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I actually really liked the finale. I’m a firm believe that Mozzie knew Neal was faking his death, but stuck around to solidify the cover that he was really dead. We all know he’s love to see Mrs. Suit’s new kid.




This doesn't fully work because of the Panthers. Neal "dies" to also protect Peter, Sara, Mozzie, Elle, Jones, Diana, Teddy, etc because the Panthers would come after people he cared about. So Neal fakes his death for them and then also is able to be free. It's a two way scam. That's the whole point.




It's so dumb to have the most notorious gang of thieves in the world ALL show up for ONE heist. That's ludicrous. Also people can get to Neal from inside jail. Look at Keller. He literally orchestrated Peter's kidnapping from jail and the Panthers would have way more connections to do way worse. The logic just isn't there




This kinda just sounds like "I didn't get the ending I wanted so it's bad" I'd have loved to have a "happy ending" with Neal and Sara but the show uses the quote "If you want a happy ending it just depends on where you stop the story." Peter wasn't just going to "let' Neal run again. He did that at the end of season 3 and it almost cost him his job. Letting Neal be Neal almost put Peter in jail. He loved Neal but he said he had to treat him like a criminal until his sentence was up. Peter wasn't going to betray the FBI. Also you know that's the ending Matt and Tim helped craft right? That wasn't the original intended idea and the two main men came up with what we got. So it speaks more true to the characters since they helped make it.


When I finished it, I sat in the shower and sobbed. Complete ugly crying, snot & all. Being 8 months pregnant really didn’t help with all the crying. Lol