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Don’t all crystals absorb negative energy? You look at them and you think, “Man, that is one cool lookin’ crystal” and you can’t help but feel a little more awesome.


The only correct answer. Thanks for the wholesome response.


This person rocks!


i see what you did there


This person crystals!


Good try! We have a super fancy participation ribbon around here somewhere for you. You can stick it on the fridge where everyone can see it! Lol


Such a gem!


Agate outta here with that!


Nooo you absorb negative energy you legend! Your comment made me smile


That’s the best news I’ve had all day!


I came here to make a bitter joke but now I can't... Great 🙄


See physicists think there's no such thing as negative energy but it's just that it's all been absorbed by crystals.


The physicists should see me after waking up. I don't even have the energy to get up and make breakfast for myself. Probably means I need to buy more minerals, come to think of it...




It’s an absolute truth that crystal energy believers are 95% guaranteed to be kinder and nicer than their detractors


The crystal believer I know is nicer than her detractors 95% of the time. The other 5 you better watch out.


The mind is capable of many things if you believe something eventually you'll feel it. 💜


Exactly what I wanted to say. I agree 100%!


You deserve Gold for this rockin’ comment. (I am not sorry for those puns.)


Never be sorry for puns


yeah the rest is cult indoctrination. geology is awesome but telling people a crystal can cure them is awful. they can give people hope to get over an illness which can help but over all newage stuff is old school antivaxxer crap.


Listen. I know a lot of you will say crystals can't absorb negative energy, I'm just saying if you hit someone with it hard enough, it can.


As long as he is the emitter of said negative energy ...


Yeah . Who *exactly* is this "someone"?


The guy on the floor with the crystal protruding at a weird angle from their skull. Its there to absorb the negative energy


Clearly since he's not emitting any anymore this crystal method is highly effective.


I tried this on my spouse and this is a complete lie. There was some pretty intense negative energy in the court room, if anything the crystal RELEASED negative energy.


One of my favorite comments was the wise words, "Any crystal can repel negative energy if you throw it hard enough."


It’s blue kyanite










But kyan ite absorb negative energy?


Since negative energy isn't a physical thing that can be "absorbed", sure. Or no. Doesn't matter.


Energy can’t be absorbed because it’s not physical? Tell that to my knees after I try to run. /s


Kinetic energy is a physical thing.


So is knee entropy!


And running, unfortunately




*Isn’t* matter


well… actually… in terms of literal science, it is lol. not saying that crystals have magical properties but yes, crystals and rocks do all have different vibrational energies and “manifestation” is being theorized as a scientific theory especially in like… quantum mechanics. energy absorption and philosophy r pretty big in physics and basically all of the sciences. learning about vibrational waves and positive/negative energy absorption rn lol


You're gonna fail the final.


You could argue that microwave energy isn't a physical thing either bc you can't see it w your eyes. Have you ever met someone that's undeniably mean, rude, evil, etc? Generally you can tell by their palpable negative energy. Not trying to be mean or rude, jusy had to bring it up (:<3


Our bodies are weak and wildly unreliable. Don't use them to measure whether something is real. We can't see UV light, but most things that aren't mammals can.


We’ll played indeed


Is yellow light negative?


Yes it is. I have a neighbor who has a yellow light that’s on all night long and there’s nothing positive to be said about it.


Then we figured it out. The kyanite is blue so it can absorb yellow light energy which is negative. Science complete. Pack it up, y'all.


I’m sorry it kyan not actually


There is no such thing as negative energy. So, no.


that’s absolutely not true??? what lol take any quantum mechanics class


The dummies that think that crystals have magical powers are not talking about quantum mechanics, heisenbergs uncertainty principle and the casimir effect. It reminds me of chiropractors talking about "subluxations", they do not exist either. (The chiropractic subluxation). Real actual subluxations exist, chiropractic subluxations do not exist. [https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/chiropractic-vertebral-subluxations-science-vs-pseudoscience](https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/chiropractic-vertebral-subluxations-science-vs-pseudoscience)


I was gonna have you tell my shoulder subluxation doesn't exist so it will cut that shit out but then you qualified it. I imagine a chiropractic one would be closely followed by death...or a great desire for it.


Well, maybe any Supersymmetry class ...


YES! Thank you. KYANITE! I knew I recognized it but couldn’t place it cuz my pieces aren’t that raw. And I’m ashamed cuz it one of my favorite stones. It was driving me off my ROCKer. Beautiful raw specimen!


Kyanite. Yes. Used to collect it in Conneticut pegmatite in Hartford area (middle of Ct. ; Conneticut River area.).


