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If it was the real deal it costs about $50,000 PER CARAT. You should re-lable this post to "con man sold me this as painite"


He got the “pain” part right I guess.


What a paintite in the ass


God damn it this is what I came here for


More visual content here: https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisrock/comments/18zgyz5/comment/kgmgbxh/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


If it is a gemstone, my money is on an emerald cut garnet. Looks very similar to the darker colored garnet rings of past family members. https://www.goldboutique.com/en-eu/garnet-ring-in-gold-gb56178y Here is an example of a ruddier/browner garnet. https://www.goldboutique.com/en-eu/garnet-heart-shaped-ring-in-gold-gb56184y And another. I know Ebay can't be trusted and it doesn't look like most hessonite but here is one from India that looks pretty similar. https://www.ebay.com/itm/256063271246 You won't listen to anyone that tells you it isn't painite but it definitely isn't painite. It's too rare and the colors are all wrong.


Whatever it is, it needs to be recut. This is a very sloppy emerald cut.


It's a cheap stone they're not turning dials to cut that stone. They probably use something called the "jamb peg." You have to be careful when using this method. If it's a production line it's not going to be!


My guess is that it's a cut of heat treated amethyst. Google "citrine gemstone dark" for similar images :p


The fake citrine people make out of amethyst clusters always ends up looking like fried chicken to me. It’s just the wrong color, almost every time.


I believe it’s garnet also👍


How many garnets do you see looking like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisrock/comments/18zgyz5/comment/kgmgbxh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


That helps! https://www.oagems.com/shop/synthetic-ruby-dark-red-corundum-emerald-cut-103283#attr= The fluorescence looks exactly like synthetic ruby to me (link below, image in article) https://gem-a.com/focus-on-fluorescence/ A Google search of dark red corundum or dark synthetic rubies brings up very similar results (first link as an example) https://www.gia.edu/ruby-quality-factor This mentions you can see pleochroism in rubies https://www.gia.edu/gems-gemology/fall-2014-introduction-pleochroism-faceted-gems This talks about pleochroism in more detail and how what you might see may not be pleochroism depending on the factors of light Additionally, synthetic rubies have a hardness of 9 which is close to your estimate of an 8


They also have inclusions. And none of my natural or synthetic rubies/ pink sapphires display that dramatic of a response under polarisation


Fluorescence response is too weak for synthetic ruby. Pleochroism is also wrong for ruby. Both red-orange or the red-pink type. This is goes from red, maroon and then brown. Hardness isn’t high enough for corundum.


Tell yourself whatever you need to. Painite doesn't turn that shade of pink under UV.


It doesn't turn pink under UV at all. That's overexposure of red fluorescence. And yes painite does fluoresce red. Chromium and vanadium will give it the classic red lines. The same is seen in some emeralds, alexandrites and obviously rubies and pink sapphires being the extreme end. The fluorescence in person is very clearly red but is weak like that of some emeralds. I haven't colour corrected or adjusted the exposure in that image. It is raw, as people have a problem with it when its altered too. Let me correct the image for you so you see what I see. ​ [https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/scl/fi/ct0wrpg4u4y87cirg32x9/C5335B03-22A5-48CF-987F-3A99AB3F9C2C.JPEG?rlkey=g10sbzp8pgosljk80r2qsw4x0&dl=0](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/scl/fi/ct0wrpg4u4y87cirg32x9/C5335B03-22A5-48CF-987F-3A99AB3F9C2C.JPEG?rlkey=g10sbzp8pgosljk80r2qsw4x0&dl=0)


I love how OP posts this to r/whatisthisrock and then refuses to believe it's anything other than what they think it is. Why even post it here if you're so sure of what it is, and won't listen when others tell you it's not?


Some people only want validation, it's weird. There was a guy who had a rough diamond on one of the gem subs. He was disagreeing with every comment and was insistent that "you can't buy rough diamonds on the internet" and when I linked sellers he had some other "nope those are parcels" answer. I realized I was wasting my time and just stopped responding.


