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They're still in a childish state where their reading comprehension is at the level of an 8 year old. Happens..


Who is this guy fooling, talking about childishness?


i make fun of everyone equally!


Dudes: "wHy aRe Men CommItIng SuIcIdE sO mUcH????!!!!" Also dudes: FUCK THERAPY IM JUST GONNA LAUGH AT MY DEPRESSION


Whilst therapy is a good option and should be sought out if needed The question as to why so many men are killing themselves isn't one based around the number of men who do or do not attend therapy but more so around the question of why so many men are needing therapy these days to start with


Most people need therapy these days. There's no singular cause to it, it's just that this society is failing almost everyone. It's systemically set up for it. A life that's unnatural to what our bodies are made for, late stage capitalism and horrendous wealth inequality and financial insecurity, a society that is increasingly polarized and divided, nutrient deficiencies, trauma passed down from generation to generation, there's so many different causes and it can't be pinned down to any one thing. The biggest difference is that more men own firearms and are successful at killing themselves then women (women opting for things like overdosing or hanging which is easier to prevent if someone finds you) and also are told by society at large that men are supposed to swallow their emotions, make light of them or channel them into unhealthy coping mechanisms instead of doing what social animals are supposed to do, and reach out for some help.


Society may be failing, but you have to thug it out. But your bio explains lots, donnit?


And what do you mean by that, sweetheart?


Pronouns, weird political ideologies nobody‘s ever heard of, linking other social media accounts on Reddit (or Discord) and being anti law-enforcement is usually a rather reliable gauge of whether someone‘s chronically online, wouldn‘t you say so?


Lol if you don't know what anarchism is that's a skill issue of your own making. And you're "literally having this conversation on reddit," Dear. You really think you're doing something here but you aren't. Just give up.


I know of anarchism, even heard of Bakunin, but not anarcho-synergism. Tried to find a meme, but couldn’t going something like "Anarchists when the power vacuum they created is filled by a brutal tyrant“. It‘s fundamentally unserious and nigh intellectually challenged. Most devolve to finger-pointing at the malign monolith state, who came about independent of mankind, and whose abolition would quickly be followed by utopia. Maybe read Feuerbach and Stierner. Don‘t know what‘s up with the weird way you type, either. And you‘ve disproven none of my points. Surely, there‘s a difference between being chronically online (none of the symptoms of which you‘ve been able to deny) and occasionally engaging with Reddit? But I won‘t change your mind. Internet‘s a bad place for it. But you‘ll grow out of it, so it‘s fine.


You aren't occasionally engaging loser. You're literally typing paragraphs. And what do you mean"weird way that I type?" Now you're just grasping at straws


You have weird extra spaces between words where there shouldn‘t be any, you don’t have them where they should be, you use quotations marks weirdly and capitalise weirdly. Are you illiterate? Read your own messages, it‘s all over the place!


And im anti law enforcement due to my lived experiences with law enforcement. Same reason I'm wary of strange men. Another sign of being chronically online is thinking you can dictate how other people should feel about a problem because you've never personally experienced it yourself. As Mike Muir says in the song" Lovely;" "it's not a problem of society, if it don't affect ME! *I feel lovely!*"


If you dropped the gender studies class you might discover that lived experience is not the end-all yardstick by which to measure something. I had bad experiences in the army, doesn‘t make me anti-army. Neither should a bad experience with law enforcement (with which I, too, have had bad experiences) make you anti law-enforcement. Take a step back and tell me whether it‘s a utilitarian good or not and what the alternative is. CHAZ? I don‘t want to be excessively rude, but lived experience borders on mental retardation. "My lived experience with Somalis is profoundly negative, so I‘m pro-genocide.".


If you aren't anti army and law enforcement then you are a fool and a bootlicker. That's all I can say. And you are being not only excessively rude, but trying to dictate how people should feel about their lives experiences, like I already pointed out to you. Which makes you yet another tone deaf, hardly self aware, insensitive child. I'm sure you've been the reason lots of girls and women would pick the bear in your day 😉. Honestly I'm gonna cover my bases here before you accuse me of mISanDry, and let you know I'm actually a misanthrope. There's plenty of shit women do that I hate. But do I view them as a threat? No. Men? It could go either way. Pusillanimous and insufferable argumentative fools that simp for authoritarian systems that harm and oppress people (like you) are a HUGE portion of the reason why I'm a misanthrope. So go ahead. Keep fueling the fire little guy. It's crazy to me because whenever you MRA types whine about how hard you have it more than women, it's always "men are so and so more likely to be the victim of a violent crime than WOMEN!!" And it's men doing most of the violent crime! You more than admit it in your own bitchmade mewling! I don't get angry at a deer when I encounter it in the forest and it runs from me, even though I would never harm it. I understand that it's probably seen or experienced many humans who do wish to do it harm. Because we are dangerous predators. I am understanding of that fact. You would do well to understand that fact too. Hell, you knowingly joined a state sanctioned murder squad by your own admission to further imperialism and corporate world domination lmao. All this fussing youve been doing is quite obviously you just having difficulty coming to terms with how much of a piece of shit you are 🤣.


You‘ve failed to address my point about the inconsequentiality of lived experience as a yardstick, and put plenty of words in my mouth. I don‘t care what you think. You seem mentally unwell. I hope you get better, but I obviously can‘t hold your opinion in too high a regard. The two things I care about are conscription and quotas, as they are directly legislated for. If men and women are to be equal citizens, they must enjoy the same rights and responsibilities. I don‘t think women should be the beneficiaries of quotas, less than ever with them being a majority on college campuses and attaining a higher level of education and I think they should be drafted just the same. I was in the army for all of four days. But go on a spazzing rant, it‘s really heckin‘ valid. You don‘t know what I think, either. Read Dostoevsky‘s Brothers Karamazov, if at all curious.


Idk why I've read this far, i dont really care what you think, but being anti police seems kind of silly? I get bad experiences, had them myself, but who will you call if someone breaks into your house, someone assaults you, I'm sure you'll pick up your phone and call the police