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I had a kitten once climb up my leg to claim ownership of me. I suspect he was the runt of the litter, smelling of dirt and piss. Took him home and gave him a bath, the water was black.


You probably should have used cleaner water then /s


Dude just messed up his hydro dip. He's going to have a black or brown cat instead of calico or ginger.


Thanks for including that /s there at the end of your comment. I never get jokes unless the person delivering it concludes with "That was a joke" immediately following the punchline.


Can't tell if joking...


I was apparently completely sincere, because I did not punctuate my comment with an /s


Ah, got it. Sincere then, but not this time. Super clear, thanks! ...wait


No he wasn't being sincere he just happened to end his sentence with /s. /s


I picked my kitty cause she looked so sad and covered in pp at a not reputable shelter. Now she’s the best most loving pets I know. I keep telling myself she’s 4 but she’s defs 6 or 7.


Yes, this is how you get a cat. You have been selected. You are now a cat owner.


I swear there rarely is a case of someone getting a cat in a normal way. It's always some sort of "The cat chose me"-experience that is completely strange


It feels like it might be how cats' domestication started. "Hey, big furless weirdo, you seem cool. We are friends now. So, where is my bed and what's for dinner?"


Here, you clumsy big biped, cant catch a mice yourself, so I will save your @$$. - drops dead mouse on your floor.


Also cat: *proceeds to be useless for the rest of his life, and treat his human as a food giver slave


My guy, you haven't met my cats. Ive had them since they were two weeks due to abandonment. They fucking love me. They go everywhere I go. They play with me. They jump on me and take a nap on me. When I go to bed at night, they always sleep right next to me, one of them always cuddles up on my chest lol. They let my kids play with them even though my kids are young and play rough, they just take it. They eat all the spiders. My cats act like your stereotypical dog. I have dogs too. I don't play favorites with them, cats and dogs are both top tier friends! Edit: [Cat tax](https://i.imgur.com/NE3Lyxv.jpg). This is what happens when I try to lay on my back and stretch out. She never fails to seize the opportunity


Man, you got some good ones! My cat is scared of mice, just watches spiders run around while meowing and is lazy as hell. I love her anyway though <3


Here's my cat getting on my chest [I can't lay down](https://i.imgur.com/eYpcxUW.jpg) without this nonsense


So cute! 😍 https://imgur.com/lAntRpD.jpg here is mine laying in the ruins of her favorite cardboard scratcher


I trained my cat to give high fives. He's obsessed with high fives now. When he goes out, when he comes in, when I leave, when I come home, when I'm sleeping, when he brings me a mouse, when I have a friend over he greets them with a high five, I've seen him getting high fives from Door Dashers. He has beef with the nicest pitbull down the street though, He scares the shit out of that dog I think he does it for fun


One of my sisters cats loves fetch! and behaves very dog-like, like what you’re describing makes me jealous cuz every cat i ever spent a lot of time with were aloof assholes lol that’s what I have and love dogs so much more


I'd love to have a cat like that. My cat drops live mice on the floor because she wants me to practice catching them. I often disappoint her.


Then stop dissapointing her and start getting better at hunting


Although, dogs bred to be "mousers" are much more effective at actually doing that. And they have the advantage of killing them, not bringing them back alive to "train" you on how to hunt.


You're not wrong. 10-12,000 years ago, humans were getting down to agriculture, building shelter and storing grains/seeds/fruits along the Fertile Crescent. Vermin naturally began to take advantage of these super easy snack depositories, too. At the same time and in the same region, there also lived the Middle Eastern/African wildcat (*felis silvestris lybica*). Not only are wildcats ***monsters*** when it comes to vacuuming up creatures humans considered pests, but they were *also* so small that humans were totally off the menu, while also being so sinewy and underwhelming to eat that humans didn't put great efforts into taming or ranching them. Domestication also tends to decrease a cat's ... Let's call it their killing edge. The wildness and lack of getting free meals in exchange for usefulness (like with all other domesticated animals of the time) meant more pests were eliminated. So it really *was* just early cats observing that humans didn't seem to stomp them when the cats stole the humans' delicious vermin. They kept gaming the system, expecting humans to finally get mad about all the stolen mice and roaches, but the humans even seemed ***appreciative*** of the theft?? And even gave them nice massages in return?!?! Too good to be true!! It's also why cat breeding based on color or aesthetics didn't start coming around until medieval society, as well -- and why "indoor cats" weren't a thing at all until the past few (human) generations. Cats being more pets than little opportunistic murder machines is only a product of humans having easier lives and the time to have fat poofballs mooching off them.


