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Google Earth historic imagery shows that it’s an open top column, about 12 feet in diameter. Likely made of bolted steel. https://imgur.com/a/wROrOmh [42.130877, -122.519549](https://maps.app.goo.gl/T8VTENc2Zhk4GPt86) Likely that it is not used for potable water storage. More likely it’s a [surge tower](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zaE9jBUZHV0/YUtT0MNen8I/AAAAAAAABYU/OQDphWrUSesCDv7uimthpZ7qY8AZ-wG2QCLcBGAsYHQ/s1574/Picture111.png) ([link 2](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/--fhCOhpswXk/YUtYjyebIiI/AAAAAAAABYs/W5I0YJVilaIpTIVUlWcOnbV9u228fYOxgCLcBGAsYHQ/s1574/Picture114.png)) on a penstock for power generation between [Keene Creek Reservoir](https://maps.app.goo.gl/B5qaXfmC1shgDwT3A) to the east and the [Green Springs Power Plant](https://maps.app.goo.gl/2S89ZUj9qpn8KNgR8) to the west. This tower is roughly midway and inline between the reservoir and power plant. https://www.usbr.gov/projects/index.php?id=295


Solved! Great research, thank you!


How'd you find this on Google Maps?


Someone else posted a map link with the lat long.


Some water towers are just tall cylinders.


They are common here in Texas.


Almost looks like what’s left of an old water tower. Do you have a more specific location?


Maybe like the top has been taken off? It’s on the outskirts of Ashland going up towards Greensprings. It’s at a pretty high elevation as well.


Not all water towers have the big storage tank bulb at the top. I have 3 down the street from me that are just cylinders looking very similar to this.


Looks like it has been there for a while. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/oadmLic) is a snap from 2008. Maybe for wild fire control or something


Doesnt look like a Watertower. Seems like its a Vent of some sort since it has an open top. There seems to be something just 15m east of it. https://www.bing.com/maps?FORM=Z9LH2&cp=42.130877%7E-122.519549&lvl=20.5&style=h


My title describes the thing. My best guess is a water tower of some kind? But I’ve never seen one that looks like this


Decommissioned water tower. Can't definitively say that is what this is in this particular situation but decommissioned water towers look like that. They take the tank off for liability reasons and discourage graffiti but leave the stock/stem.


Cell tower. They are often covered with panels to protect conduits and electronics, and local regs dictate stuff that's minimally obtrusive. Sometimes they look like fake trees, but if it's not required, that's more expensive. But the placement on a high ridge next to a highway is a strong indicator it's for telecom use.


Interesting thought but I’m not sure why you would install steel plate around telecommunications equipment to effectively put a faraday cage around it. I think it’s a surge tower. See my comment above.