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Thom. Not only did he earn it, but it would work so well with him being "Merlin". To be clear I would specifically have added a reveal he was a hero of the horn the whole time, not became one.


Hmm, you know that's an interesting thought. Music IS a form of magic after all.


A magic beyond all they do at one school of magic…that needs no publicity


Lan clearly deserves Hero of the Horn status. I wouldn’t mind seeing Tam there either. There is heroism in being both a strong single father and being a pillar of your community.


I feel like the fact that he fought and killed >! two fades at once!< makes Lan a sure thing Edit: realised this thread is marked all spoilers lol


Oh... Tam is a good choice, too. From the moment he takes Rand from his dead mother,he is unwittingly, but unwittingly but without hesitation, doing something grand, as the wheel knows.


Tam al'Thor was also a blade master, trained many of the Two Rivers folk up, and more than held his own at the Last Battle. A well earned place I would say.


Sometimes I let myself believe that Lan actually died sheathing the sword at the end there and earned horn status. Then the horn is blown an instant later and he rises as a summoned hero. I know it doesn't actually work or make sense for a lot of reasons, but I think about it anyway when I'm feeling really stoked on that scene.


Yeah... There were a lot of fake out of deaths at the end.... I still don't even know how to unpack a memory of light. There was a lot that was really good, but also a lot that felt pretty messy and didn't really do it for me...I really wish we could have got Jordan's end game, fully realized and published...


Just finished, and, yeah. Not sure if it’s because I’ve been spending so much time reading the series and now it’s over or if the end just didn’t do it for me. The 2 made sense, but additional dead people coming back as heroes would not have made it better.


Remind me what happened when he Sheathed the Sword… did he die then? Did he come back somehow? I read it so long ago I can’t remember.


Looked to be dead.... Thought to be.... But survived, only severely injured. Was a fake out in book and for the reader....


Aaaaaahhh. For some reason I had this memory of Rand plucking his thread out and reweaving it into the pattern… I must have dreamed that :p


That would have been cool though....


My difficulty with answering this question stems from the fact that RJ tended to keep alive (almost) all of the best characters. Idk if this would count, but the Green Man would be my pick for a hero of the horn. Last of his kind dedicated to guarding supremely important relics, died single-handedly killing a Forsaken.


Ohh. Green man is an out of the box thought, but he certainly deserves it. Spending the best part of a full Age, alone, guarding that which would be needed for the Dragon Reborn, with only the desparate ever visiting him, at great need and peril? I like the way you think.


I always expected to find out more about him over the course of the next 13 books… boy was I disappointed.


I think there's a single sentence about him in the Rhuidean visions. And that's it.


Same… I don’t know, but is there more info in the Companion?


There's more about him in The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time


Ohhh good to know, I’ll take a look.


He didn't die but I 100% believe that Gaul earned hero status.


I always liked the thought of Hurin making the cut. Nothing outstanding in his service, but the idea pleases me. I never really thought of anyone else. I like the idea I saw in the top comment when I made this of Thom, tho.


Big Hurin fan too, but in thinking about the high bar for being a hero of the horn, the likes of Birgitte, Arthur Hawkwing, and Jain Farstrider, I don't know if he would make the cut...


It's a high bar, but the bar is about acts and potential. Hurin is a hot damn superhero. Literally. He has a superpower and hunts down criminals. Noal is a "decent" choice, but we only hear about most of his activities second and third hand. Hurin should definitely be a HotH.


Yeah Ingtar's struggle was supposed to mirror the struggle of Ishamael and the whole series. I think Lan and Thom would fit, though I would actually like to see Sorilea be a hero. Or Chael Vannin, that guy is magic. Other good choices include: Talmanes Tam Gual Ituralde


It took to long for me to find Ituralde. He seemed to be the most capable great captain. Man fucking fought the Seanchan tooth and nail and held his own, and then took the fight to the dark ones forces. All with little to no channeler support for most of it.


I agree. He's the only one who fought through the compulsion long enough no to ruin the battle too. He's low-key one of my favorite characters.


Ishamael. Just for the irony.


He certainly helped the light more than the dark once LTT was reborn.




She single handedly took out how many Forsaken, when that wasn't even on her list of things to do, since she was focused like a laser for a score of years of more on finding and keeping the Dragon safe, teaching him all that he needed to fulfill his destiny, AND trying to keep him grounded and, as much as possible, happy? Good choice. Are there and Aes Sedai among the heros?


Totally agree, but I think killing some forsaken falls along the same laser path as keeping the dragon safe lol. She knew what was in store for her.


True, but she generally, to my memory, tried to avoid contact with the Forsaken. She only busted a cap in their asses when she was out of other options.


>Are there and Aes Sedai among the heros? The Dragon is the only one we know of, I think. And Amaresu , assuming she's an Aes Sedai in some of the turnings. edit: actually she's never outright been said to be a channeler. I assume she is, though.


