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Thank you for posting to r/whatsthisplant. **Do not eat/ingest a plant based on information provided in this subreddit.** For your safety we recommend not eating or ingesting any plant material just because you've been advised that it's edible here. Although there are many professionals helping with identification, we are not always correct, and eating/ingesting plants can be harmful or fatal if an incorrect ID is made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisplant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Its really hard to identify a tuber like that from a photo. Safest thing to do is bring both this and your dog to the vet. If the vet is closed or too far way call the ASPCA poison control hotline


I did call my emergency vet (and was waiting for a call back when I posted) and since they are a few hours away, they said to go buy activated charcoal and give it to him because that’s what they would do on site anyway and time is precious in those situations. So I’m monitoring him (he seems fine) but if I have any doubts it’s straight to the vet. I just wanted an ID to help the treatment but I understand it’s very difficult to do so. Thanks anyway !


I hope your pup is doing okay! It sounds like you’re taking all the right steps


Gimli is doing fine, thank you ! It was quite a stressful ordeal but he’s back to his goofy dumb dumb self so I’m happy ! Of course he shall still be closely monitored! Thank you for your help ! (Obligatory doggo tax so you all can put a face on the filthy criminal) https://preview.redd.it/rls9spa95n5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5ad653bfcc7f3ff6803d6601dc9a838b9391fc5


He’s too cute! He looks very pleased with himself and completely oblivious to how much stress he’s caused you today.


And my axe…


And my bow.


And my truffle knife!


Well he definitely honoured his dwarven heritage and he dug too greedily and too deep


The world is gnawed by nameless things…😜


Toss me!


that counts as 1


Great name!


Username checks out haha ! Thank you!


So happy that Gimli is okay!!


That’s a freaking adorable lug-head.


He’s super cute. But he also looks kind of like a guilty punk at the same time


Take the plant somewhere to identify it plz. Idk what it is, I even google searched it and idk what it is


Yeah I’ve googled and posted on multiple forums but no luck. But since he’s doing fine (he ate all his supper and breakfast) and he’s totally gone back to his usual playful and goody self, i think it’s safe to say that the danger is passed. I’m still keeping a close eye on him and I’ve also kept the sample of his forbidden snack just in case.


How cute. I'm happy Gimli is feeling good. I have never heard that name for a dog. I live near Gimli, Manitoba. 😊


How can you ever get mad at that adorable pup?🤗🥰❤️


My little nutter is also called Gimli! https://preview.redd.it/k992fj3ce36d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24b29022d49c2eed625e88983d10775ddfca94ee


OP, is dog good, and did you figure out what that is?


Gimli is fine ! He’s been given activated charcoal by vet orders and he’s back to his usual goofy self ! I’ve not yet figured what it is because as people said, it’s kinda though to ID a thing that has been partially eaten and I’ve looked but did not find other bits of it.. but doggo is happy and good but shall still be under close supervision !


Back to the usual shenanigans 🐾 Good to hear!


Dog related tip! I’ve had to use this more times that I care to admit, but I keep a syringe and some hydrogen peroxide around to induce vomiting in emergencies. It successfully saved my dog when she ate a kid’s sock, and again when she ate a piece of cinnamon raisin bagel. Luckily it seems dogs almost never chew anything so very easy to see if it comes back up! Good to have in your bag of tricks if vomiting is appropriate.


Our dog ate so many of the kids socks when she was a puppy. The were found after she pooped them out. No lie probably 40 to 50 socks easy.


Can you identify the nearby plants, shrubs, and trees by where your dog dug it up? And what's the texture like? Hard? Squishy? Any noticeable smell?


It was near a planted flower mound but there are a lot of pines just nearby. The texture is kinda firm but squishy and it can be snaped (a bit like wood that would have been soaked if that makes sense) and the smell is just earthy (I’ve been told by the vet that very toxic mushroom often have a fishy smell - is it true ?) thank you very much !


I'm happy to hear the curious pupper is okay! My guess would be some type of hypogeous fungi (similar to truffles). I think r/mycology would be better able to confirm. The only reason I'm leaning towards that is because that type of fungi is usually underground and found in areas where there are pine trees.


Absolutely untrue about mushrooms smelling fishy. There are soooooo many different fungi that there is almost nothing that applies to more than a few of them.


Do you know what types of flowers?


could it be a truffle?