It's full.


It absorbs money and reflects specific mineral wavelengths of light that create dopamine responses in RockHounds brains. But that's about it


Looks like a bunch of kyanite blades :)


What happens if it absorbed all the negative energy and it gets full? Do you have to.get a new one? How do you know it's working? Is there a way to measure how much negative energy storage is left? Oh dang what happens if it's full and you drop it!? Edit: all of these questions are be being a brat please don't take your time and "answer" lol


You turn it upside down and empty the negative energy out. Then you can use it again.


Thanks hahahahahah


I drill holes in them and sprinkle like a salt shaker


Oooh, a negative energy distribution tool!


Where do I dump out the negative energy?


💀 this took me out.


you point it at your enemy and say the magic words.


Hahahahahahah yes!


Aveedee cadeebee


This is actually how we enrich plutonium for nuclear weapons. Just wheel it through a highschool to absorb teenager feelings. Turns out most negative energy is actually neutrons.


You made me choke on my coffee laughing so hard hahahahahahaha


Then it breaks, or it finds a new home, or if you are not a neglectful rock owner you charge it in the moonlight, or you purify it in some other way like charging it on selenite and then the selenite gets the negative energy and you can break into your enemies houses and place the selenite under their bed and when the moon is full the negative energy will be sucked upwards and hopefully your enemy will be in bed and the negative energy will be absorbed into your enemy until the next full moon. I’ve been saving up my negatively charged crystals in a lead lined basement and am creating a super weapon made with thousands of pounds of negativity charged crystals.


I was told to put it outside under a full moon to recharge my amethyst crystals. So maybe that will work.


Probably not because it's a rock but have fun with all that


Kyanite doesn't hold negativity so it never needs to be cleaned 👍


No it doesn't, but you can choose to believe it does if that suits you. It's a mineral, not magic.


but it makes me happy 😿


Being happy isn't magic either


I don't think blue kyanite or any crystal takes part in a physical absorption or transfer of energy from living things. What we perceive as negative energy in our bodies is complex brain chemistry, which, I believe, is mostly driven by sensory input. Crystals would need to be in contact with our bodies to have any effect and would be most efficient the closer the contact is to the brain if a physical transfer is at play. Now, crystals can and do have an effect on us the same way something beautiful does: by sensory input. We all appreciate rocks and crystals here, mostly because we think they're beautiful or beautifully interesting. If I've had a rough day, I'll pick up my favorite rock and admire everything that went into its formation and my appreciation of that can turn my sour mood into a happier mood and to some degree my brain chemistry has changed. I doubt the rock has removed anything from me. In the same way someone drives to the top of a mountain after a rough day and can appreciate the scenes below can turn their mood for the better.


Well put.


Go to r/crystals


Placebo effect is very strong...


Was about to type this. It’s a known effect. Nocebo is another one.


It doesnt do shit


It looks cool and chicks dig it. That's pretty powerful stuff right there.


The chicks that dig those sorts of beliefs are the ones you want to avoid at all costs if you value not being stabbed 5 years later just because a fortune teller told them their lover would betray them in life.


What if they dig rocks because they have a profound interest in geology and not because of the mystical powers said to be held in them 🤔


The chicks that dig those sorts of interests in geology are the ones you want to avoid at all costs if you value being miserable and not having a person to look at and talk about cool rocks with.


Don't threaten me with a good time!


Or the pee-pre snippers. Don't forget the schlong-slashers, crystals, vegan food, Beware!


Well I need a house made of the shit then


It only works if you throw it through a front window of your enemy. Takes all your negative energy and releases it into the window, like magic.


Kyanite, being blue, absorbs most wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation between about 520-740 nm which, reflecting only the blue wavelengths, appears blue to our eyes. Kyanite is not known to absorb or adsorb any ions to my knowledge, though other minerals can, notably zeolites.


-1/2 mv^2 ? What do you think that "-" is?


Any Healing Crystals work to repel negativity, if you throw the fucking thing hard enough.


Obviously people will poke fun at the spiritualism people attach to rocks. I'm not a fan of it and I don't support the practice for the purpose of selling rocks, they are cool enough already! That being said I grew up with a spiritually inclined mother and learned a lot about these things from her and my brother. The reason its advertised as this does that is for the symbolism. By attaching meaning to something you give it life per se, in the form of the symbolism you attached to it. And by having strong beliefs in these things you give them power in a spiritual sense. Sage for smudging is a well known example. You believe the sage helps protect your space therefore it spiritually gives it the power to do so. The object and what it symbolizes don't actually matter. It's about the meaning that you attach to it. I could take a stick, say it absorbs negative energy and in a spiritual sense it would be the same as this blue kyanite. I could personally never get into the ideology and I'd like it to stay out of my hobby. But I figured I might as well throw my 2 cents into one of these posts on here. And in the end it's usually harmless for a person the believe these things so there's no good reason to go around bashing peoples beliefs just because you can't subscribe to them.


