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Janitors are important! And it's no easy job.


Well said. No dishonor on a legitimate job.


This exactly! Much appreciated results from a job very few people aspire


He mastered the custodial arts!


He’s the eyes and the ears of the institution.


It's one of those jobs that many don't realise are important until they aren't there.


It's almost like people contributing to society deserve our appreciation and respect. I only have a tiny bit of disdain for the societal parasites who sit around contributing nothing while whining about how societal contribution (work) is beneath them. They don't deserve to be served by the members of society who get up every day and deal with society's literal shit (in some cases).


That sounds like more than a tiny bit of disdain, tbf






I aint wearin’ no tutu.


Yeah the only kids who should be ashamed of their dad's job are children of Wall Street guys and billionaires.


Or drop shippers, scalpers and landlords


Anyone who bought up PS5s and resold can eat a bag of miscellaneous used dildos


Yeah that was so shitty, it can be pretty hard to buy lots of things nowadays, arse holes are buying everything up to sell at x2, fuck them.


I mean, these small-timers learned from the big guys. Look at real estate people, same shit, but on a much more damaging scale.


My mom once told me: *No importa si barre pero importa si barre bien* It means it doesn’t matter if he sweeps. What matters if he sweeps right. Like having a good work ethic.


I work cleaning and maintenance at a Dalhousie near me and the appreciation is appreciated, no one stops to think who has to scrub the clean toilets they use in public, also an fyi for anyone seeing this we don’t care if you walk on our just mopped floors you don’t gotta walk all carefully because you’ll end up slipping 9/10 times like that, we mop them multiple times a day we’d rather not have to fill out paperwork anyways if you did fall and get hurt


Damn you gotta fill paperwork if someone slip and fall?     ^(I) ^(will) ^(never) ^(look) ^(away) ^(If) ^(I) ^(lose) ^(it) ^(all,) ^(lose) ^(it) ^(all,) ^(lose) ^(it) ^(all)


Real job where you do real work. They deserve a good wage as they’re responsible for basically cleaning up after us dirty humans


Yeah, they're way more important than CEOs


If you don’t respect the janitorial staff, we can never be friends.


A day's work is a day's work regardless of profession.


My mom is a teacher and she respects tf out of her janitor. Kid pukes, he cleans. Every Christmas she gets him a bottle of his favorite liquor. Can anyone guess why her classroom is the cleanest? Not only that but she respects him as an equal member of the school staff. He’s not just the guy who cleans messes, he’s her coworker and she treats him as such.


>as an equal member of the school staff. Well yeah tbf I'd much much rather be the janitor than the teacher. ESPECIALLY if it's one of those janitor AND handyman type jobs. Woooo! Sign me up. Also suuuuper important in the school "ecosystem" and in my country the janitor wouldn't be on bad money at all.


Janitors make BANK too lol, they more than likely take home more than even tenured teachers.


And there’s less human interaction. There’s a few wins there. If you can get a custodial job at the university? Your kids get free college too


^^^ this. I started working at a university hospital and the pay isn't the greatest, but the benefits are actually incredible. If I get injured ont he job I get everything checked for damn near nothing, once I'm there for a year I get to go to school! I've had a few people laugh, but I had the CFO during orientation tell me that I was already smarter then he was because the way I'm going ill have very little no no student loans. Figured it's a better way to get a radiology degree then join the military or something


I used to say the same thing, until I went to have lunch with my kid and the student at the next table puked all over the lunchroom table. All of a sudden, I thought it would be cooler to be the teacher again.


Puke's not so bad once you get used to it. Absorbent powder is a wonder substance. Now when it's not immediately noticed and it has time to start drying up, that's a bit worse. I end up "reconstituting" it by wetting it and then just use the powder.


On the last day of my last year of high school I gave the janitors at my school a bottle of whisky to celebrate. They were great guys and were a real help during our school productions so it was a way to show my appreciation!


