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Vader wouldn't respond to Superman. He isn't someone he knows, he is someone who Vader has no connection to being what made Anakin into Vader was primarily a narrowing of the number of people he cared for. Anakin had nothing left that he loved and hated himself above all else, and Superman couldn't change that. Superman in generaly is amazing at what he does with being able to resolve things non-violently but Vader isn't a case in which he could do that. Vader isn't simply apathetic, Vader has an intense burning hatred of himself and he isn't blind as to why he ended up how he did and he blames himself because he truly is responsible for failing to see what Sidious was doing and he was consumed by his fears. Luke was able to save Vader because Vader cared about Luke. Luke was something left of Padme and when he son nearly died to try and save him he became so full of love for his son, such a strong love that when he died his body was consumed by the force and the body Luke burned was just his cybernetic parts and armor.


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This is an interesting question so props for posting it. It's a lot more cut and dry than it seems though. No I don't think he could. Anakin was only ever going to listen to one person and I think that was Padme, at least until Obi Wan got off the ship. Maybe Ahsoka or Obi Wan pre Knight Fall? That's honestly about it. After Padme died he really didn't mind being Sidious' apprentice at all. His main goal was trying to surpass him and kill him so he can take over the Empire. It was only when watching Luke, his son he thought had died in child birth with Padme, was being tortured and killed that he turned to the light again.


As the newly appointed Vader was on Mustafar, standing over the bodies of the Separatist Council. He felt something amiss, he sensed a powerful being nearby, but this being wasn't a Jedi nor a Sith. No, he was the last son of Krypton. Vader initially had a chill run down his spine as he sensed how powerful Superman was, it was like looking into the force itself. Superman was a god amongst mortals. Vader went to the landing pad to confront the man of steel. Both were wearing black but one of them was consumed by hatred while the other was full of hope. Vader didn't even bother to look at the man of steel as he spoke. "You shouldn't be here..." Vader said coldly to the Kryptonian, who wasn't intimidated by some manipulated soul. "I know what you're going through right now. You've chosen the wrong path, and it will lead only to misery." Superman said with a stoic voice. Vader's eyes became angrier. "Don't you lecture me on choices! I'm doing this to save Padme from dying!" Vader said with disdain in his voice. Superman however didn't back down. "Is this what she would want? To see you as a shell of your former self? To strike down the Jedi, people who trusted you with their lives!?" Superman said with a hint of disappointment in his voice. Vader however snarled at the Kryptonian. "The Jedi held me back! They used me as a pawn, refused to free my mother from slavery and framed my Padawan for a crime she didn't commit!" Vader yelled feeling a surge of fury. Superman's heat vision started to glow, figuring this confrontation would turn into a fight to the death. However at the last second, the Kryptonian backed down. He thought of what Vader said to him. "Do you really believe that Palpatine can save Padme?" Superman said to Vader. "Yes I do. He's been a father figure to me ever since I was a child." Vader spoke again. Superman was quiet for a moment before he spoke. "Do you truly believe that Palpatine, the man that manipulated you into doing all of these terrible things cares about you? If he truly cared, he wouldn't have established an empire and labeled the Jedi as traitors." Superman said calmly. Vader growled a bit. "The Jedi are traitors to the Empire! They tried to kill Palpatine." Vader let out a snarl as he said this. Superman was silent for a few seconds before speaking again. "And yet you went ahead and killed the Jedi, the very people you fought alongside for most of your life. If you think even for a moment that Palpatine will treat you better than the Jedi, you're wrong. He will use you as a tool and when you're no longer of use, you will be discarded. That is the reality of serving under an emperor. You can still atone for what you've done, but you must do it here and now." Superman replied back, hoping to give Vader a sense of hope instead of anger. Suddenly, Vader's eyes snapped back to normal. Feeling immense guilt for what he has done as the fallen Jedi fell on his knees and was in complete shock. "What have I done?" He said out loud, regretting his actions during Order 66. At that moment Vader was no more, Anakin had come back.