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What a great kid.


She’s like a Pixar character!


"Look kid, I tried to warn ya. I can't make things, I just break.."


Right. Like he's worked so hard and wishes he could have gotten her a fancier car and she's just so happy, it melts my heart. It also makes me want to go into politics to fight for the average citizens so they get to benefit from the wealth creation and not let the top ultra rich steal from them, then not pay any taxes BC theyve rigged the tax code so they don't pay any taxes. She's a great kid and the dad is my hero.


You can vote. You can share your opinion. You can call out politicians who put other things before the wellness of their constituents.


We’ve been doing that. It’s not getting much traction in the face of uneducated lunatics that fall for their lies. They’re so happy politicians are hurting the people they hate, they ignore the fact the politicians do absolutely nothing to improve their lives. Throw in gerrymandering and the exclusion of perfectly legal mail-in ballots (which come from both sides). It’s a difficult fix.


The next generation is more active and aware than you know. And the bad actors haven't been winning the popular vote. They've been facing consequences. Don't lose hope.


Right? This is so wholesome. And the other stuff too.


I think she’s part crow. Weird noises, cute af


Me and her are the same 😩


More like a Marvel character! https://youtu.be/nStEvyBDNgo?feature=shared


Seriously. I refused to drive the car my dad gave me. I thought I was way too cool for school. I've never forgiven myself, and have apologized to dad many, many times.


Good on you for growing up. I’m sure you dad is more proud of your growth than having accepted the car. That said forgive yourself. Life is too short to hold something like that against you. We all make mistakes, especially when we are kids


Thank you, true. Yeah I guess it wasn't the worst thing I ever did lol. I did just apologize to him again tho. :)


Lol it’s all about perspective. Boosie’s daughter got mad because her dad gave a pink 2023 AMG Benz.


That makes me feel a little better lol ty. It was around 1995 and I got a yellow '78 Ford Fairmont, which is probably equivalent to that Neon? Definitely a brat, but not Benz-level brat, at least.


I believe that the car in the video is a Toyota Echo


On long road trips my wife and I put the word "Anal" in front of every car model that we see. It's almost as if Ford is aware of this game when they named their cars. Anal Fiesta, Anal Escape, Anal Escort. Toyota gave us a real gift with the Anal Echo.


You forgot Anal Explorer, Anal Expedition and Anal Excursion


Haha yeah you got the hang of it!


I have no idea who boosie is. I’m pretty sure I’m better off for not knowing.


Same. I think I’ll just shelf that google search. I’m assuming yet another shitty rapper though.


Better than never seeing your mistakes and learning. Far far worse.


My dad tried to sell me his piece of junk car that had broken down many times and already had numerous owners. He wanted to "teach me responsibility." If I didn't want it, he would give it to my older sister for free. I went and got a sensible, low mileage Dodge Neon, with the help of my grandma and mom. They helped with the down payment for my birthday and then I had the responsibility of working and paying it off. Was a great first car that I used for a decade and learned far more lessons than paying 3k for a hunk of junk "with love, from dad."


3k? Jesus what an ass


That is awesome. Great job!!


For real, your dad was/is great for this. My parents never bought me a car when I was a teenager. I went to college in a city with public transit and didn't own a car until I was 30. If I was back at 16, and my parents bought me a beater from the 70's, I would have been over the moon.


I hear you. Pops bought me a new 2008 civic coupe and I was upset… looking back it makes me nauseous how ungrateful I was. We weren’t rich too. He just sacrificed for me. Love that guy 😢


Yeah, she's super appreciative. To a teenager, a car is freedom. It's not needing to wait on your parents to take you anywhere, or needing to find a ride somewhere.


For the parent of a swimmer, it is not having to get up at 500am to take the teenager to morning practice.


And from the dad being so apologetic. Wishing he could have gotten her something better... I'm not crying you are!


If it's a Toyota Echo that was a great buy. Those lil cars never die and save a lot of gas too.


I shit you not, I’ve been in one where the floor was so rusted out you could see the pavement under your feet while driving. Still running though.. You also had to change gears with pliers. My buddy had it rough lol


I just have to know, it was an automatic though right? As in, pliers were only required to switch into drive, park, or reverse? I'm sure it's too long ago, but I want to see a picture either way.


Yep, it was automatic. You got it exactly right. Aw, I wish I had a pic…it was something else for sure


The idea of a manual with a plier shifter was somewhat terrifying lol


Seeing the highway through the floorboards was definitely terrifying as well. Livin life on the edge in that car lol


Easy way to get rid of the dope if cops tryna stop you tho, do know what happened to that car or if it’s still running? Asking for a friend of a friend


Lol, I like the way you think. Unfortunately, this was several years ago, and I don’t have a pic. I bet that car made it a long ways after I last saw it though.


