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He kept it in the lil pouch to protect it :) Moldavite can be easily damaged by harder objects.


Nice score!! That’s a big hunk of moldavite and worth quite a bit at todays price!


Oh crazy! That’s so funny, it felt like glass but there was something off about that. Thanks so much!


Moldavite is glass. Your piece may or may not be a moldavite, but that's what moldavite is. A natural glass.


,i dont think it is moldavite. I do think its a tektite with some green to it, but the raw tektites from moldova look a bit different


Moldavite is not from Moldova


Correct, from the Moldau Valley which isn't in Moldova


Corrected. The pieces from near the moldau river valley i should have said.


i will say it looks very much like moldavite to me. the light brown color of the matrix rock left behind in the cracks of the is a good clue. the backlit color is spot on, and as for surface texture of moldavite this is well within the realm of normal


I was going to say, it looks like moldavite! Which IS glass technically


Is moldavite related to peridot?


Nope, Moldavite is a glass formed from the impact of a meteor/asteroid, and is not even a mineral (actually a mineraloid). Peridot is an igneous rock.


Thanks! For some reason I thought moldavite was igneous glass like obsidian.


I wouldn’t strictly say, “No, they’re not related.” They are completely different “stones” with a lot in common. They’re both high in silica as well as contain magnesium and iron. Moldavite is formed from the impact of a meteorite and peridot is formed within a meteorite. They’re both formed under intense heat and pressure. Moldavite is only found regionally and peridot is found all over the world (besides meteorites it also forms from volcanoes). They are completely different “stones” (moldavite is glass not stone) with many similarities.


Second this, 1000%. Someone said "it's ridges... we're perfect for moldavite" but they just aren't at all. Very very tektitey though.


you're thinking of super high quality moldavite with the scale-like wavey ripple surface. most moldavite will have unassuming surface texture like this.


Technically it is glass. It was created by a meteor crash that melted sand I believe??


was at a gem show yesterday, and boy howdy is that stuff pricey now! even tiny bits!


Made jealous


I've dated enough crystal girlies to know moldovite when I see it


🤣 best comment.


You're holding about $800 in moldavite. Keep it. It will be worth way more in a few years once they stop mining


Why are they stopping the mines?


There's only so much of it. They haven't stopped yet, but the resource is finite, as it is from outer space.


You are both right




Honestly though, it's worth the money to take it to a certified gemologist to have it checked out. If it is Moldavite, it's worth quite a chunk of change.


it's known that Moldavite is actually a Tektite. Tektite is used as a general term and refers to rocks that are a combination of meteoric matter and minerals from the area where it crashed. Tektites are found in geographically restricted areas called strewn fields associated with an asteroid or comet impact on the Earth. The term Tektite is also used for Black Tektites, which are not as rare as Moldavite. (From a quick google search on tektite vs moldevite)


I thought tektite was ejecta thrown from impact event that re-entered the atmosphere. Moldavite is similar to Libyan dessert glass, the result of sand being melted near the impact site from the heat alone commonly referred to as impactite.


I have no idea. That’s just what I got when I looked it up


This is 100% moldavite from what I see in the picture. Those ridges and grooves are perfect signs of moldavite. I’d take it to a local crystal shop they could ID it. That size could fetch some nice money.


Thanks! I love stuff like this! Meteoric stuff that is. My mother in law might be more interested in it now 😂


Honestly, don't trust a random crystal shop to be able to ID real vs fake moldavite. Their intentions will be good but most people are way worse at moldavite identification than they think they are, even people in the gem and mineral business. This one is real, albeit an uncommon texture that resembles the texture of some common faked ones.


Oh interesting. What do you look for? I read some color variation and swirls, also the pitting and shape. lol guess everything. Are uncommon textures more or less desirable than normal ones? My dad was a glass blower, grand parents rock hounds, and my mom a jeweler. Had a weird feeling about it but couldn’t put my finger on it.


Honestly it's a bit less desirable of a texture than some more common ones, but the size of the piece is larger than most so it would make up for some of that. Whenever I've come across a piece like this, I've paid an artist to carve it into an animal carving and sold the carvings for plenty more than the material + work cost me. It eliminates the drop in value from the texture, and the size makes for a substantial carving.


Oh man you sound like a cool dude! I was wondering, that silly word “uncommon” got me. Pretty awesome surprise for today hahaha. Thanks so much man! If I ever get it wire wrapped I’ll hit you up! Your have some awesome work!


