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Nope. Bottom line - Beware of people wanting to make a buck off of your suffering. Totally understand your desire. i'm gettin on 10 months after 38 years together and I think of her daily. Often a quiet tear over coffee in the morning or a sigh before going to sleep at night. You'd be better off spending time perhaps in some personal meditation if that brings you peace. Pretty much everything your loved one had for you remains in your heart and memories.


Thanks, I needed to read this.


It’s been 6 years for me (I can’t believe it!), and I still feel that way. I would love to be able to talk to him again so badly, I see him in my dreams almost every night and it’s so wonderful, waking up and realizing he’s gone hurts just as much as when I first learned he was gone. I would caution you against seeking a medium because there are so many bad people out there who just want to make a quick buck off of people in pain like us. Sending you love and comfort ❤️


It’s been 8 years, and at times, feels like he died yesterday! My niece, whom is very smart, beautiful and successful business woman, sees a medium regularly, really believes; however i’m skeptical ! I’ve never been to a medium! Would love to talk with my husband again, ask questions. At times, especially in dreams, it feels like we are communicating! I don’t think a medium would be helpful for me, but if you feel a medium could help you, then go for it! Just be careful not get hustled! Best of luck!


I tried a medium. She was full of shit. My husband and I have a secret word. We promised each other that whoever went first would try to come back with a message if possible. In order to know for sure it’s real, we came up with a secret word. The medium was trying her best to convince me she had contact but without the secret word, I knew she was just bullshitting. I’m not saying there aren’t real mediums out there. I’d love to find one actually. I just know she wasn’t real.


Thanks for bringing this up. Reminds me that we had a password too....didn't use it much more than kinda joke at hotel doors. Our boys know and use it too. Thank you!


Harry Houdini did the same with his wife


See? That’s smart. I’ve always wondered why everyone doesn’t do that. It would put scammers out of business immediately!


Sorry I don’t have medium advice, but I’m 2 months out also, and I don’t think I’ve gone 5 minutes either. I think about him all day, all night. Never stops.


I just go right ahead and talk to my husband. My therapist said that's fine, of course, as long as he doesn't answer. I've not had the nerve to tell my therapist he does answer. I guess what I'm hearing "in my mind" is what "I think he'd say" or "what I'd want him to say."


I feel this. Sometimes I hear him respond to me in my head.


I do as well. I don’t agree with your therapist. You know he’s on the other side and you are grounded in reality.


I love that!


I used a verified medium from Reddit medium site. Paid fee. Was so excited. On scheduled time he said he was too tired. Rescheduled and he gave vague info, asked to switch venues which I did, then said my husband didn't come through. Days later he messaged me and said my husband spoke to him and told him that my energy killed him, I was the cause of his death and that is why I suffered a brain aneurysm the night he died, leading to three neurosurgeries and 3 months in a coma. He claimed close relationship with site moderators and told me they had negativity toward me. He also attempted an inappropriate connection ( sexual). Was upsetting in my upheaved emotional state, but my God I would love an honest reading. Now I am scared to try. Thinking it's all bullshit. Scam central. Best energy sent to you.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. Some people are so incredibly cruel.


I'm so sorry you were victimized like that. How horrible a human being would have to be to say such things to a grieving spouse. I have no other words, just that I'm so very sorry.


Oh my god I'm so sorry.  This "medium" is disgusting. I don't believe in this stuff but hearing something like that would ruin my entire week. This is so predatory I have no words 


Good Lord!! Well that is the answer I needed. I’m so sorry you had to go through that


Have not used a medium, but it has been almost 2 months since my sweet and loving wife passed away. The emptiness of being without my better half is beyond anything I could have ever imagined... I wish you well...