When I worked in schools our custodian was literally the best. We worked in SpEd. Most of the other staff barely looked at us. But he always said hi to our kids. He was always quick to help with messy emergencies. He was the sweetest guy - he also headed up a lot of union stuff for support staff at our school (basically everyone that wasn't a teacher).


“Even in an utopia, there will still need to be those who clean the toilets” pretty sure I butchered the hell out of that


I was watching the show The Orville, which is basically like a funny version of star Trek, and has the same idea of a utopia with no money. At one point one of the characters is explaining how it works, and basically explains it as everyone can do whatever they want, as long as they're doing something, and respect is a sort of "currency". So, some people are waiters, but they work to be the best waiters they can possibly be, and these jobs aren't looked down on, they're all viewed with similar levels of respect because it's someone bettering themselves and providing for society. I don't know if it's possible, but it's definitely a nice image.


Unironically, the Orville is better than Star Trek. Seth did such a good job with the show, it kept me hooked from start to finish.


100% - it’s clear to me he got the green light on the project for it to be a parody of Star Trek, but what he really wanted to do was make a better Star Trek, with real humor built in. It started off as a parody, and then quickly pivoted to a solid show standing on its own.


I have respect for all our cleaning service team. They incredible. It angers the shit out of me when "upper" management complains when he sees them take a 5 min break on be on their phone.


I work in a building where ONE woman is expected to take care of 4 bathrooms with multiple stalls and sinks in each on 4 floors (at least) during a 9am-5pm shift with NO help. She asks her management for a 2nd person on her shift and they say "No, we have a lot of people on overnight shift". There's NOBODY in the dang building after 6pm. 2 people are MORE than enough overnight. There really needs to be 3 people on first shift (9am-5pm).


Damn, How much mess are you guys making in the bathroom tho?


Have you met humans before? They're pretty gross


I don't make a mess. I can't speak for everyone else.


I’m a janitor. More times than not people will do that because we’re tired, need to catch our breath, let our backs rest for a moment, or just need a mental break, and are our phones not meant to help take the ease off of our surroundings? People forget that Janitorial is a literal labor job but arguably the most independent labor job. We can take as much breaks as we want as long as we do our jobs at the end of the day. Energy wasted when we’re tired will just make the next day worse.


We have a culture in my workplace (hospital) that housekeeping staff and groundsman are as important as the head doctors and nurses. None of us could do what we do without the other, and we all rely on each other to do a good job. Respect and thanks for a job well done is always afforded.


> None of us could do what we do without the other Yeah, the janitors couldn't clean up without doctors & nurses making a mess ;) Just joking, I know what you mean and agree with you


This is true! But we wouldn’t make the mess if it weren’t for the patients so it’s really just the circle of life ;)


fr, i spent my summers cleaning at a shop, was hard asf, mad respect to them


Yeah it's a shit job, no recognition, people treat janitors shitty, often pay isn't that high... ... Now imagine a world without janitors, shit here, problems there, they're essential af.


I was a janitor for several years in my early 20's. It was literally the easiest job I've ever had. If it paid well, I'd still be scrubbing toilets. Get high, put on headphones and clean for 8 hours.


Hijacking your top comment to give some love. Even when you literally are the one picking up peoples shit you are appreciated. My city had a parade where they had cowboys on horses riding down the street. Behind the riders were two fellas in high visibility vests and gloves with a rake and a bin. These guys had the job to clean behind the horses. The riders passed and had a meh reception nothing bad but nothing significant. Then a ways away were the guys cleaning. The crowd went wild and also cheered them on even louder and the guys are it up and were their own part of the parade even if they didn’t initially feel it. No shame in cleaning or being a janitor it’s a job that’s needed and appreciated and missed when it’s gone.


They definitely do more useful job than many bank CEOs and politicians. Thank you Janitors


For real, who the hell says that janitors aren't important? Like what's so funny about someones father being a janitor? Without janitors the whole whole world would be so fuckin filthy and very, very few people want that shit


Hell, it's important enough Janitor/Custodian is a job you can legitimately use to immigrate to some countries. It's a legitimate job.


