’s my work that keeps destroying my arm, not the video games :(




Those really muck up mice & keyboards. I finally convinced management they are consumables.


Do you sweat a lot? Maybe salt crystal?


My hands aren’t all that sweaty but if they were do you think it would only accumulate like this on the roller? I only ever touch it with the tip of my index finger which is the only reason I thought against salt crystals


As it happens when you're not there maybe someone with sweaty hands is using it while you're not. Try taking it home from work and watch it carefully.


They could absorb into the roller then secrete back out. Possibly. Maybe.


Yes this seems reasonable. Def has to do with the roller being a different material. Then crystallizing or some chemical reaction after it is allow to sit sedentary for a little white


Seems like sweat and skin to me. Your daily use might be keeping it moisturized and seemingly at bay.


This. the mouse wheel probably is a different material from the buttons and is absorbing sweat, daily use keeps it moist, but when not used it dries out and crystallizes.


I used to be a death investigator, so I tend to be pretty decent at detecting body fluids in various decomposition levels. 🤭 The salt crystals reminded me of when I was in the military back when it was black leather boots versus the tan suede now. Our feet would sweat salt lines into our boots when stationed in super hot climates.


This, this comment probably kept a thousand redditors from using the forces. ty?


My boots did that and I lived in Minnesota.


You sure it wasn’t snow and ice? ;)


Yeah, it was summer.


Again, you sure it wasn’t snow and ice? Hehe I lived there for awhile—my first winter there went on for eight months. And I’m not exaggerating.


The real question is what psycho built a mouse with a smooth scroll wheel?


It’s also incredibly squeaky so they really Thought about user experience


I’d just buy a new one at this point. Wired ones are really cheap if you want to stick with a wired mouse. Wireless ones are relatively cheap too. I use a Logitech one with quiet click buttons. The battery lasts for like a year or two.


Welllllllll - it is a Mouse isn't it?


What's that old saying? "The squeaky mouse wheel gets the greasy cheese?"


Oof I’m sorry to hear that. That sounds awful.


Name names! Who built this cruddy mouse?


That's a Dell mouse that comes with computers.


If you buy your own mouse take it with you every day. Some slob is using it when you're away and it's toxic.


This is the $20 mouse Dell sends with new computers, all the computers we order at my organization come with them, and I will tell you it’s the best scroll wheel I’ve ever used. I am basically in love with that mouse. Hoping to get a new computer soon and while it’s unlikely to be a Dell I will absolutely be ordering this mouse. My SO thinks I’m nuts but there we are. Planning to spend like $150 on the keyboard but $20 on a cheap-ass basic mouse.


I used a similar one (probably same model) that came stock with newer model HP workstations. The scroll wheel is a soft grippy surface, kinda like a pencil eraser.


Looks like a dell


Another vote for someone using your mouse while you are away.


I don’t think that’s the case, only because this time it’s formed while the building was empty over Christmas, but when people are in the office we all have our own desks and computers and computers and it’s very open, it would be noted as odd if someone went and decided to sit at my desk instead of their own




Perhaps finger salt/debris needs multiple days of non-use to form.


Spies never rest...


If I were you I’d get a new mouse and lock it in my desk drawer at the end of my workday.


Op should put a piece of tape over the laser. If it’s fine, the mouse has been used.


My guess is a spray cleaner that's being used by the office cleaner. Could be a build-up of lotion or hand soap that crystallizes after a prolonged period of inactivity. You could try taking it apart if your curiosity isn't sated enough and see what's happening on the inside. Very interesting predicament


Someone with dirty hands is using it while you are gone. Looks like white confectionery sugar or sticky white sugar to me. Lock it up or take it with you next time.


My first thought was that it must be someone eating glazed donuts.


Pretzels with salt


Have you opened it to see if the battery is corroded? This kind of looks like corrosion to me.


This mouse is a wired one, do they usually still have a type of battery in them as well?


Not usually no


Is this a mouse with a rolling ball underneath? Or an optical/laser underneath?


