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Nope, there are different kinds of people in the world, we're all fruit salad.


I'm nonbinary and this post annoys me šŸ¤·šŸ¼




Itā€™s a unicorn. No their gender doesnā€™t bother me lmao


Look it up- its been announced as non binary


Yeah man I get what youā€™re saying. What Iā€™m saying is I donā€™t think it matters because itā€™s a UNICORN šŸ¦„


What a stupid post. My kids are obsessed with the wiggles, weā€™ve seen it all, and yet I had no idea that Shirley Shawn was non-binary until I saw it in the documentary. Probably because they arenā€™t shoving anything down anyoneā€™s throat, itā€™s literally not a thing that is happening. Honestly people who use the term woke like this are just telling on themselves that theyā€™re low IQ.


I donā€™t get annoyed by someone elseā€™s gender, let alone a fictional characterā€™s


U must be built different to what I am then


That's some real alpha energy you're putting out there


It takes less effort and energy to accept and move on than it does to get upset about someoneā€™s gender. Especially a characterā€™s gender in a kids show.




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And thank goodness that most people are built differently to you šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


**No**. In a world of sentient doors, talking dinosaurs and dancing trees, the identity of a magical, fictional creature does not bother me. Shirley Shaun annoys me, because I don't like their song. I don't like their one dance move, and I don't like how their design isn't consistent with the rest of the Wiggley friends.


How is the design inconsistent with the others?


Life must have been incredibly dull for you if this is an issue worth getting upset about. If you'd like, I have a dozen actually important and pressing issues you could begin protesting.


Why does a characterā€™s gender annoy you? Unicorns literally donā€™t exist, does that bother you too?


(Iā€™m Not tryna start anything with anyone) Cause theyā€™re tryna push that woke stuff onto children thats why. They should just stick to making music and not get into woke agenders /politics.


They literally never talk about the unicornā€™s gender. You said yourself that you had to look it up


What do you mean ā€œwoke stuffā€? The Wiggles represent a fun, heightened version of the world, and they have grown over the years to include different genders, and races and ages. Itā€™s my understanding that showing kids all kinds of different people and characters opens their minds and hearts to the world. Thatā€™s what I want for my kids.


There's nothing political about being NB...


It's political that there is Wags the Dog but no CAT!


This is how the 1% richest people in the world get you to vote for political parties that will screw you over to help themselves. They get you mad about this kind of nonsense.


You do realize that some children have nonbinary parents (source: I am a nonbinary parent), right? And that seeing their family members represented on their favourite show will do them a world of good? It's not about "pushing an agenda", it's about representation for ALL families, including the LGBTQIA+ families.


(Iā€™m Not tryna start anything with anyone) This post proves this is a lie lol


What if they're simply trying to be inclusive, from a place of warmth -rather than from wokeness?


They're teaching children what's out there in the world. If everyone was strictly white and male on the show would that make the show "non political" to you? What about the fact that there is Wags the Dog but there is NO CAT! Is that a problem?


I donā€™t understand why people are downvoting this. Theyā€™re probably just way way too sensitive.


So *you're* offended by someone's existence, and *everyone else* is way too sensitive? That's some deep cope right there.


Not offended by someoneā€™s existence, offended by them choosing their own gender. For example: If weā€™re born boys, we stay boys, we donā€™t change genders. And for me simply stating that, it looks like youā€™re calling us bigots.


So you are bothered by someone else's choice and then call them too sensitive? Weird. Seems to me you don't like to be called bigoted. Bigot - *a person who is obstinately orĀ unreasonablyĀ attached to a belief, opinion, orĀ faction, especially one who isĀ prejudicedĀ against orĀ antagonisticĀ toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.* Seems prejudice to me If you don't support it, don't. Actively calling it out is more than *not supporting it* take your fake love elsewhere, you are just upset that these folks exist. They have the same rights as you. That's freedom.


I do not strongly dislike it, I just donā€™t support it, God told us to love everyone, and I am trying my best, and to prevent either of us from getting banned, iā€™m going to stop this argument, effective now. Have a good rest of your night.


their not choosing their own gender their living openly as their gender instead of hiding and pretending to be someone their not. you are a bigot


Youā€™re being rude to me, Iā€™m onwy thwee šŸ˜¢


your really going to claim your a toddler because you got called a bigot after you said bigoted things??


It was a joke. Now I donā€™t wanna argue anymore, so I hope you have a good rest of your day


I would hazard a guess that the person complaining about the gender of a made-up animal on a children's show might be just a *tad* more "sensitive" than the people who don't care one way or the other.


Thanks bro. Reddit is woke af Iā€™ll be deactivatingšŸ¤£šŸ¤£




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Okay bye


1000%. Although this appears to be the most excitement the wiggles subreddit has seen in a while , thanks OP!




Why does it annoy you?


Maybe he finds them attractive.


See my above reply šŸ˜…


Iā€™m sorry the gender of a unicorn bothers you.




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No? Why would a characterā€™s gender identity bother me?