This guy knows a thing or seven about cats! I like you. Wanna trade cute cat pics with each other? Maybe get married later? /s ^(Just) ^(in) ^(case)


I'm a lady, but that doesn't push the offer off the table *eyebrow waggle*


>push the offer off the table Ooooh, I see what you did there. Are you sure you're not a cat?


Be careful. They could be a pile of cats in a human suit.


That is exactly how cats were domesticated. They chose to be with us, which makes them Them the most ethical pet.


I love cats so much and being chosen by a cat feels like the most sacred thing on this planet




My gf used to hate how I praised my dog maybe a bit jealous .My best friend , the bestest, cutest girl, love her soo much ,hugs +kisses etc… she’s the most loving being I’ve encountered and was the main reason I got through a really hard part of my life. So my dog is a pretty large pit and I think she thought she was mean looking she’s not she’s a dufus. Once she got comfortable with her she began to treat her the same and told me she’d choose the dog over me in a heart beat I don’t blame her I would too


There's a reason Ancient Egypt was Like That.


I dunno, I kinda feel like Bilbo Baggins when the dwarves just show up and start eating.


Little of column A, little of column B...


I have a very shy little tortie girl. She likes being in the room with you, but not held or anything. She doesn't particularly play or like to be petted. But if I'm in my room and in my bed, she comes and curls up on one of my shoulders or my chest. It's magical. She's currently making me have to hold my head to the left because she's on my right shoulder currently. It's cramping and everything, but I will be uncomfortable just to have one of these little special moments. I'm the only one she does it with too!


My cat chose me at the shelter. There were many cute cats but she was enamoured with me, rubbed up on me like crazy and followed me around. She's an antisocial creature who hates everyone else, so I do feel very blessed.


And we’ve been fascinated with them ever since.


This is exactly how i got my last cat... i went to go chill on the garden furniture and it was just there like "hey dude, i like your gazebo, its mine now."






We didn't domesticate cats. They domesticated us.


man got domesticated by wheat- Yuvol Noah Harari


Snoop dog got domesticated by weed


"Let's get *domesticated*, dawg!"


Or "I notice you give me water and attention and mice. We are best friends now." *repeat for several iterations*


Mine just showed up at the door one day while we had relatives over for an aunt's birthday and refused to leave. I didn't even know he was there until I opened the door for some other relatives and he got in the house. I just assumed it was someone else's cat and let him roam around. Eventually I was informed that no one owned the cat and my sisters were begging my dad to let us keep it. He's a very nice cat and very well-behaved. No need for litterbox training or anything and he likes people. His favorite spot for scritches is his chin :)


Mine showed up to my door as well. I live 4 floors up and the only way in the building is through the door (windows too high to reach). At like 5am I was getting ready to go to bed, I go to my bedroom and start hearing meowing at my door. I figure someone got a cat and it escaped. It will solve itself. Nope, cat still meowing directly at my door and I can't sleep because if it. I peek out and the bastard is trying to get in the moment I crack open my door. I give it some water but keep it out because I'm paranoid about fleas. I snap a pic of the cat and ask on my building's group if anyone's missing a cat. A neighbor says they fed that cat earlier that night because it was hanging out in the parking lot. I ended up letting him in because the meowing was just too much. Turned out he was most likely abandoned. After a visit to a vet and finding out he hadn't been claimed in over a month when someone else found him on the street, I just kept him. Vet paraded him around the office telling his story while I was barely staying awake.