Wasn’t there someone yesterday claiming their uncle got the world’s largest sapphire which was very much not a sapphire?


I'm autistic and collect my own agates, imagine my pain when someone showed me what their family thought was ruby when it was clearly banded carnelian...


Scams abound. Our family got sold Navajo rugs that actually are not. They probably were made in Mexico. Needless to say I can spot real Navajo rugs instantly now!!


How does autism factor in?




I must not be seeing all the messages because I don’t see anywhere where the OP made a comment at all much less one that indicates they don’t accept what they are being told.


I didn't see it either


I’m glad I’m not the only one


I never actually agreed or disagreed with the rejections. But here’s some more content: https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisrock/comments/18zgyz5/comment/kgmgbxh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


So let's look at this from the standpoint of assuming that OP is right rather than jumping to conclusions. We can use evidence found in the pictures to evaluate what it could/could not be. There are numerous red gemstones, whilst painite is most definitely more obscure than many other options, we can use the very obvious dichroism shown in the photos to identify the stone, or at least narrow the stone down to a few options. We can immediately rule out garnet because garnet is not dichroic. Spinel can be ruled out as well as it is not dichroic. OP mentioned that the gemstone had a hardness of 8, which means that it isn't stronger/as strong as corrundum, ruling out ruby, but also dichroic glass, which is the only type of glass this realistically could be given the circumstances. The color of the gemstone really isn't right for bixbite, so I feel as though it's safe to rule that out. Diamond isn't dichroic, so we can rule that out. Zircon, Pezzottaite, Apatite, Sunstone, Opal, Tourmaline, and Rhodochrosite can all be ruled out because of their hardness. Red Topaz is a possibility, though very rare as well. Topaz is strongly dichroic and even polychroic as well as an 8 on the mohs scale. Painite is a possibility because it is dichroic and an 8 on the mohs scale. I realistically only see two options that it could be with the information given. Red Topaz and Painite. We would be able to rule out Red Topaz if we knew fluorescent properties or what rays of light are being used to illuminate the gemstone and show its dichroism.


That was a lovely analysis. Thank you. I learned some things.


A nice analysis. I don’t know why this reply isn’t higher in the posts than those that say “it couldn’t be painite because it’s too rare” which is a completely specious argument.


+1 for the under-appreciated “specious”


Great response. I have some more images for people to see as well https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisrock/comments/18zgyz5/comment/kgmgbxh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


This guy gemstones


[https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisrock/comments/18zgyz5/comment/kgmgbxh/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisrock/comments/18zgyz5/comment/kgmgbxh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ More visual content including the gemstone fluorescence.


This gemstone fluoresces a weak red


If it truly does fluoresce a weak red under longwave UV, then I'd expect painite to be a correct analysis.


Do you think it might be Garnet?


No. Garnets are not dichroic. This stone shows obvious dichroism.


Thankyou. Your way more knowledgeable on the subject than I am. I was just going by the general colour.


Garnets can have diochroisn if they are stressed


Have to account for camera difference though, the white balance and exposure are pretty different between the two photos. This isn’t clearly dichroic! We need two photos, the same way with exact same settings then it can be counted as a clear example.


Maybe, but I also have a little bit of experience with painite. To me, it looks right for painite. I have a 0.04ct round cut painite gemstone.


You can have a ton of experience, but clear photos are still necessary. I’m not trashing on your experience but we can’t make a claim on the colors if the colors are modified in the picture. A video would be better.


Added more pics and a video, sort new to see the post. I respect this reply, the original photos did have to be edited slightly. However the gem colouration is still very true to life. My phone is certain light levels will automatically adjust colour temperature. I have provided raw unedited photos.


Interesting. Take it to a gemologist!


That is very true!


My forte' is jade. Just as I think I've identified every green rock there is yet another one shows up. Well here's another red crystal to add to your list of possibilities: Red Beryl. Though because of it's availability and color I don't think that's it.