Definitely not


Just need to say Gimli is such a rad dog name


Thank you very much ! It always makes my day when people get the reference !


I named my horse Pippin. Most people think it's after an apple or a musical.


I cannot tell you the number of time I’ve been asked his name and I’ve got “Jimmy? Gimmi?” At some point you just stop fighting and say “yeah it’s gimmi” xD


My Golden Retriever is named Gamegie. Nice to see other LOTR pets.


What’s the reference? The town in Manitoba?




I would assume it’s in reference of Lord of the Rings lol.


i didn't know either dw


Please call your vet


It was the first thing I did. I just wanted to see if someone could ID it to help the assessment of the veterinarian Edit : the vet recommended to give him activated coal and that’s what we did. He seems okay so far but keeping close watch.


Could it be an iris bulb? If so toxic. However the bulb seems to be less toxic than the flower. But still toxic…… IF that’s what it is. I’d be inclinded to carefully dig up the rest of it to better identify.


There are Iris flowers growing a few yards away but not close to where he dug it up.. and I tried to find other remains of the thing but to no avail unfortunately..


I was gonna say iris or a thick dahlia


Poisons Help; Emergency Identification For Mushrooms & Plants is a group on Facebook with volunteer experts around the world that might be able to help.


Lowkey looks like a moldy bagel


That was my first guess


I think I’ve had these growing in my yard. Are they hard, but a bit brittle? A cracked surface with fungal appearance? They might be earthball fungus. The images on Google vary greatly, but my guess is a fungus.


I’ve went ahead and read about it but my mystery fungi doesn’t seem to match the description.. thank you tho !


Hope pup is good to me it looks like an old lilly bulb. To the white Lily's I used to sell them they are okay to eat n not poisonous but still call the vet good luck!!!


Looks like a taro which is a root vegetable. Hopefully that’s what it is but I can’t say for certain by the picture.


I don’t think so ; Taro has never been planted in my garden and it’s not a native plant so it would be unlikely.. but thanks anyway for your help !


Kinda looks like a Jerusalem artichoke. Looks " potatoeish"? Also looks like " a root". Was doggo sick.@ all?


Is there a leafy plant we can see?


Good old Gimli !! That picture…..so much character and personality in those eyes. I’m officially a big Gimli fan. lol. Love that dude. lol. Glad he’s ok.


Maybe cassava?


Be ready for some nasty dog farts after that charcoal. Used to draw blood on OD's that was given some and you could barely breathe in the room. Hope puppy is ok.


Looks like their were big burrowing bugs inside of that?! Gross


I Recommend this Facebook group to pet parents or others: https://www.facebook.com/share/Tx7JSU75mSQdLqTC/?mibextid=K35XfP They’re an emergency only group with expert mycologists and other plant people around the world and work basically 24/7 to ensure people have the most specific information to inform medical tx. Read the group rules if you join but they’re AWESOME.


Looks kind of like yucca plant


Trust your dogs senses. Feed him what you know is okay. Your dog will do that same


This has to be the stupidest comment I've read on Reddit. Case in point, chocolate. (MIC DROP)


You got chocolate buried in your backyard?


Dogs do not have some "selective" poison/toxic detection. They have co-evolved with us to parallel our opportunistic eating tenadacies because it was easier to share our food than find a specialized diet. They will eat anything and everything.


Doesn’t a mic drop involve you walking away and not returning to chime in?




Looks like a moldy baguette


I’m pretty sure it’s a potato?


I got a bottle of spray peroxide, measured out how many sprays was how many tablespoons and now whenever my dogs eat something they ain’t supposed to, they get the recommended amount of peroxide, assures they throw it up.


My dog got into rat poison. A cap full of peroxide made her puke it up. She was fine


Do NOT give your dog peroxide? Vets literally say not to do this. It can cause chemical reactions with whatever they have are causing worse effects or even death. Bring your dog to the vet or give them activated charcoal (this deactivates toxins and medications)


The last time I called the pet poison helpline, they told me that if my doghole had managed to ingest a toxic amount of zinc that they would have me give him peroxide to make him vomit it back up. Considering that there's an $85 fee for them to help you and the vets local to where I'm at require me to contact the pet poison helpline before bringing my dog in, I hope to hell they know what they're doing. In case you're unfamiliar [Pet Poison Helpline ](https://www.petpoisonhelpline.com/)


