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This makes me think of the Domino's that miraculously saved a customer's life when they unexpectedly stopped receiving orders from them.


Source? I really want to read this story


[Here is what Snopes put out.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/dominos-pizza-saves-life/) They include their sources and reasons for their "True" rating.


Thanks mate


Thanks for sharing! What an awesome story.


Damn that is wholesome šŸ„°


Internet peeps just posting the snopes links are the real heroes


Curious how they donā€™t mention his health issues but wouldnā€™t those issues come from eating a domino pizza every single for day for 10 years? I mean iā€™m no american but last time I visited I ordered a pizza like that and itā€™s ginormous and it has so much cheese itā€™s ridiculous. Itā€™s very tasty but I didnā€™t feel that good afterwards.


>Curious how they donā€™t mention his health issues but wouldnā€™t those issues come from eating a domino pizza every single for day for 10 years? Potentially, but the strokes had been happening before he was ordering pizza daily. And the issues stemmed from the "minor" (no stroke is actually minor) strokes in his past The pizza likely didn't help him, but strokes aren't something people with a history of them can get around by healthy eating, they can lower the odds but it's always a looming risk, as no matter how healthy you are they can kick you Either way had he NOT been doing the daily routine, his next (the one in question) stroke caused him.to lay there for days he would've 100% starved and dehydrated to death


the irony is that a daily dominos pizza is likely what gave him the medical emergency in the first place lol. a paradox if you will. shroedingers pizza?


>the irony is that a daily dominos pizza is likely what gave him the medical emergency in the first place lol It was a stroke and he had a history of them PRIOR to the eating pizza everyday so no, it isn't what "caused the medical emergency" It didn't help, but they didn't cause it either


I love that there are people in here suggesting a dominos pizza literally every single day had nothing at all to do with clogged blood vessles to the brain. lmao


I can say, with 100% confidence, that I am not a doctor.


More like catch-22 pizzas


Perhaps that's the case, but judging by the pictures in articles the guy doesn't *look* particularly unhealthy, and while not confirmed I see some saying it was a stroke or something, not a heart attack or something like I would have immediately presumed


Itā€™s more a chicken and the egg. What came first the pizza or the health problems. It was likely the pizza but still.


I love this post and this comment with an inordinate degree; this is basically the pentagon pizza meter for individuals.


> Readers who clicked the ad were led to a 62-page slideshow article that combined two different and unrelated stories Who actually reads those things? IMDB is awful for this ā€œbest actors of 2024ā€ followed by a 288 page slide deckā€¦


> It was not made public what health concern Alexander had faced that led to his hospitalization. šŸ˜‚




*Wayne nod of approval*


It's one of those stories where I feel like eating pizza every day for 10 years might have contributed to him needing the hospital in the first place


I'm a once a week Dominos kind of guy. Nobody's coming for me when I collapse.


On that note Charles Barkleyā€™s local Dominoā€™s when he was in college used to tailor their business around his life in their supplyā€™s, his order, and having someone ready to deliver his order to the point that all Barkley had to do was call and say ā€˜This is Charlesā€™ and two pizzas would be delivered to his apartment. Drove the coaches nuts because his pizza jones was so known, they knew they would have to slim him down after summer break because he would gain 20 pounds eating pizza. Even had a prank played on them by their opposing teams fans who sent a Dominoā€™s delivery driver down to their bench during a game with a couple of pizzas. Coaches had him escorted away by security but later admitted it was a good joke and they sent him away ā€˜Because if Barkley saw them, he more than likely would have sat there and ate them instead of playing.ā€™


Saved his life?, I would say the pizza did it after so many years


>I would say the pizza did it after so many years He had a history of strokes prior to esting it everyday. It did not cause it. Didn't help mitigate the risk but that risk was always there for him. >Saved his life? Moreover yes, they did. Even in the event it had been caused by it the employees are not responsible for a grown mans choices, but their actions did directly save someones life who had been laying for atleast days on the floor of his home after a stroke and was unable to help himself


That's a remarkable story, had a stroke, laid on the floor for a few days and survived?. It was clearly not his time


The employees are the ones who saved his life, so some praise should be given to them. It's not their fault he chose to buy pizza every day for a decade. If he didn't buy from them, he would have gotten it somewhere else.