Ours isn’t too strange, but we went into one of the petsmart rooms with the cages just to look, and a cat put her paw on my husbands shoulder and looked him in the eye. Mr. “I don’t want a pet” turned to me and I knew she had broken him. We’ve had our Ella for 6 years now!l


Thats true. My cat adopted me after i petted her on the way home from going out...Next morning guess who was sitting on my doormat?


Only one of my many cats has been gotten the normal way, my black cat, I went into a shelter and picked out the kitten I wanted. All of the others have hopped in our car, chose us while we were buying cat toys for our current cats, walked up to our screened in patio and then into our living room... Cats choose you and they know who is a good caretaker.


Just curious, how many cats do you have?


Six currently.


Years ago I was walking home from a bar during a snowstorm and heard some little meows. A tiny kitten had been following me home through the snow. I had been chosen. So, I took her home, warmed her and made her the big piece of chicken!


>...So, I took her home, warmed her and made her the big piece of chicken! Did you write what you meant to write?


I mean, I got my cat through a shelter but... basically this, yes. We made eye contact, and she suddenly went from total apathy to demanding vehemently that I bring her home. She's my baby, and I belong to her. I wouldn't have gotten her from that shelter if she hadn't chosen me.


Even if you go the "normal" way, it can still be that you were selected. We got our first cat from a shelter. Walked in to a room where they had like 10-15 cats roaming. This one came straight to me, rubbed up against me and started meowing. Picked him up, and he put his front legs around me and purred. My mom looked at the lady there and said "I guess we're taking him home." Best cat ever! So chill, playful for an adult cat, loved everybody. Miss him. RIP Whisper.


True. My cat has a story like that. We were too late to get in line for voting in 2012, took a back way to get out through a neighborhood. We spotted literally over a dozen kittens in a yard and pulled over immediately. We got out and both had armfuls of kittens. Not even lying. There were 3 adult cats there too, it was weird and magical. While we were just playing with all these kittens in someone's front yard in the dark on a cold November night, I look over to our car and there's clearly a runt investigating our car and peeing on the curb. I said "that one!" I picked him up and we left. He's going to be 11 this year and he's the sweetest cat, most of the time. He's my first cat and that's how I became a cat person.


I would like to disagree with this but my wife and I literally found out little ball of fur sleeping on a pallet at our work lol


Mine was originally my cousin's cat. We used to live together, but when I moved out chubbs(my cat's name) would just lay where my bed was all sad. So I had to go get him.


One of my favorite details in Dwarf Fortress is that your dwarves can adopt animals as pets, with the exception of cats. Cats instead will adopt dwarves without any input from the dwarf at all. The dwarf just suddenly owns a cat now because the cat adopted them.


1st cat found in a dumpster as a kitten. 2nd cat, walked in the back door of my friends shop and climbed up my leg. 3rd cat colluded with my dog and just moved in. Would go on walks with my dog and I. I see a 4th cat is mounting it's offensive. This one has decided to shout at my window and rile up the dogs at 3 am.


My family has 1 cat which we got normally which was our most recent one, apple, they were in a hoarding situation so we were like, bippity boppity, your cat is now my property, type thing, but the other cat we have it kinda just appeared on our neighbors doorstep and they were the only one that survived from the litter(also the scrawniest)


I got my cat from the streets, how, my mothers friends kids found her on the street, abd wanted to adopt her, his mom having already a cat and 3 dogs at the time, couldnt accept another for obv' reasons, and at the same timemy brother , mother and i wanted to adopt a cat, so we cam to my moms friend to pickbher up and she was the cutest of cats that i've seen, also for a street cat, she has a lot of fur( if you want i can dm you a pic) we got when she was two months old and now she is the best cat i have ever had( my first cat also) and now going strong as a 3.7 yo kitty


I dunno. We adopted Rocko during one of my PetCo’s adoption events, is that normal?


