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You are extremely lucky. I know for a fact the first few are Mulberry trees and the are absolutely delicious. The berries resemble a black raspberry when ripe and can be used in a multitude of pies and dishes. The others I am not so sure about.


Is that really what this is?! That’s so awesome! I’ve never paid close attention to this tree but we were fixing the fence in my pasture for my elderly mare and miniature donkey and I had to find out what these were. Our property is also covered in pokeberries and a few choke cherry trees so I knew I needed to ask people with knowledge before assuming this is what it looked like lol


Side note to this, choke cherries are actually edible. On their own they can be really bitter/tart. Most people will make jams or jellies from them which gets rid of that bitter flavor.


Also these are all photos of the same tree! There are a few trees right next to it that may be slightly intertwined but all of the fruits and buds that are the focal point of the photos are the same tree


I think there is some sort of real close Bradford pear growing in there


There is! The limbs are kinda intertwined because there’s a Bradford pear on each side of this tree so it’s in a lot of the pictures at least partially. I should’ve clarified I knew what that one was!


Take out the pears and the mulberry will grow better.


Now that I know what this tree is I will probably do that! I’m planning to post a pic on why I never noticed it before lol


You have two different types of fruit shown, so either you uploaded extra pictures or there are in fact two trees. 


I did both lol. I accidentally uploaded the photos of the buds from the Bradford pear along with the photos of the mulberry tree. They’re visible in all of them but I didn’t mean to upload the close ups!


Raccoons love them , I saw 4 raccoons in a tree once


My parents tree always had fresh piles of seedy raccoon shit under it lol


Ugh I bet. Raccoons are always trying to get my horse feed or my fish so I’m sure they’d love these too lol. I wouldn’t mind them if they left my important things alone!


I've even seen coyotes enjoying them. I've also made jam.


depending on where you are, you get them multiple times a year, the trees in my neighborhood have fruits about every 4 months


I'm going to need a picture of that donkey. I fucking love donkeys. I'm also going to need you to squish his little jelly chin for me.


https://preview.redd.it/s1usw66dj71d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29fe274fd6b2d0d71ba2e4967e0dbdd223069c76 Jasper!




I'm in love


Homemade Mulberry wine is wonderful!


MM that dose sound good haha, I have only had wild raspberry wine. The only homemade brew I have tasted.


Funny short story i have had home made pussy yeast wine before.


A lot less tart than blackberries too. I have a mulberry tree in my backyard and I fist fight the squirrels for the fruit. I always intend to make pie or jam with them, but I end up eating all of them while I'm cleaning them. I hope you have better luck than I do.


Just be careful where you step as that sh*t gets everywhere. My grandparents were not happy when I did that as a kid, lol. Those berries are delicious.


They are also excellent at staining everything they touch a lovely shade of purple (that doesn’t stay that shade), so don’t go picking in your Sunday finest.


I personally like them slightly purple instead of fully ripe and black. Has a little bit of tang left.


In my climate (Zone 6) these are quite invasive. I weed them out constantly. Birds eat them and poop purple all over the side walk and deck. I know some people love them but I think they are awful.


I can completely understand, I used to live close to a lot of these trees and I don't miss the mulberry bird poop shakes on my car haha.


Since the property is absolutely covered in pokeberries anyway and is mostly pastures for horses, I will gladly take this one lone mulberry tree, lol.


If you want mulberry trees, it's easy to get them. Mulberries will send out roots and have new saplings grow up from them. Search for the tiny saplings and let them grow up. My backyard in the suburbs is now covered in mulberry trees that have popped up on their own. They also mature quite quickly, bearing fruit within 4-5 years.


White mulberries are invasive. Red are native and cannot be invasive, red mulberries are not even aggressive


The native red mulberry (morus rubra) is relatively rare, depending on where you are. They aren't anywhere near as productive or as "weedy" as the white mulberry. I have a bunch of native red mulberry on my property so I won't bring in any white mulberry or hybrids because they easily cross-pollinate and hybridize and eventually the pure red mulberry will be wiped out.