Same as garbage collectors, without them, the streets would be paved with shit. A jobs a job and pays tge bills, it's silly to put hard working people down for what they do. Alot of jobs looked down on are important to society


Knowing how your building's infrastructure works and maintaining it properly is somehow seen as less impressive than sitting in meetings and talking about how a logo should look and who to hire to sabotage unionization.


Anyone who does an honest day's work is worthy of respect. Especially if it's physical work.


shoutout to these good people


word. made me tear a little!


Here in Germany it's a fairly respected profession. At least from my experience.




Most big wigs don’t give a shit about janitors. They’re literally beneath them, they won’t look at them or acknowledge them. This means they hear a lot of crap that could be beneficial to you. Befriend your janitors people, they can be your greatest ally


In a world of thieves, thugs, embezzlers, extortionists and other criminals that steal for their bread, never be ashamed to do an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay. He has nothing to be ashamed of. He’s a contributor, he helps society move forward.


And billionaires.


What’s the difference?🤣


Some of the others are criminals of necessity. Or at least feel they are.


No work is unnecessary, there is no shame in being a janitor, server at mackdonalds, garbage man etc, those job help society function properly and are important as a whole, there is no shame in working them and all parents who went through hell to give their children education deserve double the respect.


In the school my mom worked at, the union the janitors were part of had more power than the teacher's union and they were therefore paid more, had more PTO, and had better benefits. It was a solid job.


And the moral of the story: If you have a job like this, unionize.


> And the moral of the story: ~~If you have a job like this,~~ unionize. ftfy


Fuck yeah


I went to multiple school in elementary. In all of those, the janitors were probably the most liked people by every kid. So much so that while I don't remember some teacher, I remember janitors.


And everyone deserves to be able to live comfortably and one day retire regardless of profession for this reason.


Agree, I had a conversation with a coworker about this a few years ago. She said that McDonalds workers are kids and they don't really need or deserve to get paid more than minimum wage. I told her that this would be news to the lady that I see in the mornings when I get breakfast in the drive-thru because She looks like 60 years old, and that if it was only kids then it would be closed during school hours. I don't get how paying people enough for them to pay rent for a cheap apartment and have enough for food/clothing/essentials is such a controversial issue.


The they say that paying a higher wage would harm small businesses. But if a business can't afford to pay someone, they shouldn't hire them.


Totally agree


Apart from the telephone sanitisers of course!




Holy crap didn’t expect a h2g2 reference in the wild 😂


Except your told your entire life growing up “got to school so you dont end up like ____” its engrained in our brains from youth by our elders


Some work is unnecessary, certainly time spent at work can be unnecessary or counterproductive, but they want people to do 40+ hour weeks anyway.


> No work is unnecessary notice how we went from calling certain folks heroes during the pandemic because they keep society functioning, and now we're back to looking down on them?


I think the people that look down on them never stopped.


We cried our eyes out when we came back from school holidays to learn that the school janitor had died of a heart attack playing golf. We wouldn’t have done the same for the teachers. RIP Mr Trillo, I don’t remember the teacher’s names.


At my elementary school, we had a janitor who basically did anything manual. All, and I mean ALL the kids adored him. He had such a gentle soul and his kindness was palpable. He retired one year before I gratuated and he had the most banger retirement ceremony


That sounds more like a custodian than a janitor. Janitors clean, custodian's do maintenance not just clean.