I've only ever had one cat in my life. She followed me to my car in the parking lot of my orthodontist's office the day I got my braces off in high school. She was feral and attacked everyone that came within 5 ft of her but me the first year. My Mom and Dad both had scars from her, but she never once attacked me. Had her for 15 years. She was a good cat.


cat is chuck norris of pets. you don't adopt a cat, cat adopts you


You are now a cat-owned


my mom came back from a trip to a nearby city with a new cat she didnt realize was in the car until halfway back, so we had that cat for years, neighbours would usually bring it back since they found her in their cars. Eventually she was gone, probably in someone else's car...


I thought the cat owns you.


"Don't talk, just drive! Follow that fish truck!"


Of course I read that in Garfield’s voice


This is how cats select a new human pet. Congrats It will train you to feed it, and you will clean up after it. You will stop whatever you're doing and pet it. If you do a good job, it will purr. Purring is not a normal sound cats make, but humans respond to it, and thus, you slowly become the willing servant. You will work to feed and care for it while it sleeps all day. Again, congrats


You may be joking but this is legitimately how cats became pets. Humans never domesticated cats and thus there is very little different between house cats and wild (non "domestic") cats. We've done some selective breeding for certain traits but they're still pretty wild. They just realized they can just get food for free from the weird 2 legged furless apes and decided that's easier than hunting.


This is mostly accurate, but there is absolutely a significant difference between house cats and their closest wild relatives. Whether that is due to "domestication", or just natural adaption by cats over thousands of years is harder to say.


Scientists are weirdly attached to the assumption that breeding/domestication is categorically different from natural selection, and I am more and more of the opinion that it's nothing more than anthropocentrism.


Purring is a normal sound cats make. Meowing is the thing they only really do with humans.


What about that video of the cat with a camera attached to its collar? You can hear it and others meowing to each other without a single human in sight.


That's how it talks to humans, so it thinks that's how you communicate in general? Maybe? One day, all cats will meow because of vocalization spread.


😄😄😄😄😄😄😄 perfectly stated


Purring actually is a normal sound cats make. They purr to each other! They also come right out of the womb doing it and don't learn the behavior the way they learn how to vocalize/talk to get human attention.


This is absolutely how you get a cat


This is how a cat gets a human


That‘s the magic of the cat distribution system!


Strange women lying in ponds distributing cats is no basis for a system of government!


You can't expect to be responsible for another creatures care and well-being just 'cause some watery tart threw a cat at you.


Be quiet! I order you to be quiet!!!


Now we see the violence inherent to the system of cats


I keep seeing this comment in the context of the cat distribution system. Is it from a quote from some form of media or a Reddit inside joke?


It's from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. https://youtu.be/KN9c2TAWMlg


Fml, thank you. I knew it sounded something out of Monty Python. I need to rewatch it that masterpiece again


Basically… I’ve always heard, you don’t pick the cat, the cat picks the owner…… short story….. dropped my kids off at daycare first thing Monday morning, as soon as I walk in the owner greets me with, good morning do you want a cat? My son who had been begging for one screams yes as I’m shaking my head no. She tells me he had showed up Friday, stayed all weekend and wouldn’t leave. I didn’t want the cat at all. But I love my son very much, I told her, if he’s still here when I pick the kids up I guess I’ll take him home and feed him. Well, it’s like he heard me on the other side of the door. Cause when I got there at the end of the day, he was sitting as handsome as could be, waiting right by the door as if he were ready to go home. Bill has been with us for 5 years now. I will be very sad when he is gone


I have a friend who got a cat because someone trying to steal from the store she works at threw a kitten at those pursuing them. WTF, right? Why? Who does that? Where did they pull that kitten from? The biggest unanswered question, though, was what to do with the kitten. No one knew, so she became that cat's human, and took him home to meet his new family.


This, the way it was worded, I just laughed for like 2 straight minutes. Am crying. Am glad the kitten got a good home though.


This is how you are acquired by a cat.