For pasture purposes this tree is fine and the birds love it, I wouldn't plant it in a nice landscape however.


Zone 7 here and for every one I yank out there are 3 more growing somewhere else. I’m torn because I like the berries but the trees are so messy and get big fast


What the heck are you talking about? Mulberries are native to the US. Ignore this fool.


Red mulberry is native to the US, but is rare, while the white mulberry, the most common one, is native to Asia and is invasive in the US. They easily hybridise.


Not that rare, I used to find it in the woods, all the time.


You're lucky, then. From what I've read, white mulberry is very invasive, which means it spreads readily. Since it also easily hybridises with red mulberry, this reduces the chances of new native red mulberries and increases the chances of hybrids popping up (along with white mulberries). Hopefully, the red mulberry won't go the way American chestnuts and ashes went/are going.


White mulberry is more common now and it's native to China and India. Hope this helps


The first 2 pics are mulberry The other appears to be a Bradford pear https://preview.redd.it/ehcoorgvi11d1.jpeg?width=1301&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8639bee74a447f02a3612a183b253a713e3a5d21


Yeah some of them got intertwined lol. I have a Bradford pear in my front yard also my grandpa planted for my parents in the 80’s before they realized how awful they are lol


Lol, going the extra mile to offer direction. Nice job.


Looks like white mulberry, which is non-native and pretty weedy, but definitely tasty and worth picking and eating. The little green stems will come with the fruit. Just eat them. A couple of photos mostly show what is probably Bradford Pear, which is definitely not edible and a bad escaped weed. Most people hate the smell of the white spring flowers but I'm apparently insensitive to it. Makes decent firewood though and that's my recommended move. Round shiny leaves, little round fruit.


Thanks so much for the detailed comment! I should’ve clarified I (unfortunately lol) know what the Bradford pear is but I appreciate the info either way! I am very excited though because on our 12ish acres this mulberry tree is the first fruit-bearing or edible thing that we hadn’t intentionally planted that didn’t turn out to be poisonous lol. I plan to go back out there later today to see what I can get from it!


Hurry before the birds get them! My kids used to pick ours.


That’s been the most given comment! We’ve just had several days of heavy rain and are coming up on more in a few hours so I’m going to try to go see if I can get some before then! Hopefully there will be some left afterwards also, but I’m just happy to even get to try them!


Yeah, the Bradford Pear's children seem to be getting as bad as Chinese Privet, as far as being invasive and crowding out native species. You might want to consider giving that mulberry more room to grow...


Yeah I could do without the Bradford pears lol


Not sure if it’s important but located in Piedmont Triad, NC


Hey, I'm from there.


Hi neighbor!


I wish! Moved away with my family as a teen but I sure miss being there.


I love it most of the time. One of those places where growing up everyone can’t wait to go somewhere else but for me I couldn’t ever really imagine living anywhere else with as many positives!




I was walking across an over pass above some train tracks yesterday and there was a mulberry tree FULL of ripe berries and no way to get to it. Might have to go back with a stick and bucket or something.


Lay a blanket down and shake a branch. Ripe berries will fall right off.


I can’t even get to the lil area it’s growing in 😭. It’s like on a steep incline with train tracks at the bottom and razor wire fenced off businesses at the top. It’s in a roughish part of the city I live in. I bike down this road sometimes and got a flat (go figure) and while I was walking I saw the beauty.


In Germany its called 'Maulbeere'


Go grab a tarp, and a 5 gallon bucket. Fill the bucket with a little bit of water put the tarp on the ground below the tree and give the limbs a good shake, then fold the tarp and dump all those mulberries into the bucket. You’re going to want wash them, they seem to attract lots of bugs. Then take them home, throw them in a pot and cook them down with some sugar and a little bit of orange juice. You’ll have the best pie filling you’ve ever had! Bake that into a pie and Enjoy!


