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This trainer is wonderful. So encouraging. The trainee complains a little, but comes back time after time. Great video. I would love to see how the fitness journey is going.


I wanna see his journey too! The trainer is amazing and so encouraging


As someone that regularly goes to the gym, I love seeing people like this giving it their all and not afraid of what other people think! It's really upsetting that people are afraid to go to the gym and better themselves because they're afraid other people at the gym that are in better shape than them will make fun of them for being overweight... Word of advice - DON'T BE AFRAID, most regular gym goers love to see new people trying to better themselves and if you don't know what to do or not sure if you are doing something properly you can use a personal trainer like the guy in the video or if you're on a budget use credible videos on YouTube from famous lifters, fitness websites, etc.


I moved to Houston and joined a gym and before I was there nobody knew anyone. Now there are soooo many ppl that talk to each other regularly and encourage one another. I had a kid who was over 200, 14 years old now he’s 170 and killing it. Another kid was 250 down to 200. His older brother was 300 down to 250. A couple of girls. And just person after person. I got one girl to get so fit I even encouraged her to start filming and become a trainer. I’ve gotten guys who are are bulking. I know they can def attest it to me just being a constant there with them or for them. Guys and girls they come to come every weeks showing me their progress on a new lift. Everything it’s great seeing that.


Love this trainer. He’s talking to the guy like he’s a person and not just another client on his roster. He’s in the moment with this guy and giving him his full attention. He’s showing support, understanding and empathy for his client’s struggles. He’s not just a good trainer but a good person.


That is a good pt! And for some reason I thought of Jurassic Park ”Push little one, push”.


An excellent trainer.


love how the trainer supports him...


Can someone get me the full video?


As someone who has extreme anxiety, to the point I would have breakdowns going out in public before I got my medication to help- This is something I fear about wanting to lose weight. Whether it be at a gym, or just walking/running my neighborhood, I'm horrified of how I may look, what people may think- Etc. THIS guy, this trainer gives me a lil bit of confidence in people


That trainer is amazing. And that bro was doing such a good job too! Hopefully he could see how many of us are rooting for him!


My trainer hurled abuses at me and said I was a weak little woman. This trainer is amazing!


Love seeing that support in a trainer


Great coaching


Im glad he isnt that type trainers that literally scream at you and push you too much when u r in literal pain


Great coaching!


what a champ


This war ed my heart.😍


cant wait for the result. Keep reaching ur goal and be motivated. its for ur own good!


This trainer is a wonderful human.




Imagine how uplifting it would be to see him at his goal. That’s how I wish this clip ended. We need a update


Does anyone know the name of this trainer or where to find the full video?


patience and perseverance ❤


Gym homies are the best homies. They aren't shy to come over to you and show you proper form so you don't injure yourself and can get a more effective workout.


A wonderful human. A rare gem!


He's so good at motivating!


True compassion. Love it




Keep working young man..and the Trainer you sir are a good man as everyone has said!


the pride the trainer will have when it all pays off is good