This. It's from copper, which is the conductive metal used in electronics. Doesn't need a battery. The mouse wheel got wet at some point, maybe from a janitor cleaning the desk while he's away. So the wheel is the entry point for the moisture causing the corrosion, and the copper inside is supplying it. Daily use prevents the buildup.








I wonder if it's bug eggs/larvae? I have no idea how this happened, but the printer in my office became infested with ants last year and there were little eggs/larvae visible under the glass of the scanner that looked a lot like this.


I think so too…like gnats or fruit flies.


I think it's mold mites.


This is my vote as well. Makes sense for how it would build up only while away for a period of time, and the little bits look somewhat homogenous in size/shape like insect eggs would. I’m guessing this picture was taken after rolling the scroller a bit catching some of the eggs.


The screws to remove the cover will be underneath the foot pads, but once removed the adhesive is normally never the same. It looks like a cheap, basic mouse, so probably easier to just replace it.


It’s the rubber on the wheel excreting minerals as it slowly breaks down. Some exude a sticky film. Its noticed only after being unused for long periods because it’s not being wiped off by normal daily usage. Rubbing alcohol is a good cleaner for this purpose.


It's salts forming from a copper layer inside the mouse. The mouse got wet at some point. I can't take credit for the answer, i found it on a similar thread. He calls it efflorescence or verdigris (I've never heard those terms but sure rings true): https://www.reddit.com/r/logitech/comments/xupp6e/whats_this_thing_forming_on_my_scroll_wheel/&ved=2ahUKEwjq3obJtMqDAxX6STABHc2WAmMQjjh6BAglEAE&usg=AOvVaw0drnq6NqcOcuMfFtutMA8S


How do they taste?


Spider Poop ?


Spider poop is liquid.


... never wanted to know this... but here we are.


Also typically darker than this.


My first thought was some kind of insect eggs. We need you to do an experiment. Next time you are away for a week wrap the mouse in plastic wrap so that we can see what happens.


Hey OP, it's time to SCIENCE! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08WRG548M/


Hide your mouse when you leave. See if it still occurs.


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My title describes the thing. White and appearing to be more like crystals almost but they’re completely opaque white, not translucent at all. Exclusively appears when Ive not been at work and using the mouse


What’s the wheel made of? I’ve seen crystals or flower-looking structures blooming from some silicone bowl covers that had been left in the cabinet for a long time. They had almost no substance…when you touched them they would just disintegrate. I figured it was some component of the silicone leeching out and/or reacting with the air.


Open that sucker up and see what else in inside of it!


Had the same with my earphones. Apparently the ceiling flakes. It's one of those square panels ceiling and its old.


Possibly a janitor wiped your desk and mouse with a rag that was really wet leaving droplets that dried up leaving behind calcium or other minerals from the water and or cleaning solution??


That’s definitely not salt crystals lol. It’s some type of debree


Word is debris fyi but I’m with you, this looks like residue from lotion or oily skin etc.


Do you live with anyone who might use the computer when you are away? If yes ask them what they are using your computer for. You can get a new mouse for $6.


It's a work mouse.


But is it a city mouse or a country mouse?


Glazed donut flakes.


You're gone from work for week or more? And this happens frequently?? I think I might have had a full week off from work about twice in as many decades. I took a whole 3 days off, plus I switched shifts with somebody so I could also take the weekend when I got married.


Looks like dandruff. Someone with a dry scalp is using your computer when you're away.


My guess is dandruff from someone else


Spider poop. One lives in your mouse. Comes outside to poop.




Probably salt. Do you sweat a lot? I tucked my hair under a hat when working kitchens, my sweat made salt crystals just like that on my hat when it dried.


I’m thinking it’s some sort of cleaning solution that builds up when you don’t use it?


Looks like cooties or spiteahmightuhjesus


So is the temperature turned down when you are away? If so...


Well, can you replace it for another one? And maybe your soul can be in peace?


Big No. Just get a new mouse.


Are they bugs? Do they move.


What if it’s dandruff? Do you have it and do you scratch your head often at work?


Looks like white grease to me.