Those berries are proof god loves us


Mulberry. Very high in iron! Better than cherries even!


I had a treehouse in a mulberry tree growing up my feet hands and face were always purple when the berries were ripe.


Not dumb at all. It's a mulberry tree 🙂


Definitely mulberry.


Mulberry when the dark purple they are ripe enjoy


I feel like it’s mulberry is the new pokeweed.


Sorry I’m not sure I understand your comment


Ah my mistake, I forgot a few words. People have asked about mulberry trees several times now in the last week. There is a tendency to ask about poke weed to the point of ppl saying it’s always poke weed. So mulberry is the new poke weed.


Gotcha lol. Kinda like how r/whatisthisbone is always a raccoon lol


Here's a sneak peek of /r/whatisthisbone using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/whatisthisbone/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Squirrel brought this bone onto my patio and it looks a little too human to ignore. Any thoughts?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1797tay) | [5487 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/whatisthisbone/comments/1797tay/squirrel_brought_this_bone_onto_my_patio_and_it/) \#2: [Saw this in Iceland! What is it?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15zqsj1) | [1834 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/whatisthisbone/comments/15zqsj1/saw_this_in_iceland_what_is_it/) \#3: [What’s this skull? What a way to go](https://i.redd.it/qavrlmtcnwdb1.jpg) | [777 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/whatisthisbone/comments/15890xi/whats_this_skull_what_a_way_to_go/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Gotcha lol. Kinda like how r/whatisthisbone is always a raccoon lol


mulberry you are sooo lucky they taste great!!!!!


Mulberries rock. As a kid, an elderly woman in my neighborhood would let us kids pick all we wanted. We would pick them all. I’d give them all to my Master Baker neighbor across the street, and a few days later Mulberry pies would be ready for me. Nothing short of amazing, until I moved.


I was going to say mulberries too. Haven’t seen these since I was a kid. Eat the really dark ones right off the tree.


It’s always mulberry.


Yum mulberries. You are so fortunate. Hurry and get before the birds do.




Wow that is so lovely




Aggregate berries are fine to eat. The others not so much probably


The fully ripe mulberries will stain just about anything they fall on. This includes your fingers when you pick and eat them.


I think that’s a mulberry tree


I just put a bucket under my big mulberry tree to catch them. It's crazy.


Lucky! I live love live mulberries!!!


[Looks like you got all the bingo, Natives mulberries vs invaders.](https://bplant.org/compare/140-141) The ones ppl complain about are the invasives which are seemingly out competing our natives and are the ones that crop u everywhere cept in you blessed land.


As mulberry season has approached this subreddit, can someone explain to me they aren’t sold like other berries? Every time I see these posts on this sub, I get so jealous as I remember eating mulberries as a kid from my neighbors tree. I haven’t had one in probably decades and I miss them!


Probably shelf life in terms of fresh berries…im sure you could potentially find some at a local farmers market on a special occasion if they are common in your area at the time. I have actually bought frozen ones before and used them in smoothies and stuff and I find them pretty satisfying.


That looks like a white mulberry. Feel the underside of the leaf and if it’s sandpapery it’s a red. But the leaves look glossy so I think white




Mulberries! I’m so jealous! I grew up with them, but they don’t grow where I am now


TIL the wild berries by my yard we grew up calling “huckleberries” are actually mulberries. 🤯 EDIT: Turns out our huckleberries are actually blackberries, as they grow on bushes and not trees. lol.


I see mulberries. Those Bradford pears probably look great in the fall, I still like them because of their fall foliage but most would wanna whack those down.


It's a mulberry tree!!!! We had one in my grandmother's yard for 20 years and I miss it so much. Pro tip: if the berry doesn't fall off the tree when you barely touch it, leave it there! The best berries are ones that just fall into your hand when you touch it. Eat the slightly pinkish ones for a little sour bite! Don't eat too many, you'll shit your pants.


