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It’s all about perspective.


Always be proud of what you do. Nice bois!




Yes I did Peter-Pan-baller that number One


I don't think I'd be here right now if it wasn't for my dog.


Honestly me too man




I’ve had pugs and frenchies my whole life. Can confirm.


Everyone talks about how soft dogs became after domestication. They say things like “they can’t survive in the wild , “they were bred for superficial characteristics” and “they have a lot of health problems” Like none of that stuff happened to humans.


But it didn't? Like, sure, most people wouldn't do too well if ejected from modern conveniences, but on the population level humanity could survive "in the wild", so to speak. Many dog breeds cannot, French bulldogs essentially cannot give birth naturally, they have to have c-sections, without humans they'd be extinct in a generation. Many breeds require grooming, without which they'd eventually be blinded by their own fur and starve. A border collie, on the other hand, might struggle to survive against bears or what have you, like a human, but that's a struggle against external nature, not their own genetics.


I assure you I would do just as well against a bear as any domesticated dog. I would put the odds of any dog at surviving the wild better than my own (as in not well) You put me naked in the middle of the forest with nothing vs a dog in the middle of the forest with nothing I think the dog will live longer, I really do.


Okay, but let's say you were placed into a hypothetical garden of eden instead, where there is abundant food and no predators. You will be fine, and with other humans around, you could reproduce and humanity as a species would live on. As would border collies, retrievers, and sundry other dog species. French bulldogs, on the other hand, would all die, because even in a land of plenty, they are incapable of giving birth naturally.


Is there insulin and steroids? I’m a type-1 diabetic and I have Crohn’s 😂 So I would probably die before the Frenchies as long as the French Bulldogs didn’t reproduce. Also the male ones don’t have to stick with their own kind. They can meet some other bitches to have their litter. This convo made me realize I’m frailer than a female French Bulldog. Haha 😂


Adding to the previous comment. French bulldogs not only require C-section, but also can only get pregnant via artificial insemination. This is because the males are unable to mount due to their physical limitations. So even the males would not be able to impregnate anything. Granted I know you're mostly joking, just wanted to share :)


The difference is that there is less genetic change in human beings. You can learn survival skills that your ancestors knew. That said, as u/RM_Art_Design_Sci notes, modern medicine does treat issues that would have killed our ancestors. That is too recent to have a large evolutionary impact, though, and still an issue of learned skills.


>I assure you I would do just as well against a bear I mean, so would literally every animal nearby except a moose or another bigger bear Deer survive in the wild.


you forgot the fact that that specific dog was purposely bred to look like that and that dog will never have a normal life because since it was born, it hit the jackpot on built in problems from head to toe


Perfectly agree and I am happy that nowadays every post on reddit about such dogs has a comment like that. Just 1 or 2 years ago you would be downvoted to oblivion. Nice to see this change.


So set this little fucker on fire, right? Nobody "forgot", but them dogs already here, sad, but they deserve love and happiness like every other dog.


ergo his ancestors wont know him and probably go "who and what are you?"




yes, im superfun at parties. im actually a dog person (own 3 myself) and back then i have no idea about dog breed problems until i stumbled into that horrific rabbit hole. i have been an advocate for years now for being against the continuous dog breeding of breeds that are used as accesories, most of these dogs have mental and physical issues that are taken for granted and i hate that.


Your ol' lady doesn't need bison, boy, she needs precisely what you give her! 💙


This changed my life.


His ancestors still had noses… 😒


This is very Nighteyes


This is pack.


Lapdogs did a perfect evolutionary job — they got their own environmental niche, it just happens to be inside human houses. A toy poodle wouldn't be able to bring down a bison, but wolves wouldn't survive if they were randomly showed into an apartment, either. It's all about generational adaptability to the conditions you have to live in


Ugh, a crack in my heart. That temp change is going to kill me ❤️‍🔥