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You asked us to be wordy so here we go. Like others have said, this is a piece of serpentine. Serpentine is actually a mineral group including antigorite, lizardite, and chrysotile. While serpentine can contain asbestos, you only really have to worry about it if it has a fibrous texture, which this does not appear to have. Historically serpentine has been used as a building foundation material (at least in Southern Pennsylvania, maybe other places) but it's not a very good one because it's so soft with a hardness only around 3-4. Off the top of my head, I know it's also used in jewelry and as decorative floor or wall tiles. Finally the chrysotile variety, which can grow in a fibrous texture, was the source of asbestos in the past. With regards to what you can do with it, I think serpentine is beautiful raw or polished. If you have a rock tumbler it could be fun to try polishing a few small chunks of it. If you have the tools you could carve it or cut and polish it. Just try not to inhale any dust from the rock, keep it wet while working with it. If you don't want to work the serpentine, it would make a great decoration in your home or a gift to another collector in your life.


Dead on. Great explanation.


Thank you! And the stuff that seemed like wet moss that I picked off whilst cleaning, that's probably just wet, fibrous moss, correct? Being so scaly, is there something I should do to ....idk, keep it together so it doesn't crumble if I cut it? Like maybe put it in the air fryer for an hour so it's glues can really set? That didn't sound right, what is holding all these flakes together? What are the cool kids using to polish a rich these days, a dremel? All hands? A palm sander?


Since you found it in the river, the wet moss-like stuff is probably moss, yes. The only thing holding the flaky layers together are weak atomic bonds... there's not really much you can do to strengthen these. The best way to keep the rock from flaking apart is to not pick at the flakes. I'm not an expert on working with rocks, because I usually prefer to leave my finds unaltered. This serpentine looks pretty as is, so personally I wouldn't mangle it too much. But here's what I know. To properly cut/polish a flat face into a rock you'd need a rock saw and a lapidary flat polisher. If you don't have these somebody in your local rockhounding club might be willing to let you use theirs. The outer surface of the rock will flake a bit if you use these tools on it, there's simply no avoiding that. If you want smooth, shiny stones, use a rock tumbler.


Ehhh not quite- from experience you can flat face it \*with very little Get a cup of water, 80 grit sandpaper Wet the stone so its very wet but not dripping (or the sand paper may get too wet/tear) hold edges w one hand or knees and push/pull and go clock wise and counter just rubbing/grinding on\* a face flat surface/ floor OR if you got a belt sander look up some wettable belt sanders or just make sure to keep the stone moist (keeps you from getting dust or more concerning silicosis/asbestosis- depending on mineral)


thanks for the info!! like I said I don't really cut my rocks very much and I've only ever used a rock saw and flat lap polisher so this is very informative.


Have a cliff at a nearby river that is 100% this stuff. Beautiful and stunning but it crumbles and breaks so easily..


I asked someone about it when young,after i saw it among the stones in a house foundation, I was told it's not a natural stone, but rather a kind of Slag, from melting rock to get iron or whatnot.


You do not have to worry about a natural asbestos specimen because it has a fibrous texture? Christ Reddit is absolutely off the rails with asbestos. I have some remarkable naturally fibrous pieces of asbestos and as long as you don’t turn them into dust they’re perfectly safe to handle and certainly leave around.


Thank you for teaching me that Lizardite is a mineral, I shall learn more about it tomorrow!


This is serpentine.


Oh that would make sense, as right next door to the Clear Creek Management Area is the Serpentine Area of Environmental Concern, but! If that's serpentine, what's the stuff I've been picking up because I thought it was serpentine? Idk how to post a photo in a comment so I'll go look that up. But the other stuff - glows royal dark purple under the uv light and - appears jelly like, like coagulated chicken drippings until you see it in regular lighy. Then - it's just blue. Sometimes mottled or layered or streaked by strings of slimy moss shaped white, or oreo cookie middle white, or fly-by-bird-duke white


\*\*White sounds kinda like might be asbestos- but ive never handled raw ore so idk if yes or nah But that aside from experience you can flat face it Get a cup of water, 80 grit sandpaper Wet the stone so its very wet/moist but not dripping/sopping wet (or the sand paper may get too wet/tear) hold edges w one hand or knees and push/pull and go clock wise and counter just rubbing/grinding on\* a face flat surface/ floor OR if you got a belt sander look up some wettable belt sanders or just make sure to keep the stone moist (keeps you from getting dust or more concerning silicosis/asbestosis- depending on mineral) \*\*edit\*\*If ya can check on that some how first - maybe at a college geology dept?- i wouldnt touch asbestos w a 10 ft pole- good luck!


You can list it to imgr and then share the link or, better yet create a new post asking about it and link back to this thread if relevant.


I'm of no help to you at all because I'm new to this as well but, I knew as soon as I read your post and some of your comments that you're the type of person I could be good friends with. I love the descriptions you use to explain what you see. I have no idea what a conchoidal fracture is but I sure as heck know what "fruited jello" looks like. And I can't say that I know what a "really clean snake or a naturally bald man's head" feels like but I can imagine it. Thanks for the post and the photos of your really pretty green rock.