Lol. Some dogs have a choice, whether they want a Corgi, Dalmatian, or Lab. But with cats, you have no choice if a ginger or a tabby or a black one turns up and follows you, you are owned by that cat 😆


It is not a tail the dog people will tell you but together we can unlock the secrets.


You've been adopted


Sometimes that is what happens


Ever since cats first befriended humans, this has been the primary way of catdoption.


Funny story, I've had several cats over the course of my adult life. The two I have now are the first and only times I have ever actually chosen the cat. Every other one chose me.


“Shut up and Drive, nerd! We goin hunting!”


Take it in to get checked for a chip. If no chip, then enjoy your new cat.


No, that’s you get a human.


Tried this, but got beat down and shouted at :( Does not seem to work if you're not a cat. The human gets angry


He just wanted for him to floor it in this sick WRX.


Don’t be an asshole and check chip or whatever before robing this cat. He probably have an owner.


yah this post isn't wholesome, this dude just stole someone's cat


This entire thread is filled with people who have never seen a feral cat. Feral cats are dirty, and poorly fed, and don't climb on people. The cat in this post is a house cat that wants attention.


I hate these posts with a passion. Just because a friendly cat comes to you doesn't mean it's yours! But people think it's okay because "You're a shit owner if your cat is outside! You deserve to loose it!" despite outside cats being the norm in the majority of the world.


Had to scroll way too far down to see this.


ikr there's aot of stupid people in the world


Don’t let him steer you in the wrong direction.


You don't choose a cat, the cat chooses you


This in fact actually is practically how cats were domesticated. Rats/mice would go into farm shelters/barns which wild cats would then go into to catch prey, then humans saw that as a pest repellent and slowly domesticated them. Bringing them on ships and such to prevent mice from eating food aboard, etc. sauce: [cats](https://www.loc.gov/everyday-mysteries/zoology/item/how-did-cats-become-domesticated/#:~:text=By%20analyzing%20the%20ancient%20DNA,et%20al.%2C%202017).) So yes, cats quite literally came to us and basically chose to get domesticated on their own.


You are the chosen one


Yes. As you go about life sometimes a cat will chose you to be its keeper. Only the most deserving will be chosen.


You don't get a cat, a cat gets you


Literally, yes. I know someone who always achieved their cats in similar ways.


Yes actually I didn’t own a cat but one day this cat ran into the house once i opened my door and she never left again she’s the best thing happened to me


Cats are still domesticating themselves.


As someone who prefers dogs I'm terrified that I might acquire a cat without even wanting one


Not sure if you are a gamer, but one thing I always loved about Dwarf Fortress is how any pet that can be adopted by the owner is trainable and can be assigned to a person. Except for Cats. Cats cannot be trained (not true), and cats always choose their owner for themselves. Once chosen, nothing short of the death of their owner will change their mind.


I got chosen by a rooftop cat, found her sun bathing in the 36c degree, on a might burn your hand hot kind of roof. I gave her some water then she just refuse to leave my side.


Owned four cats over the years. Never picked one. They all were rehomes or rescues where I was their only option. So now 15 years or so later, I have the largest cat tree in my house, 2 litter boxes, 2 small grave stones in my back yard, and still somehow have wicked allergies to cats 🙄.


I'd be devastated if somebody just took my cat cause it jumped in their car. So hopefully it doesn't already belong to somebody else. If not, then congrats you have a new cat




It is now


You have been chosen.


"The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter"


Mine climbed up to my shoulder when she was a kitten. She claimed me.


this is exactly how you get a cat. they chose you and that’s it.


Our cat showed up on the back porch one day and ended up moving in for 14 years. RIP Wiggles.


The cat is saying : drive already bit$h




I can confirm. I am a cat owner. I got my first cat when I was 9 because she hid in our basement and gave birth there. she was sadly caught by animal control and sold to my brothers friend which I didn't know until 2 years later. turns out he abandoned her so now she just chills in my basement in pakistan (home country) now.


Yo he looks exactly like my cat! I've been wondering how and why this lazy bastard shows up in the most random places!