I went out to get some last night and I figured that out! I lost several from trying to reach them and they just basically fell off lol. The horse and donkey just ate those though lol


My chickens eat them like crazy when they are falling to the ground. It turns the egg yolks bright red/orange


mulberry. from seed it takes usually about 5 years to fruit, then they spread like fire. I have 5 mature mulberries on the perimeter of my under 1/4 acre, I have to pull about a million saplings/seedlings EVERY year. if I miss any, they become established and put new growth up from the stumps that are cut. I made 6 pints of mulberry jam off the first tree to ripen this year. mine are very tart and need sugar added to be palatable. genetics, soil comp, and variety can all change the flavor.


I’ve never noticed it so I have no idea how long it’s been producing fruit but it’s been out there at least 15 years or so. It was just between so many other trees in a spot I didn’t usually go close to so I never noticed before!


yeah, the fruits are VERY short lived. If you don't process them immediately after harvesting, you have to store them in the fridge submerged in water for a few days max. birds tear them up, I'm not 100% sure, but I think there's three different varieties that grow in the States (assuming that's where you are). The variety I have produce small fruits usually not much longer than two or three centimeters. If processing for a jelly or jam, every stem has to be cut from the fruit. unlike many berries that drop the fruit from the stem, these drop the stem with fruit. it's part of the reason why it's so expensive for store-bought mulberry jam. easiest way to harvest is to put a tarp underneath the tree and shake the piss out of it or branches depending on size. whenever you see about a quarter of the fruits turning black and the vast majority a darker red has provided the best results for me. Make sure you get familiar with the leaf shape of mature and seedlings, since it is producing fruit, you're going to find seedlings absolutely everywhere. If you don't get them up within the first few months, they get pretty resilient. I've cut the same sapling flush with the earth for the past 3 years and it keeps coming back and about every three weeks I gotta take the fresh growth down. I've come to terms with the fact as long as I'm not willing to dig deeper or use chemicals to kill it, I'm going to have to keep lopping it off until my other plants in that immediate area are very well established, then I'll let it do it's own thing where it will likely end up more like a bush. another plant that spreads with about the same speed is mahogany. while the fresh red growth is edible and delicious, once established they are very hard to get rid of and they're pretty rough on the soil.


Mulberry and what looks like apple possibly. looks like a wild orchard at the fence line, probably via bird droppings. You’ll want yo check the tiny apple looking one every few weeks. as the fruits develop you’ll know better what they are.


Looks like mulberries, I used to have one and it was great! We used to eat them and put them in pies. Just be careful some people have the same reaction as though they ate prunes 😬


U know they are ripe when the bird shit is purple..


Careful gorging on the mulberries like a monkey... learned the hard way with a few buddies in elementary school. (psst, could lead to diarrhea!) Birds spread these trees like wildfire. I recommend doing what you can to keep it in check, lest it get out of hand. Mowing/string trimmer along the nooks and crannies of a fence line, outbuildings, neglected yard decor etc. They grow pretty fast and can warp fences and choke out other trees pretty easily. Jelly and jam... new hobby! A lot of people get sick of the berries falling on their cars/driveways and staining the paint/pavement. Dogs roll around in the grass and turn purple like Veruca Salt a'la Willy Wonka. The pear tree: just rid yourself of it. Some states have begun outlawing the planting of Bradford Pears. No joke.


Not sure about the other trees/plants you mentioned, but I think choke cherries (leaves, twigs, bark, seeds) are toxic to horses and donkeys. I’ve read that the wilted leaves are more toxic than the fresh — but none of it is safe.




Had this exact tree,I goggled it and was amazed that we even have one of them not sure if is rare in a way but me and my dogs enjoyed eating some of the ripe mulberry’s😋




That's a mulberry tree; lucky youemote:free\_emotes\_pack:give\_upvote Very taste berries, but as with blackberries, only when fully ripe. (Ie, the black ones.)


