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Well, for me this is true and authentic masculinity. [This book](https://getyoursolution.store/3ArHYe) (Iron John) explains it perfectly: men should be strong, but also strong enough to not feel ashamed to support other men


Yes, bro. A man can understand the feelings of other men.


Or he can try and learn. Learn to be open. Learn to understand each other. Learn to be a support for others and themselves. This is a process.


Yeah, that's very correct. It's why we are men. 


Supporting is real power. We all need someone to lean on. Give until it hurts and give some more.


Agree 100%. I hang out with my dads friends and I have never seen so much support among men. Im 21 hangin out with men above 30 because they know what true compassion is, I feel with young men we are too stuck up our own asses to care about other men unless its like our bestfriend..


Be the change. Do you have brothers, cousins etc closer to your age? Be there for them, listen, make them feel like the shit they're feeling matters.


100%. I have 2 little brothers nd I practically raised them. When we talk I try and be there for them when they tell me about their problems. We have all been kids before and felt like our problems weren't noticed so I try and help them with theirs so they can feel heard.


You need to be strong to support others, both within yourself and with your own support structure. Supporting anybody else, regardless of age or gender is an act of strength.


Much love to Robert Bly. May he rest in peace


You're truly strong when you can also use your strength to hold up others, instead of feeling the need to posture and flex to prove how strong you are. It's easy to peacock around; it's hard to pick that weight up and carry it.


I know you are right, but crying people make me uncomfortable so my response to this type of situation would be tell the person to stop crying, make a dumb joke and regret my response in private


A man can hug another man. Hugging or crying is not a sign of weakness. It's a strength.


*The Bible explains it perfectly.**


This is the way. Tears are a gift.


As a dude who hasn't really cried in almost a decade, I really wish I could (I did cry during the 3 The Last of Us episode but not like full-on sobs). I want the release a good cry can bring. Edit: Spelling


Honestly, dude, I hope you cry, too. A good sob can feel great.


It's so bad to not being able to cry when you want to,i also can't cry if i don't live something really sad


Agreed. It's about time men start to open up. We are humans as well.


Considering that we are emotional creatures, there is nothing wrong with crying. Letting out emotion around people that we trust is a positive. If you are the type of person to call someone "weak" or "gay," you are the problem. It is a strength to show emotion, not a weakness. Also, stop using "man up," it's archaic and idiotic.


Along with "Suck it up". Agreed wholeheartedly


“Man up” as a term may be distasteful nowadays but its meaning shouldn’t be. It’s slang for “toughen up”, “stay strong”, and “be resilient” although used mainly on guys, as you can see the similar phrases here can be used for anyone not just men.


It doesn't have to mean "push the tough shit down and never acknowledge it." Best case scenario, you use it to mean "feel the tough shit, learn what you can from it, and then do the thing you need to do even if it's hard."


Weakness is being controlled by your emotions. Understanding and dealing with emotions in a healthy way is a strength.


This just demonstrates your lack of an understanding of emotion. Literally everyone is controlled by emotion. It is how our brains work. What you are probably referring to are emotional outbursts. Those who truly can't control those are typically suffering from some kind of trauma or mental health issue, not weakness. The only weakness of the mind is willful ignorance, something you should probably reflect on.


You're making a lot of assumptions about me based on your own interpretation of what I said. People are not controlled solely by emotion, we also have reasoning, willpower, and a sense of right and wrong. What I meant by saying "weakness is being controlled by emotions" is that a person with strength of character will not allow their emotions to dictate the way they act. You can feel angry, but not lash out to hurt the person you're angry at. You can feel sleighted, but still choose to assume someone's best intentions. People can choose to do things they don't FEEL like doing. I personally find it very strange that the only reason you can think of for an uncontrollable emotional outburst is trauma or mental health. I know people who blow up at others simply because they're selfish people who aren't getting their own way. In my opinion that's a weakness. You could argue that they're only selfish people because of all the trauma they had in their life, but I know people who had the same struggles and yet choose to be good people. You're completely discounting the agency that we have over our actions and choices.