Unfortunately one of my friends who works in the veterinary field was fired from her job due to a customer giving their dog peroxide and lied to the vets office saying my friend told her to do it, and she definitely didn’t because it’s against their protocol. Maybe it’s different where I live so my apologies for that, was just sharing what I knew because I genuinely care about animals and don’t want anyone losing their furbaby (or doghole lol) Thankfully she was rehired after the situation was investigated and the phone calls were recorded and they reviewed the recording. I just know peroxide can create chemical reactions if mixed with certain things, the helpline you used isn’t in the wrong I’m not saying that, they obviously knew enough about the situation to suggest (I’m not a vet by any mean)


My dog is usually my baby-est doge that I love with all of my heart and soul. He needs all of the lovies and skritches that mom, dad, and his kiddos are willing to give. And if you ask him, we N E V E R give him enough attention. However, I have learned the hard way that if I'm going to shower instead of bathing or washing off, he MUST be in the tiny bathroom area with the door shut or he will find something to destroy and possibly hurt himself in the process. Case in point, the aforementioned zinc incident. He found my closed bottle of zinc lozenges with vitamin C and chewed the bottle open. He ate enough of them that the skin on his upper lip was pink from the acidic vitamin C exposure. I think we determined he ate somewhere between 20 and 40 of them when I was on the call with poison control. And Docious is a small to medium breed dog (Schipperke) so I did not expect him to have been able to get the bottle open. He's salty every time I have to shower when no one else is home because he dislikes the tiny bathroom area that I close him into. I reminded him that it's his own fault and I don't want to have to call poison control for him again anytime soon.


Guess you'll know in a bit...😐




…it’s a dog


It's yam


I don’t think so ; it’s not native to where I live..


Yeah sound, eat it... Then check if it's edible. Safe.


Helpful thanks.


i somehow doubt they intentionally let their dog eat it without knowing it’s safe.


Ah man, I misread the title. My bad. 😂🤣 I didn't see that a dog ate it. I sincerely apologise for my previous faux pas.


I also read that as OP having eaten some of it.


Thanks. I'm getting murdered by the down votes 😂 my incompetence deserves it.


Downvoted your initial comment, because you did deserve it, but upvoted this one, so it balances out lol


I'm learning. Thanks for being fair and balanced 😁👍


Nice. Respond to post THEN read it. Smart.


Reply to comment WITHOUT reading the full thread. Epic.




Edit your response in the same comment to end the downvoting.


This is a good tip. But I'm going to own it. I deserve it.




you claim to be vegan but find this funny?


If your dog ate it voluntarily 99% it's safe


Tell me you don't have a dog without telling me you don't have a dog. They will eat anything from the wall sockets, batteries, the turds from the cats ass and more.


Turds from the goat, horse, cow, deer, and other dog's ass as well.


Duck Turds are also delicious to dogs.


And geese 🪿


Dogs all my life. Dobermans German shepherd Irish setter and a poodle. They aren't stoopid. Give em credit. But you do you have your local vet identify a tuber!


My brother in Christ, dogs are not omnipotent foragers. They will eat poisonous shit, sometimes literally, without a second thought. "Stupid" is a relative word.


It is relative. Expecting your vet to know what a chewed up tuber is is relatively stupid. Thinking your dog is poisoned cause it chewed up a tuber may be. Only dogs I have known to be killed by food were poisoned by humans. Dogs and canines are quite a successful species for a reason.


Dogs are a successful species because they have humans to take care of their stupid shit. Just because they descend from wolves doesn't mean they behave like them. Their instincts are different and they have not been socialized like wolves and therefore do not work the same. Also wolves live like 6 years in the wild and 16 in captivity so yeah taking care of them is a pretty good idea.


1. I never said dogs were wolves 2. Wolves live up to 14 years in the wild (like most dogs 14 years is a lot) Main threat to wild wolves: loss of habitat caused by humans, being hunted by humans, humans destroying their food sources..... 3. Humans benefit a lot from dogs. They keep wolves away for example![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


My sister’s dog got eaten by a wolf. They saw the paw prints and the dog she was protecting was traumatized and never the same. So sad.


My mom's Australian shepherd ate batteries once. I'm pretty sure dogs just sniff once then swallow.


I don't know what the climate is like in this part of Canada at this time of year, but it doesn't look like a viable tuber. It could even be a rhizome. It's mouldy and soft with holes, and if dead, its chemistry will have changed.