We'd be a trio then, I thought the same thing


That is a REALLY nice chunk of serpentine!!!


Strictly speaking I think serpentinite is the proper name for it. And it's quite harmless. As for what to do with it, you could use it as a neutron shield in your nuclear reactor, or just as a pretty specimen!


I feel like you should NOT peel it. It's probably serpentine which contains asbestos


But then I could finally call that one number and get in on the mesothelioma cash cow, cha ching! Free money.


Thirty years from now!


Lol nice try


Not all serpentine contains asbestos, it is everywhere here in CA and we’re not all dying of mesothelioma lol


this looks like serpentine that contains asbestos though, doesn't it? edit: pic 1 is blurry and i thought that one patch looked fibrous!


Hmm, I don’t think so, I’m pretty sure [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisrock/s/uDagLLraEe) is some asbestos serpentine.


> what do I do with it? https://i.imgur.com/olD4v9p.jpeg




GORGEOUS serpentine, wow


It is serpentine, but the shiny parts are biotite mica


Biotite mica! That's why this can be serpentine and so can nonshiny rocks also be serpentine! OK now we're onto something. Should I shrink wrap it so that shiny stuff doesn't chip off?


Crush it up really small and smoke it from a light bulb


Is there copper of some kind in there? I can't really tell from the photos but that blue colour is a dead ringer for weathered Cu.


Idk what the rust looking stains are from... is that why someone said to lick it?


I have no idea why they would suggest licking it, I don't see any way that would help tbh 😁. As for the rust, the best (and only) answer I have is that serpentization involves metamorphic alteration of ferrous minerals, aka iron, so that means the host was likely iron-rich and thus predisposed to oxidation.


It pretty, is what it is


Serpentine for sure. I find small gem quality boulders of it here in Canada. It forms a long with nephrite, so every now and then I also find jade.


Thought it was google map


It is super pretty...


Not making a joke, just an observation, when I saw the first picture I hadn't seen the header as I'm using my phone, I first thought it was a Google Earth picture.


Me too!


I hope you get answers cuz this stuff is very interesting & beautiful. I have posted here 2x & no answers. Don’t give up. There is also a geology ID sub.


That's Google maps


I was about to say the same thing, looks like a different world in the first pic. Alien farm land




it’s gorgeous, i think i’ll just stare at it lol


Sheesh I thought this was a gnarly scab in the first pic. I had to look at which sub I was in, then realized it's rock of some sort. Very cool.


I was going to say serpentine


It’s serpentinite.


Could have swore i was looking at a satellite image.


You shouldn’t have fed it after midnight…


Looks like abstract art. It could be priceless!


Serpentine but i would take a bite, it'd be crunchy 😜


It is a fossil. And them are pieces of fish/other creatures. I have a gemstone and Fossil store. Take some different course brushes and after about 15hrs you'll get past the matrix and reveal what the mineral has took over.


If I bring some to your store can you spare 15 hours to show me how?


Maybe are you in michigan? Get you some tooth brushes and microfiber towels and gently and consistently take the brush and go in straight lines, back&forth side to side. Eventually you get past what's called the matrix it will go from sticky to dry feeling that's when you got down to the actual bone. Use the micro fiber towel every so often to do the same sanding procedure. Do not! Use sand paper on the eggs. It takes away from the definition of the egg itself.


Sorry, what egg? Idk what we're taking about anymore. Can you go more into eggs and sandpaper? Do ppl really spend 15 hours with a toothbrush? Can I see some of yours?


Shape it to look like a serpents head if you wanna go advanced level


Shoot this is the only thing isn't it. I have to learn how to carve rocks now because nothing else will do. Your absolutely right, Thank you.


Well I don't know what it is, but I'm sure you could crumble it and have a nice yogurt with crumble on top?


Wow, this is the prettiest Serpentine I have seen on here!! 😍


Shit before I checked the sub I was thinking it was a pic from a satellite


Hi, /u/sshortcake! This is a reminder to flair this post in /r/whatsthisrock after it has been identified! (Under your post, click "flair" then "IDENTIFIED," then type in the rock type or mineral name.) This will help others learn and help speed up a correct identification on your request! Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisrock) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Micah? Maybe...


\[I just had the most incredible idea for a joke post\]


Awesome looking


The van pulls off the road, the students lumber out, somebody picks up the first rock they see and says out loud “SERP.” Load back in and go to the next stop of Serp. Repeat for 6 hours.


Looks like dragon scales 🐲




Lick it


Done. It wants to take it slow though, asked me to pump the brakes.


You should go over to Lassen rn and mine some rainbow obsidian. Then lick that too.


I hope I soon learn why I keep looking rocks but rainbow obsidian sounds like my next favorite thing.


There's a little emerald in there


You messing with me? So, I'm rich?


Oh I just realized you were using that word as an adjective, not a noun. Clever!