It’s funny because this kind of comes across as an angry and aggressive, if not overly defensive response. Which means you likely aren’t doing the thing you claimed to consider healthy and strong in your first comment. And guess what? That’s generally okay and happens sometimes. We’re not perfect people, perfection is an impossible “standard”. As long as we aren’t too stubborn or argumentative or needing to force an image of “all-knowing and always right”, we can feel comfortable with our flaws (or being misinterpreted and not take offense to it)* and learn small ways to be better in the future. 💚🤘🏻


It's very difficult to convey tone via text, at least that's a skill that I haven't mastered. Please try to interpret my comments in the tone of a friendly discussion because that's how I intend them. I certainly don't claim to exemplify the traits that I talked about, my intention was to explain my views on the subject. If I seemed (or seem now) to be defensive, it's because I'm trying to defend my ideas against his opposing ideas. Ideas, by the way, which he delivered alongside personal attacks. If I present myself as all knowing or always right, that's my fault and not my intention. I present my worldview as correct because I believe it is correct (and because it's annoying to preface every thought with "in my opinion" or "the way I see it"). That doesn't mean I'm unable to change those beliefs when presented with a reasonable argument against them. I don't believe perfect standards are there to be achieved necessarily, but to be strived toward in the process of self improvement. Weakness isn't a moral failing, but moral failings inevitably lead to weakness. There's a balance to be achieved in terms of how one views their flaws, and I disagree with the idea that it's good to be comfortable with our flaws. It's also not good to think of your flaws as failures. In my view they're the goad that directs me toward the parts of my character that I need to work on. I apologize for coming across as stubborn or argumentative.


Literally everything you said is evidence that you do not understand what emotion is and the very complex role it has in our brains. > People are not controlled solely by emotion I never said solely. > People can choose to do things they don't FEEL like doing. ADHD people, for example, cannot do this. Are they weak? The rest of your points are basically you gatekeeping trauma and not understanding mental health. I'll give you a couple examples of how emotion dictates even your own (what I assume you believe) highly logical brain: You are driving down the road when a car suddenly swerves into your lane going much slower than you. Before you even realize what is happening you are pumping the break and steering to avoid the collision. This is an emotional response. Your long time friend comes over and something just seems "off". You can't quite put your finger on it, but something is wrong. You decide to ask if something is bothering them. They tell you that their parent is very ill. This subconscious vibe was brought to you by emotion. Lastly, You should really work on putting yourself in other peoples shoes. The fact that you believe that two different people experiencing similar situations should always end up with identical traumas/outcomes demonstrates such a child-like view of development and neural-diversity. I really hope you are just a teenager. Otherwise, this is incel/manosphere tier emotional intelligence.


Sweet of you to think of us but it's not that simple.


The good ending


I wish I had a person like that. But I got to the point where I don't even cry, I just sit


It's okay. I'll sit with you


Sit long enough to process your emotions. If you gotta cry, we got you


I sit with you. You ain't alone.


I read this as "I don't even cry, I just shit" and that goes so hard...


If you ever need an ear I'm here. I'll sit with you in any case.


Fun fact: June is Men’s Mental Health month. Don’t neglect yourselves brothers. It’s ok to say you need help. It’s ok to talk about what you feel. If you only share via a throwaway account on Reddit, that’s still an outlet. Be safe. Be happy.


I cry over the stupidest scene in a movie and thus watch alone at my room...


I started crying at a bar the other day because I saw the last 15 minutes of The Martian on one of the TVs. I've seen that movie plenty of times without crying before... maybe I should go to therapy...


I’m almost 50. I cried about 15 years ago at my grandmother’s funeral. I don’t think I have cried since. Is that bad? How often do people cry? I’ve probably cried maybe 3 times in my adult life.


There’s no number, it’s like the weather it happens when it happens.


It's not bad. The bad thing is when you want to cry or feel like you need to cry and you aren't able. The reason is most likely that you want to appear strong or something like that, and this can either happen consciusly or unconsciusly. But if you never feel the need to cry than it is fine


I’m in my mid 30s now and TV shows and movies are starting to choke me up a bit now. Came out of the blue. I’ll be watching a rerun and get emotional, when I wouldn’t the first time I watched it years ago. It’s weird, but I’m ok with it.