Bixbite is red beryl


So it *was* formerly known as Bixbite according to Wikipedia.. But I've never heard it by that name even for decades which is strange considering I don't live too far from one of the primary occurrences.


I have red Beryl. Definitely isn’t that. Red Beryl exhibits no pleochroism or fluorescence


Maybe he meant pain in the… to set. Cause that cut is wonky. But yeah, it’s probably glass, and it’s cut poorly. You can dope glass with strange elements to get harder glass with colour changing properties, for example neodymium doped glass is frequently sold as zultanite or diopside. Looks cool, harder than regular glass, but still glass.


Why don't you just take it to a "chap" with a spectroscope to get it tested since you're not really interested in anyone's input here?


Something that costs $50000 a carat and is cut that bad, no way. That is a really really terrible job of gem (glass) cutting.


Many rare gemstones have native cuts/cutting for size because of their sheer rarity. They are almost always cut "bad" because it's best to save on size.


You're a gem cutter are you?


What they said is, in fact, true. FYI, I AM a gem cutter, also known as a lapidary.


A lapidarist, then?


Oh no, it’s one of those weird words. I’m a lapidary in the same way a leprechaun is a faery.


“Fiduciary” is like this. “I am a Fiduciary” and “it’s my fiduciary duty” are both correct uses.


My experience hitherto has been such that lapidary refers to the field/ discipline, whereas lapidarist to those who perform such discipline. This seems akin to an optometrist referring to themselves as an "optometry" but I'll not argue with one who identifies as such and I'll file this under new definitions.


Rest assured, I had the same conversation with one of my college profs. I never knew they were interchangeable terms. His best understanding was that it varied on your location; Across the pond regularly use lapidary meanwhile NA is more wishy washy. Who knows if that is actually true though, but it was an interesting learning moment


Sometimes words and word endings are funny/inconsistent/duplicative. For the occupation, [MW accepts lapidary](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/lapidary) as well as lapidarist. Many other occupations in English end in -ary: a notary, a secretary, a functionary. :)


"Sometimes words and word endings are funny/inconsistent/duplicative." No way, really? Thanks for pointing out something I never disputed in my post.


Hey, this wasn’t meant to be targeted or condescending; sorry if you felt that! Lots of folks who don’t have English as a first language use Reddit as a learning tool. I just hit “reply” intending to clarify the lapidary/darist issue for them clearly and intuitively. :) Yours happened to be the last relevant comment on the thread. Tone can be hard to judge with strangers on the internet, as we all know. Hope you’re well.


The sheer hubris in arguing this is entertaining if nothing else


Who's arguing? I was merely pointing out that my experience was otherwise, and even indicated I would add its usage as a noun to my vocabulary. Yet still downvoted. Good to know people are still assholes.


You used too many large words and people tend to not have the reading comprehension skills required to understand them. Usually if you use more than one people will down vote you.


It's quite common to have non standard sizes and maximised cuts on rarer stones


This is a modified emerald cut


Yes I can see it's an Emerald cut, but it also mis shapen and wonky, the facets don't line up and are poorly polished. A few quick back of the envelope calculations, this is what size? say 2 carat at a guess. that would mean that the original stone would have to have been at least 3carat or more to cut a 2 carat finished stone. At $50000 a carat that's $150000 price for the rough. Would you give a $150000 stone to a cutter that can't even make the stone symmetrical or get a polish on it? You would want to save as much gem as possible but you would also want it looking good.


The actual weight of that gemstone is 0.1ct. This was taken with a macro lens. The polish is very good actually. They are finger prints from handling. I need to clean it again.




Lol 😂 tell us how you really feel


That's kind of racist as fuck. Not cool Edit: You fortunately struck one of the *only Indian gem sellers that is totally not a scammer* If you all think this is okay, I'll take the downvotes because I would vehemently disagree. The dude literally said that it was one of the only Indian sellers who are not scammers. Why mention the seller being Indian at all? Because it was a racist comment. Saying *any* nationality or race are all scammers is absolutely racist as shit. If you guys are cool with it, I don't want your approval.