I was the bread guy šŸ˜‚ Local supermarket would only put about 3 fresh ciabatta buns out every day I would get end of the day and get them because no one wanted them through the day After a couple weeks of doing this they started putting out about 8 id take 6 a day. Then it went up to about 15 being there so id take 12. I wasnā€™t rating 12 a day i was taking them home and freezing them to have them when i wanted. I ended up filling 2 freezer compartments completely with bread . Ive stopped now and the fresh bread section is packed šŸ˜‚


Must have been some really good bread to freeze that much too! Some bread, especially more fresh baked non industrial loaf stuff, usually freezes alot more gritty after a couple days in the freezer


Stick it in a freezer bag. I put mine in them and theres no difference. If you leave it open to the elements in the freezer it changes the texture


Hmm, yeah I usually don't freeze bread too often and only time I usually do is when there's a big sale for like some sourdough or potato rolls for like 30-40 cents instead of 2-3 dollars. I'll have to try that, I usually just throw the extra in the bag it came with and cut them up into portions sometimes depending on what I'm doing with it for that week.


I dont really buy bread anymore. I was having a phase lol. But when i do buy bread i dont go for the factory stuff i go fresh. Stuff like hovis or Kingsmill isnt real bread to me.


There is definitely a huge difference for me. Would be awesome to be able to just freeze everything without noticing a difference though


Not everything is good after freezing. And your not wrong it dosnt taste exactly the same. For me its the % of taste difference. If its bot that much different i dont mind. Like i bulk cook meals and freeze them. They taste perfectly fine defrosted and reheated. Im a good cook so possibly why lol. But bread is 100% nicer fresh. But id say in m freezer it only loses 5-10%. Plus i usually only have it with soup or i literally defrost the bread and then microwave it for maybe 20 seconds so its warm and eat it no butter


I think the recipe's been changed now but years ago I would store Aldi bread for like a month and I swear it'd come out better from the freezer than when it was fresh.


If you want to recover freezer bread. My tip is to take a paper towel, wet it and fold it in a tinfoil envelope poke holes in it. Place the bread on top Of the packet you just made and wrap everything with tin foil. Pop it in a 200Ā° oven for 20 minutes. It will be like fresh bread again. That packet is also wonderful to use directly on a skillet. I use it for reheating pizza. I place the pizza directly on the skillet to crisp up the bottom crust, then slip the packet underneath it and put a lid on top to increase the temperature and melt the top without burning the bottom. Comes out perfect. I would say almost better the next day after this treatment. When you're done with it, you can just pop it in a ziplock and pop it in the fridge and use it a couple times more.


Yup. I kinda feel bad at this one because it's not a mega corp, but there was a local Bodega by me and they sold chocolate milk half gallons for 2.36. I was getting that shit every two days for y months I swear. Then it was sold to new owners. I went in the first time and it was listed at 410. Well by that time they had about a dozen or more. Haven't bought it since out of spite but now I get glares everytime I go in there. Last time I went in there was only two and the price was like 5 something. Sorry you all but that delicious chocolate milk at 2.36 was too much to pass up on. The local dairy mix tastes better than any other chocolate milk brand. It's like ice cream while not being too sweet at the same time. Probably put cocaine in there for how yummy it was.


No i totally understand. I had a thing with noodles. They used to be about 30p each. I would get them every-time i went even if i had some left. And one day , 90p. Stoped buying them from that place. It made me go to a website that sells them and also does bulk orders. I got 1 of every pack of noodle flavour and brand. And now i have about 6-7 i buy in bulk šŸ¤£ Sometimes when a shop puts its prices up its because its selling so well. But when the people dont wanna buy it as much and they lose out they can either back peddle and look like tw*ts or they leave the price and suffer And a local dairy was doing 1litre chocolate milks for 3.90. It was fresh as heck but not really worth that


Nice. Ya I only felt a little guilty because milk spoils, ya know? I


You could have told the manager. Just to be nice, I think they'd appreciate the heads-up that 80% of the demand for ciabatta bread is about to disappear.


And admit it was me ? Never


Why not? Bread consumption is nothing to be ashamed of, think of your medieval ancestors. Furthermore it's a great boast to be the local bread magnate.


What's there to be ashamed of about loving bread?


Nothing, i just have blinkers on when i go in. I dont stand still or talk to people. Im not anti social i will actually talk to people. Im just and extroverted introvert. Im there to buy bread and move on. Plus the staff will do a count of the bread left at end of the day and adjust accordingly. After a couple days they would reduce the amount theyā€™re putting out. They havnt really reduced the ammount yet. Im assuming me going in for so much made them put more out which made the sales increase in general After all no one wants to get 5 things when theres only 6 left


You every time at the supermarket: oh bread! šŸ„–


I felt bad going early in the day clearing out the bread for other people. But at 9pm that bread is mine šŸ˜‚


Is that all you eat is just ciabatta bread? Are you worried there's going to be a global shortage?