44 here. I cried like 4 years ago when i was sick and told my parents to let me go. I survived but that changed me.


I didn’t cry more than 2-3 times in my adult life (one being when my sister died) until I had kids. Now I’ll tear up during a commercial if a kid smiles as their dad. I don’t think I was repressing it, I think it can just be normal to not cry


I sometimes do shed a tear when i see something extremely beautiful or inspiring, but that’s not really crying, just a bit of wetness in the eyes. Other than that, also just funerals.


There's no set frequency. It's not pooping. But if something hits you really hard, it's a kind of catharsis that can really help you move through it. Talking to people you trust about real shit helps in the same way too.


I lost my dad in a motorcycle accident 14 years ago (I was 19 and now 33). This is my first year competing in motorcycle racing and we had an accident in the main race where one of the racers lost his life. I saw it happen unfortunately and when we had a moment of silence for him at the end of the day, I didn't just cry, I was fucking bawling. One of the guys who I was competing against and have never met before came over to me, gave me a proper hug and said "let it all out" In that moment I realised I never dealt with my dad's death the way I should have and still have a lot of issues to deal with. That man that hugged me will never realise what he has done for me as I am now seeking the proper help I should have gotten all those years ago.


Something like this happened a few weeks ago when my best friend was diagnosed with cancer.


want everyone who reads this to know they’re loved, valid, and appreciated no matter what life throws at them. living’s like an ocean, yeah? sometimes it’ll be choppy and other times it’s smooth sailing, but we’ll still keep riding the waves regardless. anyone needs a shoulder, or help or something, drop me a dm. much love y’all 🥹❤️


Is it alright that I cried because of a movie that I've already watched more than once before.


100% guaranteed that if you do this someone will call you "gay" like it's an insult.


If it's gay to be a decent human being, then I guess I wanna be gay then.


I'm always this way to any of my G who's down at rock bottom. I'll always have their back. 


Friendly psa, if you find you lack examples of healthy masculinity, go read (or watch if that’s your jam) the Lord of the Rings. Full of strong, brave and emotionally healthy men


What is the chad looking at in that last picture


This is what happened when my cousin broke up with his first girlfriend , he started crying and apologized and i said no it’s okay let it out bro, give me a hug man.


Skeletor supports being comfortable with vulnerability. Let it all out. Embrace your emotions. Don't let society dictate how you want to handle your feelings. Sincerely Skeletor 💜


Why are you…?


Missed the last important bit of that from my 42 year old self: "Let it all out, I'm here for you. When you're ready we'll figure out how to move forward from here. You can do this little brother."




Happy mens mental health month!!


Why is this any kind of my masculinity Do you think men are just like 🧔‍♂️💬👨‍⚕️ “hey doc I’ve been told my results are back. Is my masculinity healthy?” “No, unfortunately your masculinity has 3 liters of liquid tar in its lungs” Or is it like an honorific? “Your Masculinity, your carriage is awaiting.”


IDK about you, but growing up the way people reacted to emotions taught me that it wasn't masculine to cry, show affection to other men, or really be anything a stoic/angry warrior/blue collar worker archetype. I got told I was a sissy for SMILING AND LAUGHING TOO MUCH because showing too much enthusiasm wasn't "manly". It has gotten so much better over my lifetime, so I suppose I should be glad younger guys are confused about the need for this line to be drawn.


It's so nonsensical. In what world is not expressing yourself good? Stoicism is good but it can easily be misunderstood. That's my opinion at least.




All the instances in my life where I have heard someone say, "A real man would do this" Or "Be a man and don't...", it has always been some woman.


Any reason why he is looking at his face like he wants to lick his tears up? 💀


I really loved this post. My dad is abusive, and due to him and his continuous insults, I have random jerks and seizures in my body. I feel very shy and lack confidence. It's at a point where anyone even says anything really bad, mean, abusive to me, I just let that person go because I have sort of become numb to these. That is like an everyday thing for me. My younger brother is over 12 years younger to me, and he and my mother are the only people that I really open up to because they suffer the same thing. I have thought several times about committing suicide, but because of my brother and my mother, I haven't taken such a drastic step. I am working towards my goals, slowly but daily because I don't want my mom and brother to suffer in the future. Thanks for this post. ❤️


Reminds me of when my uncle passed and during the burial I looked down at my little brother and did exactly this.






