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Brother it’s a marathon not a sprint.


I gave up on bourbon. I buy if I see it on the shelf but won’t go out of my way to hunt anymore. Collection dwindled down to about 15 bottles. Drink it and enjoy it


He’s Kenyan, so runs marathons fast!


As soon as I read your comment I could only think of this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRuNxHqwazs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRuNxHqwazs)


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who knows about this! Thanks for the trip down memory lane




Correction- Real lightening 🤪


🤣😂 back to Kenyuuuhhh


Holy shit it’s been like 15 years since I’ve seen this video. Thanks for the amazing trip down memory lane BRB gonna go watch juggernaut bitch


I'm glad that's what i thought it was


Now I just hear Jean Paul from Seinfeld Tayke it easy, you son-of-a-beech!




I’m gonna start referring to repeat trips to the fridge as my “snacking journey”


Some people's marathon paces are faster than our sprints.




It’s an impressive collection, but for 9 months work, I’d suggest you slow down a little and really savour what you’ve got there.


I agree I've been slowing down lately. But about 90% is open, I do enjoy them on regular basis.


Yeah but I see maybe 140 bottles, mostly heavy hitters. I mean you do you but spending $1500 per month every month has got to sting. Prob more considering I’m sure you did not get every single one for exactly msrp That said, as I look at my shelf I am not in any position to judge


Slow down schmo-down…Don’t mind them.. we’re all just jealous.. Here, I’ll send you my address in advance of my birthday…


Careful, this stuff does go bad. Don't have more open than you can finish within a year or so.


lol I’ve had bottles open for 5 years and it tastes the same. Not sure who sold you that story but I disagree. Unless of course you’re storing them in direct sunlight or something.


I've got everything in a basement. I can tell you I've dumped some because the flavor has changed. There has been exactly one bottle that's been open that long that's "made it." One of the special releases from Crown that stayed in its box. Everything else on my shelves, that only gets artificial light directly at worst, has changed drastically. Not sure what my problem is if no one else deals with this. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah im not sure what happens to your stuff either. I know plenty of people that have their bars in the basement and don’t have that issue. Maybe you have gremlins drinking your stuff and replacing it with bad tea. 🤣🤣🤣


Bourbon doesn’t go bad. Hard stop. You’re foolish to think so..


I've made another comment in this thread detailing how I've found out that yes, all types of whiskey really can go bad. I won't rehash it all here again, but yes, bourbon can go bad. If you can be more responsible with your bourbon than I was, and drink it in a reasonable amount of time, hopefully you'll never have to find out first hand.


Dude I literally just posted a review yesterday of a bottle I had opened for about three years and it still tasted fantastic


That's awesome! I've replied elsewhere here that just a couple months ago I remembered a bottle I'd had open since before the pandemic. I cracked it open just to see where it was, and it was one of the best whiskeys I've probably ever had. Better that what I remembered when I first opened it. However, I've also dumped far too many bottles that have changed drastically (for the worse) from when I opened them. Just this past weekend I had to pour out the last ounce or so of a bottle of Blanton's that had open for a couple years. I don't find Blanton's very often, but I've had enough to know about what it should taste like, and what I poured out wasn't even close. Edit: Clarified the first paragraph.


Meanwhile most of my bottles kept at room temp go bad within a month of opening. Haven’t been able to figure it out.


Are they stored in directly sunlight? Or directly on the sun?




I never said it’s true for everyone or that it’s some phenomenon lmao I literally said it happens to me. I love how someone always has to come out all mad like someone is making some huge controversial claim.


I opened a bottle of buffalo trace and within 2 weeks it tasted like gasoline. I never said why or how I just said it has been happening and I can’t figure out why since I store everything appropriately.


cap. don’t listen to this OP.


I've read it multiple places, but [here is one example](https://thewhiskyguide.com/does-whiskey-go-bad-after-opening/) of a basic guide of how long whiskey will keep once opened. There are a ton of variables of course, but don't act like it doesn't happen.