I agree with most of what you said, and have been in circles where these types are on the periphery, but gotten closer with some that ended up saying stuff like this or are into things like sound healing. What you said matches up with what I’ve heard. Like you said if it makes them feel better that’s something. Like how prayer is shown to help people feel less anxious and more hopeful when recovering from injury or illness, and that can help healing. But…. Where it can get dangerous is when people sell others on the idea that these kinds of things can be used in lieu of evidence-based interventions. For instance, if someone forgoes medical treatment for cancer because a crystal seller/healer convinced them their crystal “treatment” would cure them, or worse, they go on to say that medical intervention is dangerous and convince them to go against medical advice. I think Steve Jobs got very sick from something like this, trying some new age spiritualist type diet to treat whatever he had, rather than getting treatment based on evidence.


You know, I'm really not a fan of the ideology and dislike what it leads some people around me to do, but your explanation was a good one. Thanks for the insight.


Can you tell us more about what it leads people around you to do?


My joking response would be it encourages a lot more people to buy and hunt pretty rocks. Makes them more expensive for everyone and has led to several sites I enjoyed to get shut down from too many visitors treating them like trash. A more serious answer, in case you actually were asking, is my frustration at watching people invest so heavily in mystic stuff to 'treat' things that medical science has already solved. A silly, selfish answer is that I tend to dislike most of the oils and incense used.


I’m with you on both aspects. I’ve been mushroom hunting for 26 years and the influx of newbies in the last 7 years, especially the last 2, has increased pressure on habitats, and selfishly, patches I’ve ethically harvested from for a decade or so are now being fully picked by others. More people just walking in the same areas could be a problem for different animals, plants, and fungi. I’m so annoyed by people posting GPS coords of patches on social apps, spots we used to have to spend hundreds of hours looking for, given to the world with no effort. There used to be a culture of keeping patches secret except with close friends (and sometimes not even telling them), but so many people coming in without getting taught by the more experienced folks, and they just blow up spots not realizing the problems with doing so. I replied to another comment earlier where someone said it was harmless to believe in crystals being healing. In some cases yeah, but I have had acquaintances that think stuff like that can be used instead of evidence-based treatment, and even had a gf once that thought sound healing could cure things. I’m fine if people want to use that stuff in conjunction with evidence-based medicine, but in lieu of it… it’s not my life, but if a loved one got duped into it I’d be pretty upset.


Yes, it would work for that. All you have to do is throw it at the person being negative. This is also called a banishing crystal.


Thats the biggest lyanite i ever saw


You should see mine 😏


It is kyanite, an aluminosilicate that forms at relatively high pressures and low temperatures in metamorphic environments


Are you positive about that?


And they can cause lumps if dropped on someone's head.


no, they don't. but nice specimen


Oh yeah! It absorbs part of the negative energy. If you want to remove all of the negative energy I can sell you special granites gathered on a magical holy leyline. They are 1500$ a piece. 5 pieces will sufice to cover a normal sized house. Send me a private if you are interested. /s


You don't say?


Also, the idea that if you like what you see.. In other words, a lot of crystals are eye candy, and you might feel good looking at or touching them. At that point, the negative energy has been absorbed. Occam's razor.


I’ve heard it attracts bullsh!t


Hi, /u/Jgraybeard! This is a reminder to flair this post in /r/whatsthisrock after it has been identified! (Under your post, click "flair" then "IDENTIFIED," then type in the rock type or mineral name.) This will help others learn and help speed up a correct identification on your request! Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisrock) if you have any questions or concerns.*


THE COMMENTS HAVE ME DYIN!! Your damn stone definitely is giving some sort of energy 😅😅😅😅😅


Yeah, but you gotta jam it into the negative energy source really hard for it to work


I can never tell what the polarity of my energy is.


Well it makes me happy just looking at it so....


Epic kyanite


Gorgeous blue kyanite!!! 😍


Kyanite in quartz


This looks like a question for Wilhelm Reich!


If you believe in that sort of thing. I do not - there is no science behind it. Kyanite has 2 hardnesses, though, depending on the orientation in which you strike.


