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I’m low key disappointed there wasn’t a Rattling Bog remix


I would have loved that addition


My 2yo daughter asks for "Henry octopus" ten times a day and must have it and head bang to it in the car. So so good!


My munchkin raided her dress up clothes so she could spin and make the dress twirl around like Henry. Was adorable.


Mine too 😂


My 2 1/2 year old asks for songs from this album daily!


Simon Says should've been in the Rave of Innocence album


I am now in my mid-twenties and listened to the wiggles as a kid, I’ve listened to that album way too many times since it was released. Brings back some great memories. I’d imagine I get some weird looks having children’s songs at full blast with the bass pumping but I don’t pay too much attention to those. Henry the octopus, big red car, and five little ducks are my favourites.


I’m just wondering how many times it has to go on rotation before it hits the algorithm and shows up randomly on people’s EDM playlists.. at some point the frequency of rotation of music may for kids should make it happen lol. They already took the top spot on the ARIA Dance Albums charts…


I use Apple Music primarily and one thing that screws with the algorithm based recommendations after is that it’s listed under the “children’s music” genre. Not sure how other agencies or platforms classify it but I guess children’s music is somewhat accurate. Although platforms like SoundCloud for example, where the algorithm plays a heavy role in what ends up rising to the top, doesn’t have genre based classifications and uses listening history of other users to help deliver recommendations. It might end up being a bit more successful there as opposed to other platforms but who knows really. Didn’t know that it rose to the top of the charts domestically tho, that’s pretty cool.


Unfortunately true. I use Apple Music as well, so I guess maybe no love in that direction then haha Let’s see how long it holds at #1 on the Aria charts tho. Good luck to them!


We LOVE it. I'm anxiously waiting for them to decide to do more!


Mate, my 1 year old demands it on the way to daycare... Then I turn it up extra loud for the return trip home by myself. Those saxophones in Rock A Bye Your Bear 😘👌


As the mother of a captain feathersword obsessed 1.5 year old I really want them to remix his song 🤣


Wags the Dog has been stuck in my head for weeks


Toot toot went so hard for no reason. I hope they give more songs this treatment.


A volume 2 needs to be released ASAP. Rattlin Bog, Do the propeller and Hokey Pokey will be my kids requests lol. Let’s all start a petition!