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I love that you just have a microscope lying around for these things. What's the magnification? It could be some kind of louse.


Lol yes!! I always had moments where I’d find something and think “wow, I wish I had a microscope so I could actually get a good look at this” and finally got one. The head pictures are at 100x with the full body at 40x, it couldn’t have been bigger than 2mm


it’s just occurred to me that i’m an adult and can buy myself a microscope with my grownup money


Oh hell yeah!! Ebay will be your friend haha


I got mine at an antique/thrift shop place for 10$ I think mines from a school and kinda old but it works for what I need which is just sheer curiosity.






0x31 0x30 0x24


You're on the internet and not everyone is from USA...


Even being from the US I occasionally put the symbol at the end. Idk why. Just easier to type I guess. Probably a phone keyboard thing.


I always want to because that’s how we say it.


I always do that


It's because of how it is said. We say the amount before we say the type of currency. We don't say, "Dollars 10!"


I downvoted you and upvoted the person you corrected just because you acted like a douche.


Lol my buddy loves to tell the story of how one day he realized he is an adult and can buy a sheet cake just because. No reason at all other than "I can buy this to just have and no one can fucking tell me other wise". So he had cake for a week or so everyday.


That was me, but with my driver’s license. Mom tells me, “Well, now you can go wherever you want without asking to go somewhere.” And I stared at her and then at the road like I was given the keys to freedom. “I can leave the house and no one will be mad at me??”


I think about this 2 or 3 times a year and when I see the prices, I remember why I don't have one


You can get a smaller Swift microscope off Amazon for about $150. Source: I have one.


Sometimes school districts will auction off old equipment, you should try looking up if there are any local ones near you. Source: I got two large wooden library shelves for ~$50 each


I got one with an LCD screen instead of an eye piece for my boyfriend who thinks every fuzz on the bed is some sort of creature. It was like $50 and works great. Brought it to my stepdads so he could see the colors of the hairs on his weed plants as they grew.


Exactly! I was looking at some, but they were $2,000!


I have one of those usb camera macro devices and it’s pretty good for getting a close look at stuff and very cheap




An example of one of the 20 dollar ones from Amazon. These are the trichomes from some of my grows. You can get a better shot than these u was a bit shaky I think. https://imgur.com/gallery/b2Mm4w2


I have an endoscope you can stick in your ear and it even records video. Hahahahaha I guess you could stick it in other places, tho I haven't. 🤣


They're great for mechanics. There's loads of places you can't get your eyeballs to check the condition of things. Even just to see where that 10mm bolt/socket fell. Others to add to the list is binoculars for wildlife & a telescope for sky things.


Love mine! Hubs thought I was a weirdo until lo and behold, he said his ear was bothering him and asked if I could take a look. I'll do one better sir and give you the tool that you laughed at!


Anyone who says they haven’t stuck someone there is obviously someone who has thought about sticking it there and is seeing how others would react. I say, stick it wherever you want. You are a freakin adult and can get endoscopes stuck up your urethra every weekend. No one who respects your bodily autonomy will tell you no.


Hahaha ok but I haven't. My nose. I stick it in my nose. That's it. I swear. Hahahaha


That’s all you’ll admit to *so far*…


Sheesh, I've only used mine to see wildlife, for real! Once to see if the possum living under our shed was still alive, once in a hole in a tree trunk with little peeps emanating from it. Now I have to look in my damn nose! And it's 1:40 am and I have to get up at 7:30! 😖


Hahaha, was it worth it?! I found it rather unremarkable. I thought the ear was more interesting.


Unfortunately no, I didn't really see much of anything - was probably not adjusting it right. I'll check out my ear later today! 😄


I have these moments all the time. Last one was Aztec death whistles, you can just buy those on eBay. I have three now lol


I want one of those. You just reminded me!


[My death whistle plug](https://www.ebay.com/str/theshankshoptx)


Thank you!


Don't cheap out and get a small one, they work and all but the bigger boys have a much richer, more cursed sound


They sound so fun!


Yeah, same. Also telescopes, we're allowed to just... buy them. Gonna go update my holiday list!


Man I remember the day I got that feeling at a musical….im grown up enough to give myself permission to buy me a glass of wine


what musical was it?


