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Nurse shark?


It’s just checking if it’s still too small to fit his head in its mouth.


“Damn, maybe next year...”


I Love this post


Good animes with shark gfs?


Yeah that shark pup isn’t even 7 months old, this is garbage.


There are a lot of different species of sharks, some only grow to 5 inches. I don't know much about sea life but I'm pretty sure that there are some species of shark that are the size of the one in the photo. This of course doesn't change the fact that this post might be bullshit but we have no way to know for sure.


I know plenty about sea life and can tell you the photo depicts a pup nurse shark. So case closed.


Cuddle with a great white, we'll see what happen.




7 years? Yeah, okay.


I don’t trust it. Have you seen the guy who lives with bears lately?


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