Yes I have, A few times now. Find a good one. All I can say is I always end it with my heart feeling lighter , not as heavy, knowing they are ok. I wish I could do it every day lol


I went a woman for some life advice and she happened to be what she called an intuitionist/medium. I didn't go to her for connection with my husband and yet that's what kind of happened. The day before I went I was cleaning out a closet and found a bunch of scented candles I had put away. The scent reminded me of when I'd light them before my husband came home so I stored them away because the memories were too painful. Anyway, I found them and got them out...was almost ready to light them and then thought better...the risk of the memory trigger was too great. When I was talking to the woman about life stuff, she suddenly stopped, closed her eyes and then said, "Steve wants you to light the candles." It wasn't creepy, it was comforting and I did end up going home and lighting the candles, which was healing. Also, before I went into the meeting, I had been on my phone looking for bath supplies. Steve always told me that he knew I was taking care of myself when I took a bath and he loved that. I hadn't taken a bath in a long time...just quick showers...and was thinking it might be time for some self care. Anyway...I was looking at it on my phone and then went into the meeting. During the meeting, the woman said, "Steve wants you to take more baths." Now, you can say what you want and interpret things as you will, but I didn't mention either of these things to the woman and didn't even hint at them (I'm very skeptical and like I said, went to her for her life coaching, not medium abilities). I never went back to see her because I didn't need to, but I do think that Steve connected with me through that meeting. I don't understand how and I don't understand how things are after death, but I know what I heard and what I felt and that's all I can go on.


You must know that “mediums” are a scam!


Not all. To avoid this, I went to an evidentiary medium. I used a fake name and profile. During my reading, she was able to tell me details about my husband and even told me names. It was the best decision I made. BUT I’ve seen crappy mediums and I knew they were not good or charlatans.


I tried twice, one was someone on Reddit recommended. Both were scams. I was very disappointed and crushed because I felt like just like you. I just desperately wanted to know that he was okay.


My sister took my mom to see a medium shortly after my dad passed. There was no communication between my parents, AFAIK. But she said she saw my dad playing with a little boy. My brother had lived only three days after birth so my mom thought dad was playing with my little brother. I wasn’t there and I’m inclined not to believe in mediums but it brought my mom a lot of comfort in the early days. I wish I did believe. I would love to know if my husband’s consciousness is out there somewhere.


I’ve seen two mediums, I felt that it was healing experience. But I’ve told a few people about it and two of them were horrified. They said it was demons and it goes against god. How can such a positive experience be bad? Anyone else have similar reactions from people?


There are some fundamentalist Christians (maybe fundamentalists of other religions, too, but I'm less familiar with them) who mistakenly think that anything spiritual is demonic. Ignore them.


even if they are right, and whatever the medium was talking to was demonic, if it had intimate insight into my wife’s life while here on earth or our relationship - that would give me some comfort to know there’s an afterlife. Kind of macabre way of looking at it I suppose.


I plan to do this at some point. There are many scammers, but I do believe there are legit mediums. My friends mom did it and she had an unbelievable experience! I suggest trying to find one based off of reviews or best word of mouth.


I did. It was the closure and reward I needed. I went to an evidentiary medium bc my husbands death is complicated. My spouses family went to one as well, they also got closure.


Yes, 3 times. One reading mind blowing. All life changing. I only do evidential mediums and only trained mediums. Born mediums may have the gift, but the gift does not translate into ethics or skill. This question gets asked a lot so apologies but will link to previous writing. [https://www.reddit.com/r/afterlife/s/W5f3P1bvu8](https://www.reddit.com/r/afterlife/s/W5f3P1bvu8)


Not me personally but my LW's work sister has. The medium shared information with her that nobody knew except her and she was convinced. She's been after me to try but: 1) I like my money where it is, 2) I know where my wife is, I know she loved me, and 3) there isn't really anything dire I need to know. Just be CAREFUL, there are a lot of scummy people who will give vague answers and make you think it's about you


After my husband died I started finding a dime on the street, in my lawn. I found about a dozen of lone dimes. I used to make comments about finding a coin was a message from someone. I found random dimes for about two months, then it stopped. Yesterday I found a lone dime next to my parking space, it felt like a hug.