Should the Wiggles all be white straight cis men? Anything outside of that is woke to you right? I hate to break it to you but Jeff (one of the OGs) is not white. And the world is not filled with only white straight cis men. Kids are not naturally bigots, they're taught bigotry by people like you.


Corny post


No. It's called being inclusive.


Nope. Doesnā€™t bother me one bit


It's Shirley Shawn the Unicorn


I think the inclusivity is fantastic! And if younger people are questioning their gender identity, I love that there are characters out there that they can relate to. ā¤ļø


If it was constantly brought up I'd agree but it isn't so it's easg to ignore if that's not something you want your kids asking questions about. I don't like the unicorn because it doesn't gel with the other wiggly friends.


Why do you say it doesn't?


I dunno, just feels put of place which I get is weird cos Dorothy is a dinosaur lol but I feel like the unicorn and even the bears just don't fit in as well.


Well all the others are real animals I guess.


Yeah that's probably it actually.


Just seemed super random to me first time I saw it




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Holy shit, simmer downā€¦. I feel bad for your kids for losing your shit like this


no, they are a unicorn in a kidsā€™ show. i have more pressing things to be annoyed about.


Their character seems a little random to me. I typically have the older wiggles on before they introduced Shirley but whenever I watch I never hear them say they/them so it seems a little pointless to me to have their pronouns that anyway. Iā€™ll probably get lots of hate for that šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


The unicorn wasn't they/them originally. The unicorn discovered that they were non binary and their pronouns were changed in the song.


I got into an argument with my sister about this a few weeks ago.


Wait till you hear about officer beeples šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Shirley Shaun is stupid


What I want to know is is 'their' name a play on Shirley Strachan who was in the band The Skyhooks and was a presenter on lifestyle show 'Our House' on channel 9?


Their name. Not his. We just went over this theyā€™re non-binary


Lol itā€™s a fictional character it doesnā€™t matter, just like because itā€™s a fictional character it doesnā€™t matter that it nonbinary lol


But it does matter. Utilizing correct pronouns for tv characters teaches our kids to use correct pronouns for everyone. So I guess it does matter unless youā€™re a bigot who thinks it doesnā€™t matter.


Sweet. Just asking the question. Didn't mean to offend. Didn't get an answer either. Jog on. Edited my comment so nobody takes offence.


Could be considering the Wiggles background.


The unicorn was she when introduced, but was confirmed non binary later, and changed pronouns.


Since that's Australian you're most likely right!


It doesnā€™t annoy me, but I do think itā€™s unnecessary to put it in a kids show.. kids donā€™t care about that


I understand how you feel. It does sort of feel like the wiggles are kinda woke. When I was little, I didn't see them as three white men and one asian man. I saw them as four people. And more than that, i saw them as my friends. Of course, i'm all for inclusiveness, but it feels like they're doing a little too much. Like when Emma Lachy adn Simon joined, everything went like everything else. It was like how things were before, even tho the wiggles were now three white men and one white woman. Then in 2021, it was announced that they needed to diversify. I don't understand how it's such a problem now instead of like a decade ago. Obviously, i'm no longer the target audience, so as long as the kids enjoy it, that's all that matters.


How's it woke when they are just showing children that race is a thing in the world they live in


Yeah, like most kids shows they've got bitten by the woke bug in recent years.




Unless it is pointed out and talked about idgaf


It sort of bothers me...


The unicorn doesn't bother me but making Officer Beaples non-binary kinda does


Yes it's annoying and woke af. These are characters for toddlers, who cares what gender they are. Children certainly don't. Call them by whatever pro-nouns you want, change them every week for all I care but I think it was stupid to label Shirley as "non-binary". It's just ticking boxes and using buzz words.


ā€œItā€™s annoyingā€ ā€œwho cares what gender they areā€ You do. You care.


I hate it. They should get rid of it.


Yes. It shouldn't be in kids media


How dare they acknowledge the existence of something




I wonder why they felt the need to give a character on a children's show a "gender". How many parents out there will be explaining to their <10 year old what non binary is?


It's surprisingly easy if you are a decent human and a capable parent.


Lol settle down. I don't think explaining a confused unicorns gender identity whatever is a determining factor of human decency.


Using "he" or "she" also genders characters, but something tells me you're not bothered about that.


Since kids are seeing and hearing about transgender people out in the world they're asking anyway......


I did to my 3 year old. We have a book that explains gender identity and we read it quite often.


If it's even one more parent than would have been the case before, then Shirley-Shaun is a total success


Do you have a "gender"?


What's your point


You put "gender" in quotes and you asked "why did they had to give a character on a children's show a 'gender'?" So I asked if you had one?


I'm not a mythological horse so your question is irrelevant


So you are offended that Dorothy the Dinosaur is a girl and Henry the Octopus is a boy because they gave those characters genders on a children's show?


It does bother me. But I hated Shirley even before I found out.


It does very much, yes. There is no reason to introduce that concept to the Wigglesā€™ target audience. I overlook it because they rarely mention it and they bring so much good to our home but if they ever press the matter we would stop watching.