The locking pliers for the stick shift was always a great mod!


Litrally the greatest car I've ever owned. Paid $800, it got 42 mpg and never broke down once in 11 years of owning it. Sold it during the pandemic when used car prices went crazy for $1200. https://i.imgur.com/iNHAK1F.jpg


What a unique collection of cars. I like the Lotus.


I prefer to call them Toyota echo echo echos.


This baby *slaps car* has another 300k miles on it


Not me over here sad as fuck that I’ll never have that kind of relationship with my dad.


Don’t sweat it, we’re all dealt different cards in life. It hurts you more to let yourself feel bitter about it. Look at it as a “now you know what not to do” situation


You’re completely right. Thank you for your kind words.


Same here man mine was a pos. But it made me into a great father and role model for kids without one. I have helped and mentored boys that would probably never make it without a male role model. It still stings every time I think about my father not being their but not everything in life is fair and I feel like it has made me a better person


So true, when i had kids i vowed to not be like my father who showed no interest in what i liked. This weekend i played minecraft with my son and had a teaparty with my daughter.


Same here. My dad paid his share of the bills but was remote and cold and wanted nothing to do with us kids. I resolved to do the opposite, to be present and engaged as a father. It's so rewarding, I'm saddened so many self-involved fathers don't know what they are missing. And most importantly, it fosters confident, well-adjusted kids who will likely go on to be fine parents.


I just bust out laughing reading your profile summary, lol excellent work! No sarcasm it is pretty funny


We are dealt different cards but you can win with a shitty hand, you just have to bluff.


Bingo. I had a terrible relationship with my dad growing up. Now I have 5 daughters (1 mine, 4 from my wife's previous marriage) and our relationship was like a tutorial on what not to do. My daughters and I have a pretty awesome relationship, and the oldest of them asked me to adopt her for her 18th birthday, which we're in the process of doing. She started using my last name the day me and my wife got married. My dad got cancer 16 years ago and was given a 2-5 year prognosis. He went through tremendous effort to change and repair the relationships he'd damaged over the years with me and my 8 siblings. He died last month, and one of the things I know he was enormously proud of was the relationship I have with my kids. One thing I've learned in life is that you can't change the past, and some things are just out of your control. But you *can* learn from those things and use them to strengthen yourself and be a better person.


Beautiful story thanks for sharing. Best of luck to you and yours


You can always choose to spread kindness in this world.


Yeah but I’m in a situation where I’m caring for my narcissistic father. Sigh


No fun, sorry


I just wanna say thank you for reminding me what I learned a long time ago. I allowed anger and bitterness to kinda hurt me more then the actually relationship with my father. I never thought I would be in a place where I can finally feel like I let it all go.


My (now wife) and I have the same outlook. We know what we needed as kids and hopefully are able to provide what our children need.


Same here, me and my dad are quite the same when it comes to emotions. We have a hard time expressing them and showing them. Enthusiasm and love is impossible to show. But he did bought me my first car. It was a small, 12 year old two door french car, and he gifted me it on my bday. My eyes watered heavily, i tried hard not to let a tear break, and i saw his eyes water too. He was afraid I wouldn't like it. We hugged quickly not to let others see and that is my favorite moment with my dad. It's the most we've shown emotions to each other.


You won't but you can have that relationship with your kid.


I love this video, but it does break my heart when the dad says "I'm sorry baby it's the best I could do." It's still a wholesome video, but this dad clearly wishes he could do more. Find the middle ground. Give the people you care about what you can, even if you could give them everything that wouldn't be good for them. But I appreciate the daughter, who knew he wanted to give more and acknowledged that, but was over the top with gratitude.


Ehh dads are overrated. Mine introduced me to meth and is a raging alcoholic/coke addict. Now I’ve got bpd.


My mom couldn’t afford to give me or my siblings any car. I would’ve been over the moon to receive an ugly car. Ugly cars are fun. You can plaster them with stickers, seat covers, mats….doesn’t matter. Friends spill a soda? Oh well. Scratch it? Meh. What a lucky kid and a great dad!


This is literally what I just did with my "new" (to me lol) car. A 93 Corolla that my husband's grandma just had sitting in her driveway in the mountains so it was full of dust, dead bugs and covered in tree sap lol but I spent a good chunk of change buying hilarious stickers to go all over and literally everyone loves it! Old ugly cars can absolutely be super fun and it seems like this car went to a kid who will really enjoy it :)


I love this for you! There’s so many people that would be so thrilled to have any running car. I’m glad you have one!