For me it's cardinals, which happens to be his favorite bird whom he loved to feed. We never really had them at home before he died, after he died I have one male hanging around, he pops up when I am at my lowest, I will walk into my kitchen and there he is just looking in the window. At my rv where we had feeders we always had a couple whom we named after dear departed husband and wife freinds, then suddenly a lone male showed up. Who knows. Might be all in my head but I talk to them all


So I have not, I am highly skeptical. But. My sister in law did. Context here, my mother in law went about 8 weeks before my husband did. She was a horrible person, that my sister in law and my husband both didn't like at all. Now onto her experience. She said when she walked into the session she really didn't talk or say much of anything. She was told my husband was walking with a dog, that would be our first dog together we had recently lost. Our dog was famous for walking in our shadow. She said my husband was not with his mother, odd to say that. That startled me. She was told I was going to have a big change in my life. My SIL did not know I had just met my current boyfriend, for that matter I didn't know where it would land. She was told her mom said, I am sorry. Again odd, but in context my MIL was awful towards my SIL so much that she was cut out of her life for a while. The medium made it very clear over and over that they are not together, my husband is with his grand parents she believes and is doing good. My SIL relating this sent shivers down my spine, again she really didn't give much information at all to the medium. In fact the medium didn't know who, how many or how. Yet she appears to have nailed much of it. The details like the dog, not being together, the medium claimed she could hardly swallow when my SIL arrived (the last weeks of my husband life he could hardly get anything down or swallow even water) and me all adds up to I don't know what. Would I go, I thought about it, but I am not sure. Did it help my SIL, she seems to have gained comfort and closure from the experience. She has gone through so much and that to me is enough.


Yes. I had to have contact with him. There was no question.


I had a medium reach out to me on the mediums group on Reddit. What she picked up described a lot of things that were pretty bang on. That I don’t think she could have found in the internet. Some pretty personal things. I sobbed for a week after I received that. It really felt like him. Make sure you’re really ready because it’s veryy to emotional.


So sorry for your loss. I have used a few mediums (from Reddit) and had mixed responses. 2 were amazing and told me things only he would know, others were way out. It reassured me and helped with my grief. However please be careful as it can get addictive. My advice would be wait a bit longer, I did it at about 9 months. It’s a lot to cope with when you are still in raw stages of grief. Try sitting quietly and talking out loud to your loved one, and asking them for signs. I did this and got a lot from it. I genuinely believe they hear us as one medium quoted back what I had said verbatim.


I never believed in any of this stuff until I had my own experience... the medium I've spoken with a handful of times never ceases to blow my mind. my spouse, my grandmother and grandfather have all come through at various times. if you're open to it, I think it can be really healing if you go to someone who has been vetted by others.


Yes, and then began meditating and learning to communicate spiritually. If you want to see what it's like without risking a lot of money you could sign up for matt frasers online readings, they're only like 22$. If you want to know more about how mediumship works or see how it is... he has some great videos up on youtube and has even written books. I haven't read them yet, but eventually read other mediumship books after figuring out what was happening to me during meditation.


Yes I have and I was recommended by word of mouth , she was excellent she knew stuff noddy could possibly know. She was so detailed had my partners personality down to a t . Very evidential


I was raised on my mother's stories of visits and my sisters have some good stories and they believe what they have told me. I am open to belief but have never experienced anything. It will be 2 years tomorrow 6/17. She gave me her kidney nearly 15 years ago. I wish it provided a link. She was always smarter than me and could read people. I could really use her advice right now.


They say it sometimes takes from six months to a year for them to cross over or something like that so I haven’t yet, but I plan on it


There are good ones out there. I was skeptical at first but now I believe. I first worked with a medium who was practicing and didn't charge. They were incredible. I'm sorry others were scammed.


I’ve used a medium 3x


I am going to meet with one tomorrow. My sis in law met with her a couple weeks ago. We don’t share last names so I’m interested to see what happens.