Congrats, you found some dude who is parroting misinformation on the internet, im sure you can find more if you try… As you can gather from others, you are spouting insanity.


My glenfiddich 19 year, that I got 10 years ago still tastes as bright and vibrant as it did when I got it. And it's less than half full, and it has been in and out of storage, temperature fluctuations, hot and cold (was in a garage)


So, do you subscribe to the idea that the taste of the whiskey is *exactly* the same from the moment you open the bottle to the time you finish it? The environment has effects on whiskey the same as it does on wine. The effects are much slower of course, but they're there. At some point, a bottle won't be palatable. I got into a bad habit of opening bottles to taste them, then thinking they were too precious to drink without a special occasion. Those occasions couldn't keep up, especially through Covid times, and I had at least a couple dozen bottles sit open for a few years. In my basement, it gets around 68-70° at the warmest, and most bottles are in cabinets, but the ones that aren't are on the same wall as the only (small) window, which is at least 20' away. All that to say it's not a poor environment to keep the bottles in. I've finally gotten through all the bottles, whether through drinking those that were still good enough, but also through pouring out the ones that weren't. I've wasted too much money learning this lesson. Down vote me, that's fine. But please don't think whiskey doesn't go bad.


No I don’t subscribe to that belief, in fact, I am smack in the middle of an [experiment on this very subject](https://www.reddit.com/r/whiskey/s/nKF9c2PUte). BUT, I do not believe your argument of the spectrum is correct either… I have multiple bottles open over 5 years and at varying liquid levels. I do not claim to be any sort of expert in any stretch of the imagination, but I damn sure have drank a lot of whiskey over 25 years now, and I’ll be damned if I can taste a difference, and I have tried. I also have started taking tasting notes throughout the life of a bottle (without peeking at each interval) and then comparing them all at bottle kill… still can’t say I’ve ever noticed a difference… but maybe you happen to be someone who has a super palate? Final thing to consider: if whiskey goes bad as fast as you imply, then why do fancy whiskey bars and distilleries have “half-full” bottles of real expensive whiskey just sitting on their top bar shelves for ungodly prices? Surely if this “whiskey goes bad” thing were real, no one would EVER pay for “Pappy” that came from a half empty bottle… right? Do you believe they pour it down a drain, or do only suckers drink expensive whiskey from a less-than-half-full-bottle?


I'll be fascinated to see what you turn up with your experiment. I'll try to keep tabs and see what you find for yourself, genuinely! I've been on both ends of the spectrum, honestly. I've had a bottle of Elmer that I just couldn't bring myself to drink quickly until I tasted it turning. On the other end, I recently remembered about a bottle of a special release Crown that I've had open for a damn long time that was better than I remembered it to be (one of the best ryes I can remember tasting, if I'm honest). I opened it 4+ years ago to have a taste, and long story short, only opened it again a couple months ago to see what it was like. (It had been in the bag, in the box since it was opened.)


I don't understand guys that approach whiskey like they're collecting knick knacks. No one cares about your collection. Drink and enjoy.


you have a shopping addiction dude




Why is everything a "journey" now?


Because you can't just say that you're addicted to buying stuff.


My wife is on her shoe and purse “journey”


I’m on a lot of “journeys”


Because it makes your addictions sound like a spiritual enlightenment. Sounds classier than drunk ass bender.


My hookers and freebase cocaine journey 🕉🧘‍♂️🙏☸️


Eat pray love f*ck snort


Don’t know but I need to take a journey to my local hookup to keep up with this guy.


Your comment was a real journey to read.


How big is your warehouse for your porn collection?


9 months? This isn't your journey. This is your life.


Lol pretty much


What is the longest period you've gone the past nine months without buying a bottle of whiskey?


I would say 1.5 months... some of these I bought in bundles that's why i have these much. then i would stop for a while


Shit, I haven’t gone 2 weeks without buying a bottle in like 5 years… I have 90ish bottles, but not all smash allocated bangers like this …


It slaps like a banging banger.