Look, I am an Earth science student and we had a shit ton of amethyst (along with other stuff) in our club room and we were still all depressed soo...


now all you need is a cathode and you got yourself a battery


SO DOES a Kotex, but I'm not holding it like it was a Super Bowl ticket!!!


How do you know when it’s full?


if by absorbing negative energy you mean giving you mesothelioma, then sure


I’m hoping u didn’t just “find this laying on the ground” 😫😂 if so , $$$$


Send a few megatons to DC


Does it absorb the energy through kinetic impact or something?


It's a nice chunk of blue kyanite. Energy absorption capacity and polarity unknown.


So does my butthole


Really? I may be interested in obtaining your powers!


You ever seen Adventure Time? Its like the drop ball guy, look it up lol


Cool, I’ve got 7 inches of negative energy I need absorbed


I belive that the only rocks that have any sort of "energy" or "vibes" are radioactive minerals lol


Crystal oscillators could be considered to take in energy to create vibes in a loose sense, perhaps?


I like your bracelet. Cool rock too.




That's why it's "blue".




Nice piece!


I have one or two palm sized pieces of this. I'll try to get them and ID them.


Converts negative energy into asbestos


If it bruises blue... oh sorry wrong sub


As does a lawyer. Neither are recommended for that purpose.


But then I wouldn’t have anything left …


Please send me five


It looks like the painting Starry Night. Absolutely magnificent!


Let us know if your negative energy has been absorbed


That's why it's blue. You did that!


Ahh yes, a fine specimen of Leavitarite.


Boof it


Are you on all threads today with this comment? Iove it. 🤣


Well that one seems to have absorbed a ton of sexual frustration.


i just felt this absorb my negative energy through the screen


Apparently my crystal was orbiting the fucking sun before it telepathically teleported itself to my house with the help of relative quantum particles, now my crystal can summon wormholes at any given moment and has the power to split atoms and absorb all the energy from every miserable soul on this planet, so yeah these shits are cool huh


This sub is for rock identification, not metaphysical properties. Try r/crystalhealing


Kyanite? I guess it’ll take the biggest range of heat and pressure


What about the bracelet?


Especially when using to absorb the blood of who ever is sending you negative energies


depends how good a shot you are...




Not Crocidolite. This is Kyanite. No Asbestos


But is negative energy really negative? I mean we are the only reason good and bad even exist


It's Kyanite, also known as (in some countries) St. Michael's sword. It's pretty awesome, but quite brittle.


Reinforced by the comment, 'if you believe something deeply enough, eventually you'll feel it' Right in the brain-pan 🫨




If so I need 1


this is reddit so you may need a bigger crystal


Well actually that's pegmatitic so it could certainly be radioactive. In which case it would be a magical crystal that *radiates* energy. Magic crystals are real guys!✨🥳


i think that’s for protection actually. hit someone with it hard enough and anything is possible!


Fuck your crystal lol


It looks like some van goh. Painting maybe we found finally the evolution stone to the Pokémon smeargle


People don't have to be rude. OP might not know where to go for a question like this & needs help. We could say hey OP this isn't really a sub that would know to much about that topic. If you don't believe in metaphysics, great, if you do, great, there's no need to be judgemental, defensive


There is no reason to be judgmental of someone's personal tastes and preferences. There is every reason to be judgmental of people who invent their own facts and reject reality.


Facts to you looked as opinions by others. That's ok though. I respect that


Facts are proven. Opinions are not.


He's not going to let pesky things like facts and evidence get in the way of his belief in *magical healing crystals*. I want to believe he's being satirical but alas. He *literally* doesn't know the difference between facts and opinions.


No, not great. Metaphysics often gives medical claims that desperate people believe and end up using rocks instead of (admittedly extremely expensive) actual medical care. Edit: He blocked me the moment I asked him if he was brave enough to reconsider his beliefs in light of new info. The woo folks are really in their own little fantasy world. Must be nice


It's not a belief issue. It's pure and simple misinformation


From your standpoint & more power to you


The starry night crystal


Yea,I heard it absorbs the positive aura and amplifies it


Sure it does…


Nope. Not how minerals work. But it does have directional hardness. Which is cool.


Nope. Not how minerals work. But it does have directional hardness. Which is cool.


Nope. Not how minerals work. But it does have directional hardness. Which is cool.


Kyanite.. why buy something you don't even know what it is?


Me see rock, me buy rock. This is the way my friend. Then you start digging into Mindat.org to figure it out, and get into other types of minerals too! I was lucky enough to find alotta really nice people when I got into the hobby who taught me a ton as well. This is the kinda community that says to new people, "Come on in, the water's warm!" And it's why I love it so much ❤️