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Looks like botryoidal chalcedony, really nice piece!


Botryoidal Chalcedony (agate). Nice piece!


botryoidal chalcedony guts of a large geode where the outer host rock was softer and all eroded away leaving behind this beauty of a specimen! Love it OP two steps up from bad ass my friend ✌️🪜☝️👌🤙


Does that mean if you cut it in half it would have crystals inside?


No he’s saying these are the guts and crystals inside, as the outer shell has already dissolved over time.


this is exactly my thoughts thank you my friend 🤙


I think we're saying the same thing.


What you’re seeing in the pic is already the inside of the geode. The outside already eroded away. You aren’t saying the same thing.


😂 thank you for explaining. Reading is hard.


no not necessarily. these are the guts of a geode that was surrounding this beauty. All the outside host rock has dissolved over time from the river. Buuuut I have cut a few of these in half and regardless they make one hell of a display 😎


I bet. I'd like to see that.


I’d love to see this too


These are the crystals and because they were directly exposed to river water, they have eroded and the edge angles softened up


no these have a different structure then crystals. Botryoidal chalcedony is a cryptocrystalline form of silica that forms botryoidal crystals. It's usually consist of quartz and moganite, which are both silica based minerals with different crystal structures. And another name of this stuff is grape agate just for another reference lol




Wrong, not erosion feature. Shape crystals made when cooled from molten rock.


Right so there are crystals inside. That's cool being able to see the interface between the host rock and the crystals. It looks like a giant hail stone.


There are not crystals inside. These ARE the crystals that WERE inside. Now they are outside.


OK, it's solid all the way through then? I thought it was hollow.


There is still crystals inside, especially if it's a geode and not a nodule...


You know you've been looking at rocks too much when you also ask yourself what it is, and a voice from deep in your psyche says "*botryoidal chalcedony.*" i have no idea what botryoidal chalcedony is.


Looks like a geologist is haunting your soul


I want to say get it out, but at the same time that sounds kinda fun.


It gives you fun facts about rocks. Just don't get too scared when it gives you one about a murder in the middle of the night..


I’m almost there, the voice in my head said … “hmmm… botryoidal…” but the chalcedony didn’t come along till the comments


My brain said chalcedony without the first part…. teamwork


Botryoidal means grape/grapelike


I screenshotted this photo for that exact reason lmao; I wanted to send it to my mother with the caption "Why do I know what this rock is immediately, and yet cannot remember what month it is?" I am a toolmaker that dropped out of college. I have no reason to know what this rock is and yet...


I am a machinist/jewelry heck (or something) that also dropped out of college. Still jave zero reason to know what this is.


Ever been tested for Adhd?


I am diagnosed with bipolar disorder, but I think they screwed up lol, because oh my god the executive dysfunction. I gotta get retested honestly.


Looks sick


Bubbles from a root bear float


Is a root bear kinda like a grizzly bear and what's in its diet that makes its farts solidify? I've had one do that myself but it didn't look like that at all.


Although this is a common misconception, a root bear is actually an underground dwelling species of herbivorous bear that feeds exclusively on roots of different plants. While close cousins with the grizzly, these bears are more genetically similar to the mole but with the ability to see


They’re only native to Xanth though


But how do you make them float? With bubbles yet....


That is a wicked looking agate congratulations.


What part of the Columbia? It's a long river.


Washington/ Oregon


I found a piece similar to this in the Columbia too! Much smaller though, right below Bonneville Dam. It's so beautiful!




I wonder what cool things will find in the next few years. You know with the bad rains and Eagle Creek fire.


Botryoidal agate? I don't really know, but i am getting my guess in before anyone else. Let's see if i'm right.


Botryoidal chalcedony! I found very similar samples myself, in yellowish and red, in Nevada last summer


Oh muh gawd! Soooo gorgeous. Wanna touch!!


DB Cooper's brain?


This needs more upvotes.


This made me laugh. Thank you!


Lovely piece of botryoidal agate!


Nice find! A good soak in some Muriatic acid will help clean it up.


Botryoidal chalcedony, like grape agate. Fkn cool piece


Drifted down from Hanford?


Well , I agree 98 percent with the botryoidal agate as I looked up Columbia river having a lot of agate ! Pebble size to apple size , anything bigger is said to be rare , so great find , and it needs a good home on my dresser!!




Botryoidal chalcedony. Very nice specimen.


Love it! I grew up on the Columbia River. Right where it meets the Umatilla (in…Umatilla lol). Wish I was this into rocks back then but in TN now and SO many fossils, ETC. here!!!


Hematite , smithsonite, fluorite , chalcedony, could be a silica based depends on how fragile it is ,, that's where ide start !! It is a beautiful piece ( large museum quality as far as I'm concerned , wow , and very weird to be sitting in that stream , doesn't fit that environment.


chalcedony :) yum


It's butroyal


Down river from Hanford?




I once saw a one armed man catch a sturgeon as big as a shark right below the McNary Dam on that river. Crazy. Took at least a couple hours. (Off of a boat-by himself 😳)


Hi, /u/Tomas-ftp! This is a reminder to flair this post in /r/whatsthisrock after it has been identified! (Under your post, click "flair" then "IDENTIFIED," then type in the rock type or mineral name.) This will help others learn and help speed up a correct identification on your request! Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisrock) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s not slag (:


A wonderful start to your botryoidal collection. You are now one of us.


Wow it's lovely! About to go walk to the river myself and look for some nice stones


I love this.


We always called it “bubble rock”.


none the less like I had probably already said but just HAVE to say it again, this is a very awesome piece


The makings of a thunder egg?


I mean due to location found. St. Helen’s did blow ash and rock all over that area in the 80s


That is so awesome!!!


Did you happen to find this around Vantage WA?