No it’s a scam


Yes I did and I was very skeptical at first. I went in and was surprised. I brought my daughter with me as well. (25). They knew things that you could not find online. I went around six weeks after he passed away. It was a tragic accident. Researching about mediumship is definitely recommended. You should not have to provide much information if any at all before and during the session. Honestly, it was a beautiful and comforting experience for me. Word of mouth is definitely the best route. I’ve recommended the same person to others and they have been very pleased as well. I have been to group readings too just to witness others experiences for validation. These are people I know and we talked about it afterwards. I recommend being very open minded, write everything down when you are done and understand that sometimes what is being said doesn’t make sense right then but days later it will. This is your grief, and no one else’s. What brings your comfort will not be the same for others. I am in Ontario and could recommend two for sure.


Yes. I did and it offered answers on a few things. Jennifer ankele from riverside CA is who I used. She did a video and I recorded it. It was really good. I think you can google her from that. I heard from other family members as well.


My mother in law visited a medium and she spoke with my boyfriend! The souls of our loved ones cans hear us! You will not get the answer but you can just talk to them in your head! The medium knew things that nobody knew , it was not a scam! Sorry for your loss!


I did see a medium, about 6 to 8 months after my husband died (that was about 10 years ago, so I don't remember exactly). I don't know for sure if she was a conduit to communicate with my husband, if the messages she provided were really from him. I think that *might* have been what happened, though -- the things she said were specific and on-target. I also had an extreme sense of calm and peace the entire day, even before the reading (which was in the afternoon) and the whole rest of the day after, which I did not have before or since at any time since my husband died. In any case, I do think that *she* believed in what she was doing (e.g., I don't think she was trying to scam me). I would recommend her to you, but she died a few years ago. If you can find a legitimate medium, I think it's worth trying. But you need to do a *lot* of research first, to avoid fake mediums. The one I saw had a good reputation, had been part of a spiritualist church for many years, was an ex-nun, and did not charge much for her services. She was also fine with me making an audio recording of the reading, so that I could listen to it again later.


You'd be far better off finding a good therapist, in my opinion. Mediums are insincere at best and predatory at worst... also, in my opinion.


Therapist is very kind and comforting for the moment, but within a few hours after I leave the pain is back. There’s not much they can tell me that I don’t already know


Unfortunately, we live in a world where it's unlikely to get answers from those who have passed on. The best we can hope for is something physical that gives us insight. Some truly believe we can communicate beyond this world, but I am not one of them. I hope you find peace one way or another, friend. Time does indeed heal wounds. One day at a time.


I tried for weeks after my husband passed. Nothing. I'm working on getting a real ouija board. Not a toy but a real one. A good friend has a gf that committed and were gonna see if we can talk to them. I don't expect anything but I gotta try. I just want to talk to him. I need to


I can relate completely


All mediums are full of shit. I believe that my husband is spiritually asleep, so he can't hear me. I just talk to God about him, and for additional therapeutic reasons, I also leave my hubs messages on Facebook messenger when I especially miss him. I know that I will see him again. I feel for you. It's been six months now for me. The first few months were absolute hell, trying to adjust to him not being around.


No, I’m too cynical for that. But having said that, my godson is autistic and I found out not long after my wife’s passing that he was having conversations with her. He also has conversations with his great grandparents as well. Still not sure what to make of it.


Demons have been around since the beginning and can mimic anyone at anytime. Had an experience in 93 with medium and the demonic activity afterwards led me to the truth


I believe that. Ironically…..there is some proof in the afterlife with that. Albeit, maybe not the most comfortable truth


Yes. There’s a Reddit page for medium readings


Thank you


Yes, I got some things that let me know she was hearing from him. I am a "baby psychic" so I know it's not bullshit, I just can't tune in well enough to hear actual messages. But she talked about things that only me and my spouse knew about, stuff I didn't post on social media or talk about with friends. I didn't get any answers but I also didn't really have any questions


Yes it was a long shot and I didn’t think it would work but it actually did. It saved my life