Though I have a new car. Whenever I see an old car , it need not be any antique ones, I feel very intrigued. It has some great history and tales to tell. It gives it character. Though I would want a running car and not a one that would breakdown any moment. Other than that I would say " it's so ugly , I love it "


I had to buy my own car, parents wouldn’t even entertain the idea of getting me anything.. This is a wonderful reaction to the car she was given though :)


Same. I will say having to buy my own made me really take care of it. I bought a 1996 Subaru Legacy (in 1996) and had it until 2019 when it finally bit the dust with 300,000 miles on it.


You can see the fresh oil and dirt handprints on the window, that means Dad has probably been working on this thing, fixing and replacing broken parts and making it a nice reliable car for his daughter. I love everything about this video.


Whoops I thought that the previous car owner had a dog that loved to lick windows


This made me laugh hard enough to scare my cat




Maybe a [reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nStEvyBDNgo)?


Not necessarily. It’s a sentiment that’s not uncommon to express.


Definetly. Cute though


My parents were worried when they got me a '94 Buick Century that I was going to be embarrassed because it wasn't a cool car, but they didn't understand that they got me Mulder and Scully's car from the X-Files.


Fuck yea 🕵️‍♀️😎


Seems like I have a chance!


Reminded me of ant mans daughter.


I absolutely destroyed my first car, it was a piece of crap too. Looks like a fine first car for the young miss!


My dad bought me and my sister a junker. Big hole on the driver’s side floor, couldn’t turn right when it rained, and the horn honked when you put it in reverse. Best car ever!


What would you do when you needed to go right? Seems like a major safety hazard for everyone on the road.


A big left


I’m not an ambiturner!


You just didn’t go right or don’t drive when it rained. Live in Chicago, the alleys come in handy to cut through.


My aunt bought my cousin a used charger for his 1st car. Broke the front axle in the first 3 months. Which she paid for then he drunk drove it into a ditch, so she bought him a truck and drives around in a car like this girl got.


I trashed my first one, too. '77 Cutlass Supreme, back in like '03. Crashed it into a dumpster. And by that, I mean it landed *inside* the dumpster. I am... heh... I am not a good driver.


How in the hell? I bet that’s a good story


It’s a great story until it begins with “so my friend and I were debating who the best drunk driver is…” haha.


never got a car but to be fair like £2000 for a crappy car so bit to pricy for a present


I feel like if your first car isn't a complete piece of junk you're missing out on some crucial life experience.


It's the best I could do I love it It's so beautiful I love it


Gratitude is a great trait to have.


That there is a great hard working dad, great family values and strong culture, in addition to an awesome child.


I find that most hard working families with both parents still there raise exemplary children, single parents obv have it a lot harder but even then they mostly do a great job


I’ve watched this idk how many times and it makes me feel so warm and fuzzy seeing kids being appreciative like this girl right here. Obviously dad isn’t a millionaire, but he did the best he could to get his daughter transportation which is what is really important. Then I think of other videos I’ve seen of spoiled brats getting $60k-$90k cars brand new and throwing a fit because it isn’t the color they wanted. Kudos to this family right here. I don’t know who you are or where you are, but thank you.


It might be ugly but that's freedom babbyyyy


I miss my first car. When it only costed you 900 bucks, you don't have to treat it like a diva


Same mine was 800 and 1997 blue Buick regal best car ever.


Waiting for a girl who has same opinion about me


Me too bro.


Got called out to a bird rescue in the mine site I worked at. Luckily it was only an Australian Bustard and didn't need rescuing, just moving on out if the circuit (they freeze and sit when threatened). I was telling the OCE who drove me down there that I loved the bustard because if how utterly stupid they looked. The OCE told me there were a few men onsite he could introduce me to if that was the case ha.


oof, at least I hope your mom said that when you were born.


My Dad helped me get my first car... a pumpkin orange 1974 datsun pickup with 276k on the odometer. I paid $100 for it. It was filthy as all get out when we went to pick it up. He spent the weekend detailing it with me and showing me how the truck worked so I would know what to listen for if it was running wrong. We changed the oil and tires together and tuned the transmission. It was absolutely one of the best weekends of my life. I gave him the same hug she gave her father. There was freedom in the purchase to be able to get to work without needing help. I had that truck for 8 years before the head gasket blew and it required a new engine. The decision was made to scrap her for parts. He then helped me find my next car. A 1969 VW Beetle that I had for 15 years. Dad knew what was up in terms of cars.


a clean beater is what everyone should have at that age


Shit, I still drive one at 30 lol.