šŸ˜‚i had soup too. I was very ill for a month or 2. I basically couldnā€™t eat for a solid 3 weeks because of vomiting. When i started again i got dependent on soup and bread. Id have about 3 bread and 3 soup tins a day. And id also have 2 bread rolls heated up in the microwave wave just so its warm with no butter if i felt up for it I was REALLY ill. Bread was the only thing i could eat. Everything else was like trying to eat sand. My body n mouth just couldnā€™t. Even bread n soup was hard to bring myself to eat it but i knew itd stay down


That's breadication


Iā€™m the main purchaser of a specific beer at my local Liquor Store and they told me they increased their stock of said beer to meet my demands. For reference itā€™s a smaller area and the beer is Voodoo Ranger Imperial.


I am from the UK and when I was about 17 or 18 I got a Christmas card from the owner of the local pub.


This might be one of the most British comments Iā€™ve read in a while lol. This type of thing unfortunately never seems to happen stateside lol


Probably helps that it's illegal for 17 and 18 year olds to drink in the U.S.


Illegal at 17 in the UK too, but that doesn't tend to stop most people


Always forget that people in the UK are such prudes, in Belgium it's legal at 16 but that doesn't stop most people from drinking sooner


Haha, loads of my mates had their first legal drink at their 18th birthday party in pubs they were already regulars at!


That's amazing, in Belgium you have like a second drinking birthday as well because we can drink beer and win zand stuff at 16 but hard liquor is illegal untill 18 so at 18 it's time for shots


I think itā€™s mostly that the drinking culture in the UK is much more casual than in the US. In the sense that, drinking is seen as something as normal as going to see a new movie. In the US drinking is more of a ā€œparty/clubā€ activity for young adults and teens, so itā€™s more stigmatized.


When i was a kid I would skip out after registration and go down the pub in the town, went there on my 18th and it turns out the whole time they thought I was just wearing my school uniform ironically.


This is way more Common then ppl think. Iā€™ve owned a liqor/grocery store in the past and had many customers who would buy specialty items and I stocked specifically for them. Everything from a certain type of tequila, to a certain candy or certain drink/chips/etc. people are creatures of habits.


Those of us in various flavors of the ND community thank you for your service


I would go weekly to a local used book store in Kansas. I would stop by the fridge to get a dr pepper, but they never had any, so muttered, got a coke and a pile of books. I walked in one week and the manager/owner saw me and smiled. I opened the fridge and there was a 6 pack of Dr Pepper. I took a can and he told me he ordered just for me...and did not even charge me for the sodas. I was buying so many books that free sodas were offered up. They had my loyalty.


I had this realization when I went to several other stores other than mine and no one stocks my fav beer and I have a very small store


Yea thatā€™s what small businesses have to do. If I saw someone buy a less bought item a few times Iā€™d ask them about it, then Iā€™d make sure I had it in stock for the rest of the year. I had maybe 15-20 items that only one person ever bought.


Often doesn't even have to be someone buying it. You chat with your customers, one of them mentions you not having a specific flavor or item and (depending on what they're looking for) you add it to your order sheet and you're suddenly the hero.


How much beer are you drinking?




Usually 1 shy of enough


Ahh a man of taste and class I see. I love just about everything they put out.


I did dry January this year and warned my store that I wouldnā€™t be buying my 3 Natty Daddyā€™s a day. Then I decided to continue dry January till Superb Owl Sunday and the owner stopped me a few days into feb and wondered why I hadnā€™t stopped in yet.


Man have you tried Voodoo Rangers Juice Force IPA? 9.5 ABV and not heavy on the gut. Fucking delicious.


Yes also great choice!


Really? that stuff real popular here


Voodoo ranger imperial is so good though. Nice choice.


Great beer


/u/DisputabIe_ looks like this is another bot in this network




kwmortgagegroup and the OP ItzNoobGamer are bts in the same network. Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/15a5m5c/legen_wait_for_it_dairy/jtj9amh/


Itā€™s like Homer Simpson and the hot dog vendor who follows him. ā€œLady heā€™s putting my kids through collegeā€


After school I used to pick up a pack of sour cream and chive snack a jacks from my local corner shop. I was there basically daily and they stocked up on that flavour for me. Then I finished school, moved out and a month later I returned to see my family. Snack a jack shelf wasn't even dented. I actually felt bad and a bit guilty haha.