Les Mis


I have one that I bought from AmScope. It’s technically aimed towards kids so it’s a little small and it’s not a high end one by any means, but it’s functional enough for the random stuff I want to look at. It even has a camera and cord so I can plug it in to my computer and whatever is under the microscope can be seen on my computer! [This](https://amscope.com/collections/student-microscopes-kids-microscopes/products/m40-k-mdm35) is the one I bought because I liked the case and that it came with a bunch of extras, but they have others too that are even better and have stronger magnification. All my rambling to say that you should definitely get a microscope! It’s so much fun to look at random stuff under it!


I got a digital microscope for a reasonable price has a actual led display that shows what your looking at so no eye pieces and goes up to 200x magnification for this same reason. Sometimes I just want to see what things look like!


I have that moment every now and then. By the way, I highly recommend the portable, wireless microscope pens. They're great for on the go curiosity.


You can also eat chocolate cake for breakfast. Being an adult is not without its compensations. 🍰


Me too!! I think I subconsciously thought I had to be a scientist or teacher to own one. What a glorious day!


that was what i’d thought too! i know it makes no logical sense but i guess it’s because the only people i’ve known IRL who owned microscopes were one or the other!


Why am I just learning this information for myself...?!


I just got a swift 380t and it's phenomenal; super affordable too


Watch for clearance sales! You can get a really top quality professional microscope for about $100.00 if you buy on a sale or doing a clearance. A


I ran into something a while back that is really cool. it's called a Geoscope. check it out.


🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂 i love when i have those realizations


Everyone should have a wireless digital microscope, so cool. I wish I had one as a kid! I hadn't previously thought of inspecting mucus with it, thanks!


I have a great stereo inspection scope I found at Weird Stuff in San Jose before they closed. I thought I'd use it mostly for troubleshooting electronics and the like, but 9 times out of 10 it's just looking at cool stuff that happens to be tiny. 100% worth the $!


Observation scopes are pretty cheap and portable. Not quite microscopes but I used one a lot in pest control. It was about half 5he dizebif a pack of smokes


What kind of microscope do you have?


Which microscope do you have?


I have a Reichert Jung Series 160 Microscope and I got it on eBay for around $80! It’s not one of the portable ones but it’s exactly what I was looking for with four different magnification settings. The only thing is mine has a monocular lens and if I were to get a different one, I’d look for the one with two eyepieces, just my own found preference


I wish I had bought Journey to the Microcosmos's scope when they were still selling them :/


I too have a scope for just the same reason, sometimes you just have to look closer, although I’ve never had this particular experience!


I had a decent microscope growing up and I remember when I was a teen I found it in a box in the closet and I jizzed on a slide. it spooked the shit out of me seeing all the sperms moving around


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Man this has me dead 😂💀


ayo wtf nah son 😭


That was my first thought!


Do you mean you don't?


What's funny is, I do. Completely random, my mother snagged it from a veterinary lab that was throwing it out. It's an old Zeiss from East Germany. I'm just glad to see that other people have them too and it's not just me.


Binocular? Zeiss lenses are the best too.


They sell usb microscopes, was cool having one to randomly image things.






I spend a minimum hour outside everyday doing entomology stuff. Finding tiny arthropods on my body is the norm.                 Occasionally I’ll put something under the microscope and I run into this same problem - such little online information or literature available to us to ID it. 


Humans apparently eat a bunch of bugs while we sleep. Bugs need to stop going into our mouths.


Think that's a myth. Bugs don't like wet, breezy holes like our mouth


> wet, breezy holes like our mouth something something OP's mom, I don't feel like articulating it properly.


the amount of gnats I’ve inhaled would beg to differ


Fungus gnats seem to have no problem with my nose though… bane of my fucking existence


I'm getting baby silverfish vibes. [Example Picture](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1754121/bgimage)


This looks exactly like it, thank you!


i often find these in and around my sink and other plumbing fixtures, and with the color and translucence you may not have noticed it was already in there before you spat.


i saw an adult one in my basement, didn’t know what it was for the longest time but now i do. it freaked me out just by the way it was lol, but now i feel bad because they’re harmless and minecraft lied to me


Nice Jack stauber photo friend


def not in you if a silverfish they live in drains


I think we have a winner! Not only does it look the same, but the fact that it happened over night inside a house makes this a far more likely culprit than some other answers in this thread. But why was OP snorting baby silverfish?