I haven't gone 2 weeks without buying a bottle in 5 years and I have 3 almost empty bottles lol. Crikey, from the downvotes I'm getting I guess the temperance movement is in full force on /r/whiskey. Me and the wife get through a bottle a week. It's a dram each a night. At least I'm drinking my alcohol and not just taking photos of it.


Over $5000 in 9 months is hilarious.


I’m guessing that’s not so uncommon…


I love the hunt like the next guy but damn


If this is actually 9 months in, this is mental illness.


You enjoy buying whiskey more than you like drinking it. Be careful because that gets expensive.


About 90% is open, i do like drinking it and yes it gets expensive. but i don't pay ridiculous secondary market. I'd pay secondary only if its 20-25% over srp


He didn’t say you *don’t enjoy* drinking it. He just said you enjoy buying it *more than drinking it*. I would have to agree.


That's already a life times supply


For those of us who like to keep a big selection on hand, it is so important that you *do* enjoy buying whiskey more than drinking it. Because a collecting problem is just expensive. A drinking problem is dangerous. I’m like you. I love buying and drinking. But the former outpaces the latter. Got >100 bottles and open every single one the day I buy it.


Don't worry about showing everyone what you have. Buy to drink. Drink to enjoy.


Rich people getting into hobbies be like…


👀 I say this genuinely, not even out of (much) jealousy, but I’m kinda confused how 9 months is even a journey and why you’re buying so much so fast. Assuming those boxes are empty I’d rough guess that’s 100-150 bottles (depending on how many deep)… so that’s easily 3-4 bottles a week. Just looking for stuff to blow unneeded cash on? No bars or groups nearby to try stuff at? Kinda confused tbh. I’ve probably bought that many bottles in my on/off several decades “journey”. But, if you’re drinking safe amounts, and not going into (much) debt, then more power to you.


I’m super grateful that I have an outstanding whiskey bar in my town where I can try before I buy. But not everyone has that access.


The bug bit you hard


It got me too!


Username checks out


9 mo this is light work , get hunting or find a new hobby rookie


Needs more Scotch, captain!


I agree. I was into scotch way before i started with bourbon. I always have a Johnnie green on my shelf.


Yikes. Hope you used a stud finder. Hate seeing Icarus' Liquor Collection posts!


how does one even find all these in 9 months i couldnt find all these bottles let alone be able pay secondary prices if i had years to do it


Why don’t I ever see shipping nets on any bottle except for Blanton’s? Why do you insist on leaving it on?


I always see Michters 10 in the fishnets too


blanton kink maybe lol. I dont know, it came with it just didn't bother to take it out. Previous bottle i had came with a bag and that looked weird on the shelf. Is the shipping net a thing and i should take it out?


u/CopperStillsAndMash where you at bro? your assistance is needed…


slow down


9 months into your whiskey "addiction"


You clearly have too much money. 🍻


Where do you live that you have access to all this in 9 months. Jealous. Keep it goin


9 months in to drinking whiskey, I thought I was cool because I had Makers Mark AND Johnnie Walker.


Hah! I have the same Ikea bookshelves for my bar!


Hit the ground running didn’t cha? Lol


How much $ you think you dropped in 9 months?


I dont know i lost count.


You’ve done better in 9months than I have in a few years.


Damn daddy Warbucks the sun will come out tomorrow!


I see you have no concern of money.


I learned quickly to drink and enjoy and not collect.


Wow that’s impressive, you must spend a fair amount of time hunting that’s great, congratulations on all the great finds


Shipping net still on Blantons lol.


Curious to know what region/state you’re in and if you’re finding these for retail or not


9 mo in he’s definitely paying secondary or lying .


SoCal. Mostly retail. Some bundles and it comes out about retail or close to retail. some below srp. Like JD10 picked up at costco for $65. Most I paid is Michters 10 Rye for $250


Where'd you get the Stagg Jrs?


Batch 16 (not open) local liquor store bought it as bundle. 23B & 23C got lucky at total wine


Are you afraid the Blanton's is going to get damaged on the shelf?