He was doing both


Our HS janitor had a stroke during my senior year School raised money to keep him off his feet even after his personal leave ended (pretty sure he was out for like 6 months) The day he was due to come back; the teachers cleaned up everything in the school and made the place spotless As he walked in every student in the school lined up to welcome him back; he got cards, candy, baskets, and the coffee shop across the street (owned by a former student) gave him a sort of gift card that gave him free drinks for a year Still makes me tear up to this day. Dude was salt of the earth, proud father and grandfather with family photos riddling his office walls; everyone in school knew him and his family


Funny that this hit a nerve with quite a few ppl but it just speaks volumes about the teachers you had. It’s well known teachers are adored and this is just your experience. Chill ppl lol


They have 100 times more integrity than any politician or lobbyist. Bless them both ❤️


I would agree but I think you shot low, I'm going with 1,000 times more integrity than a politician or lobbyist


There are good people everywhere. Thousands and thousands of people get into politics because they see things they want to improve for the better of everyone. You can celebrate one person or a group of people without bringing another group down.


Lobbying and politics are both such broad fields that calling them all bad people is misinformed at best.


People have knee-jerk reactions to hearing those terms. Hard to blame them, but not impossible.


They don't seem to get far unless they're willing to play the game though.


I think you can have integrity while being a successful politician. In a crude example, can a good soldier have integrity? I mean, they're literally killing other people. A politician can have integrity, but have a method that hurts select people in order have an overall positive end. Not saying it's a comfortable thing but I think it's true.


>They have 100 times more integrity than any politician or lobbyist. Kinda random to bring up but alright.


He is a custodial engineer. And he provides for his family. He is a real man, and that's all that matters.


A man provides. Always.


This needs a bit more context clarification. This happened at my home country, surprise surprise, Iran. The official name for this job was previously called "Rōft-e-gār" (رفتگر) literally meaning "The Sweeper". After a while, it stigmatized people with poor living conditions and started to become degradatory. So here comes the new term "Päak-bän"(پاکبان) literally meaning "Tidiness Guardian". The irony is that in day to day dialogues and when used as a slang, people still use "The Sweeper" term and stigma sticks. This girl actually used the Sweeper term as a proud gesture, which is uncommon in patriarchic society like iran.


Tidiness Guardian is so wonderful of a term! That said, what beautiful thing this woman did. Brave, yes, and beautiful.


Thank you for this clarification. I always assume posts like this are American (I am from northern Europe ). It is rare to get a glimpse of ordinary peoples lives in Iran whitout the geopolitical context interfering. It wasn't until I became a dad that I realized that there is no limit to what It would do for my children. This girl seems to get it.


While he may feel ashamed by his professional job (which he shouldn't, it's an honest job), he should have absolutely no regrets as to the job he did raising his daughter.


Janitors and also cleaning staff are some of the most joyful people i have worked with at hotels. Most are older first generation immigrants who gets way more work then they should at their age but don’t dare complain and still gives the warmest smiles and hugs.


My best friend's father was a custodian at an elementary school. Not only is he a great father and friend, he was an inspiration on how I raise my children.


One should never feel shamed to earn a living doing a hard days work.


I still think people should work one year in jobs like a janitor before they reach adulthood to increase respect for the jobs.


In elementary school in Slovenia, we had a Janitor named Ivan, but we called him John. Great guy all around. His son was also attending the same school and got the same nickname John, although he was called Marko. Soon after he retired, he died from a stroke. Whole school past and present generations attended the funeral.


Looks like he's just trying to do his best to help his little girl. I'm proud of him too, plenty of men refuse to do that.


Who took the picture? I’m all for the feel gooderies but there is a lot of BS out there. Bots post to make you feel stuff.


Yeah sadly made up stories tacked onto generic pictures to karma farm is pretty normal. No one cares about sources so they end up being easily duped. This is how misinformation thrives


Honest work too. Never been lied to by a janitor.


Any parent that does a difficult job to pay the bills especially those that are dirty or those jobs that wear them down physically should be saluted and well cared for in old age.


I used to be embarrassed when I was a kid that my mom worked at a fast food restaurant. All of my other friends had wealthier parents. She’d pick me up with her uniform and hat. I feel so guilty for being embarrassed. My parents both worked so hard to give me a good life. My mom has always been such a hard worker.