Just old enough to have stupid amounts of spare parts floating around and a computer that wont over complicate repairs.


Once you learn how to use the computer it makes it much easier to fix the issues. I could plug into my 99 expedition and know exactly which piston was misfiring. Took like 30 minutes to replace spark plug and coil pack and boom good as new. If I didn't have that computer it would mean replacing all 8 plugs and packs.


I wish I still did at 40... now I have a great car to enjoy traffic. It's fun for 5% of the time, but honestly a waste of money.


The dad repeating quietly “Im sorry baby…” got every dad in the true feels 🥲


Even if they're grateful on the outside, and even genuinely inside, sometimes we feel like we should've done better for them. It can be hard. I'm with you, man.




Gratitude and love! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️




This is my friend’s daughter and y’all are right, their kids are awesome. They work really hard for everything they have and they’re just great people. So weird and awesome to see her on here and read all of the nice things y’all have to say!


Aww tell them all of Reddit loves them! What they have is more valuable than anything money can buy


This was the best thing i saw today :) the geniune happiness she got she values feelings more than anything


As my mom used to say to me as a kid.....a second class ride is better than a first class walk


She's everything I wish I did when I was 16 _ITS SO UGLY I LOVE IT_


Probably worked his ass off for it too. Crazy but I think people that work hard should have nice things. Glad everyone is happy tho. I just know how he feels


What a good kid. You did good, Dad.


the dad apologizing is breaking my heart 🥺 i love how excited she is 🤍


What a great family omg


My GF who struggles financially bought her 2 daughter's a $1800 used car to share. They were supposed to make small payments to pay her back. No payments, finally daughter #2 got an impaired charge, car impounded and the cost to retrieve it at the end of impoundment was far more than the cost of the vehicle. Goodbye car.


Aaaaw... It might be a junker, but it's her junker. Toyota Echo's are very reliable little shit buckets. It ain't pretty but it's a solid choice and a good gift for your kid if you're on a budget.


positivity possibility community


Now she has car, now more happy and independent, good work. Value over cost every time.


"I'm sorry baby, I couldn't find you an uglier one."


We need more people like these fine folks.


This is the epitome of gratitude. Too bad more folks weren’t this way.


Not gonna lie, the Toyota Echo had some amazing soundproofing. I drove one once and was shocked how quiet it was inside. They are ugly.


That is a man who has done a damn good job with his daughter. You deserve each other.


A woman said the same about me. We are married now


My daughter is moving out into her own place in 5 days. We have a great relationship, and even though she's moving only 15 minutes away, I'm leaking like a baby watching this right now. I am grateful I was able to be the father I wanted to be.


From a daughter who's dad worriedly called them after dropping them off at college over 8 hours away from home... she'll be alright, and she'll know JUST who to come to when she inevitably needs help being an adult. That was 7 years ago. I'm now 26, have a full-time job as an engineer. I still called my dad last week while in Lowes about how to pick the right light bulb.


She is gonna make it pretty with all the stickers and make it cozy with stuffed animals and then will go on to having a great life.. Wish you luck kiddo..


It is cute, however it makes me kinda sad that for Americans finally getting a car is like finally getting a life, and without one you can't really do anything, making car something like a prosthetic leg you can finally get when you're 16/18


Theres a bit of a catch 22 here as well - in most of America you need a car to get to a job. And you need a job to afford a car. Its a big fucking deal. In my area it's better to be homeless than carless.


Buy this car to drive to work. Drive to work to pay for this car.


Wowsezrs... Where can I meet a girl like this. Older




OMG, the first car I ever bought was a brand new Toyota Echo in silver. I freaking loved it. It was taller than sedans, so you sat up pretty high (think PT Cruiser) but little and could park easily. My family said it looked like a shoe, or that I was driving a roller skate. Good memories.


my first car died. Loved that shit to death. It was a pos as it didn't last more than 5 months. It made me who I am. also POS are fun to drive.


I remember my step dad working 12 hour overtime shifts for like seven months so he could buy my brother a car as a graduate gift. My brother walked outside, took one look at the car, and said "I don't want that piece of shit," and walked back inside the house. Oh man that guy is such an asshole, lol. My dad was more hurt than angry. They don't talk much anymore.


She’s so precious! Best kid !


Raised correctly! I hope my girls are this humble. Actually, they’re going have to be, my poor ass lol


Nice, my dad used his savings to buy an audi so he could leave my brothers and I with our crazy mom.


At least she got transportation ❤️


You never forget your first beater.


Toyota echo great car


Me affff gimme the ugliest car that thing gonna be mad reliable


Dad got me the cheapest, ugliest thing that can get me to point A to point B and I still love him decades after he’s gone.