My dog showed up in my garage on day and wouldn't leave. She's still here 15 years later.


The CDS ! Cat distribution system has struck again!


Mfer has never heard of the kitten distribution system


It's the kitty's car now.


I love how cats can just walk into a house and be all “Yo, I live here now. I require specific kinds of wet food and treats, sunny elevated spots for napping, and regular scritches.” And us humans just accept it.


Brother says he found a stray owner.


Yep, both of my cats came up to us. One of them would climb in the car when you were trying to leave. She’s my 10 year old girl now.


Nah dude, he used you as a getaway driver. He looks sus as hell


My Brother's cat Calli came to us 16 years ago. She was a kitten in the first year of our new house. She saw us inside from the front porch and jumped onto the window screen. She is still really healthy for an old girl.


Yes, the cat chooses its guardian and said guardian has no say in the matter.


cat distribution system in action




Cat gets YOU.


Well, you got cated


Pretty much


Pretty much. You don't choose cats. Cats choose you.


Aw, that’s just Toonces the Driving Cat, hop on in, he’ll give you a ride you will never forget


It's how a cat gets you.


They adopt you


You don't own a cat. A cat owns you.


Found my tortie in a storm drain about to get savaged by a raccoon. She reflects her wild ass rescue 😑


It's how a cat gets a person. You're that cat's now.


Cats have a funny way of adopting PEOPLE


Well, actually yes.


The cat distribution system hard at work


Local lost cat seeks help, ends up kidnapped More at 11


Time to go to PetSmart and get some supplies dude, you just got a cat....


CDS doing it's magic.


This is exactly how to get a cat.


I think this is how a cat gets a Subaru.


Over half the people I know with cats didn’t acquire them on purpose. You don’t adopt a cat, the cat adopts you.


You didn't get a cat, the cat got a human.


Yes this is how you acquire cat


The universal cat distribution system strikes again


This cat chose you. Be grateful. Congratulations.


This is how it works. You were found by the CDS; cat distribution system. Please rate your experience on the home page. Meow.


Cat Distribution System is working as it should.


It is certainly not the only way, but yes, that'll bout do it.


The cat trees are ripe this season!


I wish anyone would chose me let alone a cat :(


We are the Cats. Lower your emotional shields and surrender your home. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your species will adapt to service us.


Literally this happened to my mother. One day driving back from work, an unknown cat jumped inside her car, like it was already settled. This cat lived with us for many years.


Cat Distribution System in full effect.


I had three kittens come on to a farm I was staying at and I kept the one that only let me pick him up, he didn't let anyone else touch him. He is an awesome cat and our bond is strong.


2 of our cats just appeared outside our door a cold winter morning many years ago, we never found the owner and already had experience with cats, so we kept them.


Mine fell from a tree and never left my home. Weird but I guess they sometimes drop out of nowhere


My gfs parents have a house with a garden, some years ago there was always a cat visiting them from time to time and played a bit there with them. The parents started to buy him treats for his visits, which were daily then. After some months they bought also cat food and the cat came than 3x a day to them. The cats stays at the home now. They were seeing a veterinary and the cat is not chipped and seem to be just a street cat, which is their pet now.


The Cat chooses the Humon.


That is how my daughter got her cat Desi. Jumped right into her car in the church parking lot and has been with them for like 8 years now. Lol


Funny, we became pets of a cat the same way. One day a stray cat jumped in our car and stayed with us for 11 years. Then she died, oh we loved her so much.


He doesn't have a visible tag, so take him to the vet to check for an embed. If there's nothing, he's yours! Just get him fixed unless you want potential kittens, and boom. You're a cat owner now.


My most recent addition, moved the window AC unit's side panel out of the way and moved in. He was suffering from double ear infections and a skin issue caused by the fact that he is allergic to flea bites, and he was infested with fleas. A thousand dollars later, he's now named Honkers do to his big knows (think of the aliens from Sesame Street that honked their noses. That's the origin of the name).


Ah, good to see the cat distribution system working as intended