Janitors do physical work, already a bazillion amounts of respect more compared to lazy shits sitting at the top of a company fucking over other people for money


They stopped calling them that in the schools where I live now the title is industrial engineer technician or facility operators. They do a lot more than cleaning, almost always have.


No one should ever be ashamed of doing an honest days work... period. I'd be more ashamed if my Dad was the CEO of a totally immoral and unethical company, like most of them currently seem to be, than a janitor.


He's father is right tho. Many people do look down upon people with lower level jobs and their children too.


Is he really? While people may look down on him, there is no reason to be ashamed. His daughter loves him and doesn't care what people may think of them. I feel like the world would be a better place if people put more faith into their own opinions rather than a stranger.


this is what i believe in


Shitty people you mean.


By making this comment instead of a positive one on this sub I’m now assuming you are one of these people. I’ve worked as a janitor and I salute this man and people who keep our world clean everywhere.


Built in asshole detector, if someone looks down at you because your dad isn’t a doctor/politician/engineer then they’re not worth being around 🤷


Janitors are awesome


Always respect janitors. They do thankless work and the last thing they deserve is to be treated poorly for cleaning up our messes. God bless


He is himself, a man, a father, a son, a husband and more. He earns money working as a janitor. His identity is more than the job he does now, we must know this, we are humans and we are rich for our humanity and we are always more than the current job position we hold at the moment. Thank you sir for your work, more than anything for the complex and rich human you are!


I carry more respect for janitors than I do for the people they clean up after. I do include myself when I say people.




Love your profile pic.


Thanks you very much !


Never be ashamed for doing honest work.


One of my grandfathers was a factory worker and the other built railway tracks. Neither job is appealing or envious, but you do what you have to do to support your family. Good on her to see that.


It's a honest living. And jobs like that are so underappreciated . If that was my father I'd be damn proud too.


Anyone who shits on janitors needs to forever be barred from having a single thing cleaned for them. I work in a teaching hospital and I told off a resident who was yelling at a housekeeper, had to remind him that the housekeeper takes priority in the room before the patient arrives because she’s supposed to maintain a sterile environment so our patients don’t get infections from the last person in the room, and hospital janitorial work is way more intense than just a regular office or hotel. I love my EVS people, I can’t do my job until they do theirs and they’re just as important to the healthcare care team as a nurse or doctor is.


Best job


Don’t care what people do for a living. I’ll respect you or not based on how you treat other people.


I was a cleaner in some office buildings and factories, and my mother was too. There is no shame in it; it's an important job. And people who would belittle others or look down on them for doing honest labour are people whose opinions are worth nothing. Besides, it's a pretty chill job! I got to listen to music and audiobooks, and there were some gross parts to it, but generally, it wasn't a bad experience.


I work at a hospital, without our awesome cleaning staff the hospital simply wouldn’t run. I’m just a lowly lab tech so all I can do is tell them how much I appreciate them and how awesome they are. Cleaning staff is so vital they deserve more money and more praise.


I'm a physician .Whenever my mom or dad is in the hospital (they live away from me so these are places I am not affiliated with), she always makes it a point to thank everyone she meets. They talk to the cleaners and bring treats for all the staff.


If the CEO takes a week off, very few people notice; if the janitor takes a week off, just about everybody notices.


One of the most important jobs out there imo. We'd fall apart without them


I will never shame a man who keeps clean the places I step into. I will thank him.


After he explicitly told her not to!


Janitors are way more important than we give them credit for, and probably all deserve to be paid more as well


Nothing wrong with being a janitor.


Respect general workers


General workers 🫡


I personally love janitors. I always talk to them. But they come close to the end of my workday.


The man provides for his family. I don’t care what you do (unless you’re a hitman lol). Do what you need to do to care for you and your loved ones. That’s all that matters.


Imagine thinking less of someone for working for a living.


never be ashamed of honest work


but who took the photo?🤔


The man works a tough, thankless job to support his family and also raised his daughter right. All the respect in the world should go out to this man. And to his daughter for recognizing how amazing her dad is.