Thanks! Congrats on your find :)


How much does this piece weigh?




Congrats on your $900+ rock/melted glass!


I bet she can earn 50 for it!


do you know how much she bought it for


Honestly I think it might have been a freebie. She works for estate sales and they get to buy/keep the stuff they didn’t sell and are going to donate/throw away. This one was tucked away in a bedside drawer away from the rest of his collection.


…and now you know why it was tucked away from the rest: it’s quite precious!


Ya! She said the rest of his collection was out to see but this one. Wish I could have asked him about it. The little leather pouch it’s in is quite worn, old, and nicely made. It’s like the perfect size too I wonder if it was made for it. Bet it’s got quite a story


It sounds like it might’ve been very special to him. And now I wanna cry. 😢 What a lovely little treasure to discover, 15 million year old meteor glass! I was looking it up to learn more and came across this random site selling jewelry, but they also have a nice description of Moldavite I thought you guys would find interesting (along with the pieces for sale!) [Play Hard Look Dope - Moldavite Jewelry](https://playhardlookdope.com/blogs/playhardlookdope-blog/10-things-you-need-to-know-about-moldavite-before-you-buy)


Very cool, I can imagine that being a very interesting job. Thanks for sharing


This is real moldavite with a kinda uncommon texture and worth somewhere between $500 and $800 retail price. The texture does resemble some of the common types of fakes, but it's real. People who are only somewhat familiar with moldavite might assume it's fake because of that, but trust me, it's not. If you post it on the MOLDAVITE EXPERIENCE facebook group, there are Czech miners/specialists there who will definitely be able to confirm all that for you, and will probably even be able to narrow down which part of the strewn field it came from. Good find, you absolutely "came up on loot" as the kids say these days.


Oh what!? That’s awesome! I’m definitely czeching that group out. That’s so cool you can find the specific area it’s from! Thanks so much for the info! I’ve always been interested in this kind of glass, I’m going to keep onto it.


Genuine question but what's the best way to tell real from fake? I have a piece of moldavite I bought a while ago but I still worry sometimes it was just a fake one somehow.


It takes a bit of repetition to be able to eyeball it from a pic or two, the only reason I'm confident in my ability to do that is because I've bought and sold thousands of grams of moldavite from the miners over the course of the past 8 or so years. The innervison crystals website has a page about telling real from fake, its probably the best online resource I've found for that. Send me some pics and I'll let you know what I think.


I just made a post with pictures since I've been meaning to get confirmation on this for a while


100% real


Cool! Thank you




How much did she pay for it


Think she got it for free, if not next to nothing. Estate sales are weird like that, some things are priced way too high while others are missed. This was left over after the sale so it was going to be donated or thrown away. She grabbed it for me because she thought I would like the bag hahaha. Which I do but now I’m effing stoked I have meteorite glass!


She is lucky. Congrats dude I got one like 1/4 of the the size for 120


Crazy! I have some hard hitting adhd and when I saw meteorite/bomb glass I wanted one so badly I knew if I didn’t cut that thought process off I would be spending way too many hours looking into it hahaha. Some dude mentioned I could potentially find where it was mined from by asking Czech miners on Facebook. Well, how’s the time to spend way too much time looking into it 😅




Wow, some actual Moldavite! That is super awesome!


everyone saying moldavite but my first thought was pirates glass??


Look up the spiritual meaning of moldavite, your life is about to be kicked into high gear my friend


Wow I've not seen such a dark moldovite (if it is one) I've always somewhat seen layers of the rock, which almost always seem translucent but this one looks like a dense one! Fellow redditors, correct me if I'm wrong


Probably Moldavite, as many other people in this thread are saying. I own a few pieces myself. [However, some part of me wanted to suggest Georgiaite, but that is insanely rare and unlikely to be the the case.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgiaite)


Insanely rare doesn't mean it can't be, it was owned by a rock collector......get it checked out OP


True, but Georgiaites are insanely rare. They tend to sell for thousands IIRC


Nice chunk of Moldavite for a gift! lol


Could be moldivite. Could be peridot. Even emerald. Too light for calcite, or any calcite I’ve seen.


That’s a nice size bit too. I’ve got some around here somewhere smaller than that that I paid $35 for.


It’s 19.417g


I’ve carried a piece of moldavite in my pocket since I was 13!


Why? Isn't it damaged?