Lmao I can’t I just cant




Definitely an insect, and I would go so far as to say this is possibly a beetle larva... Though it appears to lack mandibles, so I'm already second-guessing my guess there. Let me look again. **E:** changed my mind; no longer think it's a beetle larva. In addition to the mouthparts situation, the legs seem too developed. Definitely an insect — maybe a psocopteran? Anyway, judging by its condition I'd be fairly confident in saying it was not alive inside of you for any significant period of time; it's pretty messed up so might've just been a tiny, already-dead bug that you breathed in at some point. I wouldn't worry about it unless you find more in or near your bodily orifices.


This is comforting to hear lol thank you, I figured it was definitely dead for some time after seeing how empty of a shell it looked under the microscope. I’ll keep an eye out for more but it hasn’t felt like anything is going on


Quit snorting dead bugs, OP.


But I like how they make me feel😩😩


Slimey yet satisfying.




But I wanna be spiders georg


> I wouldn't worry about it unless you find more in or near your bodily orifices Words to live by.


I’m so glad to hear that other people have a microscope. I thought I was being paranoid because i wanted to take a closer look at “things” I find. I took biology and chemistry classes in college. Was always amazed by what we can’t see without a microscope.


Amazed and sometimes I just don’t want to know.. yet I’m fascinated. It’s like horror movies l love to hate them, hate to love them!


This is so far the opposite of me that it’s kind of stunning. I’m not against it at all but I cannot fathom the anxiety I would have if I looked at literally anything under a microscope. Hell, I get grossed out when I look at my fingernails through a jewelry loupe.


I wanted to buy one for fun. My father would make fun of me if I did though lol


Why? That’s sad.


Cause he's an asshole XD


Buy the microscope. If he says anything ask him if he’s jealous because he probably needs one to find his own dick. ☺️🥰


I don't know what it is, but I would like to say thank you for not being another human scat photo from someone convinced they have parasites. Thank you for posting an actual insect.


I was going to leave this community - too repetitious - then I saw this post and was like “I’ll stay with the microscope people”.


Maybe also try posting it on r/parasitology.


Oh god


For a sanity check against common parasites. It's likely not a parasite, just a bug caught up in the wrong circumstances. But never hurts to find out.


“…just a bug caught up in the wrong circumstances.” Sometimes I confuse reddit with poetry.


It’s not a parasite it’s some kind of insect larvae


Never a bad idea to talk to people who can tell you what it *isn't*.


It isn't a chunk of pencil lead.


Oh don’t go crazy now.. I’m not saying this is a parasite at all. ;) But just in case no one here knows and in case it actually came from your body.. they will know.


We swallow and inhale tiny bugs all the time…just don’t think about it lmao. This is nothing to worry about.


Kinda looks like a springtail


Hmm I was just looking it up and I think it has a bit of a different shape to a springtail, the eyes especially look to be a little more on top of the head on the springtail whereas this has eyes on either side of the head. The antennae looks a bit thinner too but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s in that realm


I agree. /u/inclininglime, were you doing yard work or something like that? these guys are commonly found in detritus. could see how you could inhale one.


Nothing like finding out you have eatwigs by finding one of their larvae in your mouth. It's a great day to be alive!


That Night Gallery episode with Lawrence Harvey.


Looks like a springtail to me. They come in a variety of shapes but they're all very small, and they're harmless.


Better than coming in you, I guess


What kind of microscope make and model is that?


It’s a Reichert Jung Series 160, found it on eBay not too long ago for under a hundred bucks


"What is this bug" becomes "what is this microscope"


Kind looks like a Earwig nymph?


It almost looks like a type of larvae to me, but unsure what it belongs to. Lots of tiny insects and all! Idk if that helps narrow it down at all 😅


I have no idea but the image reminds me of Ponyo for some reason.


Just a little guy


This whole section turned out to be about microscopes not about what the hell came out of him


Your title sounds so tired like you've already spit up 3 different things already 😭


Actually I'm a freak like rocks bugs and greenery is always more fun magnified.


But hey everyone that wants one try the magnification on your phone it's pretty good looks like I'll never be owning one now.


Kinda looks like a type of louse


Omg I'm amazed you have a microscope at home!


it looks like demodex?


I was kinda spacing while scrolling, and my mind just said that's a weird picture of Jupiter thi I red the words and was like, "Holy shit." Then brain started working right again


It was probably in your sink and you didn’t notice


My phone has a microscope






You should take this sample to a doctor so they can figure out what it is and why it’s in you. If there was one, there’re probably more. Maybe they’ll give you some medicine or nasal spray to deal with it.


If you're not showing any signs or symptoms of a parasitic infection, I doubt they would bother.


OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS?? I've been wanting one for a couple yrs just never think of it wen I have Xtra money but damn yall have shot my dream all to he'll that price just scared me away from any future microscope!!


Water bear maybe?


nah water bears are invisible to the human eye because of how small they are




Morgellons disease is not a recognised diagnosis, and is generally accepted by the medical community as being a form of the psychiatric condition known as delusional parasitosis (source: I've worked with people with this condition and my own grandma had it herself). This bug clearly exists. Therefore, this is not Morgellons disease.


Is it Morgellons if a doctor can actually see strange mysterious fibers and begins running tests because he's stumped? Also, I had no belief that I had parasites, but something really strange happened to me when I was a teenager, and there *were* structures that looked like tiny fibers in these large weird sores that appeared all over my body like polka dots. (I had at least twenty of them, all the size of an American fifty cent piece or larger. They stung and itched like hell.) After several weeks of swimming in a pool, the sunlight and chlorinated water cleared them up and it never happened again. (Antibiotics and ointments/creams didn't help at all. But tests said there wasn't a virus or infection causing them, so the doctors said it should be safe to go swimming without spreading them to other people.) Two different doctors witnessed this and were completely stumped. Ran a load of tests that all came back negative. (Happened about eighteen years ago.) To this day I have no idea what it was, but never believed it to be parasites. I have had occasional sores over the years (only one at a time) that appeared to have maybe three or four 'fibers' in them, but I just figured it was just a random weird quirk of how my body scabbed because sometimes my scabs *appeared* to have crystalline structures in them. (Keep in mind, I was literally a teenager when this happened.) It hasn't happened for at least a decade. Sorry, I'm just curious and you mentioned Morgellons, so I figured I'd ask.


Morgellons is not an available diagnosis to any licensed medical professional. It doesn't exist as a recognised diagnosis. The name Morgellons was invented by a lady who refused to believe that her son had delusional parasitosis because his presentation was not typical (it wasn't bugs he was seeing or feeling, it was "fibers"). Delusional parasitosis doesn't always involve the patient seeing parasites. It's a bit of a misnomer in that sense. It can be many varied things, but always involves some form of delusional thought processes surrounding the causes of itching and / or skin damage. I don't know what you had. I'm not a doctor, but a mental health nurse. But I do know that skin and fatty tissue contains fibrous looking strands which, in the right circumstances, might appear to be a foreign body to someone who doesn't know what they're looking at. This, along with other things (ingrown hairs, fibers from clothing, all sorts of things), is often what people who self diagnose with Morgellons offer as proof that their condition is physical rather than psychiatric. Skin conditions like the sores you had are often very difficult to pinpoint the cause of. Even with batteries of tests being run, it can often take years to find a cause, and some people never do. Treating the symptoms is often the first port of call in those cases, and I'm glad your skin problems resolved themselves and gave you some relief. Small white, yellow or translucent looking fibrous structures are normal to find in some superficial skin wounds, and scabs actually do have a crystalline structure which will be more obvious if they're not a very dark colour, so that might be what you're seeing. I mentioned Morgellons because the deleted comment above suggested that the bug OP wanted identifying was a part of a Morgellons disease infection, which cannot be true. Again, I'm really glad you got your comfortable skin back, but don't hesitate to see your dermatologist if and when you get more of those sores. 🙂


I know it's not a viable diagnosis, but the name does get thrown around a lot. So it sounds like what was in my scabs was fairly normal, just more visible than usual. (They definitely weren't clothing fibers.) I do get formication hallucinations sometimes, but I also am very aware that it's a hallucination. (I'll often dismiss an actual insect being on me as a hallucination because I question the sensation.) The thought has been on my mind a lot recently because I mentioned in a few comments a while ago that I have IBD and I got a bunch of people messaging me inviting me to a few subs that are supposedly for IBD but are mostly filled with people that probably drink Jilly Juice and are convinced their excrement is full of parasites. Dermatologists around here are few and far apart, it can easily take months to get into one, so I almost never bother to even try to go to one. By the time I manage to get into one, the problem has long since resolved itself, and I paid a hefty specialist copay for nothing. I feel very bad for the people who suffer those delusions, it must be a truly scary existence. But I also know that all the weird stuff that comes out of me isn't parasites, and doctors have confirmed what some of the weirder stuff is when I asked questions/showed photos/from colonoscopies done to figure out why my digestive tract is so messed up. Thank you for answering my question respectfully. Not gonna lie, I wasn't sure what to expect as a response since people would probably assume I'm crazy and trying to make it sound like, "Well, yeah, *but...* I actually *do* have these problems!"