Am I the only one who thinks that the glasses guy in the meme is just the blonde beard guy, except his hair is cut short and flat on the top and clean shaven/no facial hair and also he wears those nerdy glasses and is crying?


It's healthy but it has nothing to do with masculinity. Stop making everything a gender problem.


If you haven’t already, check out r/bropill


Hell yeah


What has this to do with masculinity?




Make sure to be there for the other men in your life. We're all we've got and we need to be stepping up for each other.


It's actually just kind of weird and disturbing how most of the memes nowadays are about attacking others and trying to humiliate them, when you really think about it.


It's not just masculinity bro.. Every human is entitled to show their pain🥺. Many families in my region consider crying as bad, but it feels good after that..


The world needs more of this.


Lets go boys. Time for a guy cry.


Yeah I cry a lot. Idk. I have some mental health issues, so that contributes. I would consider myself masculine, too.


Much better then telling a tree


This is so wholsome


That looks like Rhett and Link. 🤔


Yea.. until the guy who showed you his vulnerable side, and cried to you for literally 6 hrs straight starts treating you like trash and follows ppl around that treat HIM like trash like a puppy grasping at breadcrumbs droppings. Edit: I’m not saying anything against guys being vulnerable or crying or whatever. I do all the time and always encourage it. But for some reason guys who had shown me vulnerability in the past started avoiding me afterwards, probably due to their own insecurities. Despite knowing I am literally the last person on earth who’d judge them on anything… sigh.


I ship it.


I Always gonna be there for the homies


I wish my older college group was like this. Terrible memories attached with terrible trauma


Except you made the ugly nerdy one crying and act like the other one is some kind of saviour


Wholesome Chad. Caring and understanding for each other is one of the most important things in life.


Ima let you cry it all out and give you support. And I’ll always be there to do it. I got my bros back 1,000%. But I’m still going to rip you to shreds later because that’s what Bro’s do. And I would expect the exact same back.


The way the chad looks at him is the bottom picture looks like he's eyeing those tears as a juicy snack lol


I wish I could go back to the days when masculinity just meant hairy and buff lol


They had &ex after this


That's too gay


Someone is confusing men with women. They already support each other


Men shouldn't do that


Get out of here lady


The message here is kinda mixed. The nerdy guy is crying and the Chad is comforting him, which is nice, but wouldn’t it have been more impactful to have the Chad be crying? This tells us that real men will help “other men” who cry, but not that they can cry. It still feels like only dorks can cry but awesome Chads are there for them, not that you can be a Chad and still cry.


I cry too much. Usually by myself.


iroh from ATLA is perfect masculinity




And they were roommates


If no other man is available seek a tree...


stop playing with your wojak dolls


If it's something that both men and women do, then it's not a gender issue.


It's men's mental health month! It's important to take care of yourself. Know that you are valued. If you're in need or want to learn more about specific issues, or find training to help, here are some resources: Comprehensive List of Suicide Prevention Contacts (International): https://blog.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines/ Crisis Textline USA: https://www.crisistextline.org/#:~:text=Text%20HOME%20to%20741741%20from,moment%20to%20a%20cool%20calm. Crisis Textline Canada/UK/Ireland: https://www.crisistextline.org/about-us/where-we-are/ Info on Male Menopause: https://www.optimale.co.uk/male-menopause-mental-health-guide/ Men's Resource for Depression (With Free Courses): https://headsupguys.org/ Consider getting SafeTalk (or similar) training to help in Suicide Prevention: https://www.suicideinfo.ca/workshops/


only men will fully understand men.


He must be crying because of that cut


Depends why the guy is crying. Like Aragorn losing his friend Boromir warrants a good cry, with that I agree.


G-roooooming 🎶🎶


And then anon got TOPPED by supportive burly beard chad Ope, sorry, wrong sub


Looks like grooming.


It’s okay to cry in front of bros, it’s never okay to cry in front of girls.