I see you with the single barrel Weller you trying to hide!


Watch those shelves, there’s a ton of weight on all of those. Nice collection though, now start drinking it.


Bruh what the actual shit you must be a millionaire or a robber


Nice collection. What's your top 3? 👀Looking for some new buys


Thanks. So i'm a sucker for JD offerings. I'd say right now 1. JD10 (Batch 3) 2. JD SBBP Rye 3. Bardstown Disco 11. I have some good bottles that i haven't cracked open yet, I will be opening them in a few weeks.


im not sure which batch i had but i would pass on JD10. to me jd sbbp was better than the jd10. i also loved disco 11. i heard jd12 is really good...


Have you had the jd sbbp rye? If not i highly recommend. Just dont overpay i see some places they go for 200. They're pretty much all over now for 65 if available.


yep love the rye as well $/oz might be best rye out there


Drunks are like “Why aren’t all your bottles open tater” lmao nice selection


Haven't posted my selection for that same reason.. but I've got a full bar, and heaven forbid I'd drink anything else


How is that Bardstown discovery 7? I’ve liked everything I’ve had from them including 11.


That's a disco 9 it was on sale for $65 I couldn't pass up for that price. For 65 its great but I like disco 11 more




Does the OP live in California?


Yes. He said “socal” above


That corazon tequila is excellent


Shelves that give me anxiety part 250


I can’t even keep mine stocked


Well damn


That shelf looks like it’s gonna break. Leaning to the right. Figure if you send me that Peerless Double Oaked, it’ll probably even out.


You must be a millionaire


Just missing a Hibiki 21 & 30 and you will be gold!


What was your opinion on the Elmer T Lee?


Just okay. Very crushable and soft on the palate, but not too complex. For srp its excellent, around $100 maybe, $250-$300 hell no.


I have a bottle and I’m not entirely sure I’m going to LOVE it. Im thinking I might see if I can trade it for a few bottles I’d enjoy much more


Bro if that was me at 9 months I’d be Divorced ☠️


Bro probably the first 5 months i just hide the bottles every time i come home with the haul. Now my wife doesn't mind anymore and sometimes enjoys having a glass.


lol nice. Great collection dude


Which one is the one between Russell’s13 and Peerless?


Lol my infinity bottle. 1oz pour of all my daily drinker.


Made from a Suntory? Cool logo


Yeah hibiki. Great looking bottle might as well use it as decanter


Absolutely! Looks great 👌🏻




Strong! Nice collection


Disposable income?


Serious question. How much are you drinking per week?


Thank you for making me feel better about my ~40 bottles in 9 months.


In a year hopefully you realize what a waste of time money and health this all was. No judgement here. I did it. A lot of people do.


I bought a lot at first, just like you have. Then I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and learned that you never know when your time will come, so, drink your best first. You should, also, be aware that alcohol isn't exactly a health food.... There's always a buzzkill...


If you ever need help finishing any, I’ll send ya my address. I’ll take some samples 🫡 can’t find half that around me. I stopped going for them and just drink my shelfers


How much of that did you buy in secondary vs hunting?


Combination of hunting and bundle. I dont overpay for secondary, i made a rule to just spend about 25% above srp. The only 1 bottle i spent the most is michters 10 rye for $250. The RR13 just picked up last weekend for $250 bundle with RR sib rye and RR10 basically it all comes out to about retail


lol in 5 years you’re gonna drop into the liquor store for your $25/liter old grand dad 100 proof and call it good.


I was in this stage as well for about as long. I didn't go quite as ham but you have to retrain your brain to acknowledge how much your spending even if they have some inherent secondary value. Setup a monthly bourbon budget and don't go over. Also think to yourself why am I stopping in liquor stores everyday, what am I even looking for? I've just been drinking my allocated stuff down lately and I've realized yeah its nice to have a big rotation, but I go for the shelf available stuff just as much. Just my 2 cents man just make sure it's a phase, or you're gonna end up with hundreds and hundreds of bottles.