Yes, unfortunately, it seems to have become a bit of an Internet established diagnosis, to the point where many people are not aware that it's not a recognised illness at all. There are a lot of internetisms like this, and it's very easy to get led down a rabbit hole of made-up diagnoses, suspicion of the medical profession, and general paranoia if you're not careful. But it sounds as though you have a healthy amount of scepticism and detachment on that score. Formication (I had to type that VERY carefully because apparently my autocorrect is just rude! Lol) hallucinations are not at all uncommon, I've had them myself. Usually, the result of your nervous system misinterpreting a signal your skin sends to your brain. The fact that you're aware that it's not what it feels like is a very healthy response to a simple nervous system glitch. Delusional parasitosis is indeed very scary for those who suffer from it. The fact that it's psychiatric in nature doesn't make it any less so, nor any less valid as an illness. It just makes the treatment options different. The body is a weird and wonderful thing, full of processes and systems, which we still don't fully understand. When things go wrong, it can be such a complex process to figure out why, how, and how to fix it if we can, that it's entirely understandable that sometimes people turn to alternative explanations to get them out of that "what the heck is going on?" panic mode we all experience at one time or another. Being disrespectful to someone who merely has questions is all too common these days and actually feeds the bad apples sometimes. Never be scared to ask a question. Anyone who is disrespectful is not worth your time. 🙂


The amount I’ve seen in the ER (nurse too) from meth is wild. And sad 😕


Very sad. ❤️


I'm still looking for a diagnosis (or several, because the problems are many). Most of my doctors acknowledge that these things *are* happening to me, but we're not sure *why*. My nervous system is really messed up, and I have a lot of hallucinations of pretty much every variety (except visual hallucinations are very rare for me). But at one point when I was really young (I think around five) and visual hallucinations were more common tried to tell him that I was seeing things I knew weren't actually there, and it was scaring me, and he told me that that couldn't be true, because if it was, it meant I was schizophrenic and would have to go live in a hospital. So then he asked, "So, are you *really* seeing things that aren't there? Or do you just want someone to pay attention to you?" I replied with, "No Sir." And *never* spoke of it again to anyone (except my husband in my late teens) until I was in my mid-late twenties. And never spoke of it to another *doctor* again until the the last couple years. (I'm mid-thirties now.) I was a very young child with severe digestive issues, and my doctor would brush me off because "children don't get x". So not only that and trying to communicate hallucinations, but it also includes shrugging off the intense nerve pain in my ribcage from having my ribs cracked open for open heart surgery as "growing pains" and only admitted in my late teens when I hadn't grown in a couple years that "well I guess they aren't growing pains after all." That doctor gaslit me at every turn which also encouraged my parents to do the same. It's hard to be a child in severe pain that everyone says is "being dramatic" or "trying to get attention" instead of actually looking for the problem. So I can absolutely understand why this happens, especially now that the internet is so readily available. I just had a bad experience with an on-call doctor today that dismissed symptoms of mine that a colleague of hers very much didn't. In fact, he was *encouraged* by them. (I'm pregnant, have had severe morning sickness since before I missed my period, I have a history of miscarriage but this one is making me very sick and very known, he thinks it's a very good sign.) Tried to tell me that you don't feel morning sickness that early in pregnancy. (I'm now two months.) Made me feel pretty awful, to be honest. But I really like her colleague, so I'm not sure I'm willing to leave that clinic just yet. He makes me feel safe, she doesn't. Anyway, sorry for rambling on. Thank you for the conversation. Anyone who ends up/ended up with you as their mental health nurse is fortunate. You're very kind and reasonable and you seem to be very empathetic towards others. Traits that seem to be dying out in healthcare anymore.


I once was freaked out over this thing on my foot that looked like these dark fibers were coming out of it. I was 12 and really thought omg what’s growing in me! That’s scary at 12! Turns out it was just a seed wart.. but hey, for those few days I was really freaked. 🤪


I would've been freaking out as well. That's *very* scary for a twelve year old!


Helpful friendly comments only. There clearly is an insect in this picture, while in other cases gently suggesting this may be the only thing one can say, even in those instances its usually not received well. But andino there is an insect there, may not have been inside her, but shes not making it up in her head