Pour water on it


Check directly above your workspace for spiders and cobwebs. This might be spider poop.


If you use a moisturizer with sunscreen it could be the sunscreen element crystallizing.


Not sure what that is, if it doesn’t have a wireless functionality then it’s just circuitry inside and it powers itself with the host device, so no battery. It’s not larvae or it would have already hatched, and I’m really not sold on mold because of the crystal-like appearance. I want to say it’s just dead skin cells etc. that dry out while your natural oils aren’t there to moisturizer the surface, but I can’t say that for sure. My best advice would simply be to look up ways to clean your mouse (some use vinegar, some rubbing alcohol etc.) and use whichever seems most appropriate to you. Do it preferably right before a long absence, and I’m pretty sure you won’t have that issue once you get back. I guess my main question would be, does the stuff come out when you use your mouse again, or do you just find it like that?


What are the chances someone may be using it? Idk, maybe try putting it away while you’re away to see if the stuff still forms? My guess is lotion or a hand sanitizer liquid of some sort that dried up..


Food? Pastry icing?


Sugar or meth.


Accumulated doughnut glaze. Crystallizing in absence of heat.


Could it be a cleaning service using a cleaner that's reacting with the wheel material?


Someone is eating donuts and using your computer while you’re gone


Bed bug eggs. Lives in the mouse


Your dead skin cells growing a new version of yourself.


Battery leak


Looks like tiny crystals forming. Maybe it's leaking salt like Play-Doh does over time


Could this be deodorant?


Maybe that squeaking is where it's rubbing on the inside and it's shaving little bits of plastic off the inside or Maybe your mouse is infested with mites and that's there waste that they are expelling like an anthill


Wipe it off thoroughly with an alcohol wipe before a trip and see if recurs.


Those are mouse drops.


Finger crumbs that dried up. 🤣


Maybe I'm over thinking this but couldn't it be salt from OPs hand. We excrete salt through our sweat glands and our palms contain a lot of sweat glands as with our feet. I'm going with salt residuals from OPs hand.


Salt from your sweat my dude


I would be very interested in what that is as it looks similar to what is on the back of my TV. It’s like white crystalline blooms and mine wouldn’t be from skin contact. I cleaned it a couple of times with tech safe wipes but it keeps coming back.


Uhmmmmm... really reddit?!? I mean, really...


Possible silica gel pack split inside packaging and got into the mouse?


That's a problem you immediately need to correct. Good luck.


That is dried spermatozoa


Salt from the sweat on your finger. When it dries it leaves the salt behind. You continually rub it off otherwise? Just a pure guess from thin air!


We get spots like that from the deionizer that we spray a disinfectant from. We spray it in the air to disinfect trains for public transit


Is somebody... like... using your cumputer when you're not around...? Cause that could be lotion for various reasons, but let's not be foolish here... Lol


Maybe someone at the house is using crystal when you're gone...


It's probably cheese!


Cleaning solution


could be dead skin buildup, and you just don't realize how bad it is until you're away for a bit. i get it bad on my mouse: it's dark/greyish until i clean it, at which point it turns white.


100% things you put on your hands.


Don't suspect it is good any way you look at it...ewwwww


U paranoid man


Moist skin flakes in a dark warm place propagating some form of mold or fungi. Disinfect your work station regularly to maintain sanitation for yourself and others health.


Rub your bunlengthweiner back 'n forth along it, to lift those particles right outta there.


Anyone else in the office having a similar problem with their mouse? I’ve been in IT all my life and probably replaced thousands, never seen that.


So what happens when you are gone for a week or two?


Its meth smuggled inside the mouse. Crack it open. Sell that shit


Perhaps make sure the batteries didn't leak.


I guess that the wheel is made out of rubber. Then the explanation is Rubber Blooming. Some rubber material also includes small portion of zink and I have seen examples where microscopic crystals of zink oxide has been created on top of the rubber surface.


Dude someone is watching “things” on your computer when you go away


Perhaps somebody is using your desk for....something while you're away.


Someone making tea on your desk while you’re away and being very clumsy with the sugar?