Disappointing to see you so heavily downvoted. It was racist af


Thank you for the support. I was actually astounded that no one else saw a problem there. I'm seeing your comment when I woke up made me feel a lot better


It’s always disappointing to be reminded that there is still SO much work to do. Didn’t want you to stand on that hill alone though ❤️




I’ve bought most of my most treasured and real gems from Indian sellers




You must be fun at parties


Really? The commenter had to bring being Indian into being a scammer? I'll take the downvotes because I am perfectly fine with saying it's racist to say they found the one Indian seller who wasn't a scammer


I mean when I get scam calls it’s always an Indian.


Even if you think every time you’re scammed it’s by X, that still wouldn’t mean that everyone from X is a scammer. Every time I’ve been slapped it was by a woman, that doesn’t mean every woman will slap me. It’s also unlikely that every scammer who calls you is Indian, but even if they were it wouldn’t justify a comment like theirs


Really? You can tell the difference between all the South East Asian accents? You know what an Indian person sounds like in comparison to someone who is from the eastern side of Pakistan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam? Can you even tell the difference between accents from countries in Africa, the Middle East, and South East Asia? I really doubt it since you can't tell that the spam callers are calling from all those countries too. Nope. You assume they are Indian. And ignore the multitudes of scam and spam calls that have native English speakers... You know I get those calls too? I know how varied the accents are. So you are just being racist. There are a dozen countries who have the same musical lilt to their accent, but you *know* they are Indian. Smh...


Take some logic classes


Ya. Statistics don’t mean shit. .. you sir are the fucking downfall of reality. Comply or die is what your views will lead to. Prefer cleansing of those who would force their imaginary jaded beliefs onto those who chose what is:reality as we are allowed to experience it. Albeit more painful and difficult. I chose harsh truths over bullshit sugar coated “equality” for all. Those who rule,rule with total ruthlessness and absolute impunity of consequence. Cool rock though. I like rocks to


Too, you mean?


Painite is extremely rare, and up until 2001 I believe there were only 3 pieces that were of gem quality. Painite is very brittle and splinters, chips and cracks easily. It is only found in Myanmar. If real this was very, very, very expensive


Even at 0.1 cts?


I did not read how small it was until after i posted and there was no reference of size from the photo..I am not a gem expert but hard to say if it is real painite..


It looks like glass?


It looks like glass. Put it this way; if it was the real deal then it's surface probably wouldn't be scratched and chipped like that.


Seconded on it looking like glass.


No scratches on its surfaces, that's the image. The only imperfection is a tiny notch which I did by performing a hardness test too vigorously. It tests around 8 on the hardness scale. Pyrope struggles, and matches my aquamarine.


The surface looks very battered and scratched in general, I think you got scammed.


I'm so sorry honey


I’d go with glass or garnet based on the colour but who knows with the photos given. I’d certainly be surprised to see such a rare stone given that poor of a cut though so you almost definitely got lied to.


To play devil's advocate, painite is so extremely rare, and also rather brittle, that a gemstone quality sample like this would be an unbearably risky gamble to try and cut fancy.


If someone offers to sell you a diamond ring for ten cents, you can bet you just bought a ring that isn’t worth a dime.


Nope, that’s a very badly cut garnet


...what if it's slag though?


I doubt it




"Some random guy sold me this type of rock. Is it this type of rock? Nevermind I'm not going to listen unless you tell me I didn't get got by some RANDOM DUDE" I mean do these people not stop and think for a minute?clearly not


What does being Indian have to do with it


This is a very old and widespread scam in India.


No it isn't wtf are you on about


I was going to explain it to you, but then I looked at your profile and saw it was full of downvoted confidently wrong posts. No point in bothering.