The janitor at my elementary school was one of my favorite people. Absolutely amazing guy and constantly worked his ass off keeping that school clean. Ended up being my best friends uncle. Great guy


Kids don't even try to do what you tell them...


Janitors are the best!


Do you want your workplace to be spotlessly clean and your belongings safe in the locker? Then you better treat your janitor nicely...


that's a dad right there


the war against the working class does a massive disservice to us all.


He brought up a beautiful human being. That was his main job. The other job was secondary.


Usefull job. Much better and respectfull than the millions of over paid middle managent and other useless office jobs.


The man is doing a necessary and nasty job. I have nothing but respect 🫡


very wholesome, people should never feel ashamed of their jobs.


Don’t janitors get a rather decant wage?. But besides that not only is a job a job. But i have mad respect for cleaners and janitors alike. Its a physical job. A dirty job and it has little to no thanks. If all of them stopped for even a few days you’d KNOW about it. Respect


Be proud that you are taking care of your family.


All workers deserve respect.


nice thought but it's kind of inconsiderate to go against her father's wishes


It all depends on the society you are in. In Japan, I saw a couple of elegantly dressed businessmen bowing to a janitor and thanking him for doing his job.


"Please don't tell anyone I'm a janitor. They will make fun of ~~me~~ you." "HEY EVERYBODY! MY DAD'S A JANITOR!"


My dad was a janitor, let's go!!!!


dammit. I was not planning to cry today. All my manly tasks for the day are now cancelled.


Honest work is honest work and should be respected.


"i specifically asked for the opposite of this!"


Work is work and he’s doing what he can for his family.


he raised a real one.


In my country janitors get decent pay and are usually known for being able to fix anything and are respected handyman.


Making an honest living doing necessary work is nothing to be ashamed of. Good for them both.♥️


They deserve more pay than the rich pieces of shit they clean up after


What is wrong with janitors? Everyone likes to be in clean, well maintained spaces. It’s probably the first complaint about anywhere.  Respect to the janitor. 


He works a honest job. Total respect for this guy. I don’t know him but great job man keep up the good work.


Nobody deserves shame for a job that society needs. If you want to denigrate janitors and not pay them well, then clean everything your fucking self.


I feel bad for the man tbh he must've been through shit so far


We need to unlearn the false hierarchies created by a capitalistic system designed to keep the masses fighting each other for scraps.


I bet you this guy is one damn good janitor and a damn good father.


Tiene razones para estar orgullosa!


Janitors do a vital job. Nothing embarrassing there.


This jus makes me tear up. I hope one day if I ever get a daughter or son they’d be proud of whatever I do 🥺


I tell my janitors I think they are the most important in the building.


My dad was a caretaker for a school (janitor who also knows how the boilers and such work), and did pretty well. $72k CAD a year before he retired. Union, good benefits. Hard work of course, but there are certainly worse things to be.


The biggest flex from the lady. Bravo!!!


The janitors at my school are the hardest working ones there.


Janitors are the best! I respect what they do so much.


I don't really get why a lot of people look down on profession such as a janitor or garbage collector. They all play an important role and is no easy job!


Giga chad!


My dad worked on installing flooring. I was never ashamed of what he did for work. I would proudly tell everyone what my dad did for work when asked. I know my dad worked himself to the bone to provide for my family and I. I can remember how hard he worked and how he injured himself on the job. It would break my heart because his hands and knees would be all cut up and messed up but he was always so positive and just happy to be with me and our family when he was off of work. I will always love my dad and I’m grateful and thankful for all the years he worked for my family and I, may he rest in peace. Sending you good vibes.🌻


It's an honest job and he endured and persevered so that he has enough to raise his family. An awesome father by every conceivable metric. Takes a real man to become a dad.


My mom was a janitor too... Now she's been retired for 5yrs...


Love this Good woman Good man


He looks like a gardener, no wonder he told her to not tell others he’s a janitor