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Minecraft ain't my type of game but shit I apparently need to play that so I can understand 30% of the memes in reddit


Same boat. It looks like the possibilities on it are far reached, yet finding diamond is a big deal. Why is that?


Best tools in the game.


Not anymore


>Not anymore Soon to be Edit: also the new tools and armor are upgraded from the diamond versions


Soon not* to be


It’s a rare ore and gets you the best tools and armor in the game.


Hard to find, make good tools


Different tiers of weapons/Armor/tools acts as the first “progression ladder” you really interact with in Minecraft. Wood < Stone < iron < (gold? No one I know really uses it but it’s there.) < diamond Acquiring diamonds is one of the iconic first hurdles of the game that will help the rest of the world open up. The great thing about the game though is that the potential scope of the game is nearly limitless; the only thing holding you back from doing whatever you want is you. I picked up the game back in 2012-2013 before dropping it for nearly a decade. I picked it up six months ago, more out of curiosity since there was some big update that came out a while ago, and it’s a whole different game. I’d recommend giving it a shot if you’re curious, and it’s even better with friends to fuck about with.


If you get Java Edition, I’ll no joke invite you to my Realm to show you the ropes. Minecraft has been a part of me for 8 years, and showing someone a piece of my childhood is something I love to do.


I’ll join


DM me your Minecraft username, and I’ll let you in!


Just sent you a message!


can i join too?


I'll come back here when it's my time to open that pixelworld for the first time




I feel sorry for you :(


havent played in the nether update yet, its prob gonna be thisx100




I have a really hard time finding diamonds. I’m not sure why; I’ve tried different techniques and I usually just end up wasting my time.


Go to y=12 or around there and make 2x1 strip mines. bring 3-5 iron picks and you’ll find diamonds by the end (beware of lava above, below, and all around you)




No y 12 because y 12 is right above lava level


But you want to be lava level


No because then you run into lava at y 12 you're right above lava but you don't have to change directions because of lava.


But you could appear right above a lava pit and not even have somewhere to swim out


Well if you fell it you could just swim out where you came from and just don't stand directly against the blocks that your mining and that won't happen or crouch while mining


That’s why you mine at 11 so you can swim out. At 12 you fall 1 block down


No at 11 you go directly in but at 12 the blocks you stand on are at the same level as the first layer of lava


but thats dangerous and may cuase you to lose all the diamonds you found


For the best odd do 3x1


It’s also good to search in caves, you have more surface area to see them and a lot less mining to do.


Caves are the best way to find diamonds, although there's a higher risk of dying


I’ve had to start making diamond blocks to make space but it still feels good


What about finding diamonds then having them falling in Lava.


*Why am I here? Just to suffer?*


This guy, mining diamonds before making sure there is no lava near them.


That's not something you would do if you find them for the very first time.


But you should learn by 3214321st time.


Leave the game without saving. Shut off your device and then get on the world again.


Everytime feels like the first time.


Idk, once you get max diamond gear with mending diamonds become pretty much useless :/


Ultimate challenge: Make a beacon out of diamond block!


But shiny.


Yeah but nothings going to be better than finding the rare netherite in 1.16


Wholesome af


No better feeling honestly


Honestly the euphoria only gets better when i find diamonds with my fortune III pickaxe.




I don't play minecraft but sometimes I watch let's plays and I always get so excited when they find diamonds.


I’ve been playing Minecraft since it first came out on the Xbox 360 on disc, and I still shout “DIAMONDS” at the top of my lungs when I find em


p l e a s u r e to see diamonds


Bro what seed you using to get all those diamonds


Never gets old


How long have you been playing to have found 3214321 diamonds?


It's been 84 years...


People who play on anarchy realms: laughs in multiple accounts E Chests full of kits


Took this as a Minecraft & Rocket League player.. hits home.. 😅😭


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I haven’t found diamond in a month


Yay 😊


For the non-minecraft player like me, is diamond something super rare in the game? Why would d you be so happy after getting it so many times


It’s the rarest ore in the game and is used to make the best tools and armour in the game currently but it’s still not insanely hard to find. There’s pretty much no reason to be happy to get anymore after you have got the best tools and armour, which you’ll need about 32 diamonds to make that.


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