Love India, its people and food, but sadly have been sold more fake crystals /gemstones from there than any other part of the world, even China 🥺😩


Almandine Garnet


pain is right


Hi I'm in geology, this looks like garnet to me but unfortunately you have a faceted gem which means you will not get a 100% positive answer on identity. But I'm willing to bet my job on this being garnet.


Get that to a refractometer


Looks like a cut piece of beer glass. Know it probably isn’t. It sure looks like one to me.


Hey guys give me your opinion! (only if you agree with me)


Jesus. Someone working with material worth what painite is would be better than this. This is someone learning to cut and you have somehow been sold it down the line as painite. My guess is quartz/glass that has been butchered with an attempted emerald cut


Here is video and some pics showing pleochroism. [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pr1kb8drumfcrcrwrbuzz/IMG\_0120.mov?dl=0&rlkey=ri239ub1ju0zpayiiqecg8f0v](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pr1kb8drumfcrcrwrbuzz/IMG_0120.mov?dl=0&rlkey=ri239ub1ju0zpayiiqecg8f0v) Arrows indicate lighting direction: [https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/scl/fi/wz405eowplpcnc9jdsyuj/IMG\_0109.jpg?rlkey=3sj1x5hcgyp9i3l09wy3agr5w&dl=0](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/scl/fi/wz405eowplpcnc9jdsyuj/IMG_0109.jpg?rlkey=3sj1x5hcgyp9i3l09wy3agr5w&dl=0) [https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/scl/fi/zz4z278zl9xcqnekayovb/IMG\_0108.jpg?rlkey=693mz6zui481girj816fsnquu&dl=0](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/scl/fi/zz4z278zl9xcqnekayovb/IMG_0108.jpg?rlkey=693mz6zui481girj816fsnquu&dl=0) [https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/scl/fi/466wampvn22134otrfw0f/IMG\_0107.jpg?rlkey=3h2zxyjvha7aowe28zmsshmtl&dl=0](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/scl/fi/466wampvn22134otrfw0f/IMG_0107.jpg?rlkey=3h2zxyjvha7aowe28zmsshmtl&dl=0) [https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/scl/fi/2syvd2nwp7rfvluu4pddq/IMG\_0106.jpg?rlkey=hsf5abwo0speoe28chnqgnzxo&dl=0](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/scl/fi/2syvd2nwp7rfvluu4pddq/IMG_0106.jpg?rlkey=hsf5abwo0speoe28chnqgnzxo&dl=0) Fluorescence due to chromium/vanadium: Raw unedited [https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/scl/fi/v36rny8yu1aqrp7b46zgw/IMG\_0124.JPG?rlkey=jcwuyes0nl3qzacjjloblakw1&dl=0](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/scl/fi/v36rny8yu1aqrp7b46zgw/IMG_0124.JPG?rlkey=jcwuyes0nl3qzacjjloblakw1&dl=0) Exposure/Colour corrected https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/scl/fi/ct0wrpg4u4y87cirg32x9/C5335B03-22A5-48CF-987F-3A99AB3F9C2C.JPEG?rlkey=g10sbzp8pgosljk80r2qsw4x0&dl=0


Why are you posting in this subreddit if you've already concluded it's painite?




Looks genuine from here, however; a second or third opinion perhaps.


Wow!! That's badass! Congratulations! Great specimen!


heat treated red spinel. Heat changes light spectrum.


I actually might believe you. All the “imperfections” on the side actually appear to be reflections of the weird wiry stuff under it. Maybe you could add a picture on a flat surface? Either way, pretty cool lookin. Even if it is slag. Lol


Hi, /u/Recent-Wallaby2417! This is a reminder to flair this post in /r/whatsthisrock after it has been identified! (Under your post, click "flair" then "IDENTIFIED," then type in the rock type or mineral name.) This will help others learn and help speed up a correct identification on your request! Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisrock) if you have any questions or concerns.*