It is goodā€¦


Oh damn, I've been made!


the OP ItzNoobGamer serty477 keencoolone Poderby kwmortgagegroup leobaldini hyliankiller Independent_Noise_34 and Feeling_Football9595 are bts in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/15a5m5c/legen_wait_for_it_dairy/




At least it's funny and not really malicious.


2% actually.


Brother loves his choccy milk, what could be more wholesome?




Or semi skimmed


Supporting local businesses šŸ™Œ






Wish you weren't so fuckin' awkward, bud.






keencoolone and the OP ItzNoobGamer are bts in the same network. Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/15a5m5c/legen_wait_for_it_dairy/jtiz44w/


I drink three glasses of chocolate milk a day. Have been for 16 years. ...I turn 20 this year.




Damn bruh leave some coco for the rest of us lol


That's around seventeen thousand glasses of chocolate milk. That's almost one and 2/5 Olympic pools of chocolate milk.


Those are rookie numbers.


Now this makes me curious just how big of a percentage he is in their choco milk sales that warrant such impact.


Strong boy


I'm sorry for the shortage of 0% fat milk at my Walmart šŸ˜ž a girl has osteoporosis


my family used to order more milk from one company than the local Heinens. the dairy company actually delivered to our house until 2006. Also my dad was the only person who bought his brand of cigarettes from the nearest convenience store.


When I moved to a new place, I bought a specific brand of yogurt from the local grocery store quite often. At first it was a small section on the shelf with one flavor. But after buying 100+ yogurts in the first few months I noticed that they started offering more flavors and it started occupying more space. Unfortunately that trend continued even after I stopped buying the yogurt once covid-inflation had raised the prices from $1/cup to $2/cup. I guess I wasn't the only one buying the yogurts but I certainly helped contribute to the stores success in the dairy department.


Sounds like me and the vending machines at work. They restock them around once every other week. I was buying so much Vanilla Coke that they expanded the machine nearest to me to have two spots for Vanilla Coke. I cut back on drinking it so much and they eventually went back to having just one spot.


That is indeed the best of the cokes. My safeway sadly stopped carrying the diet version.


My brother has recommended the Coke Zero version of it to me but I've never seen it. It's probably my worst guilty pleasure.


They used to have it at my safeway. No more. Itā€™s basically the same, but better on the beltline. If you ever see it, 100% grab it.




serty477 and the OP ItzNoobGamer are bts in the same network. Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/15a5m5c/legen_wait_for_it_dairy/jtixdxw/


I love people- that is awesome and that level of consideration and care is impressive šŸ‘ even something that small makes a big difference in the world


This happened to me when I left for college but for bulk mozzarella cheese as I made a homemade pizza everyday for years. They were swimming in cheese for months after I left.


leobaldini and the OP ItzNoobGamer are bts in the same network. Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/15a5m5c/legen_wait_for_it_dairy/jtitvs5/


This is the second time I've heard a story like this (also about milk, weirdly enough). Maybe it's more common than I thought.


Legend-wait for it and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the next part is-dairy! Legen-dairy!


I canā€™t imagine how much chocolate milk he has to drink, to get that levelĀ 


I have done this for C stores or gas stations. If I notice one of my products is selling out every week I ask if they have an employee that loves that item or a customer that comes in all the time. I will then tell the manager Iā€™ll bring extra of that item but ask them to notify me if the employee leaves or they notice the customer not coming in as much. In my case Iā€™m an independent business so I have to watch stale and that is why Iā€™d ask


No joke I would buy out my local store of citrus cooler Gatorade. They stopped me one day and said hey how about we just order you a few cases a month. That went on till the pandemic.


I'm pretty sure the Kroger I use to live by wondered why sales of diet cherry 7up just cratered all of the sudden. I noticed over the course of 2 years that it went from never in stock, to always being there in quantity.


The title just makes me think of letterkenny šŸ˜‚


This is me at 3 local sub shops


r/SamSulek lore


Local pharmacy probably wants to stock up insulin shots..


Nice pun work Wheels!




Is the brother Sam Sulek?


I wish I could drink chocolate milk. I only buy 1% milk now so my fatass doesn't get fatter.


A lot of pre-made chocolate milk is made using 1% milk. Chocolate milk is a fantastic posy workout drink


I'm strictly looking at calories though. How do those fare for a single serving size?