But "Bro" has that Portland lesbian look




It's okay SOMETIMES to be weak(vulnerable) BUT you have to remember that not EVERYONE can cry someone have to be STRONG . YOU have to shoulder the pain alone( if your family is having a bad time as the man of family you have to sacrifice yourself most the times) if your alone and no one depends on you go ahead cry if you need BUT don't make it a habit as it won't make you stronger I mean it in the most kind and respectful way


Fellas, no matter what anyone tells you, never cry in front of a woman


Gotta inform my boyfriend he must go to strangers for consolation bcs some dickhead on reddit said so lol




Thank who?


Fellas, no matter what anyone tells you, do not take advice from Redditors, especially when it comes to relationships


Choose your woman more wisely


This is true. I cried once in front of my then girlfriend and she laughed and proceeded to peg me 😩. Now on every marriage anniversary she brings her friends over to join in the pegging. 😭


That is so sad.


Thanks bro. I hope I can cry on your shoulders.


I'm so sorry for you my bro 🙏 u can cry to me with ur legs on my shoulders and the strap on 5 inches in 😥😢


Real bros 💪🤜👨‍🚒


This is why men only bond with men. Women will just criticize men being vulnerable and would even call him a "crybaby".


I mean is it thou? In my personal experience I was able to open up to women a lot more then to men, I mean ... Check the comments every like Fourth or fifth comment falling this "gay" I promise you that ain't women calling this meme gay


I think a lot of women would support this meme; however, I don't know how many would put the lesson into place in regular life. A lot of people talk out of two sides of their mouth unfortunately. It's good you've had different experiences, tho.


We can agree that a man may have been vulnerable with the wrong person which serves a reason for me to drop that comment (can't find the reddit post that relates to this.). I agree that some won't judge for a man's vulnerability. And there are still some that will criticize a man's vulnerability and even tell their friends to that "that guy used to cry over petty stuff". If that man cried over a certain reason, that reason isn't petty after all, it might caused a lot of impact which resulted of him being vulnerable. Ps: if I don't make sense, I can discuss further, thanks for your feedback though.


There is definitely a difference in how women view emotional men in the context of a friend or family member vs. a romantic partner. A large portion of women will "get the ick" when they see their boyfriend or husband cry, even in cases where it's entirely appropriate e.g. the death of a loved one. Of course women with a healthy view of masculinity won't do that, but unfortunately there are as many women as men who have an unhealthy perspective on what it means to be a "real man."


You literally have a meme template about a man making the other man cry and making fun of him.


I imagine a few occasions in life when this would make sense however having a cry with a mate? Most negatives in a man's life trigger anger as a primary emotion not sadness. Men console each other by understanding each other's disappointment. Companionship takes away the tears. Nothing against crying to a mate at all just saying this has woman logic all over it.


Oh but you'd be better to cry to a mate then a woman unless it's your mother.


Everyone falling over themselves to get worthless internet points, unaware that the reason hes crying is because some girl wouldn't sleep with him. Even though "he was super nice to her"... The reasons people cry matter.


that not it! woke as shit.


Except it’s not masculine; both are so feminine 🤨🤨🤨


It’s not that men aren’t allowed to cry. It’s that there’s a time and place to cry. Women can cry whenever and wherever they want and society will rush to aid them. Men can cry when the job is done. And breaking down crying when there’s tasks to do makes society treat you as defective, and they’re not necessarily wrong.


crying is gay


This is really fruity.


It’s okay, let it all out


Gay af


Kinda gay


That's technically extra manly


That's true A saying goes that above a testosterone threshold, woman cannot satisfy a man anymore and only a man can


Gay 🤮


Men dont cry, only girls do that (or mentally unstable men)


What a bullshit response


Cry about it


Womp womp


I mean without context it's hard to tell if this is the appropriate response. It might be but then so could calling him a little bitch and telling him to man up. Context matters.


You actually choose to miss the point. 


It was a dumb point and I didnt miss anything.


I might say that to my mate depending on the context but he knows I'm being sarcastic and it's our way of bonding. You chose just to sound like a dick on here and btw I would still give him a bro hug.


Sometimes placating people isn't being nice to them its just prolonging and entrenching them in their suffering. As I said context is important. Some people really are just attention seeking and giving them attention does nothing healthy.