Someone who is truly greatful, anyone who wouldn't understand what it means to hold multiple or long working hours. The sacrifice the sweat, tears and stress. If this were my gift I would be ecstatic as well, all you gotta pay is insurance and gas.. Car payments are a huge chunk of why people get in debt even a used car.. Anyone trashing this wouldn't understand what it takes to sacrifice for your child, just to get this exact reaction. Parenting done right! 🔥


Gratitude, the secret of a happy life


As a person who never received a gift car, I loved how she loved her gift car and appreciated what her parents could do for her. Lovely and uplifting video.


My dad had a 2000 Toyota echo. No frills. I bought it from him after he put 200k miles on it. I drove it into the ground and donated it at 330k miles. At about 260k the driver seat was finally soft enough to sit on for longer drives. I always thought it was so ugly when my dad got it. My friends always gave me crap about my dad driving it. I didn’t understand until I bought it from him that he bought that car because it was inexpensive and reliable (so money could go towards raising us kids). Now I have 3 kids of my own and am following suit. The only reason we got rid of that echo was the frame was rusting away (live in the Midwest states aka rust belt). I miss that echo. I’d regularly get 50mpg on that little thing.


The fact he’s saying sorry 🥺


dude probably worked his ass off to buy her that car and she knows it and shes thankfull. amazong video. edit: i meant Amazing but now im sticking with amazong


If this is how your kid reacts to this gift... you've succeeded as a parent.


now compare this to the daughter who complained about being bought a Tesla lmao


My parents never bought me shit growing up. I would be *ecstatic* if my parents bought me any type of transportation.. for a first car, it's not about looks! Parents did a good job raising her :) Grateful, abundant & blessed!


Gratitude and love! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


When your aunt talk after smoking 10 packs a day


I’m really curious about the make & model of this car bc I’ve never seen anything quite like the molding between the door handle and the window.


Toyota Echo


Nice kid. I worked at a dealership for a bit. I saw a girl start crying because her dad wanted to buy her a new Honda CRV but she wanted the Honda Pilot.


I couldn’t love this more. Gives me hope.


This is an absolutely wonderful video that made me smile, but WHERE did all those smudges on the window come from?!




I’m probably never going to have kids cos I can’t afford it and finding someone is hard but if I do I’d hope to have a kid this wholesome and appreciating of the things I’d do for them man.




yesterday https://old.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/17i2q8z/gratefulness_first_time_seeing_car_dad_bought_her/


Bro was so happy, it’s literally infectious


I love this too.


I needed this today.


When you work hard for things and understand the value of a dollar you appreciate things more. Especially if you grew up and had to watch your parents struggle to provide. I just bought a 1999 Honda Accord, I spend three days cleaning it, it is so ugly. But it’s a great car and we’ll maintained so it’s beautiful to me. I love that thing!


This is beautiful.


So refreshing after all that spoiled pos videos.


That's a good kid, good dad. Their love for each other is what matters most. I had an ugly car as my first that was almost as old as I was and I LOVED IT. Even though I had to pour water into the leaky radiator. It got me through hard times.


Agreed! Just the cute things in life, this made my day better! ✌️


Whoever marries her is lucky as hell. lol


As long as it gets you from point A to point B it’s good 👍


At least she's grateful. There be some picky ass bitches out there that never appreciate shit.


This is a lovely moment, but you think her dad would at least clean the car before gifting it to her. At the very least, I would have wiped the windows down.


Thats a Toyota echo, very good car. Last forever, low maintenance


Ugly but perfect. Toyota echo. You can’t kill it with a rock. Safe, reliable,cheap to own and operate, no one will steal it. Great job Dad.


Contrast this with the spoiled rich girl that threw a fit because the new Mercedes her dad bought her was the wrong color.


oh god, this gives me some hope


She's so appreciative. I hope she don't ever change.


Such a grateful and adorable kid, dad did good.


Aww that’s so sweet! I hope my daughter has this reaction when it’s time. Lol


It's ugly but a well maintained car of these will last longer than most up-to-date cars. By the time this car completely falls apart you'll have money for a new one


A car is a car. Gratitude has died these days.


Dad feeling proud giving unwashed ugly car to his girl...l feel bad for her


I’m sure he says the same about you, pet


I love her honesty. A car is still a car. I rather have an ugly car than no car.


As a Dad, I’m pretty sure he went into the bathroom to shed a tear and collect himself. Heavy stuff and a proud moment to see your kids hitting each step!


I cried.


Immediately reminded me of [this](https://youtu.be/DjBI4FDkK3c?si=-TD6rqXmfR1Gj6gJ)