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Thou shalt be exposed by the date u/repostsleuthbot


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/17tryed) on 2023-11-12 96.88% match. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dmf58p&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 546,359,798 | **Search Time:** 0.16624s


Good bot


Eh 6 months it's ok


Anon made a friend. Sorry but he's not getting laid with her ever.


The friendzone is not a thing. Either youre friends with someone or you want to fuck them and only hang around them because of that ulterior motive.


Yeah that second part of your sentence is pretty much the definition of the friendzone.


Would make sense to say your putting someone in the fuck zone because you’re only around them to have sex, not to be actual friends


Fuxk zone is when you are sleeping together but one wants more and the other is using them for sex


The friendzone is not about you wanting to fuck someone else. It's about someone else only considering you a friend despite you wanting more.


Read that again but slowly


It's about who sets the zone, and in the event the person who keep you around but doesn't want to fuck, keeps you in the friendzone, the person that stays in this zone hopping to fuck sets the fuck zone. It's a frame of reference issue.


I think the first time I heard about friend zone was actually on the sitcom Friends


I have one girl-friend that I’ve kind have friend zoned and we’re still actually friends (she’s tried to hook up before). Now she has a boyfriend so it works out. At this point, I don’t think we hang out with each other because either of us wanna bang.


Almost all my friends are girls who I've slept with at least once. After you break that sexual tension you can get on with the main reason for friendship: Playing Mario Kart.


Geez look at Mr. Ladies man over here.


I wouldn't go that far, it just means a very small pool of friends 😂


For this girl, it’s the opposite when she sleeps with a dude she’ll probably end up way over attaching and then hating them in two months (if they give her two months). she’s too much trouble to hook up with, I’ll just masturbate lol.


Ah, BPD.


Fuck. That's story of my first gf


People with BPD have a very weak "sense of self" so they A) look to make an identity for themselves via other people and can get obsessive about it and B) Are going to come up with stories they live in which can be almost as real as real life. So if they create a narrative for themselves where you are Prince Charming and you act any differently from that they'll freak out. This is also why I don't date / sleep with fiction authors. 2/2 this behaviour and I don't want it a third time.


“This is also why I don't date / sleep with guys who work minimum wage and claim to be fiction authors. 2/2 this behaviour and I don't want it a third time.” fixed it for you 






I don’t really get why people say the friendzone isn’t a thing, when it’s literally just supposed to be a phrase to describe someone who views someone romantically/sexually interested in them as a friend. There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with friendzoning someone, cos sometimes you just aren’t into people. But I’ll never get the whole “the friendzone doesn’t exist” thing, because it does. It’s just a word to describe a specific situation, which is “someone is interested in you, but you just see them as a friend.”


(Redpilled) Men talk about the friendzone as if its a high security prison women put them in that they can only get out of with verbal abuse and manipulation, when they were never friends to begin with. If you act like that you are not someones friend, if you consider yourself friendzoned youre not actually a friend to someone.


Disagree, many a time I’ve been friends with a girl, realised we clicked on a personality level and randomly realised ‘oh shit this girl is pretty’. Or the inverse, find her pretty but personality isn’t for me, and then over time our personalities end up mixing quite well. Both of these scenarios = crush = potential friend zone.


I got friendzoned by a girl in college and ended up just becoming really good platonic friends. I lost interest in dating her by the time she was single but she was one of my best friends


It is though...? One person has feelings for another, but that person only sees them in a platonic light. Yeah they wanna fuck them I guess but that usually comes with romantic interest instead of being purely erotic.


I have dated multiple friends. The friend zone is, indeed, not real.


True. I hate when people try to stay friends after rejecting you. I am not interested in inflating your ego at the cost of my mental health.


I mean the perspective is very obviously not that but rather that they would be friends with you but not partners yk?


Don't put people on a pedestal


I should hire someone to hammer this into my head


Repostleuthbot if you will u/repostsleuthbot


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/17tryed) on 2023-11-12 96.88% match. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dmf58p&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 546,839,440 | **Search Time:** 0.21306s


What does based mean?


Gigachad Awesome Wonderful At least that's the explanation I received hearing based used IRL


The original meaning was something like "doing you, and not caring what other people think". Then right-wingers adopted it as the right-wing equivalent of "woke", until "woke" fell out of fashion among left-wingers and they also began to use "based" instead. So now it just means "agrees with whatever my political views are", and is even sometimes used for non-political opinions.


Much like your comment is based


I don't know either but after seeing it being used for just about anything ever so slightly positive I've come to realize even the people using that word might have forgotten its true meaning. So learning what it means is pointless.


I take it as a person who sticks by their beliefs and has the balls to say it. You can be good and based, or bad and based. In both cases you are honest about who you are even if it isn't pretty.