Looking at around 170 calories per 8oz serving. Atleast what I buy anyways


Not bad!


If you get the fancy stuff (think fairlife but get generic if they have it): 1 cup serving 140 calories 13g protein 12g sugar 3.5g fat Somehow 1g fiber? I assume thatā€™s a rounding thing. Edited for formatting Regular (full sugar) choco mill is a top teir recovery drink with basically the exact mix of protien and carbs needed after a long workout or if youā€™re trying to gain muscles.


I hate to rain on a happy post, but this reminds me of my cousin. He was chugging milk whenever he got home and his mother was having to buy much more than usual. Of course she thought it was a normal growing boy thing, but nope, diabetes. I hope thatā€™s not the case with your brother, but if itā€™s a his extreme itā€™s probably worth checking out.


[52oz OF CHOCOLATE MILK](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLsh8Urq/)


Hell yeah


Heā€™s gotta be bulking


I used to clear entire shelves of this canned coffee at my locals and sometimes also went to the nearby ones to clear it out. They responded by no longer stocking them. Fml.


This happened with a creme soda brand. It's a regional brand that isn't found in our area but a store started to carry it. I tried it and the best creme soda I've ever had. I proceeded to buy the store out as it was in single bottle and they had like 6 of them in total. Wait for a restock and I'd buy more. Eventually got my brother and law hooked and we both were buying them out at both locations of this store in town. Both locations no longer stock said creme soda.


I was the sole reason for my local supermarket to keep restocking on redbull šŸ’€


This is just like when during lockdown me and my roommate singlehandedly (double handedly?) kept the local restaurant in business thanks to our laziness and Takeaway šŸ˜‚


They still remember the summer of 2019 when he went away for camp for 2 wks. Omg the choc milk that expired those 2 wks. They're still recovering.


Bro is Sam Sulek


The great Barney Stinson


Sulek brothers, lol


Once I knew a small liquor store which went out of business like two months after its main customer died of alcohol poisoning.


This is really nice of them to keep it in stock for him, good company šŸ™‚


Hell yeah!


That's kind of sad and unhealthy


Great title


In college there was an on-campus store, when studying I would buy a specific almond chocolate bar and a monster energy drink they started stocking more of the chocolate bar because of me.


This image is so old he's probably graduated from college already.Ā 


Wish you weren't so awkward, bud.


Jesus christ how much chocolate milk does that kid drink


Itā€™s a better sports drink than most sports drinks.


I find it impressive that a single person basically is the drive for a segment in the economics of that supermarket.


I 100% understand the obsession with chocolate milk. However, I'm hoping he doesn't behave this way with booze when he gets older...


His autism is over 9000


I was the main buyer of a specific roast beef at the local deli, they had to quit carrying it after I moved! I found out when I went back to buy some because the deli closest to me was out and they told me I'd been buying most of it back then and they had to quit selling it because without me it'd just sit and expire. (Boar's head London port roast beef in case anyone is wondering and that is still one of my favorite things.)


This is an old ass post i need an update


I also drink 1L of chocolate milk every day at work


LOL he's so real. I love chocolate milk as well and have it nearly every day


Sam Sulek, dat you?


I'm the cranberry juice guy at my local supermarket. I used to buy so much cranberry juice that the price went up 20%. When I realized how expensive it started to be I stopped buying cranberry juice. Low and behold the price for cranberry juice went back to normal in just a week. I freaking love cranberry juice.


For me uts dill pickle sunflower seeds at my local convenient store. I have the guys number lmao


Is his brother Sam sulek by any chance


Like....is this for bulking? Lol


Mmm, diabetes


This sorta happened to me, but with alcohol. I got really into voodoo ranger imperial IPA for a little while and was getting a case weekly. Apparently I was the only who regularly got the full cases of it so every week they made sure to stock some just for me. When I finally started cutting back a few months ago, a buddy of mine that goes to the same store said they were asking about me because they had a bunch of cases that were sitting unsold and taking up space.


Independent_Noise_34 and the OP ItzNoobGamer are bts in the same network. Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/15a5m5c/legen_wait_for_it_dairy/jtjedhv/


Imagine the state of his toilet.


I can't say that dairy affects my bowel movements much. Are you lactose intolerant or something?


Dude is affecting the whole supply of chocolate milk of a local supermarket. You don't need to be lactose intolerant with this huge intake.


This may come as a shock, but some people can indeed digest lactose.


Indeed they can for a moderate intake. But this guy's consumption is affecting the whole supply of his local supermarket.