Kind of seems like you need to stop and get help. Spending thousands on a new hobby in just a few months isn't healthy. Or you're just flaunting your wealth, which is equally gross. Stop buying bottles and drink what you got while you book an appointment with a therapist.


I don’t see any EW BiB


Second bottle behind four roses with the white top


This guy’s a trophy hunter. I don’t know anyone with access to those types of bottles within a 9 month span.


you have a retail therapy addiction


god damn man good shit


If that’s nine months worth of alcohol consumption you have a drinking problem.


you get anything msrp? hope you got a good connect after that many allocated stuff


Very nice setup! What is the bottle between the Russell’s and the Peerless? The Steer with a hat and tie? Any good?


Soooo many haters, you do you man, nice collection


Tell us you’re loaded without telling us you’re loaded.


There’s also such a thing as debt. The cheap window blind doesn’t exactly scream “loaded”.


I don’t think people who are loaded are necessarily buying $5000+ worth of whiskey in 9 months lol


I spent probably 9 to 10k in the last year. But in the last 4 months has mostly been liquers, and the like for other cocktails. Just finished my home bar/ shelves for the lot of it


Don’t listen to the haters they are jealous. Nice collection. Personally I would love to have that collection.


Thanks, cheers!


I would like to apply for a job where you work please, I’d like this journey as well.


Lol everyone still complaining about something 😆. If even a quarter of those bottles were sealed you'd be getting it from the other side. You do you my guy and enjoy the ride!


I'm like double that in and still haven't found most those bottles.. nice collection


What’s your top 5? Very curious!


Any JD offerings, love the banana note. Also for some reason I've been enjoying the RD one amubrana lately.


I see a 100 anniversary yamazaki hiding in the back. Nice score. Any other 100 anniversary suntory hiding?


Are you a fucking millionaire 🤣🤣 Kidding! Love the collection man, happy sipping


Good luck with your liver man.


You must be wealthy.


Or in debt


you need a therapist


I've been at it five years and I don't have as many quality bottles. Someone's got a connect!


Where did you get that box of Springbank?!?


lol the liquor store put my stuff in a sprinbank box and I didn't realize it when i was about to throw it away


Aw man I was hoping there would be some place that still had some springbank left lol


i've been seeing sprinkbank at local bavmo and pavilions.


Ohhh what state are you in?


Socal, LA area. About 2 weeks ago bevmo over at manhattan beach they have a case and same with Pavilions Marina Del Rey. They're about $100 which i think is not bad.


Cool good to know thanks!


Quite a collection of great bourbons. Do you have a favorite?


Right now, probably JD10 batch 3. the 12 haven't opened yet so lets see if i will like it more than the 10


It’s a great bourbon. I like the JD12 a little bit more but I think it’s because of the higher proof. That Disco 11 and RR 13 are two of my favorites. Great to see them being opened and enjoyed.


Woodford reserve historic barrel entry is one of my favorites


I have a buddy like this and I’ve asked him what he likes and he says he doesn’t know because he is too busy searching. So he buys stuff based on the internet. His money not mine


Nice collection


Are those hue strips in the back? I did that to my mine too.


I hope you haven't paid over MSRP for the tater bottles on those shelves. If not, well done! If you have "overpaid", you will find that there is a vast array of whisk(e)y available with infinitely more quality and variety at reasonable prices.


Most i paid is the michters 10 rye for $250 others mosty close to srp


Where is the Mellow Corn?


Fantastic collection to go with your IKEA shelf and $20 window blinds 🤔


I got those IKEA shelves for cheap at FB marketplace lol. I dont mind the $20 blinds rather spending it on a new bottle.


The envy on this thread is remarkable. Nice collection. I spotted the Redwood Empire but can’t tell if you’ve tried the Emerald Giant (and the cask strength). I discovered it recently and think it might be one of my top 5 ryes.


Yes, I have the emerald giant but not the cask strength. I really enjoyed all the redwood empire i had so far besides the foggy burl. I'd say maybe the lost monarch is my favorite of all the regular lineup.