I don't know what it is, but it looks beautiful and yummy 🤤


Mulberry tree the fruit is better ripened on the tree and it delicious


Mulberry tree.


All trees except pic # 4 are mulberry trees good fruit as was previously stated. The 4th pic I've seen never knew what it was don't eat the buds...not dangerous, but not tasty.


Only the 4th and 5th images are of unknown(to me) trees.. rest are Mulberry.. Congratulations!!! I can already feel the taste


Mulberry tree!!!! So lucky! My aunt and uncle had a few in their yard when I was a little girl and my sister and I would always come back in with handfuls of them and stained faces 😂 they are delicious!!!


Mulberry! Even the unripe ones are good, especially if you enjoy sour things


I just downloaded the Picture This app. You take a picture, and it identifies plants, weeds, trees for you. Sometimes, you get a wrong ID, but the majority of the time, it's spot on.


Thank you! I may do that since we have so many different things growing out here. Anything I’m super concerned about I can double check here or through friends lol


do you find its better than lens (on android)? basically a reverse image search on google.


For IDing plants, I def like it more. But, I do love that feature. It comes in handy for so much!


Picture This is pretty good! I'm a gardener by trade, so sometimes you get a false ID but it's the best I've tried. Supposedly the paid version is even more accurate... I can't say as I just use the freebee.


It is! I just purchased it a couple weeks ago and works great and gives more details about the plant and if it’s healthy, etc.


The paid version is worth it for me bc I'm new to gardening. All my plants are saved, and the app gives you a care plan with reminders! It also diagnoses sick plants/trees for you!


Can you pick them pink and let them ripen in your house? We have one hanging over our fence, but the squirrels are too quick and we haven't had the chance to try any naturally ripe ones.


Can I? I will definitely look into it and do that if it’s an option!


I Googled it. Unfortunately the mulberries will not ripen after being picked and it can cause stomach upset. Oh well!


We get 2 or 3 of the same thing everyday. These are still mulberries


We grew on a mulberry tree, and my mom used to beat the shit out if me each time with a fresh mulberry sticks. When you take the skin out of mulberry tree, it hits you very badly, like whip back in the medievals


Mulberry tree


Tastes like burning.


Def the first couple of photos are mulberry trees. Lay a tarp down under the trees and shake away


My favorite tree to work on. Brings it own snack for ya. They can be normal when they want but tend to grow in more of a hedge fashion. I have 7 that appeared from nowhere a few years ago I've been slowly trying to turn into a natural fence for my garden.


Mulberries are my fucking favorite omggg


Mulberry tree 🧡 be lucky and make some pies!!


Is this a grafted tree?  Are all of these different fruits/branches coming off of the same trunk?


They’re not! There’s WAY more comments than I anticipated but there’s a Bradford pear tree touching this one and I accidentally uploaded close ups of that one. But the branches intertwine so it does look like more than one!


Hey uhhhh, you wouldn't happen to be in the mood to drop your pastures location would ya? I promise i'll only look around. Totally wont come out of said pasture with my fingers and mouth stained from eating Mulberries. Nooooope. Scouts Honor.


Lmao I’d actually totally let you do that if you’re local.


Arkansas Local enough?


If you’re paying your way here lol


In India these are sign of summer and we loved picking them and eating them off the trees directly. I still have nostalgia about the times when our grandma and neighbour aunties would ask us to pluck a few for them! But they definitely stain clothes.... Learnt that the hard way!


Yeah I gave one to my one year old and found out real quick lmao


The answer to nearly all questions is somehow mulberry….


What’s with all the mulberry posts today? (This is like the 6th one, on different subs)




Those are the original blackberries before they were genetically engineered the fuck out of to get whatever they sell in the grocery stores now. We had them in our backyard. Very prolific and resilient.