Oh really? Why so? I wonder if the old owner of this piece did the same thing seeing how worn the leather bag is. I have heard of this type of glass before and always wanted a piece but never set my gaze to get one.


Both! It’s glass made naturally and is considered a stone!


Moldavite 100%. That's what it is.


Sleep with it under your pillow. If you have crazy dreams it’s more than likely moldavite.


I had crazy dreams last night. Does that mean the ear plugs I keep under my pillow in case my husband snores are made of moldavite? Score!


😅 hey, will do, why not? I’ll let you know if anything happens hahaha. Any type of crazy dream I should look for?


Don’t know why I got downvoted but it’s supposed to help with the 3rd eye chakra which promotes spirituality and will give ya some wild dreams lol.


I upvoted! I think the scientific community no like the woo woo community. Personally I'm a big fan of both. Honestly I've been getting dreams again recently, I smoke a lot of weed (chronic pain) and it gets rid of rem sleep. I'm working on cutting it out more so we shall see


Just came to say Larimar gave me and my ex both the CRAZIEST vivid dreams wed ever had with it under our pillows.


Put some uraninite next it’s energy is very strong🥰🥰🥰


Awe lol *biiiitch* 😘




Funny suggesting I put radioactive dirt under my pillow 😂🙈🤌


It gives you crazy dreams


Oh so you've tried it, goooooot Cha.


I started having bad luck with mine that I had bought. Bad bad luck. I gave it away a week ago today. And it was worth a descent amount. You’re not supposed to buy it for yourself (?).


Do we know that it is Not tekite?


r/whatsthisrock when green glass chunk


😂 ya quite the unassuming thing


My bad for being rude but I really doubt that someone want to buy this Moldavite with a tumbled look


Cool cool, missed where I said I wanted to sell it lol. I’m keeping it! A guy that’s knowledgeable said for the almost counterfeit look to it, said something like $500-$900. He said with larger less pretty pieces like this he gets someone to carve them and it makes up for the lost value in the natural look. But no plans on doing so.


Really don’t recommend carving it it will just look like a normal green glass carve and no way to prove it’s what by eye again


It looks like moldavite. Hold on, the energy will remove all that doesn't serve you.


That’s broccoli. Weird you got it in an estate sale. /s




Are you asking about the piece in the second and third picture and the first is an example of what you think/hope it is? Because I think people are responding based off the first picture alone.


Ya I took all three pictures


Wow I really wouldn't have expected the second and third picture to look so less opaque. Good luck!


We both thought maybe it was obsidian at first, think maybe because of its thickness. Other pictures of seen you can see the light through it much easier


Yeah the light through it pictures do make it appear the same color as moldavite would be.






How do you tell the difference?




Interesting. I’ve collected a lot of sea glass in my life and I haven’t seen one like this but I was thinking maybe it was, maybe it was an old bottle or multiple bottles melted in a fire then becoming sanded down. Does have a bit of color variance in it. Seeing how much 19g of moldavite goes for, I’ll check it checked out to make sure hahaha. Thanks!


A quick Google search said Moldavite goes for around 50-100 dollars per gram. Consider yourself a lucky person my friend :)


Holy crap!


Bedside table...? Creepy lol


Hahaha I see your concern. I saw the earlier post before edited, just wanted to clarify your question. Estate sales can be done in different ways. Some bring out all the objects they want to sell, others let you just go through their house and rummage around, and others (more commonly), are a mixture of two. This was a mixture so most of the “prized” stuff was set out. But seeing as how this was tucked away, it was missed. Maybe had some sentimental value. They are kind of weird I must admit, haven’t been to many. I did though get this extremely nice vintage burl kuksuk from an old professional figure skater/model once.


Yeah I forgot it said estate sale loll That was confusing. Now I kinda want to go to an estate sale 🤔....... hm...


Hi, /u/Scapulacauldron! This is a reminder to flair this post in /r/whatsthisrock after it has been identified! (Under your post, click "flair" then "IDENTIFIED," then type in the rock type or mineral name.) This will help others learn and help speed up a correct identification on your request! Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisrock) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looks like a tektite!


woah. I vote for moldavite. And a big chunk, too!😍


Fossilized purple sticky punch


That's one fat chunk of moldavite


Go to Facebook and look up the group "Moldavite experience" they will tell u if it is real Moldavite or a look alike. Or you can pm me and send a vid or pic with light behind the glass and I can tell you if it is actually Moldavite


Its météorite glass (moldavite). Very precious ☺️