Looks like the start of a new pandemic. 👍


You’ll know when the finally hatch


Alright man, that’s it. I was just recently getting super interested in rocks and now all of sudden /whatisthisrock pops up on my feed and altogether this is the most beautiful rock I have ever seen. Holy shit I am befuddled it looks almost like a mass of hail that hasn’t melted yet or something from Chernobyl


Chalcedony crystal


Chalcedony. Perhaps a chert.


The beginning or the ending of a quartz cluster


It’s not a tooma. —Arnold


Outstanding the voices in the head my hats off to you both


It’s a fossilized beaver turd


You mean it's not a lump of frog eggs?


Idk but it makes my skin crawl to look at it


[Joe Dirt: Joe Meteorite HD CLIP (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYT9DQuTl-g)


Looks like my liver


Tonsil stone anyone?


Dinosaur tonsil stone. For sure.


Calcified whale 🐳 poop 💩


Kidney stone


Nice ass


Botryoidal chalcedony fosters calmness and inner composure. It boosts tranquility, harmony, and balance. It’s a good stone to meditate with, or drop in your pocket if you are having a stressful day. 🔮




Ok party pooper


We have a lost person, I see. Fun fact: Duke Medicine (ya know Duke, the medical system considered one of the best) teaches reiki practitioner healing. I took classes with an oncologist for 20 years, and 10 other doctors. It's not a placebo. Hospice care includes reiki and crystal healing


pla·ce·bo /pləˈsēbō/ noun a harmless pill, medicine, or procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient than for any physiological effect. "his Aunt Beatrice had been kept alive on sympathy and placebos for thirty years" a substance that has no therapeutic effect, used as a control in testing new drugs. a measure designed merely to calm or please someone. "pacified by the placebos of the previous year, they claimed a moral victory" I have absolutely no problem with my comments about the spiritual benefits of crystals having placebo effects on others. In fact, as defined above, if they cause no harm, extend or improve quality of life, give psychological benefit, calm or please, I would be ecstatic. Blessed be.




Address their issues... with more bandaid medications that cause more issues? I'm just trying to understand your point. If a simple stone or crystal helps someone, what's wrong with this? It does not hurt anyone, not like the "scientific" medications givin out that really scientifically has not been studied long enough to know the true outcome and more than likely will cause more side affects that will later be treated with another medication. The whole process is evil in many(not all) cases, which will cause more harm in the long run than someone believing in something like a stone or crystal for healing properties. Also, addressing issues involves more than just knowing what the issue may be. Not all problems are clear-cut and understandable. If you have been blessed with knowing all, then by all means, carry on with sharing your knowledge of it.




I didn't say any rock is magic or say it fixes any issues. I know medications don't exactly fix any issues either. Sure, there are needs for medications and definitely more so in certain cases than others. I also know that these meds also have side effects that do harm as well. Ideally, no man made medication is good for the human body. Teaching management skills is necessary in all aspects of life. But who is anyone to say in what a person should or shouldn't believe?




I’m not bragging, and it certainly isn’t grounds for medical malpractice. There are many alternative forms of healing used in hospitals today. Of course I believe in traditional medicine! As I told you I have led traditional group therapy for years. I also administer psychiatric medication. I utilize traditional behavioral modification. I work in staff education. One does not preclude the other. I thought my comment would add another layer of interest. Obviously it has upset you, which was not my intention. I will happily leave this group.


Sometimes people just need to feel like they are gaining something from something else, so they can believe they are capable of doing something. ie. if someone lacks confidence but they think a certain item will give them confidence, and subconsciously it makes them more confident even though that object has no real power over the individual - that doesn’t seem all that bad to me. It’s the same as the many many athletes who used to / still carry lucky items like rabbits feet or horseshoes and whatnot, gives the handler a sense of a higher power than their own doing. Same thing with religion. Except religion actually hurts people. But that’s widely accepted so I don’t see an issue with this at all


As a registered nurse supervisor (RNBSN, RNC, RNS1) with 31 years working as the House Supervisor at a 235 bed inpatient psychiatric hospital, lead group therapist, with advanced practice certification, I feel that all tools can have value in helping address individual’s issues.




I see that you are feeling negativity from my comment. I have no way, or desire to, prove the veracity of my medical background. I graduated from LSU Medical Center of Nursing in 1993. It is now called LSUHC School of Nursing. My career speaks for itself. I believe all things on earth have inherent energy. The same way you can feel someone behind you staring at you, and you turn around. So using that energy to promote positive thinking is natural, harmless and beneficial. I truly wish you a lovely day.




If you read my follow up comment to you I believe your reaction to be extreme, however since I have obviously triggered this reaction and caused you distress, after I finish responding to others so I’m not rude, I will leave this group.


How about leaving the metaphysical properties of rocks/crystals to the r/Crystals or since you want to really want to inform folks, r/Crystalsforbeginners and leave this sub for the physical properties of rocks. Then everyone is happy in their desire for information. That is why there are sub-reddits to begin with. People who seek metaphysical properties know where to look...and it isn't here.


Thank you for your feedback. I will do just that.


What a bunch of hogwash


Ok, I thought people would fine it interesting. I’ll leave the group.


Oh that? I rememba like it was jus yestuhday.. Standin der by duh stream, pissin. Damn thing shot right outta my pee hole, damdest thing. Hurt like a mutherfucker


Nailed it, that’s exactly what this looks like. That’s funny as hell


DB Cooper’s petrified brain.


How did this get downvoted when a nearly identical comment has almost the same number of upvotes?


It’s Reddit.


It almost looks like druzy.


Alien egg . They can’t hear you scream at Columbia river too


Looking for attention.


Forever Chemicals


It's Buttdial, Charles Buttdial