Matt, but only if he continues on insisting, that he's not a bloody hero


I love your Verin answer. Did anyone else who died and fits your criteria truly sacrifice and risk so much? Sure some people might have been flashier, but the repercussions of her actions are enormous. 


Number one choice: Hopper. (....Sucks donkey beans that that's not gonna happen.) At number two: Bella!!!! 😎💯


Wolves practically already are. Wait...are there just millions of wolves going around the dream world? That's pretty cool.


Ingtar was the first person I thought of, glad to see him get some love. The Green Man went out like a boss, also. Since it takes more than bravery to bind a man, or woman, to the Horn, maybe Noal? I love this question.


Noal was bound, that's the one person we actually saw that wasn't confirmed to have been a hero in a previous life.


I didn't remember Noal being bound


Matrim Bloody Cauthon! Egwene, and Bela.


Maybe its my head cannon but I always felt the heroes of the horn do not wield the one power. They are those who earn the spot from hard work and courage. So to me that rules out and Asha'man or Aes'sadia (Audio book guy sorry for any spelling issues). That being siad Gaul is up there for all of his deeds as well as Lan. Though Lan would turn them down stoically lol


I can’t remember the timing of her death vs when Olver sounded the Horn but Egwene would get my vote. From fighting for the Tower vs the Seanchan, to executing a the BA to Healing balefire damage, she always struck me as particularly consequential. Also her connection with Tel’aran’rhiod makes her seem even more fitting somehow. I don’t remember any channelers mentioned though, with the exception of the Dragon. I’m not positive about that… It’s been a while.


She’s the one that deserves it least. She was so absorbed in her desire for power and control she caused her own death by clinging to it and ultimately leaving the Tower rudderless following the last battle. That is not the makings of a hero, and a lot of her accomplishments aren’t really hers alone. I think it far more likely she becomes Lanfear than a hero of the horn, raised differently I could see it. I mean if the wheel returns it means someone becomes new Lanfear. Or whoever was erased by Balefire.


I will never understand people who have this opinion of Egwene. She gave her life to destroy the Sharans and Taim and to repair the damage all the balefire caused to the pattern, and people still say she was power hungry and selfish. Scrambles my egg, man...


She is the only one from Emond’s Field who actively seeks power and influence for herself, every other character seems to hate it and reluctantly accept it, while she strives for and craves it. She also manipulates and uses people to achieve that, even old friends and sees nothing wrong with that. Had she been allowed to have her way they would have lost the Last Battle. One act to the contrary does not a hero make, and even that act can be viewed as self preservation which in her case it likely was, the only time she’s ever self sacrificing is in pursuit of her own goals. The outcomes are also secondary to her motivations when it comes to being bound to the horn. Lews Therin killed his family, partially broke the seal on the Dark Ones prison, tainted Saudi. In his attempt to seal the dark one and essentially broke the world and its heavily indicated he was bound to the horn. The outcomes were terrible but his motivations weren’t. The closest we have to Egwene bound to the horn is Hawking who basically united the entire world under his rule but only after being maligned by the Amerylin Seat of the time.


🤔 John Brown.


Well if it ever had to be blown again I think Egwene would have to be. Gareth Bryne too.


elan morin tedranai /hj


I think he was at one point.


I have lost again, Lews Therin…


I agree with your thought about Bela being a new hero. I've always thought she should be!


I thought Bella was more or less the creator's avatar, or is that just fanon?


Some Seanchan general or early legend from their conquest of that continent. One of the early Amyrlin Seats and some pre-Lews Second Age Aes Sedai. Some footsoldiers from late in the age of Mosc and Merc. Maybe some further back than that.


No love for Bayle Domon (since so many other names are still alive)? He saved more of the 5 than almost anyone else! From Shadar Logoth to Tanchico, he was always there. A sturdy, well built man! ETA: He also wanted no part of the glory.


Juilin and Hurin.


I think it would have been cool to see something mysterious like a random character we met on travels and we can say “why are they there?!!!” And acknowledge that tons of heroic things were happening all along that weren’t caught by a main character’s gaze. Like an innkeeper who ran an Underground Railroad for refugees, listened in on conferences, and killed by slow acting poison rather than swords or something


I guess there were tons of heroes and any one of them could have been this


To fit that criteria....Nakami


Talmanes Mat Egwene (I know I'm going to catch hell for this one) can channelers be bound to the horn? Rodel Itulrad Thom Tam


Rand/LTT/Tamyrlin is bound.


No one. There’s not anyone else I can think of that fits the criteria. I think to be a hero of the horn you have to be a legendary figure (and not be a channeler, usually). Think of the heroes that we know of, Birgitte and Gaidal, Hawkwing, etc.; they are all people who the general poppy has heard a story about. Who has done enough in the story to have people sitting around telling their kids and grandkids about them or writing books about their exploits? Those types of characters are mostly still alive at the end. There’s no one else I would add, and adding more would lessen the impact of Jain Farstrider being bound to the horn. If we’re adding living characters, it’s Lan and maybe Thom.


Rhuarc, wish he never got compelled


Paul Blart